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A Career FBI Agent's Guide to Decoding Poker Tells PDF

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Preview A Career FBI Agent's Guide to Decoding Poker Tells

PHIL HELLMUTH READ ‘EM AND REAP Phil Hellmuth presents Read'Em and Rea ne] c) pa A Career FBI Agent's Guide to Decoding Poker ells, Joe Navarro with Marvin Karlins, PhD = HarperCollins e-books To my daughter Scephanic Contents Aekcowleegauente Forewsti—Tells Me AT the Tiflerevee By Phi Heth Preface—Meet the Man Wa Will range he ace of Poker and Yoar Poker Fene By Mervin Keli, PD. Tro to ecome a Sera Tare atthe Baker Te The Physi ogra Fudan of Tells TeaNOTaNo Brsiner! Lewes to Gonecdl Not to Reveal ‘The Most Honea Pat aF Yur Body Tella Engagement Intro Tigh tnd Law-Confidece Dipl Dart Grae Defy ag Telle Tigh: and Law omfidesce Dap Part Tecra Tells igh and Law Canfenes Tels igh ana LoCo Part Me Fell ol Ue Hans em inglays igi al Love Conlidense Dingle Part Ne Tells of toe Mouth igh ae Le Conlidense Dingle Part Wells the aciyigHehiyiony ad Poker Telly Visi Holly Age of Peseplios Blanageasn What YouSkould Snow to Vanguie a Pro er Vhot the Tell To Selctd siogaphy Index Abt he thor Conte ones aight boat the Publisher Contents ayes sae Acknowledgments (One of dhe joys in weting a book is meeting sud working with talented und Cedivated individuals, Our bearlfelt spprevis. dou goes tu Mathew Beujanin, our editor at Harpe=Collins, who yave us uanwavering support wid valuable udvice ducing sll phases of Us projcut, We ure grateful lo seisur production Amy Vieelzad and copy editor Jim Gullickson for catching ous writing ecrocs ard staking the text eminently siore readable. Spe- cia] secogaition is also merited by the two gertlesien who aut this whole project together: Jeff Goldenberg and Brandon Rosen at Pos: Oak Productions. We would also like te acknowledge the contributions of Jim Tewis (Phil's manages), Brian Balsbanzh, (Phil's agent), Anérew Feldman (ESPN Poker Civ), and oroes= sional pokes champions Jahn Bonetti, TJ. Clout Annie Puke, and Antonia Esfandiari. The cow: phorogeaph was provided! by Joe Conmber, while the petites inside the broke were token by Sonny Senso: (www.sonnyphoto.com Paul Lord and his ream ” Ackrowledgnionts he Caestss Palace Poke Roo Las Vagus wore very helpful, were the staff frers the Semincle [Tard Rock Hotel & Casi ‘Tampa: John Fontana, pres « Russ Christianson, Casino vice president; Mary Lynn Babetski, advercisiag manager: Gary Bit- rake: room staff. We er, public relations representative, and ths would also like to recognize the individuals who appested in the varions pictnres threnizhaut the honk: Sondars “Noi” Phrarhe teasing dealer! ane players Don Delitz, Amber Karlins, Robert Morcade, and Richard Ollis. To each af yo, please accept ont spratitade For all yor eFfors in one behalf. We cern’ have com- letedchis project without yom Personal thanks go out to my family and co my friends, espe cially Dr. Juan Ling, M.D., for his fsiendship over the years, whic dlisectly contributed ro my invelvement ir chis project. My grat ‘ude also goes our co Dr. David Givens, Ph beth Barron, and Dr. Joyce Jackiewicz, Poy.D., for their valued sasight » Mare Reeser, Eliza ‘Finally, Ian ip thank the man whe gave life to my words, Ds Marvin: Karlin. He has bls ed ie wit Iieudslip, whics suri! used work inte please Foreword Tells Make All the Difference! by Phil Kellanath Je Ten-sime World Champion of Poke> Whew Lit de (0 poker table, I play a ganve within he game: opponent hole Lest usually autrow it down to « very few possibilities, sud Try wo guess exactly what Lo cards ian he tou occasion | have ventured a guess out oud when | fell venfidest bout it. Boy, did I freal dhe ule players out when Lwould guess iy main opponent's Q-C) an¢ he weeld then flip his Q-Q faceup_ and say, “ITow in the world does he do ta?” Tow in the world da T do it? Primarily through ing people, chserving and cecipheriag their tells, the nonverbal be- haviors that reves! the strength of the cards they'se holding, Its amazing, how many poker players, sn some world-class profes sionals, are nnaveare thar they're offering tells thar eencoe their hands teansparons. These individuals might jost as well sien their cards faconp and ele money away. 1 clerrly remember not cing, a key tell by my well-known oppercent in one World Series of PoXxer (WSOP! cournament that J wound up winsiing i 1997, Every Lime tis opponent was yo- 1g to fold his hand, he would put his chips halfway into the pot fe it was his tura te act. So whenever I was im 2 pot with him and he was contemplating sy move, he would push his chips halfway inte the pot ifhe was weak. In one hard, the log was A.9-8, and I checked with my 7-5. [le bet out $14.000, and Thegan to think akout what T wanteé to do, With $65,000 left in chips, = was an obs 1s fold simation with my belly huster linside scraighr draw), Bint suddenly, he pushed his chips hal sway into the pot, end T knew T shonlel move all-intT pushed, he folded, ane Twent or to win my fith WSOP hracelet. In another roursamens, at tre 2001 WSOP, with wo tables semaining, [ noticed that whenever the player sitting to my right raised, he would lean back in his chair when he was weak, Con versely, ke would lean forward when he wes strong, Every sime he ieaned forward, I felded, Every time he lesned back, I pounced (I seraised autd re folded). This allowed me to more than double up say clips wish abyolutely ota its say hatdy risk free. Just ome sil on one opperient lsd sllowed sae wo double my siae! is experictves like these, over the yours, dat have led re 10 Torusulive Hellauth’s * lourmament Poker 70-30 Rule”: suv cess in the game is 79 percent reading poople and only 30) pesvent -cesding the cards (ancerstanding the mathematical aad teclinics! aspects of the game!. Tells d2 make all the difference! Which brings me to Jor Navarro, a sian who uses tells so succrssflly thar Se has carted the nickname “tho Hien Tie etretar” Joe frst esme ra my sctention when fellow professions! Annie Prke rientiones! his name, She had herr an a television progam with him and was impressed with his ability tn reed neanie and determine if they were heing, deceptive ar telling she such, About a year late, che folks behind Camp Hellsauch, my

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