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A canonical system of basic invariants of a finite 3 reflection group 1 0 2 n Norihiro Nakashima∗and Shuhei Tsujie† a J 4 1 ] Abstract T R A canonical system of basic invariants is a system of invariants satisfying . certain differential equations. Some researchers studied properties of a canon- h t ical system related to the mean value property for polytopes. In this article, a m we naturally identify the vector space spanned by a canonical system of basic invariants with an invariant space determined by a fundamental alternating [ polynomial. From this identification, we give explicit formulas of canonical 3 v systems of basic invariants. Theconstruction of theformulas does notdepend 6 on the classification of irreducible finite reflection groups. 2 0 6 Key Words: basic invariants, invariant theory, finite reflection groups. . 1 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 13A50; Secondary 1 20F55. 2 1 : v 1 Introduction i X r a Let V be a real n-dimensional Euclidean space, and W ⊆ O(V) a finite reflection group. Let S denote the symmetric algebra S(V∗) of the dual space V∗, and S the k vector space consisting of homogeneous polynomials of degree k. Then W naturally acts on S and S . According to Chevalley [2], the subalgebra R = SW of W- k invariant polynomials of S is generated by n algebraically independent homogeneous polynomials. A system of such generators is called a system of basic invariants of R. It is easy to construct systems of basic invariants for reflection groups of ∗email: naka [email protected] †email: [email protected] 1 types A , B , D and I . Many researchers constructed an explicit system of basic n n n 2 invariants for a reflection group of each type (Coxeter [3], Mehta [12], Saito, Yano, and Sekiguchi [14], and Sekiguchi and Yano [15, 16]) Let v ,...,v be an orthonormal basis for V, x ,...,x the basis for V∗ dual 1 n 1 n to v ,...,v , and ∂ ,...,∂ the basis for V∗∗ dual to x ,...,x . Since V is a 1 n 1 n 1 n inner product space, we can identify V∗∗ with V naturally. To avoid a confusion, we distinguish the basis ∂ ,...,∂ from the basis v ,...,v . We define an inner product 1 n 1 n h·,·i : S ×S → R by hf,gi = f(∂)g| (f,g ∈ S), (1.1) x=0 where x = (x ,...,x ) and ∂ = (∂ ,...,∂ ). Define a bilinear map (·,·) : S×S → S 1 n 1 n by (f,g) = f(∂)g (f,g ∈ S). (1.2) Two systems g ,...,g andh ,...,h ofbasicinvariantsaresaidtobeequivalent 1 n 1 n if there exists A ∈ GL (R) such that n [h ,...,h ] = [g ,...,g ]A. 1 n 1 n Definition 1.1. A system f ,...,f of basic invariants is said to be canonical if it 1 n satisfies the following system of partial differential equations: (f ,f ) = hf ,f iδ (1.3) i j i j ij for i,j = 1,...,n where δ is the Kronecker symbol. ij A canonical system was introduced by Flatto [4, 5] and Flatto and Wiener [6] for determining the structure of the linear space consisting of P(0)-harmonic functions, where P(k) is a k-skeleton of an n-dimensional polytope P for a nonnegative integer 0 ≤ k ≤ n−1. (An R-valued continuous function is called a P(k)-harmonic function if it satisfies the mean value property on P(k).) Flatto [4, 5] and Flatto and Wiener [6] verified that there exists a unique (up to equivalence) canonical system of basic invariants for any finite reflection group, and gave an algorithm. In [4, 5, 6], a canonical system of basic invariants was treated as a solution of a certain system of partial differential equations. The formulation above is due to Iwasaki [9]. Explicit formulas of canonical systems play an important part in the study for determining the structure of the linear space consisting of P(k)-harmonic functions. Especially, from the argument using explicit formulas of canonical systems, the 2 structure of the linear space consisting of P(k)-harmonic functions was determined for any 0 ≤ k ≤ n−1 when P is a regular convex polytope (see [8, 10, 11]). (When P is a regular convex polytope, the symmetry group of P is a finite reflection group of type A, B, F, H, or I.) However, the algorithm for constructing a canonical system (given by Flatto [4, 5] and Flatto and Wiener [6]) does not seem to be effective in practice. (It is hard to give an explicit formula of a canonical system from the algorithm.) It is an interesting problem to determine canonical systems. Iwasaki [9] gave explicit formulas of canonical systems for reflection groups of types A , B , D and I . n n n 2 Iwasaki, Kenma and Matsumoto [11] gave explicit formulas of canonical systems for the irreducible finite reflection groups of types F , H and H . The problem for 4 3 4 determining canonical systems of basic invariants for the remaining types (E , E 6 7 and E ) has been open. In this article, we explicitly construct canonical systems 8 of basic invariants from an arbitrary system of basic invariants (Theorem 3.5 and Theorem 3.11). In the case of the types except D with even n, we can uniformly construct the n canonical systems from an arbitrary system of basic invariants (Theorem 3.5). We need to consider the case of type D with even n separately, because the degrees of n two invariants in a system meet at n. Iwasaki [9] constructed a canonical system of basic invariants containing the monomial x ···x . By using the monomial x ···x , 1 n 1 n wecanalso construct acanonical system fromanarbitrarysystem ofbasicinvariants (Theorem 3.11). Let Φ be the root system associated with W, and Φ+ a positive system. For α ∈ Φ, fix a homogeneous polynomial L of degree 1 defining the reflecting hyperplane α H (i.e., kerL = H ). A polynomial f ∈ S is said to be alternating if wf = α α α (detw)f for all w ∈ W. Set ∆ = L , the product of polynomials L , then α∈Φ+ α α ∆ is an alternating polynomial. We call ∆ the fundamental polynomial. Set Q R[∂]∆ := {f(∂)∆ | f ∈ S}. We naturally identify the vector space spanned by a canonical system of basic in- variants with (R[∂]∆ ⊗R V∗)W (Lemma 2.3). To determine canonical systems, we investigate R[∂]∆. It is known that the graded vector space R[∂]∆ affords the reg- ular representation of W (see Bourbaki [1] and Steinberg [17]). This is one of the keys for determining canonical systems. 3 2 Characterization of the canonical systems Let R be the ideal of R generated by homogeneous elements of positive degrees, + and I = SR the ideal of S generated by R . + + The following lemma is obtained by Steinberg [17]. Lemma 2.1. Let f ∈ S be a homogeneous polynomial. Then we have the following: (1) f ∈ I if and only if f(∂)∆ = 0, (2) g(∂)f = 0 for any g ∈ I if and only if f ∈ R[∂]∆, (3) I is the orthogonal complement of R[∂]∆, and S = I ⊕R[∂]∆. It is known that a W-stable graded subspace U of S such that S = I ⊕ U is isomorphic to the regular representation (see Bourbaki [1, Chap. 5 Sect. 5 Theorem 2]). ByLemma 2.1, thegradedvector space R[∂]∆ affordsthe regular representation of W. Assume that W is irreducible and V is generated by the roots. Then any endo- morphism of V is a multiplicative map with a constant in R, and V is absolutely irreducible (see Bourbaki [1, Chap. 5, Sect. 2, Proposition 1] and [1, Chap. 5, Sect. 3, Proposition 5]). Therefore, by the general theory of group representations, we have that the multiplicity of V in the regular representation is dimV = n. Note that there exist a W-module U′ such that U = VdimV ⊕U′. Let M be a finite dimensional W-module, and set U := U ∩S for any nonneg- k k ative integer k. Let {v′,...,v′} be a basis of M, and {x′,...,x′} the basis of M∗ 1 r 1 r dual to {v ,...,v }. Define a linear map 1 r θ : (Uk ⊗R M∗)W −→ HomW(M,Uk) (2.1) by θ( u ⊗ x)(v) = x(v)u for any u ⊗ x ∈ (Uk ⊗R M∗)W and v ∈ M, and define a linear map P P P η : HomW(M,Uk) −→ (Uk ⊗R M∗)W (2.2) by η(φ) = r φ(v′)⊗x′ for φ ∈ Hom (M,U ). It immediately follows from the j=1 j j W k correspondence above that P (Uk ⊗R M∗)W ≃ HomW(M,Uk). (2.3) In section 3, we use the isomorphisms θ (2.1) and η (2.2). 4 Lemma 2.2. The vector space (U ⊗R V∗)W has dimension n. Proof. Since V is absolutely irreducible, the proof goes similarly to [13, Lemma 6.45]. Lemma 2.2 gives us a method for constructing a basis for (U ⊗ V∗)W by the representation theory. Ifwe completely determine homomorphisms inHom (V,U ), W k then we have an R-basis for (U ⊗R V∗)W. To determine canonical systems of basic invariants, we characterize the systems. Let f ,...,f be a canonical system of basic invariants (Flatto [4, 5] and Flatto and 1 n Wiener [6]). Since {f1,...,fn}islinearlyindependent, thevector space hf1,...,fniR has dimension n. The vector space hf1,...,fniR does not depend on a choice of a canonical system, since a canonical system isuniquely determined upto equivalence. Lemma 2.3. Let f ,...,f be a canonical system of basic invariants. Define a 1 n linear map ρ : hf1,...,fniR −→ (R[∂]∆⊗V∗)W (2.4) by ρ(f ) = n ∂ f ⊗x for i = 1,...n. Then the map ρ is an isomorphism from i j=1 j i j the vector sPpace hf1,...,fniR to the vector space (R[∂]∆⊗V∗)W: hf1,...,fniR ≃ (R[∂]∆⊗V∗)W. Proof. For f ∈ SW, r ∂ f ⊗x is W-invariant. j=1 j j For i,j,k = 1,...,n, we have f (∂)∂ f = 0. Then we have by Lemma 2.1 k j i that ∂ f ∈ R[∂]∆ foPr i,j = 1,...,n. By Lemma 2.2, dim(R[∂]∆ ⊗ V∗)W = n = j i dimhf1,...,fniR. To prove that ρ is an isomorphism, we only need to prove that ρ is injective. Let f be an R-linearly combination of f ,...,f with ρ(f) = 0. Since ρ(f) = 1 n n ∂ f⊗x , we have ∂ f = 0 for all j = 1,...,n. The degree of f is greater than j=1 j j j i 0 for i = 1,...,n. This implies f = 0. Hence ρ is injective. P 3 Determining canonical systems In this section, we assume that W is an irreducible finite reflection group and V is generated by the root system. Then the representation V is absolutely irreducible. Let v ,...,v be an orthonormal basis for V, x ,...,x the basis for V∗ dual to 1 n 1 n v ,...,v , and ∂ ,...,∂ the basis for V∗∗ dual to x ,...,x . 1 n 1 n 1 n Let f ,...,f be a canonical system of basic invariants. 1 n 5 Proposition 3.1. The W-module Mi := h∂1fi,...,∂nfiiR ⊆ R[∂]∆ (3.1) is isomorphic to V as a W-module for i = 1,...,n. Proof. Define a W-homomorphism σi : V = hv1,...,vniR −→ Mi = h∂1fi,...,∂nfiiR (3.2) by σ (v ) = ∂ f for j = 1,...,n. We only need to prove kerσ = {0}. i j j i i Assume that σ (v ) = 0 for j = 1,...,n. This implies that ∂ f = 0 for all i j j i j = 1,...,n. Then we have that the polynomial f is a constant. This contradicts i degf > 0. Therefore we have kerσ = {0}. i i Let m ≤ m ≤ ··· ≤ m be the degrees of elements of a system of basic 1 2 n invariants (which do not depend on a choice of a system of basic invariants). If W is not of type D with even n (n ≥ 4), then the degrees are distinct: m < m < n 1 2 ··· < m . If W is of type D with even n (n ≥ 4), then the degrees are the numbers n n 2,4,...,n,n,...,2n−2 (see [7, sect. 3.7 Table 1]). 3.1 Types except D with even n n In this subsection, we assume that W is not of type D with even n (n ≥ 4). Then n m < m < ··· < m . We may assume degf = m for i = 1,...,n. 1 2 n i i Put (R[∂]∆)k := R[∂]∆∩Sk, and hf1,...,fnik := hf1,...,fniR∩Sk for any non- negative integer k. Since the graded vector space R[∂]∆ is isomorphic to the regular representation, the multiplicity of V in R[∂]∆ is dimV = n. We can find n W- submodules which are isomorphic to the W-module V in homogeneous components of R[∂]∆. By the correspondence (2.3) and Lemma 2.3, we have Rf if k = m −1, Hom (V,(R[∂]∆) ) ≃ hf ,...,f i = i i W k 1 n k+1 ({0} otherwise. Hence the multiplicity of V in the W-module (R[∂]∆) is equal to 1 if k = m −1, k i and 0 if k 6= m − 1 (i = 1,...,n). By Lemma 2.1 and Proposition 3.1, we have i V ≃ M ⊆ (R[∂]∆) . i mi−1 Define a W-homomorphism φ : S −→ R[∂]∆, φ(f) := ((f,∆),∆) for f ∈ S (3.3) where (·,·) is the bilinear map (1.2). Then kerφ = I by Lemma 2.1, and hence the map φ induces an automorphism of R[∂]∆ by Lemma 2.1 again. 6 Lemma 3.2. The map φ induces an automorphism of M . i Proof. There exists a W-submodule M′ such that (R[∂]∆) = M ⊕ M′ by i mi−1 i i Mascke’s theorem. The projection π : (R[∂]∆) −→ M′ is a W-homomorphism. mi−1 i The multiplicity of V in (R[∂]∆) is 1, hence π ◦φ| = 0 by Schur’s lemma. mi−1 Mi Let u ∈ M , and write φ(u) = x + y for some x ∈ M and y ∈ M′. Since i i i y = π(x + y) = π ◦ φ(u) = 0, we have φ(u) = x ∈ M . Therefore the image i φ(M ) is included in M . Since the restriction φ| is injective, then we have i i R[∂]∆ φ(M ) = M . i i By Lemma 3.2, we may regard φ| as the automorphism φ| : M −→ M . Mi Mi i i Hence, by [1, Chap. 5, Sect. 2, Proposition 1], there exists a scalar c ∈ R× such i that φ| = c 1. The argument above give us the following proposition. Mi i Proposition 3.3. Fix i = 1,...,n. Every nonzero element in M is an eigenvector i of φ with a nonzero eigenvalue. The eigenvalue does not depend on a choice of the elements, and depends only on index i. Theorem 3.4. Let h ,...,h bean arbitrarysystem ofbasic invariantswithdegh = 1 n i m . Then there exists a scalar λ ∈ R× such that i i φ(∂ h ) = λ ∂ f j i i j i for j = 1,...,n. Therefore we have φ(h∂1hi,...,∂nhiiR) = Mi. Proof. Since h ,...,h and f ,...,f are systems of basic invariants, we may write 1 n 1 n h = d f +P(f ,...,f ) (3.4) i i i 1 i−1 for i = 1,...,n, where d ∈ R× and P(f ,...,f ) is a polynomial in f ,...,f . i 1 i−1 1 i−1 Note that each term of P is a product of at least two polynomials of f ,...,f . 1 i−1 Applying ∂ on the equality (3.4), we have j ∂ h = d ∂ f +∂ P. j i i j i j Since ∂ is a derivation, for each term T of ∂ P, there exists f (i = 1,...,i − 1) j j k and a polynomial F such that T = Ff . Then the polynomial ∂ P is in the ideal I, k j and we have φ(∂ P) = 0 by Lemma 2.1. Hence we obtain j φ(∂ h ) = d φ(∂ f ) = d c ∂ f j i i j i i i j i by Proposition 3.3. We complete the assertion by setting λ := d c i i i 7 Let h ,...,h be a system of basic invariants with degh = m . By Theorem 1 n i i 3.4, for i = 1,...,n, there exists a nonzero scalar λ ∈ R× such that i φ(∂ h ) = λ ∂ f . (3.5) j i i j i Recall the W-isomorphism (3.2) σ : V −→ M , σ (v ) = ∂ f (j = 1,...,n) i i i j j i for i = 1,...,n. Since the W-module M is a unique submodule of (R[∂]∆) i mi−1 which is isomorphic to V, we have Hom (V,M ) ≃ Hom (V,(R[∂]∆) ). W i W mi−1 We also recall the isomorphisms η (2.2) and ρ (2.4): HomW(V,(R[∂]∆)mi−1) −−η−→ ((R[∂]∆)mi−1 ⊗R V∗)W −−ρ−−1→ Rfi. Then we have the following correspondence: HomW(V,Mi) −−η→ (Mi ⊗R V∗)W −−ρ−−1→ Rfi, σ ←→ n ∂ f ⊗x ←→ f = 1 n x ∂ f . i j=1 j i j i mi j=1 j j i P P Hence we obtain the following explicit formula of a canonical system of basic invari- ants by (3.5). Theorem 3.5. Let h ,...,h be a system of basic invariants with degh = m . 1 n i i Then the system n n x φ(∂ h ),..., x φ(∂ h ) j j 1 j j n j=1 j=1 X X form a canonical system of basic invariants, where φ(∂ h ) = (((∂ h ),∆),∆) for j i j i i = 1,...,n with the bilinear map (·,·) (1.2). 8 3.2 Type D with even n (n ≥ 4) n Let n = 2ℓ (ℓ ≥ 2). In this subsection, let W be the irreducible finite reflection group of type D . We may write that n ∆ = x2i −x2j = caxa (3.6) 1≤i<j≤n a∈Nn Y (cid:0) (cid:1) X for some coefficients ca ∈ R. If a multi-index a has a component with odd number, then the coefficient ca in (3.6) is equal to 0. Iwasaki [9] constructed a canonical system of basic invariants which contains the monomial f = x ···x . We choice a canonical system f ,...,f ,f ,...,f of ℓ+1 1 n 1 ℓ ℓ+1 n basic invariants which contains the monomial f = x ···x . We may assume that ℓ+1 1 n degf < ··· < degf = degf < ··· < degf . Then we have degf = degf = 1 ℓ ℓ+1 n ℓ ℓ+1 ℓ. Note that the W-modules Mℓ = h∂1fℓ,...,∂nfℓiR and Mℓ+1 = h∂1fℓ+1,...,∂nfℓ+1iR. (3.7) are included in the same homogeneous component (R[∂]∆) . ℓ−1 We denote |a| := a +···+a for a multi-index a = (a ,...,a ) ∈ Nn. We write 1 n 1 n a > b if a > b for all k = 1,...,n. Put 1 := (1,...,1) ∈ Nn. Let e ∈ Nn be the k k j j-th unit vector of Nn. Theorem 3.6. The monomial ∂ f is an eigenvector of φ with a nonzero eigen- j ℓ+1 value for j = 1,...,n. The eigenvalue does not depend on a choice of index j. In particular, the map φ induces an automorphism of M . ℓ+1 Proof. Let a and b be multi-indices with |a| = |b| = deg∆. Assume that all components of the multi-indices a and b are even, and write a = (2a ,...,2a ) and b = (2b ,...,2b ). 1 n 1 n For j = 1,...,n, we obtain a sequence of equivalent conditions: ((∂ f ,xa),xb) 6= j ℓ+1 0; if and only if a+e > 0 and 2b −2a + 1 ≥ 0 for k 6= j and 2b −2a ≥ 0; if j k k j j and only if a+e > 0 and b ≥ a for k = 1,...,n. It follows from |a| = |b| that j k k ((∂ f ,xa),xb) 6= 0 if and only if a+e > 0 and a = b. Hence we conclude that j ℓ+1 j λ∂ f if a+e > 0, a = b, a b j ℓ+1 j ((∂ f ,x ),x ) = j ℓ+1 (0 otherwise, for some λ ∈ R×. 9 By (3.6), the polynomial φ(∂ f ) = ((∂ f ,∆),∆) is an R-linearly combina- j ℓ+1 j ℓ+1 tion of polynomials in {((∂ f ,xa),xb) | a = (2a ,...,2a ),b = (2b ,...,2b ) ∈ Nn}. j ℓ+1 1 n 1 n If a 6= b, then the polynomial ((∂ f ,xa),xb) is equal to 0. Hence there exists a j ℓ+1 scalar c ∈ R such that φ(∂ f ) = c∂ f ∈ M . j ℓ+1 j ℓ+1 ℓ+1 This implies φ(M ) ⊆ M . ℓ+1 ℓ+1 The scalar c does not depend on achoice of j by [1, Chap. 5, Sect. 2, Proposition 1]. Since φ| : M −→ M is injective, then we have c 6= 0. Mℓ ℓ+1 ℓ+1 To verify that the polynomials ∂ f (j = 1,...,n) are eigenvector of φ, we j ℓ introduce three lemmas. Lemma 3.7. There exist scalars d ,d ∈ R such that 1 2 φ(∂ f ) = d ∂ f +d ∂ f j ℓ 1 j ℓ 2 j ℓ+1 for j = 1,...,n. The scalars d ,d do not depend on a choice of j. 1 2 Proof. There exists a W-stable vector space M′ such that the W-module R[∂]∆ ℓ−1 is decomposed into the direct sum of W-modules M , M and M′: ℓ ℓ+1 R[∂]∆ = M ⊕M ⊕M′. (3.8) ℓ−1 ℓ ℓ+1 Let π be the projection from R[∂]∆ to M′. Since the multiplicity of V in 3 ℓ−1 R[∂]∆ is two, the homomorphism π ◦φ| is 0. Hence we have by the decompo- ℓ−1 3 Mℓ sition (3.8) that φ(M ) is included in M ⊕M . ℓ ℓ ℓ+1 Let π be the projection from (R[∂]∆) to M . The map π ◦ φ| is en- 1 ℓ−1 ℓ 1 Mℓ domorphism of M . Thus we have that there exists a scalar d ∈ R such that ℓ 1 π ◦φ| = d ·1 . 1 Mℓ 1 Mℓ Let us consider the projection π from R[∂]∆ to M . Recall maps σ : 2 ℓ−1 ℓ+1 ℓ V −→ M and σ : V −→ M defined by ℓ ℓ+1 ℓ+1 σ (v ) = ∂ f , σ (v ) = ∂ f ℓ j j ℓ ℓ+1 j j ℓ+1 for j = 1,...,n. The maps σ and σ are W-isomorphisms. Any endomorphism ℓ ℓ+1 of V is a multiplicative map. Thus there exists a scalar d ∈ R such that σ−1 ◦π ◦ 2 ℓ+1 2 10

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