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A Brief Review of Galactic Winds TimothyM.Heckman&ToddA.Thompson 7 1 0 2 n a J 1 Abstract Galacticwindsfromstar-forminggalaxiesplayatkeyroleintheevolu- 3 tionofgalaxiesandtheinter-galacticmedium.Theytransportmetalsoutofgalaxies, chemically-enrichingtheinter-galacticmediumandmodifyingthechemicalevolu- ] A tionofgalaxies.Theyaffectthesurroundinginter-stellarandcircum-galacticmedia, therebyinfluencingthegrowthofgalaxiesthroughgasaccretionandstar-formation. G Inthiscontributionwefirstsummarizethephysicalmechanismsbywhichthemo- . h mentum and energy output from a population of massive stars and associated su- p pernovae can drive galactic winds. We use the proto-typical example of M82 to - o illustrate the multiphase nature of galactic winds. We then describe how the ba- r sicpropertiesofgalacticwindsarederivedfromthedata,andsummarizehowthe t s propertiesofgalacticwindsvarysystematicallywiththepropertiesofthegalaxies a thatlaunchthem.Weconcludewithabriefdiscussionofthebroadimplicationsof [ galacticwinds. 1 v 2 6 1 Introduction 0 9 0 Rapidstarformationingalaxiesisassociatedwiththeefficientejectionofgas,the . 1 fuelforstarformation.Thesegalacticwinds,poweredbythemomentumandenergy 0 injectedbymassivestarsintheformofsupernovae,stellarwinds,andradiationare 7 not only interesting in their own right. They also play a crucial role in the evolu- 1 tion of galaxies and the inter-galactic medium (IGM). By transporting metals out : v i X TimothyM.Heckman r DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,TheJohnsHopkinsUniversity,3400N.CharlesStreet, a Baltimore,MD21218e-mail:[email protected] ToddA.Thompson Department of Astronomy and Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics, The Ohio State University, 140 W. 18th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210 e-mail: thompson@astronomy. ohio-state.edu 1 2 Heckman&Thompson ofgalaxies,theyhelpestablishthetightempiricalrelationshipbetweenthegalaxy massandthemetallicityofstarsandgasingalaxies.Thisprocessalsopollutesthe IGMwiththeheavyelementscreatedbynuclearreactionsinstarsandsupernovae withingalaxies.Themomentumand/orkineticenergyassociatedwiththeoutflows candrivegas-phasebaryonsoutofgalaxiesand/orheatbaryonsinthegalaxyhalo andpreventthemfromcoolingtoformstars.Thisprocessisakeypartofestablish- ingthedecreasingbaryonicmass-fractionindarkmatterhalosofdecreasingmass. By carrying low-angular momentum material out of the central regions of galax- ies they also help establish the mass-radius relationship for disk galaxies. Finally, galacticwindsmaybethemostextrememanifestationofstarformationfeedback, whichdrivesturbulenceandhelpsregulatestarformationwithinthegalaxies. Inthismonographwegiveabriefsummaryofgalacticoutflows.Insection2,we summarizethecurrenttheoreticalmodelsforthecreationofoutflows,theirsubse- quentdynamicalevolution,andthewayinwhichtheyinteractwiththesurrounding gasintheinterstellarandcircumgalacticmedium(CGM).Insection3wereviewthe observational properties of outflows, including a description of the various phases observedintheoutflow(fromrelativisticplasmatocoldmoleculargas),asummary ofhowthekeypropertiesofoutflowsaredeterminedfromthedata,andadiscussion ofhowthesepropertiesscalewiththebasicpropertiesofthepopulationofmassive stars that drive the outflow and of the surrounding galaxy. In section 4, we com- mentontheimplicationsoftheobservedpropertiesofoutflowsfortheevolutionof galaxiesandtheIGM.Wesummarizeourconclusionsinsection5. 2 TheoryofGalacticWinds Anytheoryofgalacticwindsmusthopetoexplain(ambitiously!)alloftheexisting observations, including their trends, and to make predictions for new observations totesttheunderlyingmodel. As described in Section 3, winds are truly multi-phase. The observations span theveryhot,hot,warm,cold,andrelativistic(cosmicrays)phases,andareprobed through X-ray, UV/optical continuum and atomic resonance line, mid-IR, far-IR, andmolecularemissionandabsorption,andUV/opticaldustscattering. In making sense of the multitude of observations, it is useful to focus on a few aspects.First,oneexpectssomesuper-heatedveryhotgas(T ∼108 K)thatisun- boundfromthegalacticpotentialinthesenseofhavingatemperaturegreaterthan the escape temperature T >T locally. How prevalent that gas is, and whether it esc participates in driving out the cold gas is a separate question. The second is that the merely hot gas (T ∼106−7 K) and warm diffuse ionized gas (T ∼104 K) is ubiquitous along the minor axes of wind-driving galaxies, and in M82 and other well-studiedsystemsthereisatightspatialcorrespondencebetweenthetwophases (section 3). The third and most constraining fact is that the ionized gas and neu- tralatomicgasreacheshighvelocitiesinmanysystems.Thesevelocities,whichare relatively easy to measure in absorption on lines of sight toward the galaxies, are GalacticWinds 3 constrainingsincetheyrangefrom100−1000km/s.Thekeyphysicalproblemfor theoristsishowtogetgas,eitherbydirectacceleration,orbytransformationfrom someotherphasetomanyhundredsofkm/swithoutshockheatingittotemperatures whereitwouldceasetoproducetheemissionandabsorptionseen. 2.1 HotWinds Thepictureofsupernova-heatedhotwindsiswell-developed.Weimaginearegion ofsizeR–eitheranindividualstarclusteroranentiregalaxy–wherekineticen- ergyisinjectedintheformofcore-collapsesupernovaeandstellarwinds,andthat this kinetic energy thermalizes. It then drives a super-heated outflow that escapes the region. The energy and mass injection rates within the volume (r≤R) are E˙ andM˙,respectively.Neglectingradiativecooling,gravity,andothereffects,energy conservationimpliesthattheasymptoticvelocityisV =(2E˙/M˙)1/2,andthatthe ∞ characteristictemperatureisT ∝V2.Assumingtheflowissteady-state,massconti- ∞ nuitygivesthedensityofthehotgaswithintheenergyinjectionregion.Forr>R, oneexpectsadiabaticexpansionwithT ∝r−4/3(forγ=5/3),n∝r−2,andV ∼V . ∞ These expressions are the essence of the Chevalier & Clegg (1985) (CC85) model,whichgivesaself-similarsolutionforahotflowvalidforr≤Rthatsmoothly connectstotheadiabaticexpansionr>Rregionthroughasonicpoint.Ingeneral, the sonic point for such a flow (without gravity) is located at the “edge” (r=R) oftheenergy/massinjectionregion(Wang1995),andforparameterstypicalofsu- pernovaheatingfromstarformation(seebelow)gravitycanbeneglectedatR.The criticalpointtopologychangesiftheflowisslowenough–eitherbecauseofineffi- cientheatingorheavymass-loading–thatgravityshouldbeincluded,asshownby Johnson & Axford (1971). Radiative cooling in the context of early-type galaxies andheatingwasexploredbyMathews&Baker(1971). Scaling the energy injection rate to E˙ =αE˙ , where α is the thermalization SN efficiency and E˙ is the energy injection rate expected from core-collapse super- SN novae (1051ergs per 100M of star formation), and the mass injection rate to the (cid:12) starformationrateM˙ =βSFR,whereSFRisthestarformationrate,onefindsthat V (cid:39)(2E˙/M˙)1/2(cid:39)103km/s(α/β)1/2. (1) hot,∞ EquatingtheBernoulliintegral, B=constant=V2/2+(5/2)P/ρ, atthesonicpoint(r=R)withitsvalueatinfinity,wehavethat T (cid:39)(m /k )(3/20)V2 (cid:39)2×107K(α/β). (2) hot p B hot,∞ Usingmasscontinuity,thedensityatthesonicpointis 4 Heckman&Thompson β3/2 SFR3/2 n (cid:39)1×10−2cm−3 1 , (3) hot α1/2 R2 kpc whereR =R/kpcandSFR =SFR/M yr−1.Theasymptotickineticpowerof kpc 1 (cid:12) thewindisE˙ =(1/2)M˙V2,anditsmomentuminjectionrateis ∞ P˙ =M˙V (cid:39)(2E˙M˙)1/2(cid:39) 5(αβ)1/2L/c (4) hot ∞ where for the last approximate equality we have used the fact that the bolometric luminosityofsteadystatestarformationisrelatedbothtothesupernovarateandto E˙,suchthatL(cid:39)1010L SFR .Themomentuminjectionrateofsupernovaheated (cid:12) 1 winds is thus comparable to the expectation from radiation pressure in the single scattering limit (∼L/c) discussed below. Limits on the parameters α and β can be derived for individual systems, or for collections of star-forming galaxies from X-rayobservations(e.g.,Strickland&Heckman2009;Zhangetal.2014). Hot winds in the spirit of CC85 and their interaction with the ISM have been investigated numerically by a number of groups, both in idealized setups of blow- outfromasmoothgalacticdisk(e.g.,Strickland&Stevens2000)andinthemore realistic fully 3d case (e.g., Cooper et al. 2009), and in planar geometry, where the turbulence of the galaxy and the outflow are directly coupled (e.g., Creasey et al.2013). TheCC85theoryhasalsobeenappliedonmuchsmallerscaleinthecontextof individualsuperstarclusters(e.g.,Silichetal.2003,2004).Thepictureofindividual starformingregionspunchingoutofthelocaldiskandinjectingoutflowintoalarge- scale galactic wind may be more realistic than the picture of an entire starburst functioningasenvisionedbytheCC85model.Numericalgalaxyformationmodels attempttocapturethisdynamics(e.g.,Hopkinsetal.2012). 2.2 Warm,Cool,andColdWinds An important puzzle in the theory of galactic winds is how to accelerate the cool atomic and warm ionized gas we see in emission and absorption to hundreds or evenathousandkm/s.Severalmechanismshavebeenproposed.Oneideaisthatthe outflowinghotsupernova-heatedphasecoolsradiatively.Otherideasincludethedi- rectaccelerationofISMmaterialfromthehostgalaxy,eitherwiththerampressure ofahotCC85-likeoutflow,theradiationpressureofstarlightondustygas,and/or thepressuregradientfromcosmicrays. HighVelocityCoolGasfromRadiativeCoolingoftheHotWind One way to produce fast outflowing cool/warm gas is to precipitate it directly fromthehotphase.Ifthehotwindissufficientlymass-loaded–highβ ineqs.(1)- (3)–theradiativecoolingtimefortheoutflowcanbecomeshorterthanthedynam- icaltimescaleandweexpectanyhotwindlaunchedfromagalaxyorstar-forming GalacticWinds 5 regiontocoolonlargerscales(r>R)(Wang1995).ThewindmaystartatRwith T given by equation (2), but as it cools adiabatically, the temperature drops to hot ∼107K,belowwhichmetallinecoolingdominatesoverbremsstrahlung.Here,the coolingrateincreasesasthetemperaturedecreasesandthemediumcanbecomera- diativelyunstable.Forsolarmetallicitygas,thecoolingradiuscanbeapproximated as(seeThompsonetal.2016fordetails) α2.13 (cid:18) Ω (cid:19)0.789 r (cid:39)4kpcR1.79 4π , (5) cool 0.3kpcβ2.92 SFR 10 wheretheopeningangleofthewindisΩ =Ω/4π andwehavescaledthestar- 4π burst for parameters typical of M82 or a high-redshift star-forming clump. The strong parameter dependencies for the cooling radius follow from the strong den- sityandtemperaturedependenceofthecoolingfunctionintheregionwheremetal coolingdominatesatT <107K. ∼ Thetemperatureofthecoolinggasshoulddropprecipitouslyatthecoolingra- dius to ∼103.5−104K. The velocity of the cooling material is expected to be of order∼700−1200km/s.Theminimumβ abovewhichtheflowmustcoolonlarge scalesisactuallynotverylarge—β (cid:39)0.6α0.636(R Ω /SFR )0.364 —sug- min 0.3 4π 10 gestingthatradiativecoolingofhotwindsmaybeaubiquitoussourceofthehigh- velocitycool/warmgasseeninstarburstingsystems(Thompsonetal.2016). AcceleratingCoolGaswiththeRamPressureoftheHotWind Given its large momentum flux (eq. 4), it is natural to consider the ram pres- sureaccelerationofcoolcloudsbythehotoutflow.Manypaperstreatthenumerical problem of the interaction between a hot high velocity flow as it interacts with a singlecoolcloud,compressing,accelerating,andshreddingit.Animportantprob- lem with this mechanism is the short timescale for cloud destruction via hydro- dynamical instabilities, which set in on a multiple of the cloud crushing timescale t (cid:39)(r /V )(ρ /ρ )1/2,wherer istheinitialradiusofthe(assumed)spherical cc c hot c hot c cloudandρ isitsdensity(e.g.,Cooperetal.2009;Scannapieco&Bru¨ggen2015; c Bru¨ggen&Scannapieco2016;Banda-Barraga´netal.2016).Fortypicalparameters, t isshortenoughthatthecloudisnotacceleratedtohighvelocitiesbeforecomplete cc destruction(Scannapieco&Bru¨ggen2015;Zhangetal.2015).However,Cooperet al. (2009) find that some of their cloud contrails reach velocities of hundreds of km/s. In addition, magnetic fields may significantly prolong the life of clouds so that they can be accelerated (McCourt et al. 2015). Banda-Barraga´n et al. (2016) findthatcloudsmaybeacceleratedto∼10%ofthehotwindspeed.Additionally, conductionhasrecentlybeenshowntoincreasecloudlifetime,butwithoutincreas- ing the acceleration to the point where ram pressure can work to explain the high velocitycool/warmoutflowsseen(Bru¨ggen&Scannapieco2016). Animportantadditionalconstraintonthismechanism,andallmechanismsthat relyonmomentuminjection,isanEddington-likelimit(e.g.,Murray,Quataert,& Thompson 2005; Zhang et al. 2015). If V is large compared to the velocity of hot thecoolcloud,balancingtherampressureofasphericalwindandthegravitational 6 Heckman&Thompson forces for a cloud of surface density Σ =M /πr2 (which changes in time as the c c c cloudiscompressedandshredded),oneobtainsthecriticalcondition P˙ =4πGM Σ , (6) Edd tot c which one can view as either a critical momentum injection rate required to ac- celerate a cloud of some Σ , or, for a given value of P˙ (e.g., eq. 4), the critical c value of Σ below which the cloud is super-Eddington and should be accelerated. c For example, taking M =2σ2r/G, as appropriate for an isothermal sphere with tot velocity dispersion σ and using equation (4), one finds a critical cloud surface density of Σ ∼P˙/(8πσ2r), which corresponds to a cloud column density of c,crit N∼4×1021cm−2(αβ)1/2SFR /σ2 R ,whereσ isscaledto200km/s. 10 200 0.3 Fortheelongatedcometarycloudmorphologyfoundinsimulations(e.g.,Cooper etal.2009),thecloudcolumndensityshouldnaivelyincreaseandforagivenwind P˙,andthecloudmaynotbeacceleratedintheextendedgravitationalfieldofgalax- ies. However, the cool cloud gas mass rapidly decreases on the cloud crushing timescale, and thus the increase in Σ may be mitigated. Overall, the simulations c donesofarimplythatcloudscannotbeacceleratedbyahotCC85-likeflowtothe asymptoticvelocitiesseeningalacticwinds,unlessmagneticfieldsdramaticallyin- creasethecloudlifetime(McCourtetal.2015;Banda-Barraga´netal.2016). Accelerating Cool Gas with Radiation Pressure on Dusty Gas and Supernova Explosions Galactic winds are dusty. As a result, the same massive stars that produce su- pernovaemayalsodrivethecoolgasoutofgalaxiesviatheabsorptionandscatter- ing of starlight by dust grains (Murray, Quataert, & Thompson 2005, 2010; Mur- ray, Menard, & Thompson; Zhang & Thompson; Hopkins et al. 2012; Krumholz &Thompson;Davisetal.;Thompsonetal.2015).Thismechanismisparticularly attractive for young massive star clusters that disrupt their natal gas clouds before the first supernovae have gone off, but radiation pressure may also act on galaxy scales in systems that are both IR and UV bright. Observations suggest the direct single-scattering radiation pressure force may have dominated the dynamics of 30 Dor(Lopezetal.2011;Pellegrinietal.2011). Assumingthatthedustandgasaredynamicallycoupledsothatdustgrainsshare theirmomentumwiththesurroundinggas,andassumingthatthestarlightisdomi- natedbyUV,asappropriateforaveryyoungstellarpopulation,therearethreelimits forthewindmedium:(1)optically-thintotheUV(τ <1),(2)optically-thickto UV∼ the UV, but optically-thin to the re-radiated FIR (the so-called ”single-scattering” limit; τ >1 and τ <1), and (3) optically-thick to both the incident UV and UV IR there-radiatedIRphotons(Andrews&Thompson2011).Foratypicalgas-to-dust massratiofortheISM,aUVopacityofκ ∼103cm2/gofgas,andanIRopacity UV oforderκ ∼1cm2/gofgas,thetwobreakpointsbetweenthesethreelimitscor- IR respondtogassurfacedensitiesoforder5M /pc2 and5×103M /pc2 foraMilky (cid:12) (cid:12) Way-likegas-to-dustratio. GalacticWinds 7 CombiningeachoftheseregimesintoasingleEddingtonlimitforthedustygas M inthegalaxy,onefindsthat(e.g.,Thompsonetal.2015) g GM(<r)M c L (cid:39) g [1+τ −exp(−τ )]−1 (7) Edd r2 IR UV whereM isthetotalmass,τ (cid:39)κ M /4πr2,κ istheRosseland-meanopacity, IR IR g IR whichisafunctionoftemperature,τ (cid:39)κ M /4πr2,andκ istheflux-mean UV UV g UV opacity over the radiation field from the stellar population. Note that equation (7) assumes a spherical distribution of gas M at R around a point source of radia- g tion, and that it is simply generalized to a thin plane parallel disk geometry. Tak- ingthelimitτ (cid:28)1orτ (cid:29)1,equation(7)reducestothemorefamiliarlimits UV IR L (cid:39)4πGMc/κ and(cid:39)4πGMc/κ ,respectively.Inthesingle-scatteringlimit, Edd UV IR applicableoverawiderangeofcolumndensitiesfrom∼5−5000M /pc2, (cid:12) L (cid:39) 4πGMΣ c (cid:39) 2×1011L M N (8) Edd g (cid:12) 10 21 whereΣ =M /4πr2,N =N/1021cm−2istheparticlecolumndensity,andM = g g 21 10 M/1010M .ThisexpressionfortheEddingtonluminosityshouldbecomparedwith (cid:12) equation(4). Forcontinuousoptically-thinradiationpressuredrivenflowinapoint-massgrav- itational potential, from the momentum equation one finds that the asymptotic ve- locityofthegasis V =V (R )(Γ−1)1/2 (9) ∞ esc 0 where V2 (R )=2GM(R )/R , R is the launch radius, and Γ =L/L is the esc 0 0 0 0 Edd Eddingtonratio.ForanEddingtonratiooforderΓ ∼few,theexpectationisthatthe bulkofthematerialshouldbeacceleratedtooforderthelocalescapevelocity.For anisothermalsphereofvelocitydispersionσ,V ∼2σ. ∞ Forageometrically-thininitiallyoptically-thickdustyshell,theflowcanachieve highervelocitybecausewhileitisinthesingle-scatteringlimit,itgathersallofthe momentum.Inthiscase(Thompsonetal.2015) (cid:18)2R L(cid:19)1/2 V (cid:39) UV (cid:39)600km/s L1/2κ1/4 M−1/4, (10) ∞ M c 12 UV,3 g,9 g whereR =(κ M /4π)1/2istheradialscalewheretheshellbecomesoptically- UV UV g thin to the incident UV radiation, L =L/1012L (SFR(cid:39)100M /yr), κ = 12 (cid:12) (cid:12) UV,3 κ1/4/103cm2/g,andM =M /109M . UV g,9 g (cid:12) Many questions about the importance of radiation pressure feedback in galax- iesremain.Thefirstisthatalthoughradiationpressuremaydominatethedispersal ofgasinGMCsbeforethefirstsupernovaeexplode,onaverage,supernovaexplo- sions inject more total momentum into the ISM than photons under standard as- sumptions, and may thus dominate the driving of turbulence within galaxies, and potentially wind driving. The total momentum of a given supernova remnant is enhanced relative to the initial value of the explosion as it sweeps up ISM mate- 8 Heckman&Thompson rial during its energy-conserving phase. This boost to the asymptotic momentum means that the momentum injection from supernova remnants can be as large as P˙ ∼10L/cforsteady-statestarformation.Howthemomentuminjection SN,remnants and turbulence driven by supernovae couples to a galaxy-scale wind is a topic of activeresearch. Asecondissueforradiationpressurefeedbackisthatindensestarclustersand starburst galaxies, the IR optical depth may significantly exceed unity, leading to the question of whether or not there is a significant boost to the total momentum deposited, or whether the trapped photons escape via low-column density sight- lines.Inprinciple,themomentuminputcouldbeaslargeasτ L/c.Finally,thefull IR dynamical radiation transport problem has not yet been solved self-consistently in multi-dimensionalsimulationsofgalaxies,starformation,andwinds. 2.3 CosmicRayDrivenWinds Although massive stars deposit energy and momentum directly into the ISM via their supernova explosions, there is another way they may drive the emergence oflarge-scalegalacticwindsinstar-forminggalaxies:cosmicrays.Approximately 10% of the 1051 ergs in kinetic energy of supernova explosions is thought to go into primary cosmic ray protons (and other nuclei), with a power-law spectrum of particleenergiesfromGeVtoPeVproducedbyFermishockacceleration.Thetotal energyinjectionrateincosmicraysisthenoforder L (cid:39)3×1040ergss−1 SFR (cid:39)8×10−4L. (11) CR 1 Once injected by supernovae, cosmic rays scatter off of magnetic inhomo- geneities in the ISM with pc-scale mean free path λ as they diffuse out of the hostgalaxy.Thescatteringprocesstransferscosmicraymomentumtothegas,and the large implied scattering optical depth (τ ∼R/λ ∼kpc/pc∼103) implies a CR largesteady-statecosmicraypressureandenergydensity(Ipavich1975;Breitschw- erdt,McKenzie,&Voelk1991;Everettetal.2008;Jubelgasetal.2008;Socrates, Davis, Ramirez-Ruiz 2008). In the Milky Way, the local cosmic ray energy den- sity is roughly comparable to the energy density in magnetic fields, photons, and turbulence.Eachhasanassociatedpressureroughlycomparabletothatrequiredto supportthegasoftheGalaxyinverticalhydrostaticequilibrium(Boulares&Cox 1990). ThesamemaybetrueofstarburstgalaxieslikeM82,andifso,cosmicraysmay beimportantinwinddriving.Indeed,analyticargumentsakintotheEddingtonlimit for photons discussed above have been made by Socrates et al. (2008) that show cosmicraysmaybeimportantinregulatingstarformationanddrivingoutflows.The large scattering optical depth implies that the total effective momentum injection ratewouldbeP˙ ∼τ L /c∼(L/c)(τ /103),oforderthemomentuminputin CR CR CR CR lightfrommassivestars,butwithverydifferenttransportproperties. GalacticWinds 9 Multi-dimensionalsimulationsofgalaxiesarebeginningtosimulateCR-driven winds in detail (e.g., Girichidis et al. 2016). Several questions still need to be ad- dressed. The first is the importance of pion production via inelastic scattering of cosmicraysoffofISMgas.Thesecollisionsproducechargedandneutralpionsthat decay to secondary electron/positron pairs, neutrinos, and gamma-rays. Because nearby starbursts like M82 are observed to be gamma-ray bright, the implication isthatmanycosmicraysinteracttoproducepionemissionbeforeescapingthehost galaxy. This may limit the effective total scattering optical depth, the steady-state pressure,andthetotalcosmicraymomentumavailabletodriveoutflows.Arelated issueishowthecosmicrayscoupletothegas,andwhetherornottheysamplethe average density gas, or a lower-density medium. Since the timescale for pion pro- ductionisinverselyproportionaltothegasdensitysampled,thisisakeyissuefor determining how much momentum is transferred from the cosmic rays to the gas before pion production. Nevertheless, extended radio emission is observed along the minor axis of M82 (Seaquist & Odegaard 1991), which indicates the presence ofrelativisticelectrons/positronsandmagneticfields,andcosmicray-drivenmodels remainatopicofactiveresearch. 3 ObservationalPropertiesofOutflows 3.1 AGuidedTouroftheMulti-phaseOutflowinM82 Theconditionsneededtodrivegalacticoutflowsarerareinthelocaluniverse,but commonatredshiftsaboveaboutone(wewillquantifythesestatementsinsection 3.4 below). In fact, in the local universe, galactic outflows are only observed in galaxiesundergoingunusuallyintenseepisodesofstar-formation(“starburstgalax- ies”). We therefore begin our discussion of observations of galactic outflows with asummaryoftheproto-typicalexampleassociatedwiththestarburstgalaxyM82. Located at a distance of only 3.6 Mpc, this is the brightest and best-studied ex- ampleofastarburst-drivenoutflow.Whilethedataarethereforethebestandmost complete,observationsofotherstarburst-drivenoutflowsarequalitativelyconsistent withthoseofM82. TheM82starbursthasastar-formationrateofabout7to10M peryear(assum- (cid:12) ingastandardChabrier/Kroupa)initialmassfunction.Thestarbursthasaradiusof 400pc,yieldingastar-formationrateperunitarea(SFR/A)ofabout15to20M (cid:12) year−1kpc−2.Forcontext,thisisovertwoorders-of-magnitudelargerthanthechar- acteristicvalueinthediskoftheMilkyWay,butistypicalofpresent-daystarbursts andstar-forminggalaxiesathigh-redshift. ThesehighvaluesforSFR/Amayallowfortheefficientconversionofthekinetic energy supplied by core-collapse supernovae and winds from massive stars into the thermal energy of a very hot fluid since most supernovae will explode in the hot rarified gas created by prior supernovae. Subsequently, there can be efficient 10 Heckman&Thompson conversion of this thermal energy into the bulk kinetic energy of a volume-filling “windfluid”(asdiscussedaboveinsection2).Thedirectobservationalevidencefor theexistenceforthishotfluidofthermalizedstellarejectaintheM82starburstis providedbyhardX-rayobservationswhichrevealthatdominantionicstageofFein thediffusehotgasinsidethestarburstisHelium-like.Theimpliedtemperatureofthe gasisbetween30and80×106K.Analysisofthepropertiesofthisgasshowsthat it is consistent with the simple Chevalier & Clegg (1985) model described above, with a thermalization efficiency of α ∼0.3−1 and a mass-loading factor of β ∼ 0.2−0.6. The implied terminal velocity for an outflow fed by this very hot gas is V (cid:39)1400to2200kms−1(Strickland&Heckman2009;eq.1). hot,∞ DirectobservationalevidenceforanoutflowinM82datesbackdecades(Lynds & Sandage 1963) to the discovery of an extensive system of filamentary optical- emission-line gas extending to radii of several kpc from the central starburst out along the minor axis of the edge-on galaxy (Figure 1). This gas can also be ob- servedthroughnebularlineandcontinuumemissioninthevacuumultraviolet,and throughmid-andfar-IRfine-structurelineemission(Hoopesetal.2005;Contursi etal.2013;Beira˜oetal.2015).DetailedspectroscopyhasshownthatthisT ∼104 Kgashasemission-lineratiosconsistentwithamixtureofgasthatisphoto-ionized by radiation leaking out of the starburst and shock-heated by the outflowing wind fluid generated within the starburst (Heckman, Armus, & Miley 1990). We will henceforth refer to this as the warm ionized phase. The kinematics of this gas im- plies that we are seeing material located largely along the surfaces of a bi-conical orbi-cylindricalstructurethatoriginatesatthestarburst.Theinteriorofthisstruc- tureispresumablyfilledbytheoutflowingwindfluid(Shopbell&Bland-Hawthorn 1998).Correctingthemeasuredoutflowspeedofthewarmionizedgasforline-of- sight effects yields intrinsic outflow speeds of about 600 km sec−1. Note that this significantly slower than the inferred outflow velocity for the hot wind fluid itself (∼1400−2200km sec−1). The velocity field shows rapid acceleration of the gas fromthestarburstitselfouttoaradiusofabout600pc,beyondwhichtheflowspeed isroughlyconstant. The morphological structure of this warm ionized phase is strongly correlated withthestructureoftheco-spatialsoft(<2keV)X-rayemission(Lehnert,Heck- man, & Weaver 1999; Figure 2). This X-ray emission primarily traces gas with a characteristic temperature of ∼5−10×106K (hereafter, the “hot phase”). A de- tailed comparison shows that while there is a global correspondence between the emissionfromthewarmionizedandhotphases,onalocallevel,theemissionfrom the hot phase appears to be systematically located upstream of, or interior to, that fromthewarmionizedphase.OnenaturalinterpretationisthattheX-rayemission maybesomesortofinterfacebetweenthetenuouswindfluidandthewarmerand denser gas that the wind fluid is interacting with (e.g., shocks or turbulent mixing layers). The clearest example of the relationship between the two phases is in the “cap” of M 82, a filamentary structure located about 12kpc in projection above the starburst, with an orientation roughly perpendicular to the outflow (Lehnert, Heckman,&Weaver1999;seeFigure1).OneinterpretationisthatthesoftX-ray emission — which is located about 0.5kpc upstream of the region of optical line

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