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A Brief Atlas of the Human Body PDF

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A Brief Atlas of the Human Body Matt Hutchinson Jon B. Mallatt Elaine N. Marieb Patricia Brady Wilhelm Second Edition ISBN 10: 1-292-02640-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-292-02640-4 Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk © Pearson Education Limited 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. All trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. The use of any trademark in this text does not vest in the author or publisher any trademark ownership rights in such trademarks, nor does the use of such trademarks imply any affi liation with or endorsement of this book by such owners. ISBN 10: 1-292-02640-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-292-02640-4 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Printed in the United States of America 11111223331591357913357 P E A R S O N C U S T O M L I B R AR Y Table of Contents 1. Epithelial Tissues Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 1 2. Connective Tissues--Connective Tissue Proper Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 5 3. Connective Tissues--Cartilage Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 9 4. Connective Tissues--Bone Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 11 5. Connective Tissues--Blood Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 13 6. Muscle Tissue--Skeletal Muscle Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 15 7. Muscle Tissue--Cardiac Muscle Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 17 8. Muscle Tissue--Smooth Muscle Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 19 9. Nervous Tissue Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 21 10. Select Organs Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 23 11. Skull, Anterior View Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 33 12. Skull, Right External View of Lateral Surface Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 35 13. Skull, Internal View of Left Lateral Aspect Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 37 I 344444555556666677913579135791357913 14. Skull, External View of Base Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 39 15. Skull, Internal View of Base Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 41 16. Frontal Bone Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 43 17. Occipital Bone Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 45 18. Temporal Bone Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 47 19. Sphenoid Bone Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 49 20. Ethmoid Bone Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 51 21. Mandible Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 53 22. Maxilla Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 55 23. Palatine Bone Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 57 24. Bony Orbit Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 59 25. Nasal Cavity, Left Lateral Wall Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 61 26. Fetal Skull Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 63 27. Articulated Vertebral Column Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 65 28. Various Views of Vertebrae C1 and C2 Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 67 29. Cervical Vertebrae Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 69 30. Thoracic Vertebrae Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 71 31. Lumbar Vertebrae Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 73 II 111111111778888899000111112571357939379135791 32. Sacrum and Coccyx Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 75 33. Thoracic Cage Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 77 34. Scapula and Clavicle Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 81 35. Right Humerus Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 83 36. Right Ulna and Radius Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 85 37. Bones of the Right Hand Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 87 38. Bones of the Male Pelvis Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 89 39. Right Femur Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 93 40. Right Tibia and Fibula Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 99 41. Bones of the Right Ankle and Foot Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 103 42. Abdominal Muscles Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 107 43. Superficial Muscles of the Thorax Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 109 44. Right Shoulder and Triceps of the Left Arm Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 111 45. Right Forearm and Wrist Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 113 46. Wrist and Hand Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 115 47. Superficial Muscles of the Superior Gluteal Region Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 117 48. Superficial Muscles of the Left Lower and Right Upper Thigh Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 119 49. Leg Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 121 III 111111111111111111222233333444445555357913579135791357 50. Foot Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 123 51. Right Lower Face and Upper Neck Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 125 52. Muscles, Blood Vessels, and Nerves of Neck Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 127 53. Sagittal Section of the Head Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 129 54. Left Nasal Cavity, Lateral Wall Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 131 55. Right Cerebral Hemisphere Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 133 56. Ventral View of the Brain Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 135 57. Midsagittal Section of the Brain Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 137 58. Transverse Section of the Brain Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 139 59. Brainstem and Cervical Region of the Spinal Cord Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 141 60. Vertebral Column and Spinal Cord Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 143 61. Cervical Region of Spinal Cord Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 145 62. Spinal Cord and Cauda Equina Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 147 63. Heart and Associated Structures in Thorax Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 149 64. Heart and Pericardium Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 151 65. Coronal Section of the Ventricles Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 153 66. Heart, Posterior View Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 155 67. Pulmonary, Aortic, and Mitral Valves of the Heart Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 157 IV 111111111111111566666777778888913579135791357 68. Fibrous Framework of the Heart Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 159 69. Tongue and Laryngeal Inlet Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 161 70. Diaphragm Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 163 71. Upper Abdomen Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 165 72. Liver Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 167 73. Lower Abdominal Organs Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 169 74. Small Intestine and Colon Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 171 75. Vessels of the Gastrointestinal Organs Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 173 76. Internal Surfaces of the Stomach and Small Intestine Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 175 77. Retroperitoneal Abdominal Structures Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 177 78. Kidney, Internal Structure in Frontal Section Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 179 79. Male Pelvis Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 181 80. Sections through Male Reproductive Structures Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 183 81. Female Pelvis Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, Matt Hutchinson 185 Index 187 V This page intentionally left blank INT4100.qxd 12/30/09 11:43 PM Page 1 EPITHELIAL TISSUES PLATE 1 Simple squamous epithelium, Cell nucleus surface view. Silver stained mesothelium (360×) DESCRIPTION: Single layer of flat cells with disc Cytoplasm shaped central nuclei and little cytoplasm. In this surface view, the Plasma membrane cells resemble fried eggs. LOCATION: Form the kidney glomeruli and corpuscles; air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs; lining of the heart, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels; lining of the ventral body cavity (serosae). 1 PLATE 2 Simple squamous epithelium, section through a renal corpuscle in the renal cortex (465×) DESCRIPTION: The single layer of flat cells with disc shaped central nuclei and small Simple squamous epithelium amount of cytoplasm are apparent in the parietal layer of the renal Cell nucleus capsule. In this section, the thinness of the squamous cells and the dark staining central nuclei are obvious. LOCATION: As listed for Plate 1. 2 PLATE 3 Simple cuboidal epithelium, l.s. through renal medulla (350×) Simple cuboidal epithelium DESCRIPTION: Single layer of cube-shaped cells with large round central nuclei. This section shows multiple rows of Lumen of renal tubule simple cuboidal epithelium forming the renal tubules. Epithelial cell nucleus LOCATION: Forms the kidney tubules and collecting ducts; the ducts and secretory portions of many glands; and the surface of the ovary. 3 From A Brief Atlas of the Human Body, Second Edition. Matt Hutchinson, Jon Mallatt, Elaine N. Marieb, and Patricia Brady Wilhelm. Copyright © 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc. Published by Pearson Benjamin Cummings. All rights reserved. 1

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