Bijdragentot de Dierkunde,64 (1) 3-31 (1994) SPB Academie Publishingbv, The Hague A biosystematic basis for pelagic biodiversity S. van der Spoel Instituteof Systematics andPopulation Biology, University ofAmsterdam, P.O. Box94766, 1090GT Amsterdam, TheNetherlands Keywords: Biodiversity, diversity calculation, ecology, pelagic, phylogeny Abstract diagrammeservirapourunecomparaisonentrelavariabilité de ladiversitédans la natureetles changementsdeladiversitépro- Biodiversitycanbeconsidered tobeahumanappreciationofthe voquéspar la société humaine. Les fluctuations dela diversité danslepélagialdiffèrent des fluctuations dans labiomasse,mais biologicalentity diversity. Diversity canbe expressed numeri- callyonthebasis oftaxa found,but it canalso beexpressed as les fluctuations dans labiomasse ontaussi uneinfluence surles fluctuations deladiversité. Du pointde vuescientifiqueet dela the contribution ofaspecimentothe diversity,forwhich afor- préservationde l’environnement,des étudesspéciales devraient mula is proposed. Diversity is the sum of the taxonomic or numerical diversity,andtheecological,genetical,historical,and être dévouées auxeauxocéaniquesetnéritiquesindo-malaises, phylogeneticdiversity. Moreover,each group, orlargertaxon, ainsi qu’auxeauxnéritiques tempérées et subtropicales, aux has itsowncharacteristic diversity.These types ofdiversityare eauxtropicalesengénéral,etspécialementauxeauxcentrales de l’Atlantiqueetdu Pacifique. considered separately.One formula is tentativelyproposed to calculate the overall diversity. Diversity in nature is variable, whichisdemonstrated inadiagramforcomparisonwithsociety- induced diversity changes. Diversity in the pelagic fluctuates Introduction differentlyfrom biomass fluctuations,but biomassfluctuations also influence diversityfluctuations. From a scientific and an environmental preservationpointofview,specialstudiesshould Diversityis such abasicconcept thatinspeakingof bedevoted tothe Indo-Malayanneritic and oceanicwaters, the pelagic diversity,onemustalsomakesomegeneral neritic temperate and subtropical waters, the tropical waters remarks. The organisms living in the open ocean in general,and especiallytothe Atlantic and Pacific Central consist of plankton and nekton, floating with the waters. currents over enormous distances and dispersed over depths averaging 3500 m. Despite the large dimensions of the ocean which covers more than Résumé 70% oftheearthsurface, its biological diversity in general is small:only atmost40®7oofallknownspe- La biodiversité peut être considérée commeuneappréciation ciesareliving intheocean (Pierrot-Bults& Van der humaine de l’entité biologique“diversité”. La diversité peut êtreexpriméesurlabasedu nombre detaxatrouvés,mais aussi Spoel, 1979). Oceanlifeis ontheonehandvery sen- commemesuredans laquelleunexemplairecontribue àla diver- sitiveto climaticchanges, as shown duringgeologi- sité: pour ceci une formule est proposée. La diversité est la cal history. On the other handit is ocean life that sommede la diversité taxonomique(numérique),écologique, largely determinesatmospheric conditionsthrough génétique, historique et phylogénétique. En outre, chaque its influenceon the atmospheric gases. By the year groupe ou taxon assez grand a sa propre diversité caracté- 2000, 60% of the humanworldpopulation will be ristique. Ces types de diversité ont étéconsidérés séparément. Uneformule estproposéepourcalculer ladiversité globale.Un living inordepending onthecoastalzone(Lasserre, * Paperpresentedat the SCOR WG93 workshop on PelagicBiogeography,Amsterdam,30 Aug.-l Sept. 1993. 4 S. van derSpoel - Biosystematic basis forpelagic diversity 1992), wherea major foodsupply will come from this chaos by determining the principles underlay- the pelagic. Last but not least, ocean pollution ing this chaos. usually has dramaticeffects over greaterareas than Therearethustwo approaches to diversity possi- terrestrial pollution. ble,onestartingwiththehumanbeing fulloffickle- Thus, evidently pelagic diversity needsspecial at- ness andone dealing withthevery variablebiologi- tention, focusing on the existing diversity that cal specimens. needs to be maintainedand the reduced diversity Inthis paperthehumanconcern about diversity thatneedstoberestored. Attentionshouldbegiven andtheneeds for diversity will be consideredfirst; to studies of the natural fluctuationsin diversity, thediversity crisis can show thevalueof diversity. which must be understoodbefore society-induced Secondly, the biological value for diversity is de- changes can be detected. Here the time scale be- rived, first by considering thehigher taxaand later comes important, e.g., the question of how long by considering the species. The relation of abun- does it take to restore the environment and over danceand biomassto diversityis consideredbefore what period should preservation measures be trying to calculatethe diversitybasedonindividual taken. specimens of species. To this numerical diversity First wehave todefinewhatthediversity is from the genetic, phylogenetic, historical,and ecological ahumanpointof viewand from abiological point diversity is added to arrive at one formulatoex- of view. Can we formulate diversity exactly, and press diversity. how can we measure it? As diversityislinkedwithanarea, thegeographic distributionof diversity is considered.Finally, the taxon is briefly discussedas a diversity carrier, be- What is biodiversity? fore making some remarks on more or less endan- gered areas in the open ocean. Ascientifictermshould haveadefinition. Apoliti- cal term is valid already when ithas a long list of synonyms although no definition.Who coinedthe A human concept termbiodiversity? Apolitician I am afraid, though manyscientists have advocatedtheuse oftheterm Human concern about diversity is not a recent biodiversity (Wilson, 1992). Combining "bio" phenomenon. Thebibletellsusofthe Arkof Noah, frombiology, thestudy of life,with "diversity" - the first global protection of diversity. The prin- oneof the most typical characters of life - seems ciple is well described: overdone, since without life there is no diversity and without diversity, no life. Humans need a "Andofeverylivingthingofall flesh,two ofeverysort shalt healthy, living anddiverse world and like to name thou bringinto theark, tokeep them alivewith thee;theyshall thislifeinanattemptto havepowerover it. On the be male and female" (Gen. 6-19). other hand, humans are afraid of the delicate "Ofeveryclean beast thoushalttaketothee bysevens, themale wonder of the living world and look for euphe- and his female: and ofbeasts that arenotclean two,the male and his female" (Gen. 7-2). misms like biodiversity to indicate this wonder. "Offowls also ofthe airby sevens the maleand his female;to Diversity has also a purebiological content (we keep seed alive upon the face ofall the earth" (Gen.7-3). willnot use further theterm biodiversity). Itis the "AndtheywentinuntoNoah into theark, two and two ofall always variablepresentation, intimeand space,of flesh, wherein isthe breath oflife" (Gen. 7-15). thephenomenon "life".Thescienceofsystematics is entirely devoted to the study of the forms in Thus populations of all species, theirreproductive whichlife is present andto thecreationoforderin ability, and incase thespecies are useful also their the seemingly chaotic biota. Systematics is the variability, shouldbe protected to preserve diver- sciencethatcan describeandhandlethediversityof sity on earthandto beusedby society. Clearly we Bijdragen tot deDierkunde, 64 (1) - 1994 5 shouldnot only takecareoftheuseful species; also Forcertain, itis dangerous to manipulate diversity, those seemingly unimportant to society shouldbe butitmay bemore dangerous to liveinapoisonous preserved. Diversity seemsalso toindicateharmony atmosphere or underabioticconditions.Theremay oforganisms in equilibrium with each other. Cer- comea moment when we havethe choiceonly be- tainly this early environmentalwisdom ofthebible tween two such equally bad possibilities! concerns diversity, protected to form a continuous For the long term, the care of diversity is a source of foodand health. management problem. For the short term, it is a preservation problem. This portrays a conflicting situationas preservation introducesastaticsystem Whatkind ofdiversity do we need? and managementa dynamic system. As society is usually more involved in short time profit than in Itis probably easierto detect whatkindof diversity long term profits, very possibly society willcreate, is not needed, viz. the diversity thatisnolonger use- in the future, an insurmountableproblem: a large ful, neitherfor nature nor for society. Too strong scale diversity crisis due to irreversible fixationof a protection could freeze the existing diversity so present-day diversity dueto preservation activities. that thecontinuousprocess ofnaturaldiversifica- Irreversible fixationin thepelagic realm is not ex- tionandevolutionwouldbestopped. Suchafrozen pected tobepossible atpresent,butinotherrealms diversity is useless, and a protection that prevents it may become a real problem. society frommaking useoftheorganisms thatcon- tributeto the diversity has no valueeither. Inthe pelagic realm, no examples can be found of this Whatis a diversity crisis? "freezing", but animalstocks inzoos and the ter- restrial communities inwild preservation areas are A diversity crisis is causedby accumulationofir- examples offrozen diversity that haveno potential reversiblechanges inourenvironment— afrighten- for furtherdevelopment as longas the managed sit- ing phenomenon as itcauses "the accelerating rate uationendures. ofextinctionofspecies" (Nelson &Ladiges, 1990). What do weneed to live andto provide ouroff- The dramatic shift in species composition of the spring with a world that is healthy, living and Mediterranean(Kouwenberg & Razouls, 1990)and diverse, thusevolving and diversifying? The mini- the mass mortalities (Weinberg, 1992) are indica- mum diversity required intheocean is thediversity tions ofa crisis inthisenclosed basin. Inotheriso- of the organisms that keep the atmosphere and lated basins, diversity crises are also reported. In hydrosphere in an equilibrium (e.g., 02 produc- theNorthSea,Balticandinvariousestuarineareas, tion; C02, Caand nutrientabsorption, neutraliza- crises arereported to havebeencaused by fisheries tionofriver output), provide biological stocks for activities, marineand river pollution, off-shore ac- fisheries, and maintain anaesthetic environment. tivities, and transport accidents. Such crises, how- Weknowthatchanges insolarradiation(forare- ever, are rare in the open ocean as the "irreversi- cent modelsee: Caldeira&Kasting, 1992)and hu- ble" change is here more difficultto generate by manactivities willchange thecomposition oftheat- humanactivities. The mass extinctions at the end mosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere, which ofthe Cretaceous, also a diversity crisis produced form aninterconnectedsystem (Lovelock & Whit- by nature, however, showthat open ocean crisis is field, 1982). So wemayeven thinkof increasing or indeed possible. Polluting the atmosphere on a changing diversity to cope with problems of at- global scale, affecting ocean temperatureandinso- mosphericchanges. Geneticmanipulation andspe- lation, maycause just such acomparable crisis. cialprogrammesto generatespecies andecosystems Red tidesand El Ninoeffects can be considered especially equipped to maintaintheatmosphere in crises, butthey are ecological crises fromwhich we a good conditionmay be necessary in the future. recover after sometime, usually without changed 6 S. van derSpoel - Biosystematic basis forpelagic diversity course, connect an "appreciation" ofits worth to society as a derivedvalue. A biological value Diversity maybe viewed inthefirst instanceas an expression ofthe biomassorofthe species compo- sition.Withoutbiomass,thereis nodiversity, while some biomass means some diversity. But does a largebiomassindicatelarge diversity? Thebiomass diversity is frequently studied. The Stommel's modelasusedby Haury etal. (1977)shows thebio- mass variability as a function of time and space (Fig. 1A). The species composition or diversity can bepresentedalso inaStommel'sdiagram(Fig. IB). It is easily seen that large biomass variability is linkedwithlow diversity fluctuationandvice versa, whichfrom anecological point ofviewiscomplete- ly logical. This probably also explains why Cohen (1986) came to the conclusion "The latitude- diversity-biomass relationship is not clear". Inthe time/space areaofonecentimetreto one kilometre andseconds to onemonth, thereisalarge variabili- ty in diversity due to physical parameters such as currents and waves, seasonal changes, diurnaland seasonal migrations, and seasonal species succes- sions. In theareaof 10years and 10 km there is a Fig. 1.A,BiomassvariabilitysimplifiedaftertheStommel’s dia- separatemaximumof variationin diversity dueto gramby Haury etal.(1977).B, Diversity variabilityatthe spe- physical variabilityofthetypegivingrise to ElNino cies level. Diversity due to evolution takesplace atlargertime scales and is added in thedotted area; space ony-axis,timeon andshiftsof major currentpatterns. Theserelative- x-axis, variabilityonz-axis. ly "unstable" time/space areas are probably less sensitiveto humaninfluencethantheareas without variability. diversity. The bloomings oftoxic algae due to hu- Diversity has sofarbeen treatedinthis paperas man-induced physicochemical changes in the en- arelativeandsomewhatsubjective concept. Purely vironmentare ecological crises from which nature scientifically, without anthropocentric interpreta- recovers, asthediversityis changed onlytemporari- tion, diversity can, however, also be given a value ly. Though the diversity inthe environmenthas a as will be shown. clear value for society, this value cannot be calcu- The diversity inthe oceanis smallwhenthespe- lated directly. The value is also dependent on the cies level is considered, but when considering the development of diversity in the future, which de- phylum or subphylum level, diversity is extremely pends ontheabilityofthegenepool to generatethe high (cf. May, 1992:table2). Nearlyall(sub)phyla coming diversity from itspresent diversity. For this are represented intheocean, and some 14 likethe reason one can only "predict" a value for society Chaetognatha and Tunicata are endemic to it. of biological diversity. For calculations one is de- Therefore one has to distinguish between: (a) pendent on biological values, towhichonecan, of higher taxa diversityrelated tofamiliesand higher Bijdragen tot deDierkunde, 64 (I) - 1994 7 taxa, (b) the species diversity, a combination of usually done?Shouldacompletely disjunct distri- species andgeneraas genera canbe considerdtobe bution inthe north and south polar sea, or in the based on the species diversity, and (c) the sub- tropical Atlantic and tropical Indian Ocean, be specific diversity.The question: "Whynot consider considered a single species distribution, as is fre- taxa in general as units, and embracethe fullmea- quently done? Itis easily seenthat it is impossible sure ofbiodiversity?" by Nelson &Ladiges (1990) to answer both questions witheither yes or no. So couldbeansweredpositively, butprobably thetaxa it is here proposed for thesake ofargumentto an- at differentlevels are also of different nature, so swer thefirst question withyes andthesecond with thatonemaybettertreatthemseparately in firstin- no. Thus one can no longer give great value to stance. "potential" in the definition, but will haveto lay stresson "naturalpopulations" and"which donot reproduce with othersuch groups". Higher taxa diversity Aspecies as definedabovestill can be monotyp- ic, polytypic, orpolymorphic. Does this variability The higher taxa diversity is a measure of impor- contributeto diversity, and has it to be preserved? tance mainly when considering large geographic This question is discussed later in the sections on areas.Forexample, it is not interesting toknowthe genetic diversityandphylogenetic diversity; forthe higher taxa diversity for a city park as the species moment the species will be treatedonly as a well diversity is moreindicativeofsuch a place. Inthe limited, not variabletaxon. ocean, differenthigher taxa diversities can be ex- pected in differentlarge biotopes like the benthic, Abundanceof species and diversity — As we have pelagic, oceanic, and neritic biotopes. In tropical seen that diversity fluctuations usually are differ- andcoldwaters, differences canbe expected at the ent,andmostlyeven opposite,tobiomass(= abun- family and order level (see Van der Spoel & Hey- dance) fluctuations, it is worth noticing that man, 1983).Thesedifferencesbetweenthebiotopes (1) taxonomie groups tend to be represented by in the ocean are still very small when I express abundant and rare species, (2) groups are com- higher taxa diversity (D) as the sum ofthe number posed of diverse and less diverse subgroups, offamilies(N{), orders(N0)and classes (Nc)divid- (3) withina taxon always occur a number of less ed by the surface size ofthe biotope (Z?): related taxa and a numberof closely related taxa, s and(4) groupsarerepresented insomeareas by few ZJhigher taxa diversity = (N{+7V0+Nc)/Bs and in other areas by many species. In diversity studies, oneshould always mind thesefournatural diversity phenomena. Species diversity Taxonomie groups tend to be represented by bothabundantandrare species, andthereseems to Thespecies diversity is evidently dependent on the be arule determining theratio abundant/rarespe- species concept used, and in discussing diversity of cies innature. Ineach group,manyrare species are biogeographic areas, thegeographic componentin found, moderate numbers of common and very the concept should be stressed. In the definition: commonspecies andlownumbersofveryabundant "species are groupsof naturalpopulations which species. In Fig. 2 this distributionis given for spe- actually orpotentially reproduce andwhich do not cies of Myctophidae and Hydromedusae in the reproduce with other such groups" (Mayr, 1963), North Atlantic.This frequency distributionseems theterms"naturalpopulations" and"potentially" tobe fractal in nature and can be describedwith a should be given attention. For example, should a formulalike N(x) = ax~b. population ofaPacificspecies livingintheAtlantic Groups are composed ofarangefrom diverseto dueto transport by ships orto aquaculture be con- less diverse subgroups, andherealso a naturalrule sideredan abnormal, not-naturalpopulation, as is seems to determine the diversity of groups in a 8 S. van der Spoel - Biosystematic basisforpelagic diversity et al. (1991). A formula:N(x) = ax'b is proposed by theseauthorsforcharacterizing the distribution ofwithin-group diversity.Thevaluesofindexafor pelagic molluscs, nemerteans,siphonophores, and myctophids are 10,20, 30, and 10, respectively; for the index b the values are 0.9, 1.5, 1.4, and0.7, respectively. In Fig. 3 this N(x) function is repre- sented by line "a". It is evident that these four groupseachhavetheirowntypical diversity.Notice thatthisformulawouldalso explain wellthe distri- butionofrareand abundantspecies innature,as in both cases the distribution is of the same fractal Fig.2.Number ofspecimensforspeciesofMyctophidae(A)and type. Hydromedusae(B)in theNorthAtlanticOcean. Numberofspe- ciesalongthe x-axis,numberclasses for specimensalong they- If the above statements are valid, a number of axis in logarithmicscale. less closely related taxa and a number of closely relatedtaxa occur inataxon always ina certainre- taxon. InFig. 3 thenumberofspecies per genusis lation. Fig. 4 shows a cladogram based on 54 given in relationtothe generainpelagic molluscs, hypothetical species with7characterseachwithtwo nemerteans, siphonophores, and myctophids. In character states distributedover the species at ran- these groups many genera with few species are dom. In this randomized cladogram, one can dis- found, moderatenumbersof generawith amoder- tinguish that above a certain level 70% of the ate number of species, and low numbersof very groupsare composed offewspecies. This70%level diversegenera.Thisphenomenon seems tobesimi- is indicated by line "x". lar for all animals groups, as discussed by Minelli It is well known that each particular group (say Fig.3. The number ofspecies pergenusin thepelagicmolluscs Pteropodaand Heteropoda(A), nemerteans(B), siphonophores(C), and myctophids(D). Genera onx-axis,species per genusony-axisboth logarithmic,a = the line ofthe formula N(x) =ax-b after Minelli et al.(1991). Bijdragen tot deDierkunde, 64(1) - 1994 9 Fig.4. Ciadogramfor 54hypotheticalspecieswith 7 characters distributedtotallyatrandom overthespeciestoshow thenatural occurrence(e.g.,above the line x) oftaxa with many and with few species. In the circles the areas are indicated where the speciesAtoLarefoundtodemonstratethat eachareahasadif- ferent phylogeneticdiversity. Fig. 6. Maximum body size (mm)ofspeciesfor Gymnosomata (A)andThecosomata(B) onx-axis,and number ofspecieswith these sizes ony-axis (bothlogarithmic)(own data). available.However,whenlengthinthethecosoma- tous orgymnosomatouspelagicmolluscsistakenas an indicationof body size, a distributionof this value is found for thesegroups that is comparable Fig. 5.Diagramoftherelation ofbiomass anddiversityfluctua- to the distributionof abundanceor of diversity. tions with diversityin groups,species, and areas.For explana- Thus this also gives a distribution following the tion seetext. N(x) = ax~b formulaofnon-linearcharacter given by Minelliet al. (1991) (Fig. 6). Thevalueofafor pelagic molluscs) shows areas with few species Thecosomata and Gymnosomata is 30 and 40, (e.g., South Indian Ocean) and areas with many respectively, and for bit is for both 1.1. species (e.g., NorthIndianOcean). Themorestable Abundant species will fluctuate with biomass, biotopes tend to show higher diversities. thus innumbers,differently fromrare species, and As we have shown that diversity and biomass sowillprobably also thelargerandsmallerspecies. show an inversefluctuation (e.g., biomasstendsto The most abundant species are not always the be lowin areas with high diversity),it is clearthat species ofthemost diversegenera, andtherare spe- groups with abundant species, groups with less cies are not always the species of generawith few diverse subgroups, groups with less related taxa, species. Limacinaretroversa(Fleminger, 1823)and and areas with few representatives of a group Styliola subula Quoy & Gaimard, 1827 are very should betreated differentlyfrom groupswith rare abundantover theirwholerange,but the first is a species, groupswithdiversesubgroups, groupswith memberofadiverse genusandthelatterofamono- closelyrelatedtaxa,andareas withmanyspecies of typic genus.Cliochaptali Gray, 1850andLaginiop- a group.This is showninFig. 5, wheretherelation sis trilobataPruvot-Fol, 1922are both always rare between these phenomena and variability in bio- butagain thefirstis amemberofavery diversege- mass and in diversity is given. nus and thelatterofamonotypic genus.Theabun- Thebody sizeof species is not consideredhere, danceand diversity fluctuationsare non-parallel or asgood dataonbody sizeofspecies are usually not unrelatedprocesses. A further study ofthecharac- 10 S. van derSpoel - Biosystematic basisforpelagic diversity Fig. 7. Euphausiiddistribution givenasnumbers ofspecies (inclasses of5) per 5° square(after Reid etal., 1976). ters mentioned above for taxa in relationto bio- moreinformationonreal diversity.However,most mass and diversity is highly recommended. calculations fail to indicate the contribution of eachsingle species to thediversity. Inanattemptto distinguish between more and less diverse water Diversity calculation masses, a formulawas developed (Van derSpoel & Bleeker, 1991)to calculatethecontributionofeach The diversity can be expressed inthe most simple species to the diversity. This formulamay be of way bygivingthenumbersof species ofataxon oc- value to evaluate diversity as well. curring indifferentareas. InFig. 7 thenumbersof This formulais based on theassumption that a euphausiids are given per5°squareafterReidetal. species has no value for diversity when it does not (1976). This kind of presentation gives only infor- contributeto thelevelofdiversityofthe faunaand mationon the biogeography of a group. So it is to the quality of diversity by showing a certain clearfromFig. 7 that euphausiids mainly occur in abundance.Theimportance of aspecies ina fauna Central waters and in the Indo-Malayan area, is thusgreater when its distance from thepoint of whichis expected (cf. Van der Spoel et al., 1990). zero diversityand zeroabundanceis greater. This Combining groups and dividing the ocean in is expressed in the formula: "natural"subareas, likebasinsandcurrent systems forpresenting the numbersof species, gives infor- B' = +C2)05 mationonspecies richness (Fig. 8).But this is again mainly arepresentation ofbiogeography, though it Here B' is thediversity valueofthespecies for the is less dependent on one group. faunaorsample in whichit is found, Cis thevalue Thediversityofafaunaor inasample can be cal- thataspecies adds tothequalityofthefaunaby its culated; e.g., the dominancevs. diversity formula abundance, andD is thevalueaspecies addsto the (Dm/Dv, seebelow) is frequently used. This gives qualityofthefaunaby itscontributionto diversity. 11 Fig.8. Total number ofspecies ofPteropoda,Heteropoda,and Hydromedusaefound in the different oceanbasins (own data;scale arbitrary). ThevalueCofaspecies isdependent onthenum- A is thenumberof samples inwhich the species is bersofspecimens relativeto theabundanceofthat found, and A is the maximumvalueof A for max species inothersamples andonthetotalnumberof the series ofsamples studied. species in the sample relative to that number in Theconceptual advance is thatwiththeformula other samples. Thus: B' = (D1+C2)0-5thecontributionofeach separate species to thediversitybecomes visiblein asample C = 100x (FxN' - UN')/ [(F x N'max - T.N') x F/Fmax] or fauna. This is not the case in the classical ap- proaches of diversity as shown intheexamples be- HereFis thenumberof species in the sample, N' low. As B' is usually high, it is represented as is the logarithmofthenumberofspecimens + 1 of B' /100for comparison withotherindexes. Theac- the species, Af' is the logarithm of the number tual influenceofthe numbersofspecimens is sup- max of specimens + 1 of themost abundantspecies in pressed by using log/V; the same formulacan also the sample, and F is the number of species in beused withTV(the actualnumberofspecimens) by max the most species-rich sample. replacing \ogNwhentheinfluenceofthenumberof The value of D of a species in a given sample specimens of each species should become better is dependent on the number of specimens in the visible. WhenNinsteadoflogN is used, thediver- sample, but relativeto the numberof the samples sity indexis calledBinsteadof B' (for anexample in which the species is found and relative to the see TableI: line B/100, B'/100and the blocks B numberof species found in other samples. Thus: and B'). The dominance/diversity formula is expressed D2 = (1 +Amm-A)2 x (1+M-A) x N' as: HereMisthetotalnumberofsamples inthestudy, Dm/Dv = %Nmax/S 12 S. van derSpoel - Biosystematic basisforpelagic diversity TableI. Data setfor variable faunas (hypotheticalcollection of10 speciesand 12 samples). a b c d e f g h i j k 1 samples species A Data I 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 4 8 0 1 1 10 II 5 4 3 2 0 20 6 5 10 0 1 1 10 III 1 2 3 4 2 0 5 7 14 0 1 1 10 IV O 6 7 8 6 3 3 4 8 3 3 1 11 V 0 0 5 1 7 2 25 3 8 4 4 1 10 VI O 0 0 20 0 0 10 1 6 1 1 1 7 VII 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 14 1 1 1 5 VIII 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 16 1 1 1 5 IX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 24 2 2 1 5 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 18 23 23 2 5 F 3 4 5 6 4 4 5 10 10 7 10 10 11 LN 11 17 23 40 20 30 49 70 126 35 38 11 Miiax 5.0 6.0 7.0 20.0 7.0 20.0 25.0 19.0 24.0 23.0 23.0 2.0 /•max 10 Amax 11 M 12 Bvalues B 31.0 18.8 11.4 10.8 7.7 11.1 0.0 25.9 41.5 0.0 15.0 11.6 B 31.0 9.0 33.9 21.6 0.0 42.9 15.1 18.4 25.3 0.0 15.0 11.6 B 60.1 51.7 33.9 13.9 60.2 0.0 17.6 9.2 17.9 0.0 15.0 11.6 B 0.0 40.1 50.1 7.2 20.3 14.6 22.5 25.2 40.5 8.2 4.8 11.2 B 0.0 0.0 11.4 25.7 41.0 18.3 52.9 33.9 41.5 7.9 7.0 11.6 B 0.0 0.0 0.0 81.2 0.0 0.0 38.7 51.5 65.2 19.8 19.0 16.5 B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.4 75.1 25.2 24.6 22.7 B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 56.6 84.6 25.2 24.6 22.7 B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 80.3 139.3 30.3 29.5 22.7 B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 132.1 96.4 118.0 137.9 103.8 B' values B' 30.2 21.8 13.7 3.9 7.8 3.3 0.0 26.8 49.5 0.0 22.2 11.3 B' 30.2 2.9 38.4 29.5 0.0 40.2 10.0 10.4 20.3 0.0 22.2 11.3 B' 60.0 61.4 38.4 6.6 72.0 0.0 16.8 16.7 25.6 0.0 22.2 11.3 B' 0.0 40.0 50.0 21.1 24.8 14.7 34.9 26.6 49.4 2.2 12.0 11.1 B' 0.0 0.0 13.7 48.1 40.1 24.2 50.2 47.1 49.5 10.8 23.1 11.3 B' 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.6 0.0 0.0 16.6 110.5 86.8 25.3 23.1 13.0 B' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.9 33.2 26.7 24.6 15.5 B' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.3 48.8 26.7 24.6 15.5 B' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 64.2 102.7 16.4 13.8 15.5 B' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 102.5 63.9 73.8 102.7 100.9 Indexes ß/100 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.3 0.9 1.5 4.9 6.3 2.3 2.9 2.5 BW100 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.4 0.8 1.3 4.6 5.3 1.8 2.9 2.2 m/v/10 1.5 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.7 1.0 0.3 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.2 D 0.8 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.0 0.9 1.0 2.1 1.9 1.7 2.5 3.8 X 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.9 H 1.0 1.6 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.7 3.5 3.4 3.6 3.7 2.3 H' 3.5 4.1 4.5 5.3 4.3 4.9 5.6 3.0 3.2 5.1 2.1 3.3 J' 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.4 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.7 1.1