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A biological assessment of sites in the Judith River watershed, Judith Basin County, Montana : August-September 2003 PDF

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by  BollmanWease
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A Biological Assessment of Sites in the Judith River Watershed, Judith Basin County, Montana August- September, 2003 By W. Bollman 2003 ^*?^ MONTANASTATELIBRARY 3 0864 0014 9392 6 m^ ^ ^^ •r'T'^fr. -« ,:,. ^m '^ <», -«.:H. ..V:^, ;-? A BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF SITES IN THE JUDITH RIVER WATERSHED, JUDITH BASIN COUNTY, MONTANA August-September, 2003 SWTT DOCUMENTS COLLECTIO:: mr 2 1 2004 MONTANA STATE LIBRARY HuEciLEANfAP..M^O-N^TtfAiNAAVE5.9620 A report to The Judith Basin Conservation District Stanford, Montana Theresa Wilhelm, Project Officer by Wease Bollman Rhithron Associates, Inc. Missoula, Montana December 2003 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes data collected in late August and early September, 2003 from 7 sites in theJudith River watershed, Judith Basin County, Montana. The purpose is to describe the ecological condition ofseveral locations in the Judith River basin using characteristics ofa biologic assemblage. This study also qualitatively compares the datacollected in 2003 with similarly collected datafrom 2001(Bollman 2002). Aquatic invertebrates are aptly applied to bioassessment since they are known to be important indicators ofstream ecosystem health (Hynes 1970). Long lives, complex life cycles and limited mobility meanthat there is ample time for the benthic community to respond to cumulative effects ofenvironmental perturbations. A multimetric approach to bioassessment such as the one applied in this study uses attributes ofthe assemblage in an integrated way to measure biotic health. A stream with good biotic health is "...a balanced, integrated, adaptive systemhaving the full range ofelements and processes that are expected in the region's natural environment..." (Karr and Chu 1999). The approach designed by Plafldn et al. (1989) and adapted for use in the State ofMontanahas been defined as '... an array of measures or metrics thatindividually provide information on diverse biological attributes, and when integrated, provide an overall indication ofbiological condition." (Barbour et al. 1995). Community attributes that can contribute meaningfully to interpretation ofbenthic data include assemblage structure, sensitivity ofcommunity members to stress orpollution, and functional traits. Each metric component contributes an independent measure ofthe biotic integrity ofa stream site; combining the components into atotal score reduces varietnce eind increases precision ofthe assessment (Fore et al. 1996). Effectiveness ofthe integrated metrics depends on the applicabilityofthe underl3dng model, which rests on afoundation ofthree essential "' ' elements (BoUman 1998a). The firstofthese is an appropriate stratification or classification ofstream sites, typically by ecoregion. Second, metrics must be selected based upon their ability to accurately express biological condition. Third, an adequate assessment ofhabitat conditions at each site to be studied enhances the interpretation ofmetric outcomes. Implicit in the multimetric method and its associated habitat assessment is an assumption ofcorrelative relationships between habitat measures and the biotic metrics, in the absence ofwater qualityimpadrment. These relationships may vary regionally, requiring an examination ofhabitat assessment elements and biotic metrics and atest ofthe presumed relationship between them. Montana's bioassessment protocols for macroinvertebrate assemblages were initially developed without rigorous examination or testing and have existed as aflexible working draft for over a decade (Bahls et al. 1992).The basic guidelines have been periodically updated (Bukantis 1998). BoHmam (1998a) has recently studied the assemblages ofthe Montana Valleys and Foothill Predries (MVFP) ecoregion, and has recommended a battery ofmetrics applicable to the montcine ecoregions ofwestern Montana. This metric battery hasbeen shown to be sensitiveto impairment, related to measures ofhabitat integrity, aind consistent over replicated saunples. There has also been recent progress in improving bioassessment for Plains ecoregions streams. Multimetric indices usingaquatic invertebrateswere developed by Bramblett etal. (2002) for streams ofthe Plains ecoregions ofMontiana. These indiceswere evaluated for responsivenessto anthropogenic disturbances, lack ofresponsiveness to natural factors, and temporal stability. Although both ofthese revised assessment tools probably need refinement, their use, coupled with qualitative inferences based on the taxonomic and functional characteristics ofthe invertebrate assemblage, cein provide valuable insight into the effects ofwater quality and physical habitat condition on the biotic integrity ofstreams. MBTHODS Samples were collected on August 8 and 9, 2003 by personnel ofthe Judith Basin Conservation EHstrict. Sample designations and site locations are indicated in Table 1 and Figure 1. The site selection and sampling method employed were those recommended in the Montana DepartmentofEnvironmental Quality (Montana DEQ) Standard Operating ProceduresforAquatic Macroinvertebrate Sampling (Bukantis 1998). Aquatic invertebrate samples were delivered to Rhithron Associates, Inc., Missoula, Montana, for laboratory and data analyses. In the laboratory, the Montana DEQ-recommended sorting method was used to obtain subsamples ofat least 300 organisms from each sample, when possible. Organisms were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic levels consistentwith Montana DEQ protocols. TheJudith River is tributary to the Missouri River. Four sites in this study lie within the Northern Rockies ecoregion, one site lies within the MontanaValley and Foothill Pradrie ecoregion, and one site lies within the Northwestern Great Plains ecoregion (Woods at al. 1999). Table 1. Sample designations and locations. Sites are listed in upstream-to- downstream order. Judith Riverwatershed. August 2001 and August-September, 2003. Site ID N„0:£Tt^' N.OCSOt^^ N,CI0,6Sc9t' N,flQ^S.9t' HJX.^oiV H.flOSZoiV h,fiOMo9^ in this report incorporates multiple attributes ofthe sampled assemblage into an integrated score that accurately describes the benthic community ofeach site in terms ofits biologic integrity. In addition to the metrics comprisingthe index, other metrics shown to be applicable to biomonitoring in other regions (Kleindl 1995, Patterson 1996, Rossano 1995) were used for descriptive interpretation ofresults. These metrics include the number of'dinger" taxa, long-lived taxa richness, the percent ofpredatory organisms, and others. They are not included in the integrated bioassessment score, however, since their performance in western Montana ecoregions is unknown. However, the relationship ofthese metrics to habitat conditions is intuitive and reasonable. The six metrics comprising the bioassessnaent index used for MVFP sites in this study were selected because, both individually and as an integrated metric battery, they are robust at distinguishingimpaired sites from relativelyunimpaired sites (Bollman 1998a). In addition, they are relevant to the kinds ofim.pacts that are present in the Judith Riverwatershed. They have been demonstrated to be more variable with anthropogenic disturbance than with natural environmental gradients (Bollman 1998a). Each ofthe six metrics developed and tested for western Montana ecoregions is described below. 1. Ephemeroptera (mayfly) taxa richness. The number ofmayfly taxa declines as water quality diminishes. Impairments to water quality which have been demonstrated to adversely affect the ability ofmayflies to flourish include elevated water temperatures, heavy metal contamination, increased turbidity, low or high pH, elevated specific conductance and toxic chemicaJs. Few mayfly species are able to tolerate certain disturbances to instream habitat, such as excessive sediment deposition. 2. Plecoptera (stonefly) taxa richness. Stoneflies are particularly susceptible to impairments that affect a stream on a reach-level scale, such as loss ofriparian canopy, streambankinstability, charmelization, and alteration of morphological features such as pool frequency and function, riffle development and sinuosity. Just as sdl benthic organisms, they are eJso susceptible to smaller scale habitat loss, such as by sediment deposition, loss ofinterstitial spaces between substrate particles, or unstable substrate. 3. Trichoptera (caddisfly) taxa richness. Caddisfly taxa richness has been shown to decline when sediment deposition affects habitat. In addition, the presence ofcertain case-building caddisflies can indicate good retention ofwoody debris and lack ofscouring flow conditions. 4. Number ofsensitive taxa. Sensitive taxa are generallythe first to disappear as anthropogenic disturbances increase. The list ofsensitive taxa used here includes organisms sensitive to awide reinge ofdisturbemces, includingwarmer water temperatures, organic or nutrient pollution, toxic pollution, sediment deposition, substrate instability auid others. Unimpaired streeims ofwestern Montana typically support at least four sensitive taxa (Bollman 1998a). 5. Percent ftlter feeders. Filter-feeding organisms are a diverse group; they capture small particles oforganic matter, or organically enriched sediment material, from thewater column by means ofavariety ofadaptations, such as silken nets or hairy appendetges. In forested montane streams, filterers are expected to occur in insignificant numbers. Their abundance increases when canopy cover is lost and when water temperaturesincrease and the accompanying growth of filamentous algae occurs. Some filtering organisms, specifically the Arctopsychid caddisflies (Arctopsychespp. and Parapsychespp.) build silken netswith large mesh sizes that capture small organisms such as chironomids and early-instar mayflies. Here they are considered predators, and, in this study, their abundance does not contribute to thepercent filter feeders metric. 6. Percent tolerant taxa. Tolerant taxa are ubiquitous in stream sites, but when disturbance increases, their abundance increases proportionately. The list of taxa used here includes organisms tolerant ofa wide range ofdisturbances, includingwarmer water temperatures, organic or nutrient pollution, toxic pollution, sediment deposition, substrate instability and others. Scoring criteria for each ofthese metrics are presented in Table 2. Metrics differ in their possiblevalue ranges as well as in the direction the values move as biological conditions change. For example, Ephemeroptera richness values may range from zero to ten taxa or higher. Lcirger values generally indicate favorable biotic conditions. On the other hand, the percentfilterers metric mayrsinge from 0%to 100%; in this case, larger values are negative indicators ofbiotic health. To facilitate scoring, therefore, metric values were transformed into a single scale. The range ofeach metric has been divided into four parts and assigned a point score between zero and three. A score ofthree indicates a metric value similar to one characteristic ofa non-impedred condition. A score ofzero indicates strong deviation from non-impaired condition and suggests severe degradation ofbiotic health. Scores for each metric were summed to give an overall score, the total bioassessment score, for each site in each sampling event. These scores were expressed as the percent ofthe maximum possible score, which is 18 for this metric battery. Table 2. Metrics Etnd scoring criteriafor bioassessment ofmontane streams ofWestern Montana (Bollman 1998a). Score Metric 3 2 1 6 Ephemeroptera taxa richness >5 Plecoptera taxa richness Trichoptera taxa richness Sensitive taxa richness Percent filterers Percent tolerant taxa Assessing sites in the Northwestern GreatPlains ecoregion Two bioassessment methods were employed in evaluating the data from the Northwestern Great Pladns ecoregion site (JR 2). First, the metric battery recommended in the Montana DEQ standard operatingprocedures (Bukantis 1998) was used. Metrics and scoring criteriafor this method are given in Table 2. These metrics should be considered provisional, since correlative relationships between them and meaningful measures ofhabitat condition and water quality have not been evaluated. Assurance of the validity ofassociations between meaningful habitat measures and biotic metrics is particularly compelling in the Plains ecoregion, since impairment ofthe biotic health of streams in this region is generally the result ofnon-point sources ofwater quality degradation and habitat disturbance. Agricultural activities, including cattle grazing and flow alteration, are predominant causes ofdisturbance. The benthic assemblages of the Plains ecoregions etnd the performance ofthese bioassessment metrics have not yet been examined thoroughly enough to determine whether or not the individual metrics or their integrated scores can discriminate impaired conditions from good biotic health. Thus, conclusions concerning bioassessment based upon these metrics must be reggu-ded as tentative. To facilitate scoring, metric values were transformed into a non-dimensional scale. The range ofeach metric has been divided into four parts smd assigned a point score between zero and three. A score ofthree indicates a metric value similar to one characteristic ofanon-impaired condition. A score ofzero indicates strong deviation if- from non-impaired condition and suggests severe degradation ofbiotic health. Scores for each metric were summed to give an overall score, the total bioassessment score, for each site in each sampling event. Recently, multimetric bioassessment indices using aquatic invertebrateswere developed by Bramblett et al. (2002) for streams ofthe Plains ecoregions ofMontana. These indices were evaluated for responsiveness to anthropogenic disturbances, lack of responsiveness to natural factors, and temporal stability. Although the indices probably need further refinement and have notyet been accepted for steindard bioassessment use by the State, metric values, scores, and assessmentsusing the appropriate index are given here inTable 5. To allow for comparison with the Montana DEQ standard procedure. Figure 1 pairs scores from each method for the Plains stream site. For all bioassessment methods, total scores were expressed as the percent ofthe maximum possible score and these were converted into use support classifications. Criteria for use-support designationswere developed by Montana DEQ and are presented inTable 3a. Scores were edso translated into impairment classifications accordingto criteria outlined in Table 3b. Qualitativeinterpretations In this report, certain other metrics were used as descriptors ofthe benthic ^ community response to habitat or water quality but were not incorporated into the bioassessment metric battery, either because they have notyet been tested for reliability in streams ofwestern Montcina, or because results ofsuch testing did not show them to be robust at distinguishing impeiirment, or because they did not meet i . other requirements for inclusion in the metric battery. These metrics and their use in predicting the causes ofimpairment or in describingits effects on the biotic community are described below. • The modified biotic index. This metric is an adaptation ofthe HilsenhoffBiotic ; '"" Index (HBI, Hilsenhoff 1987), which was originally designed to indicate organic i enrichment ofwaters. Values ofthis metric are lowest in least impacted ~~ "' conditions. Taxa tolerauit to saprobic conditions are also genersdly tolerant of warm water, fine sediment and heavy filamentous algae growth (Bollman 1998b). Loss ofcanopy cover is often a contributor to higher biotic indexvalues. The taxavalues used in this report are modified to reflect habitat and water

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