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A bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to publically disclose the identity of long-term care facilities listed under the Special Focus Facility Program of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services PDF

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Preview A bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to publically disclose the identity of long-term care facilities listed under the Special Focus Facility Program of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

C2-C.7-13 B7s5l0tGiSme&cru£r^itMyBivxl. 21244 j n 110thcongress 2480 l8TSession S. ToreciiiiivtlieSecretan'ofHealthandHumanSenacestopublieallydisclose the identity oflong-term care facilities listed underthe Special Focus FacilityProgramoftheCentersforMedicare&MedicaidSei-vices. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES December13,2007 Mrs.Clinton(forherselfandMr.Harkin)introducedthefollowingbill; whichwasreadtwiceandreferredtotheCommitteeonFinance A BILL To require the Secretar\^ of Health and Human Sendees topubhcallydisclosethe identityoflong:-term care facili- ties listed under the Special Focus Facility Program oftheCentersforMedicare&MedicaidServices. 1 BeitenactedbytheSenateandHouseofBepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 4 ThisActmaybecitedasthe"NursingHomeQuality 5 andTransparency''Act". 6 SEC.2.FINDINGS. 7 Congi'essmakesthefolio-wingfindings: 2 1 (1) America's i)opulation is rapidly aging. The 2 population most likelyto needlong-term care, those 3 85 years of age and older, is projected to increase 4 from5,000,000in2006to21,000,000by2050. 5 (2) Currentlyapjiroximately 10,000,000Ameri- 6 cans have long-term care needs. Consen-ative esti- 7 mates indicate that the number of those needing 8 care^^^lldoubleby2050. 9 (3) Nearly 3,000,000 Americans depend on ap- 10 proximately 16,000 nursing homes nationwide at 11 some point during each year to pro\ade them with 12 carethatiscriticaltotheirhealthandweh-beinff 13 (4) On November 29, 2007, the Centers for 14 Medicare & Mecheaid Senices (referred to in this 15 sectionas "CMS") attheDepartmentofHealthand 16 Human Ser\ices released its first ranking of poor- 17 performingnursinghomes. 18 (5) This list of special focus facilities will give 19 famihes critical information as thev are choosino' 20 nursinghomecareforalovedone. 21 (6) As ofOctober 2007, therewere 128 special 22 focus facilities identified by CMS. These nursing 23 homes were identified because they are among the 24 poorest 5to 10percentineachState. •S2480IS ~ CC.2-IS07L-ib1.3arv' o7^o0l0tiSfmxcur.irtsy^B^.'vd. 21244 1 (7) Designation as a special focus facility re- 2 suits in tAnce as manyinspections and monthlydoc- 3 umentation of all complaints for nursing- homes on 4 thelist. 5 (8) CMS dataindicatethat about50percentof 6 the nursing homes identified as special focus facili- 7 ties improve their quality ^^^thin 24 to 30 months, 8 while about 16 percent are terminated from partici- 9 pationinMedicareandMedicaid. 10 (9) Despitethevalueofdisclosingthisinforma- 11 tiontofamilies, CMSreleasedthenamesofonly52 12 ofthe 128poorperformingnursinghomes. 13 (10) To promote transparency and quality in 14 care, the names of all nursing homes that are des- 15 ignated as special focus facilities should be made 16 availabletothepublic. 17 SEC.3.DISCLOSUREOFSPECIALFOCUSFACILITIES. 18 Not later than 30 days afterthe date ofenactment 19 of this Act, and monthly thereafter, the Secretary of 20 Health and Human Services shall disclose, through the 21 use ofthe Internet website ofthe Centers for Medicare 22 &MedicaidServices,theidentitiesofthoselong-termcare 23 facilitiesthat appear onthe listofspecial focus facihties •S2480IS ensLIBRHRV 4 3 BU15 OODLDm 4 1 underthe Special Focus FacilityProgram ofthe Centers 2 forMedicare&MedicaidSenices. O >S2480IS

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