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A bill to require Medicare providers to disclose publicly staffing and performance in order to promote improved consumer information and choice, to protect employees of Medicare providers who report concerns about the safety and quality of services provid PDF

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Preview A bill to require Medicare providers to disclose publicly staffing and performance in order to promote improved consumer information and choice, to protect employees of Medicare providers who report concerns about the safety and quality of services provid

Ci13Libiar>' C2-07-13 n 750eS'xu:1lyBivd. Fjcltimora. Marylenri 21244 106thcongress S.966 1stSession To requiremedicareproviders to disclosepubliclystaffingandperformance inordertopromoteimprovedconsumerinformationandchoice,topro- tect employees of medicare providers who report concerns about the safety and quality of services pro\aded by medicare providers orwho report violations of Federal or State law by those providers, and to require review ofthe impact on public health and safetyofproposed mergersandacquisitionsofmedicareproviders. IN THE SENATE OF TliE UNITED STATES May5,1999 Mr.Reidintroducedthefollowingbill;whichwasreadtwiceandreferredto theCommitteeonFinance A BILL To require medicare providers to disclose publicly staffing andperformanceinordertopromoteimprovedconsumer informationandchoice, toprotectemployeesofmedicare providerswhoreport concernsaboutthe safetyandqual- ity of services provided by medicare providers or who report violations of Federal or State law by those pro- viders, and to require review of the impact on public health and safety of proposed mergers and acquisitions ofmedicareproviders. 1 BeitenactedhytheSenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, — 2 1 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 2 TliisActmaybecitedasthe "PatientSafetyActof 3 1999". 4 SEC.2.FINDINGS. 5 Congressfindsthefollowing: 6 (1) Therehasbeenincreased andgrowingpub- 7 Heconcernexpressedregardingthequalityand safe- 8 ty of services provided by health care facilities, as 9 such facilities have instituted aggressive efforts to 10 reducelevelsofstaffwhoprovide directpatientcare 11 servicesasaprincipalmeansofdecreasingexpenses. 12 (2)Agrowingbodyofdatasuggests 13 (A) alinkagebetweenthenumberandmix 14 ofnursing staff and positive patient care out- 15 comes, includingthe avoidance ofpatient death 16 andinjury;and 17 (B) that certain adverse patient care indi- 18 cators, including medication errors, patient in- 19 jury, decubitus ulcers, nosocomial infections, 20 and nosocomial urinary tract infections, signal 21 a deterioration ofthe quahty ofcare that may 22 leadtopatientdeathandinjury. 23 (3) Many employees of health care facilities 24 haveexpressedfearfortheiremploymentiftheyre- 25 portunsafe conditions, includingviolations of State 26 orFederallaw. •S966IS — 3 1 (4) Unprecedented consolidation among health 2 care facilities has led to increasing concern regard- 3 ingtheeffectofsuchactivityonthehealthandsafe- 4 ty ofcommunities served bythese facilities, yet the 5 Federal Government has little authorityto evaluate 6 such effect in deciding whether or not to approve 7 mergers and acquisitions among health care facUi- 8 ties. 9 SEC.3.DEFINmONS. 10 ForpurposesofthisAct: 11 (1) Licensedpractical nurse orlicensed — 12 vocational nurse. The term "licensed practical 13 nurse or licensed vocational nurse" means an indi- 14 vidualwho is entitled under Statelaworregulation 15 topracticeasalicensedpracticalnurseoralicensed 16 vocationalnurse. — 17 (2) Made publicly available. The term 18 "madepubliclyavailable" means,withrespectto in- 19 formation of a provider, information that is 20 provided 21 (A) to the Secretary and to any State 22 agency responsible for licensing or accrediting 23 theprovider; 24 (B) toanyStateagencywhichapprovesor 25 oversees health care services dehvered by the >S966IS — 4 1 provider directly or tlirough an insuring entity 2 orcorporation; and 3 (C) to anymemberofthepublicwhich re- 4 quests such information directly from the pro- 5 vider. — 6 (3) Medicare program. Theterm"medicare 7 program" means the programs undertitleXVIII of 8 theSocialSecurityAct. — 9 (4)Provider. Theterm"provider"meansan 10 entitythatis 11 (A) apsychiatrichospital describedinsec- 12 tion1861(f) oftheSocialSecurityAct; 13 (B) aproviderofservicesdescribedinsec- 14 tion1861(u) ofsuchAct; 15 (C) a rural health clinic described in sec- 16 tion1861(aa)(2) ofsuchAct; 17 (D) an ambulatory surgical center de- 18 scribedin section 1832(a)(2)(F)(i) ofsuchAct; 19 or 20 (E) a renal dialysis facility described in 21 section1881(b)(1)(A)ofsuchAct. — 22 (5) Registered nurse. The term "reg- 23 istered nurse" means an individual v^^ho is entitled 24 under State law or regulation to practice as a reg- 25 isterednurse. S966IS 5 — 1 (6) Secretaiiy. Theterm "Secretary" means 2 theSecretaryofHealthandHumanServices. 3 SEC.4.PUBLICDISCLOSUREOFSTAFFINGANDOUTCOMES 4 DATA. — 5 (a) Disclosure of Staffing and Outcomes. 6 Anyproviderunderthemedicareprogramshall,asacon- 7 dition ofcontinued participation in such program, make 8 pubhcly available information regarding nurse staffing 9 andpatientoutcomesas specifiedbythe Secretary. Such 10 informationshallincludeatleastthefollowing: 11 (1) The number ofregistered nurses providing 12 directcare. Thisinformationshallbeexpressedboth 13 in raw numbers, in terms oftotal hours ofnursing 14 care per patient (including adjustment for case mix 15 and acuity), and as a percentage of nursing staff, 16 andshallbebrokendownintermsofthetotalnurs- 17 ingstaff,eachunit, andeachshift. 18 (2) The number ofhcensed practical nurses or 19 hcensedvocationalnursesprovidingdirectcare. This 20 information shallbeexpressedbothinrawnumbers, 21 in terms oftotal hours ofnursing care per patient 22 (includingadjustmentforcasemix and acuity^, and 23 asapercentageofnursingstaff, andshallbebroken 24 downin terms ofthe total nursing staff, eachunit, 25 andeachshift. >S966IS 6 1 (3) Numbers ofunlicensedpersonnelutilizedto 2 providedirectpatientcare. Thisinformation shallbe 3 expressedbothinraw numbers and as apercentage 4 ofnursing staffand shall be broken down in terms 5 ofthetotal nursingstaff, eachunit, andeach shift. 6 (4) The average number of patients per reg- 7 istered nurse providing direct patient care. This in- 8 formation shallbebrokendownintermsofthetotal 9 nursingstaff,eachunit, andeachshift. 10 (5) Patient mortalityrate (in rawnumbers and 11 bydiagnosisordiagnostic-relatedgroup). 12 (6) Incidence ofadverse patient care incidents, 13 including as such incidents at least medication er- 14 rors, patient injury, decubitusulcers, nosocomial in- 15 fections, andnosocomialurinaiytractinfections. 16 • (7) Methodsusedfordeterminingandadjusting 17 staffing levels and patient care needs and the pro- 18 vider'scomplianceAviththesemethods. — 19 (b) Disclosure of Complaints. Data regarding 20 complaints filedwith the State agency, the Health Care 21 FinancingAdministration, oranaccreditingagency, com- 22 phancewiththestandards ofwhichhavebeen deemedto 23 demonstrate comphance with conditions of participation 24 under the medicare program, and data regarding inves- 25 tigationsandfindingsasaresultofthosecomplaintsand •S966IS — — 1 the findings ofscheduled inspectionvisits, shallbe made 2 publiclyavailable. — 3 (c)InformationonData. ^Alldatamadepublicly 4 available undertliis section shall indicate the source and 5 currencyofthedataprovided. — 6 (d)WaiverforSmallProviders. TheSecretary 7 maywaive or reduce reporting requirements under this 8 sectioninthecase ofasmallprovider (asdefinedbythe 9 Secretar\^) for whom the imposition ofthe requirements 10 wouldbeundulyburdensome. 11 SEC.5.PROTECTIONOFCERTAINACTIVITIESBYEMPLOY- 12 EESOFMEDICAREPROVIDERS. — 13 (a) L\ General. No provider under the medicare 14 program shall terminate or take other adverse action 15 against any employee or groups ofemployees for actions 16 takenforthepurposeof 17 (1) notifying the provider of conditions which 18 the employee or group of employees identifies, in 19 communications with the provider, as dangerous or 20 potentiallydangerousorinjuriousto 21 (A) patientswho currentlyreceive services 22 fromtheprovider; 23 (B) individuals who are likely to receive 24 servicesfromtheprovider; or 25 (C)employeesoftheprovider; >S966IS 8 1 (2) notifying a Federal or State agency or an 2 accreditation agency, compliancewith the standards 3 ofwhich have been deemed to demonstrate compli- 4 ancewithconditionsofparticipationunderthemedi- 5 careprogram, ofsuchconditions asareidentifiedin 6 paragraph(1); 7 (3) notifying other individuals of conditions 8 which the employee or group of employees reason- 9 ablybelievetobesuchasaredescribedinparagraph 10 (1); 11 (4) discussing such conditions as are identified 12 in paragraph (1) with other employees for the pur- 13 posesofinitiatingactiondescribedinparagraph (1), 14 (2),or(3);or 15 (5) other related activities as specified inregu- 16 lationspromulgatedbytheSecretary. — 17 (b) Sanction. determination by the Secretary 18 thatapro\iderhastakensuchactionasdescribedinsub- 19 section (a) shall result in suspension from participation 20 inthemedicareprogramforaperiodoftimetobespeci- 21 fiedbythe Secretary, such period to be not less than 1 22 month. — 23 (c)Exception. Theprotectionsofthissectionshall 24 not apply to any employee who knowingly or recklessly 25 provides substantiallyfalse information to the Secretary. S966IS 9 1 SEC.6.EVALUATIONOFHEALTHANDSAFETYOFCERTAIN 2 MERGERSANDACQUISITIONSBYORAMONG 3 MEDICAREPROVIDERS. — 4 (a) ImpactReport. ^Anyproviderunderthemedi- 5 care program that files with the Department of Justice 6 andtheFederalTradeCommissionnotificationofatrans- 7 actionwhichisrequiredtobereportedpursuanttosection 8 7AoftheClaytonAct(15U.S.C. 18a) shall, onthesame 9 date as such notification is submitted, provide the Sec- 10 retarywith awrittenreportthatincludesthe overallim- 11 pact ofsuch transaction on the health services available 12 andreadilyaccessibletothecommunityandthatincludes 13 the impact ofsuchtransaction on each ofthe following: 14 (1) On the availability and accessibihty ofpri- 15 mary,acutecare,andemergencyservices. 16 (2) Ontheavailabilityand accessibilityofserv- 17 icesformothersandchildren. 18 (3) Ontheavailabilityandaccessibilityofserv- 19 icestotheelderly. 20 (4) Ontheavailabilityandaccessibilityofserv- 21 icestootherspecificpopulations,includingthepoor, 22 the uninsured, ethnic minorities, women, the dis- 23 abled, andthelesbianandgaycommunities. 24 (5) On the availability and accessibility ofspe- 25 cialized services, including services for the preven- 26 tion, detection, and treatment of the human im- •S966IS — 10 1 munodeficiency virus and related illnesses, mental 2 healthservices, andsubstanceabuseservices. 3 (6) On the safety and quality of health care 4 services to be provided, including anticipated 5 changes in numbers and mix of nursing and other 6 patientcarestaffandonotherfactorsrelatedtopa- 7 tientoutcomes. 8 (7) Ontheavailabilityandaccessibilityofsocial 9 servicesandotherserviceswithinthecommunity. 10 (8) On overall employment within the commu- 11 nity. 12 (9) Ontheprovider'sworkforce,including 13 (A) the status of existing collective bar- 14 gainingcontracts,ifany;and 15 (B) plans for retraining and redeplojnnent 16 of employees who are displaced as a result of 17 thecontemplatedtransaction. 18 (10) On the financial stabihty of the merged 19 entity,takinginto accountatleastprojectedacquisi- 20 tion costs, related expenses, and planned marketing 21 oradvertisingcampaignsforthenewentity. 22 (11) Onotherfactorstobe specifiedinregula- 23 tionstobepromulgatedbytheSecretary. 24 Suchreportshallbeinadditiontoanydocumentationre- 25 quiredbyanyotherFederalorStateagency. •S966IS

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