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A bill to require continued application of budget neutrality on a national basis in calculation of the Medicare urban hospital wage floor PDF

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Preview A bill to require continued application of budget neutrality on a national basis in calculation of the Medicare urban hospital wage floor

f^l?(.c La^s/Mpuse/H-n(IID4A <iwerr/M'^^s'.on/T^dB'/f,^7_ I n Ot2iiBSCEO«N«G,ORNESS Hww. K. dg^I£\Igd^go^ TomiiiirocontinuedajiplicationofInidoctneutralityonanationalbasis inealculatioiioftheMedicareni-banhosjjitalwagetlooi-. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATR^S September18,2008 Mr. L.VRSON ofCoiniecticnt (forhimself, Mr. MuRPIlYofCoiniecticnt, Ms. DeLaiiro,Mi-.Courtney,andMr.Pascrell)introdncedthefollowino- bill;whichwasreferredtotheCommitteeonWaysandMeans A BILL To require continued application of budget neutrality on a national basis in calculation ofthe Medicare urban hos- pitalwagefloor. 1 BeitenactedhytheSenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 4 ThisActmaybecitedasthe"SafeguardingOurHos- 5 pitals'FuturesActof2008". ensLIBRARV 2 3 flDTS DL7BTa 7 1 SEC. 2. CONTINUED APPLICATION OF BUDGET NEU- 2 TRALITYONANATIONALBASISINCALCULA- 3 TION OF THE MEDICARE URBAN HOSPITAL 4 WAGEFLOOR. 5 InthecaseofdischargesoceurriiigonorafterOeto- 6 ber1,2008,theSecretaryofHealthandHumanSendees 7 shall continue to administer section 4410(b) ofthe Bal- 8 ancedBudgetActof1997 (42 U.S.C. 1395wnote) and 9 section412.64(e)oftitle42,CodeofFederalRegulations, 10 in the same manner as the Secretaiy administered such 11 sections fordischarges occurringduringfiscalyear 2008 12 (throughauniform,nationaladjustmenttotheareawage 13 index). O >HR6966IH

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