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A bill to provide for the imposition of administrative fees for Medicare overpayment collection, and to require automated prepayment screening of Medicare claims, and for other purposes PDF

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Preview A bill to provide for the imposition of administrative fees for Medicare overpayment collection, and to require automated prepayment screening of Medicare claims, and for other purposes

PROPERTYOF my 20 R£CB 105thcongress 267 1stSession S. providefortheimpositionofadministrativefeesformedicareoverpayment collection, andto require automatedprepayment screeningofmedicare claims,andforotherpurposes. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES February5,1997 .McCainintroducedthefollowingbill;whichwasreadtwiceandreferred totheCommitteeonFinance A BILL Toprovidefortheimpositionofadministrativefeesformedi- care overpa\Tnent collection, and to require automated prepayment screening ofmedicare claims, and for other purposes. 1 BeitenactedhytheSenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftJw UnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 4 ThisActmaybecitedasthe"ReductionInMedicare 5 OverpaymentCostsActof1997". ' . . ' 1 SEC.2.ADMINISTRATIVEFEES FORMEDICARE OVERPAY- 2 MENTCOLLECTION. 3 (a) Administrative Fees for Pro^tders of — 4 ServicesUnderPartA. Section1815(d)oftheSocial 5 SecurityAct (42 U.S.C. 1395g(d)) is amendedbyinsert- 6 ing"(1)"after"(d)"andbyaddingattheendthefollow- 7 ingnewparagraph: 8 "(2)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), if 9 the payment ofthe excess described in paragraph (1) is 10 notmade(oreffectedbyoffset)witliin30daysofthedate 11 ofthe determination, an administrative fee of 1 percent 12 oftheoutstandingbalanceoftheexcess (afterapplication 13 ofparagraph (1)), or such lower amount as anAdminis- 14 trativeLawJudge maydetermine upon an appeal ofthe 15 initialdeterminationoftheexcess,shallbeimposedonthe 16 pro\ider,fordepositintotheTrustFundunderthis})art. 17 "(B) The administrative fee shall be imposed under 18 subparagraph (A) onapro\iderofservicespaidona 19 spectivebasis onlyifsuch pro\ider's cost reportwith re- 20 spect to the payment determined to be in excess ofthe 21 paymentdueunderthispartindicatesthatthepro^^der's 22 projectedcostsexceededits actual costsby30 percentor 23 more.". 24 (b) ADMI^^STRATI^^ Fees for Promders of — 25 SER\acESOROtherPersonsUnt)erPartB. Section 26 1833(j) ofthe Social Securitj^ Act (42 U.S.C. 1395i(j)) •S267IS — 3 1 is amended byinserting *'(!)" after "(j)" andhyadding 2 attheendthefollowingnewparagraph: 3 "(2) Ifthe excess described inparagraph (1) is not 4 made (or effected by offset) within 30 days ofthe date 5 ofthe determination, an administrative fee of 1 percent 6 oftheoutstandingbalanceoftheexcess (afterapplication 7 ofparagraph (1)), or such lower amount as anAdminis- 8 trative Law-Judge maydetermine upon an appeal ofthe 9 initialdeterminationoftheexcess,shallbeimposedonthe 10 pro\dder, orotherpersonreceivingtheexcess, fordeposit 11 intotheTrustFundunderthispart.". — 12 (c) Effectr^ Date. The amendments made by 13 tliis section shall apply to final determinations made on 14 orafterthedateofenactmentofthisAct. 15 SEC. 3.AUTOMATED PREPAYMENT SCREENING REQUIRE- 16 MENT. — 17 (a) Determinatiox byAdministrator. BySep- 18 tember1ofeachyear(beginningwith1997),theAdminis- 19 tratoroftheHealthCareFinancingAdministration,after 20 consultationwith the Comptroller General ofthe United 21 States,shalldetermine 22 (1) the medical diagnoses bypro\'iders ofserv- 23 ices under title X\^II of the Social Security' Act 24 whichfrequentlyresultinoverpajonentstosuchpro- 25 \ddersundersuchtitle; and S267IS ensLiBRniiv 4 ' 3 ams Lfl3L7 4 1 (2) thepercentage ofclaims involvingthe diag- 2 noses described in paragraph (1), that fiscal 3. intermediaries and carriers under such title shall 4 screen before payment is made in order to avoid 5 suchoverpajTnents. 6 (b) Requirement for Fiscal Intermediaries — 7 AND Carriers. The Secretary of Health and Human 8 Services shall not enter into a contract with a fiscal 9 intermediars"orcarrierundertitleX\'nioftheSocialSe- 10 curityAct (42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.) unlessthe Secretary 11 finds that such intermediars' or carrier will screen the 12 claims for payment, in accordance with subsection (a), 13 undersuchtitle. 14 (c) Notice to Fiscal iNTERMEDLyiiES and Car- — 15 RIERS. The Secretary shall cause to have pubhshed in 16 the Federal Register, in the last 15 days of October of 17 each year, the results ofthe determination made under 18 subsection(a). , • ; ; O 'S267IS 1

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