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A bill to establish the Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare to make findings and issue recommendations on the future of the Medicare program PDF

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Preview A bill to establish the Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare to make findings and issue recommendations on the future of the Medicare program

104TIICONGRESS H.R. 3881 2i)Session Tot'stal)lislitlu'liipartisiuiCommissionontheP^iturcofMedicaretomake fiiKliiifrsandissuerecommendationsonthefutureoftheMwhcareprojrram. IX THE HOUSE OF REPRESEXTATmi]S JlLV23.1996 Mr. Stkah.ns (for himself, Mr. Wolf, Mr. .McIIroil, Mr. (Jihho.ns, Mr. M().\T(i().\iKKV. and Mr. K()HR.\hachek) introduced tlie folUminp bill; which was referred totlie(^onimitteeon (\)mmerce, and in addition to theCommitteeonWaysandMeans,foraperiodtobesubsequentlyde- terminedbytheSpeaker,ineachcaseforconsiderationofsuchpro\'isioiis asfallwithinthejurisdictionofthecommitteeconcerned A BILL To establish the Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare to make findings and issue recommendations ontheftitureoftheMedicareprogram. 1 BeitenactedbytheSenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.ESTABLISHMENTOFBIPARTISANCOMMISSION 4 ONTHEFUTUREOFMEDICARE. 5 TliereisestabhshedacommissiontobeknowTiasthe 6 Bi})artisanCommissionontheP\itureofMedicare(intliis 7 Actreferredtoasthe''Commission"). 2 1 SEC.2.DUTIES. — 2 (a) Findings. TheCommissionshallmake specific 3 findingsregardingeachofthefoUoA\dng: 4 (1) Patterns of si)ending under the Medicare 5 program under title XMII of the Social Security 6 Act. 7 (2) Thelong-term solvencyoftlie Federal IIos- 8 pital Insurance Tnist Fund under section 1817 of 9 the Social Security Act and the Federal Sui)ple- 10 mentarv' ^Medical Insurance Trust P\ind under sec- 11 tion 1841 ofsuchAct. 12 (3) Thefeasibilityanddesirabilityofexjoanding 13 thechoicesavailabletoMedicarebeneficiariesinthe 14 methods through which Medicare benefits are pro- 15 vided, includingpro^^dingbenefitsthrough managed 16 care arrangements and through coordination with 17 employer-sponsored or other private health benefit 18 plans. 19 (4) The need to ehminate waste, fraud, and 20 abuseundertheMedicareprogram. 21 (5) The quality of services pro\dded under the 22 Medicareprogram. 23 (6) The effectiveness of the existing structure 24 andadministrationoftheMedicareprogram. •HR3881ffl — 3 — 1 (b) Recommexdatioxs. The Commission shall 2 makespecificrecommendationstotheConfessregrarding 3 itsfindinofsundersubsection(a). 4 SEC.3.MEMBERSHIP. 5 (a)Al'POIXTMEXT. — 6 (1) Ix (;exeil\l. The Commission shall be 7 composedof15 membersappointedasfollows: 8 (A) The President shall ap})oint o mem- 9 bers, of whom at least one shall be under 35 10 yearsofageatthetimeofapi)ointment. 11 (B) ThemajorityleaderoftheSenateshall 12 api)oint, after consultation with the minority 13 leaderofthe Senate, 5 Members ofthe Senate, 14 ofwhom not more than 3 maybe ofthe same 15 political party' and at least one shall be under 16 35yearsofageatthetimeofappointment. 17 (C) The Speaker of the House of Rep- 18 resentatives shall appoint, after consultation 19 with the minority leader ofthe House ofRep- 20 resentatives, 5 Members oftheHouse, ofwhom 21 not more than 3 may be ofthe same political 22 partyand at least one shall be under 35 years 23 ofageatthetimeofappointment. — 24 (2) DEi\i)LiXE FOK appoixtmext. The mem- 25 bers ofthe Conmiission shall be appointed not later m »HR3881 4 1 than 6 months after the date of the enactment of 2 thisAct. — 3 (b) CiLURMAXANDViCECHAIRMEN. TheCommis- 4 sion shall elect a chairman and 4 ^ice chairmen from 5 among'itsmembers. — 6 (c) Vacancies. Ai\yvacancy in the membershi}) of 7 theCommissionshallbefilledinthemannerinwhichthe 8 ori^nal ai)])()intment was made and shall not affect the 9 ))owei'ofthe remaining'membersto executethedutiesof 10 theCommission. — 11 (d) Quorum. quorumshallconsist of8members 12 ofthe Commission, exce))t that 4 members may conduct 13 ahearingundersection5(a). — 14 (e) Meetings. The Commission shall meet at the 15 callofitschairmanoramajorityofitsmembers. 16 (f) Compensation and Reimbursement op Ex- — 17 PENSES. MembersoftheCommissionarenotentitledto 18 receivecompensationforserviceontheCommission.Mem- 19 bersmaybereimbursedfortravel, subsistence, andother 20 neeessaiyexpenses incurred in carryingoutthe dutiesof 21 theCommission. 22 SEC.4.STAFFANDCONSULTANTS. — 23 (a) Staff. The Commission may appoint and de- 24 termine the compensation of such staff as may be nec- 25 essaiT to cany out the duties ofthe Commission. Such •mi3881ra 5 1 appointmentsandcompensationmaybemadewithoutre- 2 ^cU'dtotheprovisionsoftitle 5, UnitedStatesCode,that 3 govern appointments in the competitive services, and the 4 pnnisionsofchapter51 andsubchapterIIIofchapter53 5 ofsuch titlethat relateto classifications andthe General 6 Schedulei)ayrates. — 7 (b) ('ONSULTAXTS. The C'onnnission may procure 8 such tem})()raiy and intermittent senices of consultants 9 under section 3109(1)) oftitle 5, linited States Code, as 10 the Commission determines to be necessarv to cany out 11 thedutiesoftheCommission. 12 SEC.5.POWERS. — 13 (a) Hearings axd Other Actrities. For the 14 purpose ofcarrying out its duties, the Commission may 15 holdsuchhearings andundertakesuchotheractivitiesas 16 the Commission determines to be necessar}^to carry"out 17 itsduties. — 18 (b) Studies by Gexeral Accountixg Office. 19 Upon the request of the Commission, the Comptroller 20 Generalshallconductsuchstudiesorinvestigationsasthe 21 Commission determines to be necessary to carry^ out its 22 duties. 23 (c) Cost Estimates by Coxgressioxal Budget — 24 Office. •HR3881ffl — 1 (1) In GExXERAL. Upon the request of the 2 Commission, the Director of the Congressional 3 Budget Office shall pro\ide to the Commission such 4 cost estimates as the Commission determines to be 5 necessarv'tocanyoutitsduties. — 6 (2) Keimhuksemext. The Commission shall 7 reimburse the Director ofthe Congi-essional Budget 8 Office for ex])enses relating to the emi)l(mnent in 9 the office ofthe Directorofsuch additional staffas 10 maybenecessaryfortheDirectortocomply^^^tllre- 11 questsbytheCommissionunder))aragrapli (1). — 12 (d) Detail of F'EDEitiVL Employees. Upon the 13 requestoftheCommission,theheadofanyFederalagen- 14 cyis authorizedto detail,without reimbursement, anyof 15 thepersonnelofsuch agencytotheCommissiontoassist 16 theConnnissionincarryingoutitsduties.Anysuchdetail 17 shallnotinterruptorotherwiseaffectthecivilservicesta- 18 tusorpri\ilegesoftheFederalemployee. — 19 (e) Teciixical Assistance. Upon the request of 20 the Commission, the head ofaFederal agencyshall pro- 21 vide such technical assistance to the Commission as the 22 Commission determines to be necessary' to carry out its 23 duties. — 24 (f) Use of :VLvils. The Commission mav use the 25 United States mails in the same manner and under the •HR3881IH 1 same conditions as Federal agencies, and shall, for pur- 2 poses ofthe frank, be considered a commission of Con- 3 gi-ess as described in section 3215 of title 39, United 4 StatesCode. — 5 (g) ()BTAIXI\(J IXFOKMATIOX. The Commission 6 maysecuredirectlyfrom anyP'ederal agencyinformation 7 necessarytoenable it tocanyout itsduties, ifthe infor- 8 Illation may l)c disclosed under section 552 of title 5, 9 United StatesCode. Upon requestofthechairman ofthe 10 Commission, the head ofsuch agency shall furnish such 11 informationtotiieCommission. — 12 (li) Ai)MixisTii.vTi\Ti: Support Services. Upon 13 therequestoftheCommission,theAdministratorofGen- 14 eral Senices shall pro\'ide to the Commission on a reim- 15 bursablebasissuchadministrativesupportservicesasthe 16 Commissionmayrequest. — 17 (i) Acceptance of Donations. The Commission 18 mayaccept,use,anddisposeofgiftsordonationsofserv- 19 icesorproperty. — 20 (j) Printing. For purposes of costs relating to 21 printingandbinding, includingthecostsofpersonnel de- 22 tailedfromtheGovernmentPrintingOffice,theCommis- 23 sion shall be deemed to be a committee ofthe Congi-ess. •HR3881IH ill 8 3 flOTS DDDLflET3 7 1 SEC.6.REPORT. 2 Notlaterthan 1yearafterthedateoftheenactment 3 ofthis Act, the Commission shall submit to Congress a 4 reportcontaining'itsfindingsandrecommendationsunder 5 section2,andshallincludeinthere})ortrecommendations 6 foi- a])pr()priate legislative initiatives to cany out its rec- 7 ommendations. 8 SEC.7.TERMINATION. 9 The ("Commission shall terminate 30 days after the 10 dateofsubmissionoftherei)ortrequiredinsection6. O •HR3881m

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