CC\2A-S07L-i1br3ary n 7500SQCti:H-yB!vd. paltimois, Maryienri 21244 110thcongress 2089 1stSession S. To amend title XVIU ofthe Social Security Act to reduce the coverage gap in prescription drug coverage under part D of such title based on savings to the Medicareprogram resultingfrom the negotiation of prescriptiondrugprices. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September25,2007 Mr.NelsonofFlorida(forhimself,Mr.WfflTEHOUSE,Ms.MiKULSKI,Ms. Collins, Mr. Kohl, and Mr. Kerry) introduced the following bill; whichwasreadtwiceandreferredtotheCommitteeonFinance A BILL To amend title XVIII ofthe Social SecurityAct to reduce the coverage gap in prescription drug coverage under part D of such title based on savings to the Medicare program resulting from the negotiation of prescription drugprices. 1 BeitenactedbytheSenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 4 ThisActmaybecitedasthe "MedicarePrescription 5 DrugGapReductionActof2007". 2 1 SEC.2.REDUCINGCOVERAGEGAP. 2 Section 1860D-2(b) ofthe Social SecurityAct (42 3 U.S.C.1395w-102(b))isamended— 4 (1)inparagraph(3)(A),bystriking"paragraph 5 (4)" andinserting"paragraph (4), subjecttothein- 6 creasedescribedinparagraph(7)";and 7 (2) by adding at the end the following new 8 paragraph: 9 "(7) Increase op initial coverage limit 10 BASED ON medicare SAVINGS DUE TO NEGOTL^- — 11 TION OF DRUG PRICES. For each year (beginning 12 with 2009), the Secretary shall increase the initial 13 coverageUmitfortheyearspecifiedinparagraph(3) 14 so that the aggregate amount ofincreased expendi- 15 tures fromthe Medicare Prescription DrugAccount 16 as aresultofsuchincreaseunderthisparagraphin 17 theyear (as estimatedbythe Office oftheActuary 18 ofthe Centers forMedicare &Medicaid Services) is 19 equal to the aggregate amount ofreduced expendi- 20 turesfromsuchAccountthattheOfficeoftheActu- 21 ary estimates will result in the year as a result of 22 the apphcation of the amendment made by section 23 3(a) ofthe Medicare PrescriptionDrugGapReduc- 24 tionActof2007.". >S2089IS — — iCCi2-'.057L-tb1i3asY " 7500SocarifyBlvd. 3 I5:'ltin-(ars, Mar>')enri21244 1 SEC. 3. NEGOTIATING FAIR PRICES FORMEDICARE PRE- 2 SCRIPTIONDRUGS. — 3 (a) In GeneraIj. Section 1860D-11 ofthe Social 4 SecurityAct(42U.S.C. 1395\\^111)isamendedbystrik- 5 ingsubsection (i) (relatingtononinterference) andinsert- 6 ingthefollowing: 7 "(i)AuthorityToNegotiatePricesWithMan- 8 UFACTURERS. — 9 "(1) In GENERAL. Subject to paragraph (4), 10 in order to ensure that beneficiaries enrolled under 11 prescription drug plans and MA-PD plans pay the 12 lowest possible price, the Secretary shall have au- 13 thority similartothatofotherFederal entitiesthat 14 purchaseprescriptiondrugsinbulktonegotiatecon- 15 tractswith manufacturers ofcovered part D drugs, 16 consistentwith the requirements and in furtherance 17 ofthegoalsofprovidingquaUtycare andcontaining 18 costsunderthispart. — 19 "(2) Mandatory responsibilities. The 20 Secretarv^shaUberequiredto 21 "(A) negotiate contractswith manufactur- 22 ers of covered part D drugs for each fallback 23 prescription drug plan under subsection (g); 24 and 25 "(B) participateinnegotiationofcontracts 26 ofanycoveredpartD drugupon requestofan •S2089IS 4 3 amS LDE47 L 1 approved prescription drug plan or MA-PD 2 plan. — 3 "(3) Rule of construction. Nothing in 4 paragraph (2) shallbeconstruedtolimittheauthor- 5 ityoftheSecretaryunderparagraph(1)totheman- 6 datoryresponsibihtiesunderparagraph(2). 7 "(4) No PARTICULAR FORMULARY OR PRICE — 8 STRUCTURE. In order to promote competition 9 under this part and in carrjdng out tliis part, the 10 Secretar}^maynot require aparticularformularyor 11 institute a price structure for the reimbursement of 12 coveredpartDdrugs. — 13 "(5) Use of savings. The savings to the 14 Medicare Prescription Drug Account through the 15 use ofthe authority provided under this subsection 16 (including the mandator}^ responsibihties under 17 paragraph (2)) shall be used to increase the initial 18 coverage hmit for the year in accordance with sec- 19 tion 1860D-2(b)(7).". — 20 (b) Effectr^ Date. The amendment made by 21 subsection (a) shaU take effect onthe date ofenactment 22 ofthisAct. O >S2089IS