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A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide annual screening mammography and waive coinsurance for screening mammography for women age 65 or older under the Medicare program PDF

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Preview A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide annual screening mammography and waive coinsurance for screening mammography for women age 65 or older under the Medicare program

(05^6jn^rft5s/ls+Scss.6v,/ NOV20 recT) HUhALIBRARY ° 105thcongress S.540 1stSession ToamendtitleXVIIIoftheSocialSecurityActtopro\adeannualscreeninp: mammographyand waive coinsurance for screening mammography for womenage65orolderundertheMedicareprogram. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES April9,1997 Mr.BiDEN(forliimself,Ms.MncULSKl,andMr.ToRRiCELLi)introducedthe followingbill;wliichwasreadtwiceandreferredtotheCommitteeonFinance A BILL To amend title XA-lII ofthe Social Securitj^Act to provide annual screening maininograi)hy and waive coinsurance for screening mannnogi-aphy forwomen age 65 or older undertheMedicareprogram. 1 BeitenactedhytheSenateandHouseofEepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 4 Tliis Act may be cited as the "Medicare Mammog- 5 raphyScreeningExpansionActof1997". — CBSLIBRflRV ^ 2 3 aOTS DDDlfl3Ea L 1 SEC. 2. EXPANDING SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHY UNDER 2 THEMEDICAREPROGRAM. 3 (a)PR()^aDix(iAnnualScreeningMammography — 4 FORWomenAge 65 orOlder. Section 1834(c)(2)(A) 5 ofthe Social SecurityAct (42 U.S.C. 1395m(c)(2)(A)) is 6 amended 7 (1) in clause (iv), by striking "but under 65 8 yearsofage,"; and 9 (2)bystrikingclause (v). — 10 (b)WarterofCoinsurance. 11 (1) Ixgexerai..—Section 1834(c)(1)(C) ofthe 12 Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395m(c)(l)(C)) is 13 amendedbystriking"80percentof. 14 (2) Watv'^r of coinsurance in outpatient — 15 H0SPIT7\L settings. The third sentenceofsection 16 1866(a)(2)(A) ofthe Social SecurityAct (42 U.S.C. 17 1395cc(a)(2)(A)) is amended by msertmg after 18 "1861(s)(10)(A)" the foUomng: ", mth respect to 19 screening mammography (as defined in section 20 1861(jj)),". — 21 (c) Effectr^ Date. The amendments made by 22 this section shall apply to screening mammography per- 23 formedonorafterJanuary1,1998. p >S540IS

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