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A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide annual and other opportunities for individuals enrolled under a Medicare Select policy to change to a Medigap policy without prejudice PDF

4 Pages·1997·0.16 MB·English
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Preview A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide annual and other opportunities for individuals enrolled under a Medicare Select policy to change to a Medigap policy without prejudice

PROPERTYOF NOV17 R£CT) hcfalibmrv 105thcongress H. R. 566 1stSession To amend title XVTII of the Social Security Act to pro\'ide annual and otheropportunitiesforindividualsenrolledunderaMedicareselectpolicy tochangetoamedigappolicywithoutprejudice. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATR^S February4,1997 Mr.Bentsen(forhimself,Mr.Cardin,Mr.Evans,Mr.Frost,Mr.Greek, Ms. Slaughter, Mr. SmTH of New Jersey, Mr. Stark, and Mrs. TirURlvlAN)introducedthefollowingbill;whichwasreferredtotheCom- mitteeonCommerce A BILL To amend title XVTII ofthe Social SecurityAct to pro\'ide annual and other opportunities for individuals enrolled under a Medicare select pohcy to change to a medigap poUcywithoutprejudice. 1 BeitenactedbytheSenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 4 This Act maybe cited as the "Medigap Protection 5 Actof1997". — 1 SEC. 2. CONTINUED ACCESS TO MEDIGAP POLICIES BY 2 MEDICARE-SELECTENROLLEES. — 3 (a)InGeneral. Section 1882(s) ofthe Social Se- 4 curityAct(42U.S.C. 1395ss(s))isamended 5 (1) in paragraph (3), by striking "paragraphs 6 (1) and (2)" and inserting "paragraphs (1), (2), or 7 (3)", 8 (2) by redesignating paragraph (3) as para- 9 graph(4),and 10 (3) byinsertingafterparagraph (2) the follow- 11 ingnewparagraph: 12 "(3)(A)TheissuerofaMedicaresupplementalpoUey 13 shall provide enrollment periods described in subpara- 14 graph (B) duringwhich an indi\idual described in sub- 15 paragraph (C) mayelect coverageunder anysuch Medi- 16 care supplemental policyofsuchissuer as a replacement 17 fortheMedicareselectpolicy.Theelectionofsuchapolicy 18 shallbecomeeffectiveinatimelymanner (asspecifiedby 19 theSecretarjO-Theprovisionsofparagraph (2)(C) (relat- 20 ing to waiving appUcation of certain preexisting hmita- 21 tions) mayapplytotheenrollmentofanindi^'idualunder 22 a pohcypursuantto this paragraph. In the case ofsuch 23 anelection,theissuershalltreattheindividualashaving 24 beencoveredunderthepohcyduringtheperiodinwhich 25 theindividualwascoveredundertheMedicareselectpohcy •HR566ra — 3 1 forpurposesofcomputingapplicablepremiumsandapply- 2 inganypreexistingconditionlimitations. 3 "(B) The enrollment periods described in this sub- 4 paragraphare 5 "(i) an open enrollment period (of at least 30 6 days duration) at least once everj^ 12 months, and 7 "(ii) areasonableopenenrollmentperiodforan 8 individual whose coverage under a Medicare select 9 policy is terminated because the indi\idual moves 10 outoftheserviceareaoftheissuerofsuchMedicare 11 selectpohcy. 12 "(C)Anindividualdescribedinthissubparagraphis, 13 withrespecttotheissuerofaMedicaresupplementalpol- 14 icy, anindi^^dualwhoisenrolledinaMedicareselectpol- 15 icyandwhowouldbeehgibletoenrollundertheMedicare 16 supplementalpohcyoftheissuerunderparagraph (2)(A) 17 at thetime the indi\adualbecame (orbecomes) 65years 18 ofage. 19 "(D) In this paragraph, the term 'Medicare select 20 pohcy' means a pohcy issued and certified under sub- 21 section(t)(l). 22 "(E) TheSecretaryisauthorizedtoissueregulations 23 tocarrj'outthisparagraph.". m >HR566 ensLIBRflRV 4 3 ams DODiaBTfl 4 — 1 (b) Effective Date. The amendments made by 2 subsection (a) shall apply to issuers ofMedicare supple- 3 mental pohcies for periods beginning with the first day 4 ofthe first month that begins more than 90 days after 5 thedateoftheenactmentofthisAct. O m •HR566

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