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A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide additional funds for the qualifying individual (QI) program, and for other purposes PDF

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Preview A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide additional funds for the qualifying individual (QI) program, and for other purposes

\Jo\iC LqiOj^^^Uo^St^ WOHkCjbv^reJ^^ S^e-SJ^o/^ 110t2hdcSoesnsgironess H. R. 7077 ToamendtitleXIXoftheSocialSecuritySystemtoprovideadditional fundsforthequalifyingindividual(QI)program,andforotherpurposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September25,2008 Mr. DiNGBLLintroducedthefollowingbill;whichwasreferredtotheCom- mitteeonEnergyandCommerce,andinadditiontotheCommitteeon Ways and Means, for aperiod to be subsequently determined by the Speaker,ineachcaseforconsiderationofsuchprovisionsasfallwithin thejurisdictionofthecommitteeconcerned A BILL ToamendtitleXIXofthe Social SecuritySystemtoprovide additional fimds for the quahfying individual (QI) pro- gram,andforotherpurposes. 1 BeitenactedbytheSenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 4 ThisActmaybe cited asthe "QI Program Supple- 5 mentalFundingActof2008". 2 1 SEC. 2. FUNDING FORTHE QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL (QI) 2 PROGRAM. 3 Section 1933(g)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 4 U.S.C. 1396u-3(g)(2)), as amendedbysection 111(b) of 5 the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers 6 Actof2008(PubhcLaw110-275),isamended— 7 (1) in subparagraph (I), by striking 8 "$300,000,000" andinserting "$315,000,000"; and 9 (2) in subparagraph (J), by striking 10 "$100,000,000"andinserting"$130,000,000". 11 SEC. 3. MANDATORYUSE OF STATE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 12 REPORTING INFORMATION SYSTEM (PARIS) 13 PROJECT. — 14 (a) InGeneral. Section 1903(r) ofthe Social Se- 15 curityAct(42U.S.C.1396b(r))isamended— 16 (1) in paragraph (1), in the matter preceding 17 subparagraph (A), by inserting ", in addition to 18 meeting the requirements of paragraph (3)," after 19 "aStatemust";and 20 (2) by adding at the end the following new 21 paragraph: 22 "(3) Inordertomeettherequirementsofthispara- 23 graph, aStatemusthaveinoperationanehgibihtydeter- 24 mination system which provides for data matching 25 throughthePubhcAssistanceReportingInformationSys- 26 tem (PARIS) facihtated by the Secretary (or any suc- •HR7077m 3 1 cessor system), including matching with medical assist- 2 anceprogramsoperatedbyotherStates.". — 3 (b)EffectiveDate. — 4 (1) In general. Except as pro\ided in para- 5 graph (2), the amendments made by subsection (a) 6 takeeffectonOctober1,2009. 7 (2) Extension of effective date for — 8 state law amendment. In the case of a State 9 planundertitleXIXofthe Social SecurityAct (42 10 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) whichthe SecretaryofHealth 11 andHumanServicesdeterminesrequiresStatelegis- 12 lation in order for the plan to meet the additional 13 requirements imposed by the amendments made by 14 subsection (a), the State plan shall notbe regarded 15 as faihng to complywith the requirements of such 16 title solely on the basis ofits failure to meet these 17 additional requirements before the first day of the 18 first calendar quarter beginning after the close of 19 thefirstregularsessionofthe Statelegislaturethat 20 begins after the date ofenactment ofthisAct. For 21 purposes ofthe previous sentence, in the case ofa 22 Statethathasa2-yearlegislative session, eachyear 23 ofthe sessionisconsideredtobe a separate regular 24 sessionoftheStatelegislature. •HR7077m —— — 4 1 SEC.4.INCENTIVESFORTHEDEVELOPMENTOF,ANDAC- 2 CESSTO,CERTAINANTIBIOTICS. — 3 (a)InGeneral. Section505oftheFederalFood, 4 Drug, andCosmeticAct (21 U.S.C. 355) is amendedby 5 addingattheendthefollowing: 6 ''(v) Antibiotic Drugs Submitted Before No- 7 VEMBER21, 1997. 8 "(1) Antibiotic drugs approved before 9 november21, 1997. — 10 "(A) In GENERAL. Notwithstanding any 11 provisionofthe FoodandDrugAdministration 12 Modernization Act of 1997 or anyother provi- 13 sionoflaw,asponsorofadrugthatisthesub- 14 jectofanapplicationdescribedinsubparagraph 15 (B)(i) shall be ehgible for, with respect to the 16 drug, the 3-year exclusi\dty period referred to 17 under clauses (iii) and (iv) of subsection 18 (c)(3)(E) and under clauses (iii) and (iv) of 19 subsection (j)(5)(F), subject to the require- 20 mentsofsuchclauses,asapphcable. 21 "(B) APPLICATION; ANTIBIOTIC DRUG DE- 22 SCRIBED. — 23 "(i) Application. ^An appheation 24 described in this clause is an appheation 25 ^ formarketingsubmittedunderthissection 26 afterthedateoftheenactmentofthissub- •HR7077IH — — 5 1 section inwhich the drugthat is the sub- 2 ject of the appheation contains an anti- 3 bioticdrugdescribedinclause(ii). — 4 "(ii) Antibiotic drug. ^An anti- 5 biotic drug described in this clause is an 6 antibiotic drugthatwas the subject ofan 7 application approved by the Secretary 8 under section 507 ofthisAct (as ineffect 9 beforeNovember21, 1997). 10 "(2) Antibiotic drugs submitted before 11 november21, 1997,butnotapproved. — 12 "(A) In GENERAL. Notwithstanding any 13 pro\'ision oftheFoodandDrugAdministration 14 ModernizationAct of 1997 or any other provi- 15 sionoflaw,asponsorofadrugthatisthesub- 16 jectofanappheationdescribedinsubparagraph 17 (B)(i) mayelect to be ehgible for, with respect 18 tothedrug 19 "(i)(I)the3-yearexclusivityperiodre- 20 ferred to under clauses (iii) and (iv) of 21 subsection (c)(3)(E) andunderclauses (iii) 22 and (iv) ofsubsection (j)(5)(F), subject to 23 the requirements ofsuch clauses, as appU- 24 cable;and •HR7077IH 6 1 "(H) the 5-year exclusivityperiod re- 2 ferred to under clause (ii) of subsection 3 (c)(3)(E) and under clause (ii) of sub- 4 section (j)(5)(F\ subject to the require- 5 mentsofsuchclauses,asapphcable;or 6 '*(ii) a patent term extension under 7 section 156 of title 35, United States 8 Code, subject to the requirements of such 9 section. 10 "(B) Application; antibiotic drug de- — 11 scribed. — 12 "(i) Application. ^An apphcation 13 described in this clause is an application 14 formarketingsubmittedunderthis section 15 afterthedateoftheenactmentofthissub- 16 section inwhich the drugthat is the sub- 17 ject of the apphcation contains an anti- 18 bioticdrugdescribedinclause(ii). — 19 "(ii) Antibiotic drug. ^An anti- 20 biotic drug described in this clause is an 21 antibioticdrugthatwasthesubjectof1 or 22 moreapphcationsreceivedbytheSecretary 23 under section 507 ofthisAct (as in effect 24 beforeNovember 21, 1997), none ofwhich «HR7077ffl 7 1 was approvedbythe Secretaryunder such 2 section. — 3 "(3)Limitations. — 4 "(A) Exclusivities and extensions. 5 Paragraphs (1)(A) and (2)(A) shallnotbeeon- 6 strued to entitle a drug that is the subject of 7 an approved apphcation described in subpara- 8 graphs (l)(B)(i) or (2)(B)(i), as appUcable, to 9 any market exclusivities or patent extensions 10 other than those exclusivities or extensions de- ll scribedinparagraph(1)(A)or(2)(A). — 12 "(B) Conditions of use. Paragraphs 13 (1)(A) and (2)(A)(i) shallnotapplytoanycon- 14 dition ofuse forwhich the drug referred to in 15 subparagraph (l)(B)(i) or (2)(B)(i), as apphca- 16 ble, was approvedbeforethe date ofthe enact- 17 mentofthissubsection. — 18 "(4) Application of certain provisions. 19 Notwithstandingsection 125, oranyotherprovision, 20 oftheFoodandDrugAdministrationModernization 21 Actof1997, oranyotherprovisionoflaw, andsub- 22 ject to the hmitations in paragraphs (1), (2), and 23 (3), the provisions of the Drug Price Competition 24 and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 shall 25 apply to an}^ drug subject to paragraph (1) or any •HR7077m 8 1 drugwithrespecttowhichanelectionismadeunder 2 paragraph(2)(A).". — 3 (b)TransitionalRules. 4 (1)Withrespecttoapatentissuedonorbefore 5 thedateoftheenactmentofthisAct, anypatentin- 6 formation required to be filedwith the Secretaryof 7 HealthandHuman Servicesundersubsection (b)(1) 8 or (c)(2) ofsection 505 ofthe FederalFood, Drug, 9 andCosmeticAct (21 U.S.C. 355) tobehstedona 10 drugtowhich subsection (v)(l) ofsuch section 505 11 (as addedbythis section) apphes shaUbefiledwith 12 the Secretarynot later than 60 days afterthe date 13 oftheenactmentofthisAct. 14 (2) With respect to anypatent information re- 15 ferredto in paragraph (1) ofthis subsectionthatis 16 filed with the Secretarj^ within the 60-day period 17 afterthedateoftheenactmentofthisAct,theSec- 18 retary shall pubhsh such information in the elec- 19 tronic version of the Ust referred to at section 20 505(j)(7) ofthe Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic 21 Act (21 U.S.C. 355(j)(7)) as soon as it is received, 22 but in no event laterthan the date that is 90 days 23 aftertheenactmentofthisAct. 24 (3) With respect to anypatent information re- 25 ferredtoinparagraph (1) thatisfiledwiththe Sec- •HR7077IH 9 1 retarywithinthe 60-dayperiodafterthedateofen- 2 actment of this Act, each apphcant that, not later 3 than 120 days after the date of the enactment of 4 thisAct, amendsanapphcationthatis, onorbefore 5 thedateoftheenactmentofthisAct,asubstantially 6 complete apphcation (as defined in paragraph 7 (5)(B)(iv) of section 505(j) of the Federal Food, 8 Drug, andCosmeticAct (21 U.S.C. 355(j))) to con- 9 tain a certification described in paragraph 10 (2)(A)(vii)(IV) ofsuchsection 505(j)withrespectto 11 that patent shall be deemed to be a first applicant 12 (as defined in paragraph (5)(B)(iv) ofsuch section 13 505(j)). 14 SEC.5.CLARIFICATIONOFAUTHORITYFORUSEOFMED- 15 ICAIDINTEGRITYPROGRAMFUNDS. 16 (a) Clarification of Authority for Use of — 17 Funds. — 18 (1) In general. Section 1936 of the Social 19 SecurityAct(42U.S.C. 1396u-6)isamended— 20 (A) in subsection (b)(4),bystriking"Edu- 21 cationofandinserting"Educationortraining, 22 including at such national, State, or regional 23 conferences as the Secretary may estabhsh, of 24 State or local officers, employees, or inde- 25 pendentcontractorsresponsiblefortheadminis- •HR7077ffl — — 10 1 trationorthe supervision ofthe administration 2 oftheStateplanunderthistitle,";and 3 (B) in subsection (e), by striking para- 4 graph(2) andinserting"thefollowing: 5 "(2) AVAILABILITY; AUTHORITY FOR USE OF 6 FUNDS. — 7 "(A) Availability. ^Amounts appro- 8 priatedpursuanttoparagraph (1) shaUremain 9 availableuntilexpended. 10 "(B)Authorityforuse of fundsfor 11 TRANSPORTATION AND TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR 12 ATTENDEESATEDUCATION,TRAINING,ORCON- 13 SULTATIVEACTIVITIES. . — 14 "(i) In general. The Secretary 15 mayuseamountsappropriatedpursuantto 16 paragraph (1) to pay for transportation 17 andthetravelexpenses,includingperdiem 18 in Ueu of subsistence, at rates authorized 19 foremployeesofagenciesundersubchapter 20 I of chapter 57 of title 5, United States 21 Code,whileawayfromtheirhomes orreg- 22 ular places of business, of individuals de- 23 scribed in subsection (b)(4) who attend 24 education, training, or consultative activi- •HR7077IH

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