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A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to permit states to exclude earned income in determining eligibility for medical assistance for individuals with extremely high prescription drug costs PDF

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Preview A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to permit states to exclude earned income in determining eligibility for medical assistance for individuals with extremely high prescription drug costs

CHSLibrary C2-07-13 7Bc.-'i^I0t0imSt'r^*u:,'-iWtayrBylivedn.ci 21244 I nOTl2li)CSOesNsGiRonESS H. R. 5748 Toamoiul titleXEXofthe Social SecurityAct toi)ennit St^itestoexclude earnedincomeindeteriiiininfreligibilityformedicalassistanceforindivnd- ualswithextremelyliioii|)rescri|)tiondrug:costs. IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATR^S April9,2008 Mr.Marcilvxtintroducedthefollowinghill:whichwasreferredtothe C^ommitteeonEnergyand('ommei-ce A BILL To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to permit Statestoexcludeearnedincomeindetermining'eligibility formedical assistancefoi-indiAidualswithextremelyhidi presei'iptiondiiigcosts. 1 BeifenactedhytheSenateandHouseofRcpresenta- 2 tivcsoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 4 This Act may be cited as the "Ryan Dant Health 5 CareOpportunityActof2008". — 2 1 SEC.2.MEDICAIDSTATEOPTIONTOEXCLUDEEARNEDIN- 2 COMEINDETERMININGELIGIBILITYFORIN- 3 DIVIDUALS WITH EXTREMELY HIGH PRE- 4 SCRIPTIONDRUGCOSTS. 5 Section 1915 ofthe Social SecurityAct (42 U.S.C. 6 1:39611)isamendedbyadding-attlieendthefollowing-new 7 subsection: 8 "(k) State Option ToExclude Eaiined Income 9 IN Determining ELiGiBiLm' for Indrtduai.s With 10 ExtremelyHumPrescriptionDrugCosts.— — 11 "(1) In GENERAL. State may pro\ide, 12 through amendment to its State i)laii under this 13 title, that in determining the elig^ibility for medical 14 assistanceundersuchiilanofaniiidi\i(lualdescribed 15 in paragraph (2) during a year, earned income of 16 the indi\idual (or any member of the individual's 17 household) shall be excluded but only insofaras the 18 amount ofsuch income in the year does not exceed 19 twicetheamountspecifiedinparagi-aph(3). — 20 "(2) Individuai. described. Aii individual 21 described in this parag:rapli for a year is an indi- 22 vidualwiio 23 "(A) is covered under health insurance or 24 a health benefits j)lan duringtheyearthat has 25 prescription drug coverage with a maximum 26 lifetimelimitofnotlessthan$1,000,000; •HR5748m — 3 1 "(B) has exliaiisted all available i)ivst'rii)- 2 tion drugeoverag^eunderthe plan fortheyear; 3 and 4 "(C) incurs (or is reasonably exi)eeted to 5 incur) onan annualbasisduring-theyearcosts 6 for prescriirtion ding's in excess ofthe amount 7 specifiedinparagraph (3) fortheyear. — 8 "(3) Amount specified. The amount speci- 9 fiedinthisimragraph 10 "(A)for2008or2009,is.$250,000;or 11 "(B) for a subsequent year, isthe amount 12 specified in this subparagraph (A) (orthis sub- 13 paragi'aph) for the previous year increased by 14 the annual rate ofincrease in the medical care 15 component of the consumer price index (U.S. 16 cityaverage) forthe 12-monthperiodendingin 17 Aug^ustofthepreviousyear. 18 AnyamountcomputedundersubparagTaph (B) that 19 is not a multiple of$1,000 shall be rounded to the 20 nearestmultipleof$1,000.". O •HR5748IH ensLIBRdRV aoTs oDDiooaa

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