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A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to exempt disabled individuals from being required to enroll with a managed care entity under the Medicaid program PDF

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Preview A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to exempt disabled individuals from being required to enroll with a managed care entity under the Medicaid program

CHSLibrary C2-07-13 7500SecurityBlvd. iBaltimore, Marytend21244 106thcongress S.88 1stSession ToamendtitleXIXoftheSocialSecurityActtoexemptdisabledindi\iduals from being: required to enroll with a manajred care entity under the medicaidprogram. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January19,1999 Mr.BUNNINGintroducedthefollowingbill;whichwasreadtwiceandreferred totheCommitteeonFinance A BILL To amend title XEX of the Social Security Act to exempt disabled individuals from being required to enroll with amanagedcareentityunderthemedicaidprogram. 1 BeitenactedbytheSenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.EXEMPTIONOFDISABLEDINDIVIDUALSFROM 4 REQUIRED ENROLLMENT WITH AMANAGED 5 CARE ENTITY UNDER THE MEDICAID PRO- 6 GRAM. — 7 (a) Amendment to the Social SECURm'Act. 8 Section 1932(a)(2) ofthe Social SecurityAct (42 U.S.C. LD373 2 3 flOTS 5 1 1396u-2(a)(2)) isamendedbyaddingat theendthefol- 2 lo^^^n^^: 3 "(D) ExEMi^TioN op;disabled INDmD- — 4 UALS. State may not require under para- 5 graph (1) theenrollmentinamanagedcareen- 6 tity ofan individual who is disabled (as deter- 7 minedundersection 1614(a)(3)).". — 8 (b) RETROACTmTY. Theamendmentmadebysub- 9 section (a) takes effect as if included in the enactment 10 ofthe Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (Public Law 105- 11 33;111Stat.251). O >S88IS

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