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A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to allow States to use the funds available under the State children's health insurance program for an enhanced matching rate for coverage of additional children under the Medicaid program PDF

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Preview A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to allow States to use the funds available under the State children's health insurance program for an enhanced matching rate for coverage of additional children under the Medicaid program

Ci'lSLi.'jra!'> €2-07-13 7S0CCy:!.^1i.yEivd. fj'iitlrf'oro, '•-ula!y>5;y: 21'^->4 O 106thcongress w-* y| 1STSession |-|^ To amend title XIX ofthe Social SecurityAct to allow States to usethe funds available under the State eliildren's health insurance prog^ram foranenhancedmatchingrateforcoverageofadditionalchildrenunder theMedicaidProgram. IX TIIE HOUSE OF REPRESEXTATR^S February2,1999 Ms. Dunn (for herself, Mr. McDermott, Mr. DiCKS, Mr. HASTINGS of Washington,Mr. Nethercutt,Mr.Metcalf,Mr. SmithofWasliing- ton,Mr.Inslee,andMr.Baird)introducedthefollowingbill;whichwas referredtotheCommitteeonCommerce A BILL To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to allow States to use the funds available under the State chil- dren's healthinsuranceprogramforanenliancedmatch- ing rate for coverage of additional children under the MedicaidProgram. 1 BeitenactedhytheSenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 4 ThisActmaybecitedasthe"Children'sHealthEq- 5 uityActof1999". — 2 1 SEC, 2. USE OF STATE CHILDREN'S HEALTH INSURANCE 2 PROGRAM FUNDS FOR ENHANCED MATCH- 3 ING RATE FOR COVERAGE OF ADDITIONAL 4 CHILDRENUNDERTHEMEDICAIDPROGRAM. — 5 (a) In General. Section 1905 ofthe Social Seeii- 6 rityAct(42U.S.C. 1396d)isamended— 7 (1) illsubsection (b),bystriking"orsubsection 8 (u)(3)" and inserting ", subsection (u)(3), or sub- 9 section (u)(4)(A)"; and 10 (2) in subsection (u) (as added by section 11 4911(a)(2) oftheBalancedBudgetActof1997and 12 as amended by section 162 of Public Law 1OS- IS 100)— 14 (A) by redesignating paragraph (4) as 15 paragraph(5); and 16 (B) b}^ inserting after paragraph (3) the 17 followingnewparagraph: 18 "(4)(A) Forpurposes ofsubsection (b), theexpendi- 19 turesdescribedinthissubparagraphareexpendituresfor 20 medical assistance for waivered low-income children de- 21 scribedinsubparagraph(B)but 22 "(i) only in the case of children residing in a 23 Statedescribedinsubparagraph (C);and 24 "(ii) onlyto the extent the number offull-year 25 equivalent waivered low-income children enrolled 26 under the State plan under this title for the fiscal •mi458IH 3 1 year exceeds the number of waivered low-income 2 cliildren described in subpara^-aph (D)(i) for the 3 Stateforthefiscalyear. 4 "(B) For purjjoses of this paragraph, the term 5 'waiveredlow-incomechild'meansacliildwhosefamilyin- 6 comeexceedstheminimumincomelevelrequiredtobees- 7 tablished for the age of such cliild under section 8 1902(1)(2) inorderforthecliildtobeeligibleformedical 9 assistanceunderthistitle,butdoesnotexceedthemedic- 10 aid applicable income level (as defined in section 11 2110(b)(4)butdeterminedasif'June 1, 1997'weresub- 12 stitutedfor'March31,1997')forthatcliild. 13 "(C) A State described in this subparagraph is a 14 Statethat— 15 "(i) has under awaiver authorizedbythe Sec- 16 retarv' or under section 1902(r)(2) established a 17 medicaid applicable income level (as defined in see- 18 tion2110(b)(4) but determinedasif'June 1, 1997' 19 were substituted for 'March 31, 1997') for children 20 under 19 years ofage residing in the State that is 21 atorabove200percentofthepovertyline; and 22 "(ii) demonstrates to the satisfaction of the 23 Secretaryacommitmenttoreachandenrollchildren 24 who are eligible for, but not enrolled under, the 25 Stateplanthroughmeans,suchasthefollowing: •HR458IH 4 1 "(I) Eliminating the assets test for eli^- 2 bilityofwaiveredlow-incomechildren. 3 "(11) Usingshortenedandsimplifiedappli- 4 cationsforsuchchildren. 5 "(III) Allo-v^dng apphcations for such chil- 6 dren to be submitted by mail or through tele- 7 phone. 8 "(r\^) Outstationing State eligibilitywork- 9 ersatsitesthatarefrequentedbyfamilieswith 10 children, including schools, child care centers, 11 churches,centersprovidingHeadStartservices, 12 local offices of the special supplemental food 13 programforwomen, infantsandyoungchildren 14 (WIC) estabhshedundersection 17oftheChild 15 NutritionAct of1966, communitycenters. Job 16 Corps centers established underpart B oftitle 17 rVoftheJob TrainingPartnershipActorsub- 18 title C of title I of the Workforce Investment 19 Actof1998, sitesofferingtherecognizedequiv- 20 alent of a secondary school degree, offices of 21 tribal organizations (as defined in section 4(1) 22 oftheIndianSelf-DeterminationandEducation 23 Assistance Act), and Social Security Adminis- 24 trationfieldoffices. m •HR458 — — 5 1 ''(V) Using presumptive eligibility for 2 waiveredlow-incomecliildren. 3 "(VI) Collaboratingmthpublicandprivate 4 entitiestoconductoutreachcampaignstoenroll 5 suchchildren. 6 "(D)(i) For purposes of subparagraph (A)(ii), the 7 number ofwaivered low-income children for a State de- 8 scribedinthisclausefor 9 "(I) fiscalyear 1998, isequaltothenumberof 10 full-yearequivalentwaiveredlow-incomechildrenen- 11 rolledunderthe Stateplanunderthistitleforfiscal 12 year1997;and 13 "(11) fiscal year 1999 or a succeeding fiscal 14 year, is equaltothenumberofwaiveredlow-income 15 childrendeterminedunderthisclauseforthepreced- 16 ing fiscal year increased bythe number ofpercent- 17 agepointsdeterminedunderclause (ii) fortheState 18 forthefiscalyearinvolved. 19 "(ii) The number of percentage points determined 20 underthis clausefora Stateforafiscalyearis equalto 21 thenumberofpercentagepointsbywliich 22 "(I) the arithmeticaverage ofthetotalnumber 23 ofcliildren inthe State set forth in the 3 most re- 24 cent March supplements to the Current Population •HR458IH — 6 1 Sun^ey ofthe Bureau ofthe Census before the be- 2 ginningofthefiscalyear; exceeds 3 "(II) the arithmetic average ofsuch total num- 4 ber set forth in the second, third, and fourth most 5 recentMarchsupplementsto such Surveybeforethe 6 begimiingofthefiscalyear. 7 "(E) Forpurposesofsection2104(d) (regardingthe 8 reductionofanallotmentundertitleXXI)theamountde- 9 terminedunderparagraph (2) ofthat section shall, with 10 respect to ex]ienditures described in subparagraph (A), 11 onlj^takeintoaccounttheamountbywhich 12 ''(i) thepaymentsmadeto a State forsuchex- 13 penditures for a fiscal year on the basis of an en- 14 hanced FMAP under the fourth sentence of sub- 15 section(b);exceed 16 "(ii) the amount ofpayments that would have 17 been made for the expenditures if the enhanced 18 FMAPdidnotapply. 19 "(F) Each State shall submittothe Secretai^^such 20 information,atsuchtimeandinsuchmanner,astheSee- 21 retarydeterminesisnecessarytoensurethattherequire- 22 mentsofthisparagrapharesatisfied. TheSecretarj^shall 23 ensurethatinformationisprovidedunderthis subsection 24 in a manner that is consistent with other reporting re- 25 quirements for information required to be submitted by •HR458IH — C2-C'7-13 7 btildirtoro.. Mari^igiui 21244 1 a StateunderthistitleandtitleXXI, andavoidsduplica- 2 tionofreportingrequirements. 3 ''(G) The Secretars^shall reg:ularlyexaminethepay- 4 ments made to a State forthe expenditures described in 5 subparagraph(A)toconfirmthatthepa^Tiientsareattrib- 6 utableto expenditures describedin suchsubparagi-aph.". — 7 (b)ConformingAmendments. 8 (1) Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XR0 ofthe So- 9 cial Security Act (42 U.S.C. 10 1396a(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XR0) is amended by striking 11 "1905(u)(2)(C)"andinserting"1905(u)(2)(B)". 12 (2) Section 2104(d)(2) of the Social Security 13 Act (42 U.S.C. 1397dd(d)(2)) is amendedbyinsert- 14 ing "subjectto section 1905(u)(4)(E)," after "(2)". — 15 (c) Effective Date. The amendments made by 16 this section shaU be effective asifincluded inthe enact- 17 mentofsection4911oftheBalancedBudgetActof1997 18 (PublicLaw105-33;111Stat.570). 19 SEC.3.EXPANSIONOFPRESUMPTIVEELIGIBILITYOPTION 20 FORCHILDRENUNDERTHEMEDICAIDPRO- 21 GRAM. 22 (a) In General.—Section 1920A(b)(3)(A)(i) ofthe 23 Social SecurityAct (42 U.S.C. 1396r-la(b)(3)(A)(i)) is 24 amended >HR458IH ensLIBRARV 8 3 flDTS ODDLDSflE L 1 (1) bystriking"or (II)" and inserting (II)"; 2 and 3 (2) by inserting: before the semicolon ", eligi- 4 bilityforassistanceunderthe Stateplanunderpart 5 Aoftitle IV, eligibility^ofa child to receive medical 6 assistance under the State plan under this title or 7 title XXI, (III) is a staffmember ofan elementary 8 school or secondary' school, as such terms are de- 9 fined in section 14101 ofthe Elementarj^ and Sec- 10 ondarv^ EducationAct of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 8801), a 11 childcare resourceandreferralcenter, oranagency 12 administeringa StateplanunderpartD oftitleIV, 13 or(IV)issodesignatedbytheState". — 14 (b) ConformingAmendments. Section 1920Aof 15 suchAct(42U.S.C. 1396r-la)isamended— 16 (1) in subsection (b)(3)(A)(ii), by striking 17 "paragraph (1)(A)" and inserting "paragraph 18 (2)(A)"; and 19 (2)insubsection(c)(2),inthematterpreceding 20 subparagraph (A), by striking "subsection 21 (b)(1)(A)" andinserting"subsection(b)(2)(A)". O <HR458IH

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