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A bill to amend the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to apply the Act to a greater percentage of the United States workforce, and for other purposes PDF

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Preview A bill to amend the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to apply the Act to a greater percentage of the United States workforce, and for other purposes

— Ci-ISUbiary C2-07-13 n Socu-ilyBlvd. •!.|mor!«!. Marytend 21244 106thcongress 201 1stSession S. To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to apply the Act toa greaterpercentage ofthe United Statesworkforce, and forother purposes. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES January19,1999 Mr.DODD(forhimself,Mr.DASCHLE,Mr.KENNEDY,Mrs.Murray,Ms.Ml- KULSKi, Mr. HARiaN, Mr. Kerry, Mr.Akaka, Mrs. Boxer, and Mr. Wellston'E)introducedthefolloviingbill;whichwasreadtwiceandre- ferredtotheCommitteeonHealth,Education,Labor,andPensions A BILL To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to apply the Act to a greater percentage of the United Statesworkforce,andforotherpurposes. 1 Beitenactedhythe SenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1.SHORTTITLE. 4 ThisAct maybe cited as the "Family and Medical 5 LeaveFairnessActof1999". 6 SEC.2.FINDINGS. 7 Congressfindsthat (1) theFamilyand Medical LeaveAct of1993 (29 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.) has pro^dded employees withasignificantnewtoolinbalancingtheneedsof theirfamilieswiththedemandsofwork; (2) theFamilyand Medical LeaveActof1993 has had a minimalimpact onbusiness, and over 90 percent ofprivate employers coveredbytheAct ex- periencedlittleornocostandaminimal, orpositive, impactonproductivityasaresultoftheAct; (3) althoughbothemployersatworkplaceswith largenumbers ofemployees and employers atwork- places with small numbers of employees reported that compliancewiththe FamilyandMedical Leave Act of 1993 involved very easy administration and lowcosts, the smalleremployers foundit easier and lessexpensivetocomplywiththeActthanthelarger employers; (4) overthree-quarters ofworksiteswithunder 50 employees covered by the Family and Medical LeaveActof1993 report no costincreasesorsmall cost increases associated with compliance with the Act; (5) in 1998, 27percentofAmericansneededto take family or medical leave butwere unable to do so, and 44 percent ofthese employees did not take •S201IS 1 suchleavebecausetheywouldhavelosttheirjobsor 2 theiremployersdidnotallowit; 3 (6) only 57 percent ofthe private workforce is 4 current^ protected by the Famil}^ and Medical 5 LeaveActof1993;and 6 (7) 13,000,000 more private employees, or an 7 additional 14percentoftheprivateworkforce,would 8 be protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act 9 of 1993 if the Act was expanded to cover private 10 employerswith25ormoreemployees. 11 SEC.3.COVERAGEOFEMPLOYEES. 12 Paragraphs (2)(B)(ii) and(4)(A)(i)ofsection101of 13 the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 14 2611(2)(B)(ii) and (4)(A)(i)) are amended by striking 15 "50"eachplaceitappearsandinserting"25". O —————— jC^i2--IG07L-i1br3ary '•00SocuiityB!vd. '^Itlmore, Maiytepcj 21244 " Cf'iSLibrarv C2-07-13 7500iJocuiltyBivd. Saltitnoro, MqtyS?n^i 21244 >S201IS ensLIBRORV aOTS lOBfl?

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