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Preview A bill to amend the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, and for other purposes

'CMSLibrary C2-07-i3 7500SGCurliyBivd. Baltimors, Marytern 106thcongress H.R.91 1stSession ToamendtheFamilyandMedicalLeaveActof1993,andforotherpurposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January6,1999 Mr.Clayintroducedthefollowingbill;whichwasreferredtotheCommittee onEducationandtheWorkforce,andinadditiontotheCommitteeson GovernmentReform,andHouseAdministration,foraperiodtobesubse- quentlydeterminedbytheSpeaker,ineachcaseforconsiderationofsuch provisionsasfallwithinthejurisdictionofthecommitteeconcerned A BILL ToamendtheFamilyandMedicalLeaveActof1993,and forotherpurposes. 1 BeitenactedhytheSenateandHouseofRepresenta- 2 tivesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericainCongressassembled, 3 SECTION1,SHORTTITLEANDREFERENCE. — 4 (a) Short Title. This Act may be cited as the 5 "Family and Medical Leave Improvements Act of 6 1999". — 7 (b) Reference. WheneverinthisAct(otherthan 8 insection4)anamendmentorrepealisexpressedinterms 9 ofanamendmentto,orrepealof,asectionorotherprovi- —— 2 1 sion, the reference shall be considered to be made to a 2 sectionorotherprovisionoftheFamilyandMedicalLeave 3 Actof1993. 4 SEC.2.COVERAGEOFEMPLOYEES. 5 Paragraphs (2)(B)(ii) and (4)(A)(i) of section 101 6 (29U.S.C.2611(2)(B)(ii)and(4)(A)(i))areeachamend- 7 ed by striking "50" each place it appears and inserting 8 "25". 9 SEC.3.GENERALREQUIREMENTSFORLEAVE. — 10 (a) Entitlement to Lea\ie. Section 102(a) (29 11 U.S.C. 2612(a)) is amended by adding at the end the 12 following: 13 "(3) Entitlement to pakental in'volve- 14 mentandelder-careleave. — 15 "(A) In general. Subject to section 16 103(f), aneligibleemployee shaDbeentitledto 17 a total of 24 hours of leave during any 12- 18 month period, in addition to leave available 19 underparagraph(1),to 20 "(i) participatein school activitiesdi- 21 rectly related to the educational advance- 22 mentofasonordaughteroftheemployee, 23 such as parent-teacher conferences or 24 interviewingforanewschool; HR91m "(ii) accompany the son or daughter oftheemployeetoroutinemedicalorden- talappointments, suchascheckupsorvac- cinations;and "(iii) accompanyanelderlyrelativeof the employee to routine medical or dental appointments or appointments for other professional services related to the elder's care, such as interviewing at nursing or grouphomes. "(B) Defixitioxs.—Asusedinthispara- graph: "(i) School.—The term 'school' means an elementan^ school or secondary school (as such terms are defined in sec- tion 14101 oftheElementaryandSecond- aiy Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 8801)), a Head Start program assisted undertheHeadStartAct(42U.S.C.9831 et seq.), and a child care facihty licensed underStatelaw. — "(ii) Elderly relatr^. The term 'elderlyrelative' means anindividualofat least 60 years of age who is related by 4 1 ' bloodormarriagetotheemployee, inelud- 2 ingaparent.". 3 (b) Schedule.—Section 102rb)(l) (29 U.S.C. 4 2612(b)(1))isamendedbyinsertingafterthesecondsen- 5 tencethefollowing: "Leaveundersubsection (a)(3) may 6 betakenintermittentlyoronareducedleaveschedule.". 7 (c) Substitution op Paid Lea\^.—Section 8 102(d)(2)(A) (29 U.S.C. 2612(d)(2)(A)) is amended by 9 insertingbefore the period the following: orforleave 10 pro\adedundersubsection (a)(3) foranypartofthe24- 11 hourperiodofsuchleaveundersuchsubsection". 12 (d) Notice.—Section 102(e) (29U.S.C. 2612(e))is 13 amendedbyaddingattheendthefollowing: 14 "(3) Notice for parental in-volve- — 15 MENT AND ELDERCARE LEAVE. Ifthe neces- 16 sityforleaveundersubsection(a)(3)isforesee- 17 able, the employee shall provide the employer 18 withnotlessthan7daysnoticebeforethedate 19 theleave istobegin. Ifthe necessityforleave 20 is not foreseeable, the employee shall provide 21 suchnoticeasispracticable.". 22 (e) Certification.—Section 103 (29U.S.C. 2613) 23 isamendedbyaddingattheendthefollowing: 24 "(f) Certification for Parental In^ol\^ment — 25 AND Elder-Care Lea\^. ^An employer may require HR91m 5 1 thatarequest forleaveundersection 102(a)(3) be sup- 2 portedbyacertificationissuedatsuchtimeandinsuch 3 manner as the Secretarymayby regulation prescribe.". 4 SEC.4.LEAVEFORCIVILSERVICEEMPLOYEES. — 5 (a) Entitlement to Leave. Section 6382(a) of 6 title5,UnitedStatesCode, isamendedbyaddingatthe 7 endthefollowing: 8 "(3)(A) Subjecttosection 6383(f),anem- 9 ployee shall be entitled to a total of24 hours 10 ofleave during any 12-month period, in addi- 11 tiontoleaveavailableunderparagraph (1), to: 12 "(i) participate in school aeti\itiesdi- 13 rectly related to the educational advance- 14 mentofasonordaughteroftheemployee, 15 such as parent-teacher conferences, or 16 interviewingforanewschool; 17 "(ii) accompany the son or daughter 18 oftheemployeetoroutinemedicalorden- 19 talappointments, suchascheckupsorvac- 20 einations;and 21 "(iii) accompanyanelderlyrelativeof 22 the employee to routine medical or dental 23 appointments or appointments for other 24 professional services related to the elder's HR91IH 6 1 care, such as interviewing at nursing or 2 grouphomes. 3 "(B)Asusedinthisparagraph: 4 "(i) The term 'school' means an ele- 5 mentary school or secondary school (as 6 suchtermsaredefinedinsection 14101of 7 the Elementarj^ and Secondary Education 8 Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 8801)), a Head 9 Start program assisted under the Head 10 StartAct (42 U.S.C. 9831 etseq.), anda 11 childcarefacilitylicensedunderStatelaw. 12 "(ii) Theterm'elderlyrelative'means 13 - an individual of at least 60 years of age 14 whoisrelatedbybloodormarriagetothe 15 employee,includingaparent.". 16 (b) Schedule.—Section 6382(b)(1) ofsuchtitleis 17 amendedbyinsertingafterthesecondsentencethefollow- 18 ing: "Leaveundersubsection (a)(3) maybetaken inter- 19 mittentlyoronareducedleaveschedule.". 20 (c) Substitution of Paid Leave.—Section 21 6382(d) ofsuch title is amended by insertingbefore ", 22 except"thefollowing: ",orforleaveprovidedundersub- 23 section (a)(3) anyoftheemployee'saccruedoraccumu- 24 latedannualleaveundersubchapterIforanypartofthe 25 24-hourperiodofsuchleaveundersuchsubsection". HR91m . CMSLibrary C2-07-13 7S00SocLirityBlvd. 3a!t!mor3, Marytenti21244 7 1 (d) Notice.—Section 6382(e)(1) of such title is 2 amendedbyaddingattheendthefollowing:"Iftheneces- 3 sityfor leaveunder subsection (a)(3) is foreseeable, the 4 employeeshallprovidetheemployerwithnotlessthan 7 5 days notice before the date the leave isto begin. Ifthe 6 necessityforleave is notforeseeable, the employee shall 7 providesuchnoticeasispracticable.". 8 (e) Certification-.—Section 6383 of such title is 9 amendedbyaddingattheendthefollowing: — 10 "(f) Certification. Anemployingagencymayre- 11 quire that a request for leave under section 6382(a)(3) 12 be supported by a certification issued at such time and 13 insuch mannerasthe Office ofPersonnel Management 14 maybyregulationprescribe." 15 SEC.5.EFFECTIVEDATE. 16 ThisActshalltakeeffect120daysafterthedateof 17 enactment. O HR91m ensLIBRARV flDTS QD0LD54b t

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