Description:Abstract: This Book is designed for all C, C++ & Java beginners and is also for those who want to interact with the hardware in a more powerful way and this book excepts no formal education in programming and it is written in an easy, reveting and readable style ideally suited for self-study. Of course those who have already familiar with programming are likely to derive more benefits from this book. It does assume, however, a reader able to create at least a simple program. This book introduces you to the fundamental concepts of computer programming using C, C++ & Java languages. If you are just learning C, C++ & Java programs, this book will make an excellent companion to any C, C++ & Java tutorial and serve as a source of knowledge to your specific questions. And, by reading this book, you’ll have a broad, basic knowledge of C, C++ & Java languages. This book is for all programmers, whether you are a novice or an experienced pro. The beginner will find its carefully paced discussions and many examples especially helpful.[Manjunath R. Understanding C, C + + & Java For Dummies. Academ Arena 2016;8(4s):1-229]. (ISSN 1553-992X). 1. doi:10.7537/marsaaj0804s16.01. Keywords: C; C++; Java; software; hardware; languages