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A Beginner’s Guide to Data Exploration and Visualisation with R PDF

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Elena N Ieno Alain F Zuur A Beginner’s Guide to Data Exploration and Visualisation with R Published by Highland Statistics Ltd. Highland Statistics Ltd. Newburgh United Kingdom [email protected] ISBN: 978-0-9571741-7-7 First published in February 2015 ii © Highland Statistics Ltd. � All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Highland Statistics Ltd., 9 St Clair Wynd, Newburgh, United Kingdom), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analyses. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methods now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, whether or not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. This book is copyrighted material from Highland Statistics Ltd. Scanning this book all or in part and distributing via digital media (including uploading to the internet) without our explicit permission constitutes copyright infringement. Infringing copyright is a criminal offence, and you will be taken to court and risk paying damages and compensation. Highland Statistics Ltd. actively polices against copyright infringement. Although the authors and publisher (Highland Statistics Ltd., 9 St Clair Wynd, Newburgh, United Kingdom) have taken every care in the preparation and writing of this book, they accept no liability for errors or omissions or for misuse or misunderstandings on the part of any person who uses it. The author and publisher accept no responsibility for damage, injury, or loss occasioned to any person as a result of relying on material included in, implied, or omitted from this book. www.highstat.com iii To Norma, Juan Carlos, and Walter, who pushed me to achieve this goal. Thank you! – Elena N Ieno – To my wife Nandi. Without you this book would have been finished much sooner, but life would have been less colourful. – Alain F Zuur – iv v Preface In 2010 we published a paper in the journal Methods in Ecology and Evolution entitled ‘A protocol for data exploration to avoid common sta- tistical problems’. Little did we know at the time that this paper would be- come one of the journal’s all-time top papers, both top downloaded and top cited papers, with more than 20K downloads during the first 6 months. Based on this success we decided to extend the material in the paper into a book, which is now before you. It is part of our Beginner’s Guide to … book series. We tried to write this book in such a way that the statistical knowledge level is as low as possible. A knowledge of linear regression is all that you need. Acknowledgements The material in this book was presented in a large number of courses between 2003 and 2014. We are greatly indebted to all participants who supplied data for this book and helped improve the material and the feasibility of explanations. Yvon-Durocher provided the methane data in Chapter 6. Chris Elphick and Michael Reed provided the Hawaiian data included in Chapter 7. We also appreciate the efforts of those who wrote R (R Development Core Team 2013) and its many packages. We made extensive use of the lattice (Sarkar 2008) and ggplot2 (Wickham 2008) packages. Special thanks to Christine Andreasen for editing this book. The photo on the front cover is from © Wayne Lynch/Arcticphoto.com. Datasets used in this book All datasets used in this book may be downloaded from www.highstat.com/BGDEV.htm. All R code also may be downloaded from the website for this book. To open the ZIP file with R code, use the password PolarBear2015. Elena N Ieno Alicante, Spain Alain F Zuur Newburgh, Scotland February 2015 vi vii Contents PREFACE ............................................................................................. V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................ V DATASETS USED IN THIS BOOK ............................................................ V 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................1 1.1 SPEAKING THE SAME LANGUAGE ......................................................1 1.2. GENERAL POINTS .............................................................................2 1.3 OUTLINE OF THIS BOOK .....................................................................5 2 OUTLIERS ..............................................................................................7 2.1 WHAT IS AN OUTLIER? ......................................................................7 2.2 BOXPLOT TO IDENTIFY OUTLIERS IN ONE DIMENSION .......................8 2.2.1 Simple boxplot ...........................................................................8 2.2.2 Conditional boxplot .................................................................10 2.2.3 Multi-panel boxplots from the lattice package .......................13 2.3 CLEVELAND DOTPLOT TO IDENTIFY OUTLIERS ...............................15 2.3.1 Simple Cleveland dotplots .......................................................15 2.3.2 Conditional Cleveland dotplots ..............................................17 2.3.3 Multi-panel Cleveland dotplots from the lattice package .......18 2.4 BOXPLOTS OR CLEVELAND DOTPLOTS? ..........................................20 2.5 CAN WE APPLY A TEST FOR OUTLIERS? ...........................................21 2.5.1 Z-score ....................................................................................22 2.5.2 Grubbs’ test .............................................................................22 2.6 OUTLIERS IN THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL SPACE ..................................24 2.7 INFLUENTIAL OBSERVATIONS IN REGRESSION MODELS ...................25 2.8 WHAT TO DO IF YOU DETECT POTENTIAL OUTLIERS ........................27 2.9 OUTLIERS AND MULTIVARIATE DATA .............................................31 2.10 THE PROS AND CONS OF TRANSFORMATIONS ................................33 3 NORMALITY AND HOMOGENEITY .............................................37 3.1 WHAT IS NORMALITY? ....................................................................37 3.2 HISTOGRAMS AND CONDITIONAL HISTOGRAMS ..............................38 3.2.1 Multipanel histograms from the lattice package .....................39 3.2.2 When is normality of the raw data considered? .....................41 3.3 KERNEL DENSITY PLOTS ..................................................................42 3.4 QUANTILE–QUANTILE PLOTS ..........................................................43 3.4.1 Quantile–quantile plots from the lattice package ...................44 3.5 USING TESTS TO CHECK FOR NORMALITY ........................................45 3.6 HOMOGENEITY OF VARIANCE .........................................................47 3.6.1 Conditional boxplots ...............................................................47 3.6.2 Scatterplots for continuous explanatory variables .................49 3.7 USING TESTS TO CHECK FOR HOMOGENEITY ...................................50 3.7.1 The Bartlett test .......................................................................50 3.7.2 The F-ratio test ........................................................................50 3.7.3 Levene’s test ............................................................................51 3.7.4 So which test would you choose? ............................................51 viii 3.7.5 R code ......................................................................................51 3.7.6 Using graphs? .........................................................................52 4 RELATIONSHIPS ................................................................................55 4.1 SIMPLE SCATTERPLOTS ...................................................................55 4.1.1 Example: Clam data ................................................................55 4.1.2 Example: Rabbit data ..............................................................57 4.1.3 Example: Blow fly data ...........................................................58 4.2 MULTIPANEL SCATTERPLOTS ..........................................................60 4.2.1 Example: Polychaeta data ......................................................60 4.2.2 Example: Bioluminescence data .............................................61 4.3 PAIRPLOTS ......................................................................................62 4.3.1 Bioluminescence data .............................................................63 4.3.2 Cephalopod data .....................................................................64 4.3.3 Zoobenthos data ......................................................................65 4.4 CAN WE INCLUDE INTERACTIONS? ..................................................66 4.4.1 Irish pH data ...........................................................................66 4.4.2 Godwit data .............................................................................68 4.4.3 Irish pH data revisited ............................................................70 4.4.4 Parasite data ...........................................................................71 4.5 DESIGN AND INTERACTION PLOTS ...................................................73 5 COLLINEARITY AND CONFOUNDING ........................................77 5.1 WHAT IS COLLINEARITY? ................................................................77 5.2 THE SAMPLE CORRELATION COEFFICIENT .......................................77 5.3 CORRELATION AND OUTLIERS .........................................................78 5.4 CORRELATION MATRICES ................................................................79 5.5 CORRELATION AND PAIRPLOTS .......................................................80 5.6 COLLINEARITY DUE TO INTERACTIONS ...........................................82 5.7 VISUALISING COLLINEARITY WITH CONDITIONAL BOXPLOTS .........83 5.8 QUANTIFYING COLLINEARITY USING VIFS .......................................85 5.8.1 Variance inflation factors .......................................................85 5.8.2 Geometric presentation of collinearity ...................................86 5.8.3 Tolerance ................................................................................88 5.8.4 What constitutes a high VIF value? ........................................88 5.8.5 VIFs in action ..........................................................................89 5.9 GENERALISED VIF VALUES .............................................................91 5.10 VISUALISING COLLINEARITY USING PCA BIPLOT ...........................93 5.11 CAUSES OF COLLINEARITY AND SOLUTIONS ..................................94 5.12 BE STUBBORN AND KEEP COLLINEAR COVARIATES? .....................96 5.13 CONFOUNDING VARIABLES ...........................................................97 5.13.1 Visualising confounding variables ........................................99 5.13.2 Confounding factors in time series analysis .......................100 6 CASE STUDY: METHANE FLUXES .............................................103 6.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................103 6.2 DATA EXPLORATION .....................................................................104 6.2.1 Where in the world are the sites? ..........................................104 ix 6.2.2 Working with ggplot2 ............................................................105 6.2.3 Outliers ..................................................................................108 6.2.4 Collinearity ...........................................................................111 6.2.5 Relationships .........................................................................112 6.2.6 Interactions ...........................................................................114 6.2.7 Where in the world are the sites (continued)? ......................115 6.3 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USING LINEAR REGRESSION .....................118 6.3.1 Model formulation .................................................................118 6.3.2 Fitting a linear regression model ..........................................118 6.3.3 Model validation of the linear regression model ..................120 6.3.4 Interpretation of the linear regression model .......................125 6.4 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USING A MIXED EFFECTS MODEL .............131 6.4.1 Model formulation .................................................................131 6.4.2 Fitting a mixed effects model ................................................132 6.4.3 Model validation of the mixed effects model .........................132 6.4.4 Interpretation of the linear mixed effects model ...................132 6.5 CONCLUSIONS ...............................................................................134 6.6 WHAT TO PRESENT IN A PAPER ......................................................134 7 CASE STUDY: OYSTERCATCHER SHELL LENGTH ..............135 7.1 IMPORTING THE DATA ...................................................................136 7.2 DATA EXPLORATION .....................................................................136 7.3 APPLYING A LINEAR REGRESSION MODEL .....................................138 7.4 UNDERSTANDING THE RESULTS ....................................................140 7.5 TROUBLE .......................................................................................143 7.6 CONCLUSIONS ...............................................................................146 8 CASE STUDY: HAWAIIAN BIRD TIME SERIES ...................147 8.1 IMPORTING THE DATA ...................................................................147 8.2 CODING THE DATA ........................................................................148 8.3 MULTI-PANEL GRAPH USING XYPLOT FROM LATTICE ....................148 8.3.1 Attempt 1 using xyplot ...........................................................149 8.3.2 Attempt 2 using xyplot ...........................................................150 8.3.3 Attempt 3 using xyplot ...........................................................151 8.4 MULTI-PANEL GRAPH USING GGPLOT2 ..........................................153 8.5 CONCLUSIONS ...............................................................................154 REFERENCES .......................................................................................155 INDEX ....................................................................................................159 BOOKS BY HIGHLAND STATISTICS .............................................161 x

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