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A 4/3-approximation for TSP on cubic 3-edge-connected graphs NishitaAggarwal NaveenGarg SwatiGupta January31,2011 1 Introduction 1 1 0 We consider the travelling salesman problem on metrics which can be viewed as the shortest path metric 2 of an undirected graph with unit edge-lengths. Finding a TSP tour in such a metric is then equivalent to n finding a connected Eulerian subgraph in the underlying graph. Since the length of the tour is the number a ofedgesinthisEuleriansubgraphourproblemcanequivalentlybestatedasfollows: Givenanundirected, J 8 unweighted graph G = (V,E) find a connected Eulerian subgraph, H = (V,E(cid:48)) with the fewest edges. 2 NotethatH couldbeamultigraph. In this paper we consider the special case of the problem when G is 3-regular (also called cubic) and ] S 3-edge-connected. Note that the smallest Eulerian subgraph contains at least n = |V| edges. In fact, in D the shortest path metric arising out of such a graph the Held-Karp bound for the length of the TSP tour s. wouldalsoben. Thisisbecausewecanobtainafractionalsolutiontothesub-toureliminationLP(which c isequivalenttotheHeld-Karpbound)ofvaluenbyassigning2/3toeveryedgeinG. [ Improving the approximation ratio for metric-TSP beyond 3/2 is a long standing open problem. For 1 themetriccompletionofcubic3-edgeconnectedgraphsGamarniket.al.[1]obtainedanalgorithmwithan v 6 approximation guarantee slightly better than 3/2. The main result of this paper is to improve this approxi- 8 mationguaranteeto4/3bygivingapolynomialtimealgorithmtofindaconnectedEuleriansubgraphwith 5 at most 4n/3 edges. This matches the conjectured integrality gap for the sub-tour elimination LP for the 5 . specialcaseofthesemetrics. 1 0 1 2 Preliminaries 1 : v i Let n be the number of vertices of the given graph G. Let d(x) denote the degree of x. A 2-factor in G X is a subset of edges X such that every vertex has degree 2 in X. Let σ(X) denote the minimum size of r a components of X. Given two distinct edges e1 = x1v and e2 = x2v incident on a vertex v, let Gve1,e2 denotethegraphobtainedbyreplacinge ,e bytheedgex x . Thevertexv issaidtobesplitoff. Wecall 1 2 1 2 acut(S,S)essentialwhenbothS andS containatleastoneedgeeach. Wewillneedthefollowingresultsforourdiscussion Lemma1(Peterson[4]). Everybridgelesscubicgraphhasa2-factor. Lemma2(Mader[3]). LetG = (V,E)beak-edge-connectedgraph,v ∈ V withd(v) ≥ k+2. Thenthere existsedgese ,e ∈ E suchthatGe1,e2 ishomeomorphictoak-edge-connectedgraph. 1 2 v Lemma 3 (Jackson, Yoshimoto[2]). Let G be a 3-edge-connected graph with n vertices. Then G has a spanningevensubgraphinwhicheachcomponenthasatleastmin(n,5)vertices. 1 3 Algorithm Our algorithm can be broadly split into three parts. We first find a 2-factor of the cubic graph that has no 3-cyclesand4-cycles. Next, wecompressthe5-cyclesinto‘super-vertices’and splitthemusingLemma2 to get a cubic 3-edge-connected graph G(cid:48) again. Repeatedly applying the first part on G(cid:48) and compressing the five cycles gives a 2-factor with no 5-cycle on the vertices of the original graph. We ‘expand’ back the super-verticestoformX thatisasubgraphofG.WefinallyarguethatX canbemodifiedtogetaconnected spanningevenmulti-graphusingatmost4/3(n)edges. ThestartingpointofouralgorithmisTheorem3[2]. Infact[2]provesthefollowingstrongertheorem. Theorem 1. Let G be a 3-edge-connected graph with n vertices, u be a vertex of G with d(u ) = 3, and 2 2 e = u u ;e = u u be edges of G. (it may be the case that u = u ). Then G has a spanning even 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 3 subgraphX with{e ,e } ⊂ E(X)andσ(X) ≥ min(n,5). 1 2 The proof of this theorem is non-constructive. We refer to the edges e ,e in the statement of the 1 2 theorem as “required edges”. We now discuss the changes required in the proof given in [2] to obtain a polynomialtimealgorithmwhichgivesthesubgraphX withthepropertiesasspecifiedinTheorem1. Note that we will be working with a 3-regular graph (as against an arbitrary graph of min degree 3 in [2]) and hencetheevensubgraphX weobtainwillbea2-factor. 1. If G contains a non-essential 3-edge cut then we proceed as in the proof of Claim 2 in [2]. This involvessplittingGinto2graphsG ,G andsuitablydefiningtherequirededgesforthese2instances 1 2 sothattheevensubgraphscomputedinthese2graphscanbecombined. Thisstepistobeperformed wheneverthegraphunderconsiderationhasanessential3-edgecut. 2. SinceGis3-regularwedonotrequiretheargumentofClaim6. 3. SinceGhasnoessential3-edgecutandis3-regular,a3-cycleinGimpliesthatGisK . Inthiscase 4 wecanfindaspanningevensubgraphcontainingany2requirededges. 4. The process of eliminating 4-cycles in the graph involves a sequence of graph transformations. The transformationsare asspecifiedin [2] buttheorder inwhichthe 4-cyclesareconsidered dependson the number of required edges in the cycle. We first consider all such cycles which do not have any requirededges,thencycleswith2requirededgesandfinallycycleswhichhaveonerequirededge. Since with each transformation the number of edges and vertices in the graph reduces we would eventuallyterminatewithagraph,sayG(cid:48),withgirth5. Wefinda2-factorinG(cid:48),sayX(cid:48) andundothe transformations(asspecifiedin[2])inthereverseorderinwhichtheyweredonetoobtaina2-factor X intheoriginalgraphGwhichhasthepropertiesofTheorem1. Suppose the 2-factor obtained X contains a 5-cycle C. We compress the vertices of C into a single vertex, sayv , andremoveselfloops. v hasdegree5andwecallthisvertexasuper-vertex. Wenowuse C C Lemma 2 to replace two edges x v and x v incident at v with the edge x x while preserving 3-edge 1 C 2 C C 1 2 connectivity. Theedgex x iscalledasuper-edge. Sincethegraphobtainediscubicand3-edgeconnected 1 2 we can once again find a 2-factor, each of whose cycles has length at least 5. If there is a 5-cycle which doesnotcontainanysuper-vertexorsuper-edgewecompressitandrepeattheaboveprocess. Wecontinue doing this till we obtain a 2-factor, say X, each of whose cycles is either of length at least 6 or contains a super-vertexorasuper-edge. 2 In the 2-factor X we replace every super-edge with the corresponding edges. For instance the super- edge x x would get replaced by edges x v and x v where v is a super-vertex obtained by collapsing 1 2 1 C 2 C C the vertices of a cycle C. After this process X is no more a 2-factor but an even subgraph. However, the onlyverticeswhichhavedegreemorethan2arethesuper-verticesandtheycanhaveamaximumdegree4. LetX denotethisevensubgraph. ConsidersomeconnectedcomponentW ofX. Wewillshowhowtoexpandthesuper-verticesinW into 5-cyclestoformanEuleriansubgraphwithatmost(cid:98)4|W(cid:48)|/3(cid:99)−2edges,where|W(cid:48)|isnumberofvertices in the expanded component. For each component we will use 2 more edges to connect this component to theothercomponentstoobtainaconnectedEuleriansubgraphwithatmost(cid:98)4n/3(cid:99)−2edges. Notethatthe subgraphweobtainmayuseanedgeoftheoriginalgraphatmosttwice. WenowconsidertwocasesdependingonwhetherW containsasuper-vertex. 1. W has no super-vertices. Then, W is a cycle with at least 6 vertices and hence Eulerian. Since |W|/3 ≥ 2theclaimfollows. 2. W has at least one super-vertex, say s. We will discuss the transformations for a single super-vertex andthiswillberepeatedfortheothersuper-vertices. Notethatshasdegree2or4. Figure1: OnExpandingasuper-vertexwithdegree2 Ifshasdegree2,thenthe2edgesincidentonthe5-cyclecorrespondingtoswouldbeasinFigure1. InbothcasesweobtainanEuleriansubgraph. Bythistransformationwehaveadded4verticesandat most5edgestothesubgraphW. Supposethesuper-vertexshasdegree4inthecomponentW. W maynotnecessarilybeacomponent ofthesubgraphXasitmighthavebeenobtainedafterexpandingafewsuper-vertices,butthatwillnot effectourargument. LetC bethe5-cyclecorrespondingtothissuper-vertexandletv ,v ,v ,v ,v 1 2 3 4 5 be the vertices on C (in order). Further let v(cid:48) be the vertex not in C adjacent to v . Let v v(cid:48) be the i i 5 5 edgeincidentonC thatisnotinthesubgraphW. We replace the vertex s in W with the cycle C and let W(cid:48) be the resulting subgraph. Note that by dropping edges v v and v v from W(cid:48) we obtain an Eulerian subgraph which includes all vertices 1 2 3 4 ofC. However,thissubgraphmaynotbeconnectedasitcouldbethecasethatedgesv v andv v 1 2 3 4 3 Figure 2: Expanding a super-vertex with degree 4 when v v and v v do not form a 2-edge-cut of the 1 2 3 4 sub-graphconstructedtillnow. Figure3: Expandingasuper-vertexwithdegree4whenv v andv v forma2-edge-cut. 1 2 3 4 form an edge-cut in W(cid:48). If this is the case then we apply the transformation as shown in Figure 3. This ensures that W(cid:48) remains connected and is Eulerian. Note that as a result of this step we have added4verticesandatmost4edgestothesubgraphW. LetW(cid:48) bethecomponentobtainedbyexpandingallthesuper-verticesinW. Supposeinitially,compo- nent W had k super-vertices of degree 2, k super-vertices of degree 4 and k vertices of degree 2. This 1 2 3 impliesW hadk +2k +k edges. Onexpandingasuper-vertexofdegree2,weadd5edgesintheworst 1 2 3 case. On expanding a super-vertex of degree 4, we add 4 edges in the worst case. So, the total number of edgesinW(cid:48) isatmost6k +6k +k whilethenumberofverticesinW(cid:48) isexactly5k +5k +k . Note 1 2 3 1 2 3 that k +k +k ≥ 5 and if k +k +k = 5 then k +k ≥ 1. Hence, 2k +2k +k ≥ 6 and this 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 impliesthatthenumberofedgesinW(cid:48) isatmost(cid:98)4|V(W(cid:48))|/3(cid:99)−2. 4 Conclusions Weshowthatanycubic3-edgeconnectedgraphcontainsaconnectedEuleriansubgraphwithatmost4n/3 edges. Itistemptingtoconjecturethesamefornon-cubicgraphsespeciallysincetheresultin[2]holdsfor all 3-edge connected graphs. The example of a K demonstrates that this conjecture would be false. A 3,n K is3-edgeconnectedandanyconnectedEuleriansubgraphcontainsatleast2nedges. 3,n 4 References [1] DavidGamarnik,MosheLewenstein,andMaximSviridenko. Animprovedupperboundforthetspin cubic3-edge-connectedgraphs. Oper.Res.Lett. [2] BillJacksonandKiyoshiYoshimoto. Spanningevensubgraphsof3-edge-connectedgraphs. Journalof GraphTheory,62(1):37–47,2009. [3] W.Mader. Areductionmethodforedge-connectivityingraphs. Ann.DiscreteMath,3:145–164,1978. [4] J.Petersen. Dietheoriederregularengraphen. ActaMath.,15:193–220,1891. 5

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