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Preview A 38,000 Year History of the Vegetation at Penrith Lakes, New South Wales

. A New 38,000 year History ofthe Vegetation at Penrith Lakes, South Wales Jane M. Chalson' and Helene A. Martin^ '46 Kilmamoch St. Engadine, N.S.W. 2233 ^School ofBiological, Environmental and Earth Sciences, University ofNew SouthWales, SydneyAustralia 2052 ([email protected]) Chalson, J.M. andMartin, H.A. (2008).A38,000 yearhistory ofthe vegetation atPenrith Lakes,New SouthWales. Proceedings oftheLinnean SocietyofNewSouth Wales 129, 97-111 Sediments in an abandonedriverchannel on the floodplain oftheNepeanRiveratPenrith record about 38,000 calibrated years (38 k cal. yr BP) ofdeposition. Sections of sediments ofa 860 cm core proved barren ofpollen, but sufficientpollenwas recovered fromthree sections agedabout (1) 38-36 k cal. yrBP, middle glacialperiod, (2)27-16kcal. yrBP, middle-late glacialperiod, includingthe lastglacialmaximum and (3) 6 kcal. yrBPtopresent, late Holocene. During the 38-36 k cal. yr BP period, the vegetation was an open sclerophyll forest with Eucalyptus viminalis and Leptospermumpolygalifolium prominent. A 'spineless Asteraceae', thought to be Cassinia arcuata was prominent in the understorey. E. viminalis was the most common eucalypt and it is the most cold-tolerantofthesuiteofpossibleeucalypts. Duringthe27-16kcal. yrBPperiod,ashrublandofCassinia arcuata with some grasses was present. The lack ofeucalypts during the height ofthe last glacial period suggests a cold, arid climate and agrees with estimates thatthe rainfall was about halfthat oftoday. Inthe period 6 kcal. yrBPtopresent, aEucalyptus tereticornis andLeptospermumjuniperinum woodlandwith a grasseyunderstorey occupiedthe site. Whencomparedwithotherrecords inthe SydneyBasin,thevegetationthroughthelastglacialmaximum at Penrith Lakes isthe only onewith a shrubland/grassland community. Manuscriptreceived26 February 2007, acceptedforpublication24 October2007 Keywords: Climate change, Historyofthevegetation, Holocene, Last glacial maximum, Palynology, Penrith. INTRODUCTION The gravels have been extracted for building aggregate and the excavations converted into Penrith, situatedonthe CumberlandPlain, is the Peruith Lakes for recreation (Penrith Lakes A justeastofthe LapstoneMonoclinewhichdefines the Development Corporation, 1983/84). core through easternedgeoftheBlueMountainsPlateau(Bembrick the sediments filling the abandoned channel has et al, 1980). At Penrith (Figs 1, 2), the Nepean River been used for this study, the base dating from 38 k flows from a confining Triassic sandstone gorge onto cal. yr BP. This time span includes the last glacial shale lowlands where sediments have accumulated maximum at about 20-18 k yr ago. There are three since Tertiary times. The Nepean andthe Wollondilly otherhistories ofthe vegetation extendingbackto the Rivers togetherdrain much ofthe southernpart ofthe last glacial maximum in the Sydney Basin: (1) Lake Sydney Basin. In the late Pleistocene, it transported Baraba, one of the Thirlmere Lakes in a confined abundant gravels over a braided plain. Nanson and sandstone gorge (Black et al., 2006), (2) Mountain m Young (1988) use this evidence ofexceptional fluvial Lagoon, at 500 altitude in the Blue Mountains activity to argue for a pluvial period which ended (Robbie and Martin, 2007) and (3) Redhead Lagoon, about 40-45,000 years ago. The river quicklybecame a now coastal location south ofNewcastle (Williams confined to two stable channels, but the eastermnost et al., 2006). These studies come from very different channel was abandoned about 34-37,000 years ago, envirorunents to that of Penrith Lakes, hence this leaving only the western channel, the present course study will add significantly to our understanding of ofthe Nepean River (Nanson andYoung 1988). the history ofthe vegetation ofthe Sydney Basin. VEGETATION HISTORY OF PENRITH LAKES, NSW Nepean River has left no other significant alluvial —150'30- isr isr30- 1i 1'1 N1 ewcastl&y deposits since the last glacial maximum. However, 33-'O Redhead Lagoon\i' - stripping and replacement of overburden appears to have occurred over the western part of the terrace i / about 14 kyr BP (Fig. 3). Before gravel extractioncommenced, the swamp collectedrunofffi"omthewestandsouthwest,draining the entire region between the levees of the Nepean River. Watergraduallypassedthroughthe swamp and +MountainLaaoon - eventually entered a small tributary of Cranebrook •Richmond Creekto the north ofthe swamp. The swamp acted as Fig. 2 a sump during times oflow runoffbut as a drainage ' ^Penrith channel during periods of higher runoff (Chalson 1^Sydney 1991). / 34.- .Camden ^yy + LakeBaraba / ) 10 20 30 40 50 tan' j/wollongong -H (— 1— 150'30- 1 Figure 1. Locality map showing place names men- tioned in the text. THE ENVIRONMENT The Penrith Lakes site is located on a river terrace of the Nepean River, approximately 4.5 km north ofPenrithand 1 kmwest ofCranebrookVillage (Fig. 2), at 33° 42' S and 150° 41' E, and an altitude m of 17-19 asl. The site was a swamp overlying the black clay of the channel fill. The channel cut into the Cranebrook Terrace sediments, which overlie the Ashfield Shale. To the east, is another older and higher terrace ofTertiary origin (Fig. 2). Evidence ofalluvial depositionalongtheNepean Riverextends wellback intoTertiarytime. Following the Tertiary deposition, the river excavated a broad Reworked overburden: Late Pleistocene- trench running parallel to the Lapstone monocline, ,''''"V• Holocene. c10,000-13,000yr BP where the Quaternary alluvium of the Cranebrook Terrace is inset (Fig. 3). The thick basal gravels were Original overburden: Pleistocene. deposited almost contemporaneously with a sandy \\\^ c40,000-45,000yr. BP clay overburden until the river became confined to yyA Channel infill: Pleistocene-Recent two stable channels. Since the easternmost channel yyy^ 036,000yr BP was abandoned, the Nepean River appears to have onlyoccupiedthewesternchannel andthe abandoned Fig. 2. The Cranebrook Terrace, showing the al- channel filled with fine sediments (Nanson et al. luvial formations and the location ofthe core site. A 1987). bedrock bar at the Castlereagh Neck (Fig. The cross sectionA-B is shown in Fig. 3. Modified 2) isolated the river from eustatic changes and the from Nanson et al. (1987) 98 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 CHALSON AND MARTIN J.M. H.A. East I^X/J Sandyclay;reworkedoverburden vN^ Sandy-Clay;originaloverburden Figure 3. Cross section ofthe Cranebrook Terrace, showing the alluvial units. For location ofcross sec- tion, see Fig, 2, Modified from Nanson et al. (1987) The soils ofthe Cranebrook Terrace are weakly Melaleuca linariifoUa tall shrubland with differentiated on the alluvium of the western side Eleocharis sphacelata, Typha orientalis and near the river, where the sediments were deposited Philydrum lanuginosum covered the swamp, with 9,000-12,000yearsBR Onthe eastern side, wherethe Triglochin procerum in shallow standing water. sedimentsaresome38,000yearsold,deepweathering Juncus usitatus andPersicaria spp. were common in hasproducedstronglydifferentiatedprofiles.Thesoils waterlogged areas (Benson 1992). The southern end areredandyellowpodzolics with complexvariability of the swamp was almost completely covered with (Young etal. 1987). Carex appressa and occasional M. linariifoUa, with The closest currently operating meteorological Melaleuca styphelioides in deeper water. Midway station is at Richmond on the University ofWestern along the swamp, M. linariifoUa was associated with Sydney, Hawkesbury campus, some 20 km NNE Paspalum distichum, C appressa, T. orientalis and T. of Penrith and at a similar altitude. Here, the mean procerum. Toward the northern part of the swamp, mm armual rainfall is 800 pa, with January to P. distichum and E. sphacelata were dominant, with M February the wettest months with an average of 89- C. appressa andJ. usitatus in the marginal areas. mm 96 per month and July to September the driest linariifoUais still foundatthenorthernextreme ofthe mm months, with an average of43-47 permonth. The swamp (Chalson 1991). mean daily maximum aimual temperature is 23.9°C, Only small patches of dryland vegetation with a mean daily maximum of28.9-29.4°C for the remained on the river flats, and from the flora of hottest months ofJanuary-February. The mean daily these patches, together with early botanists' reports, minimum annual temperature is 10.5°C, with a mean some idea ofthe original vegetation may be achieved dailyminimum of3.2-4.4°C forthe coldestmonths of (Benson 1992). Casuarina cunninghamiana was July-August (BoM 2006). found in these remnant sites, and would have A meteorological stationatPenrith, notoperating fringed the river. Acacia spp., Bossaiea rhombifolia, now,recordedalongtermmeanannualrainfall of685 Pulteneaflexilis and Kennedia rubicunda may have mm pa (Bureau ofHeterology 1966) and a shortterm been present in the understorey. The floodplain once mm record at Penrith Lakes, 687 pa (Chalson 1991). supported a river flat open forest with Eucalyptus A survey of the vegetation in the Penrith area amplifolia and Angophora subvelutina dominant. (Benson, 1992) found that very little of the natural A remnant of open forest east of the swamp had E. vegetation remains because of the suitability of the amplifolia, E. baueriana, E. eugenioides and E. soils for agriculture. The vegetation patterns relate moluccana (Chalson 1991). Eucalyptus tereticornis strongly to the underlying geology with major waspredominantdownstreamaroundRichmond. The groups of communities being restricted to either Tertiary alluvium supported remnants of E. fibrosa the Wianamatta Shale, Tertiary alluvium, Holocene openforestandtheAshfieldShalesupportedE. crebra (and other Quaternary) alluvium or Hawkesbury andSyncarpiaglomulifera.Understoreyspeciesfound Sandstone (Benson, 1992). The swamp surface had in these remnants were Bursaria spinosa, Themeda the most significant natural vegetation remaining in australis, Aristida ramosa, Daviesia ulicifoUa and the area (Chalson 1991). Grevilleajuniperina (Benson, 1992). Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 99 VEGETATION HISTORY OF PENRITH LAKES, NSW For thousands of years, the Penrith Lakes area using a drill truck kindly provided by the Penrith was extensively used by the original inhabitants, Lakes Development Corporation. Samples for pollen the Darug people (Penrith Lakes Development analysisweretakenat 10cmintervals. Theuppermost Corporation 2006). Most of the preserved sites are sample for radiocarbon dating was taken from the surfacemiddens ontheriverterracesandareprobably trenchandthe othersamplesweretaken fromthe core less than 3,000 years old. Stockton and Holland at postulated zone boundaries and at the base ofthe m A (1974) found stone implements in the gravels at 9 core. kilogram ormore ofthe claywas required for depth and obtained radiocarbon dates of27,000 BP, each radiocarbon sample. but Nanson et al. (1987) regard this as contamination Very little of the natural vegetation remains since all of the gravels were deposited by 47,000- around Penrith (Benson 1992), hence it was not 45,000 BP. However, stone artifacts have been found surveyed. An initial survey of surface samples firom in the tumble at the foot ofthe quarry, and since all degraded remnant stands showed that the pollen was % ofthe overburden was removed before quarrying the poorly preserved and contained over 50 Poaceae, gravels, the possibility of contamination is remote. reflecting the disturbed nature of the vegetation. The wear on the artifacts suggest that they were Hence the present day pollen deposition was unlikely dropped close to the site where they were found to assist in interpretation ofthe core pollen spectra, (Nanson etal. 1987). however a study of pollen deposition in natural Excavation of the Shaws Creek KII rockshelter vegetationacrossthe Blue Mountains (Chalson 1991) (Kohen et al. 1984) has revealed more than 13,000 maygive some insight forinterpretation, althoughthe years ofoccupation.This site, closetobothmountane, environments ofthese sites are somewhat differentto riverine and plain environments would have enabled the Penrith site. access to an abundance and variety of plants and Pollen preparations extracted from the core animals. The gravels and boulders in the bed ofthe sedimentswere spikedwith ofaknown concentration river would have supplied a variety ofrock types for of Alnus, then treated with hydrochloric and stoneimplements.Thereisanolderphaseofrelatively hydrofluoric acidstoremove siliceousmaterial (Birks sparse occupation and a younger phase ofseemingly and Birks 1980), oxidised with Schultz solution (a more intense occupation associated with a change in saturated solution of potassium perchlorate in nitric stone tool technology about 4,000 BP (Kohen et al. acid), cleared in 10% potassium carbonate and the 1984). residue was mounted in glycerine jelly (Brown, Europeans settled in the region shortly before 1960). Reference pollen was treated with standard AD 1800 and settlement accelerated between 1801 acetolysis (Moore et al. 1991). and 1806. Initially, settlement focused on timber Pollen was identified by comparing grains fi-om getting and by 1810, the cedar and rose mahogany the core with reference pollen. Special attention was had been cleared. Subsequently, the settlers began paid to pollen ofthe Myrtaceae which was identified to grow wheat from around 1801 until the 1820's following the method in Chalson and Martin when this was replaced by grazing, probably due to (1995). Poaceae was extremely abundant in some falling fertility. Inthe late 1800's, marketgardens and of the samples and several different types could be dairying developed to cater for the Sydney market recognised (Appendix 1), although they could not be (Chalson 1991). The entire site has been extensively identified with any taxon within the family. altered since 1991 by the extraction of building Grains were counted along transects across the aggregate and subsequent construction ofthe Sydney slides and tests showedthat a count ofmore than 140 Olympic Games rowing course. Very little evidence grains adequately sampled the residues. The counts ofthe original clay channel remains today. were presented as percentages ofthe total count and pollen concentrations were calculated for the most important taxa. METHODS The abundance of charcoal retained after sieving was estimated subjectively on scale of 1 to The core site was located where it was thought 8. Counts of microscopic charcoal for a swamp at that the sediments of the abandoned channel would Kings Tableland showed that the two methods gave be the deepest. The top 20 cm was a dense fibrous similar results, although the latter was more variable mat that had to be trenched. From 20 cm to 50 cm, (Chalson 1991). the sediments were hand-cored, using a Russian D- corer(Birks and Birks 1980). From 75 cm to 860 cm, mm a continuous core of 50 diameter was obtained 100 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 CHALSON AND MARTIN J.M. H.A. Table 1 The sediments. The Troels-Smith method ofdescription (Birks and Birks 1980) has been followed. Depth (cm) Sediment ty-pe Colour Trench 0-15 Rootypeat Olive grey, greyish brown, yellowish brown 16-20 Peaty clay Brown/darkbrown Hand core 21-50 Clay Dark grey, greyish brown, dark brown, pale brown 51-74 No core recovery Drill core 75-90 Clay As for21-50 cm Grey, dark grey, greyishbrown, yellowishbrown, with a few 91-280 Clay mottledbands 281-570 Clay Mottled grey, light grey, brown, pale brown, yellowishbrown Grey, light grey, brown, pale brown, yellowish brown, olive 571-660 Clay brown, with a few mottledbands 661-760 Clay Brown, yellowish brown, olive grey. 761-860 Silt, silty clay Greyish brown, dark grey, grey, darkyellowishbrown RESULTS mustbe transportedto the site, whereas withpeat, the plants growing on site contribute pollen directly into The core revealed some 20 cm ofrooty peat at the sediments. Mottling indicates a fluctuating water the top, then clay down to 760 cm, andfinally silt and table which is destructive to pollen. There are several siltyclaydowntothebaseofthecoreat860cm(Table sections in the core which failed to yield workable 1). The colour ofthe clay is predominantly grey and pollen spectra (Fig. 4). Nevertheless, sufficient greyish brown, with some dark grey and yellowish pollen has been recovered to provide a history ofthe brown colours. There are minor bands of mottling vegetationforcertainperiods andtoillustrate changes below 91 cm and consistent mottling between 281 in the vegetation overtime. cm and 570 cm. The radiocarbon dates are presented In sediments such as these, the possibility of in Table 2 and show that the record extends back differential pollen destruction must be addressed. approximately 38,000 calibrated years BP (38 k cal. Cyperaceae and Poaceae are thin-walled and fragile yrBP). grains, andmaybe expectedtobe destroyedfirst. The Clay usually has a lower pollen content than pollen spectra from the clays have a proportion of peat, having been deposited in a lake where pollen these fi"agile grains and are thus are no different from Table 2. Radiocarbon dates (standard C14 technique) on bulk samples (see Methods). Calibrated years have been calculated according to the Radiocarbon Calibrated Program Calib Rev 5.0.2 (Stuiver and Reimer, 1985-2005). ^H Laboratory Age (radiocarbon years) Calibratedyears BP Depth (cm) number (yrBP) (cal. yr BP) 40-45 SUA-2489 280 ±50 1,650 410-440 SUA-2349 11,140 ±200 11,150 795-830 SUA-2490 33,500 ±700 39,100 830-857 SUA-2350 32,000 ± 500 37,600 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 101 NSW VEGETATION HISTORY OF PENRITH LAKES, i # j# «# i ^\* ^4 if ^ A1 20 -N. 40 ^ A2 280±:sol 60 -I NOCORERECOVERY 80 vwvV 100 120 - 140 \/Vvv 160 ' BARREN OFPOLLEN 180- 4 200 410-440cm BARRENOFPOLLEN 11,140±200 vvv 520 V V V V V V V 540 V \/ V V V ^^ V V 560- 580 vvv 600- V Y 620- 640- vy. BARREN OFPOLLEN 800 33,500±700 820 -. , .1 840 32,000±500 860 Totalpollensum=Total pollenandsporescounted >-—i SCALEPollenpercentages 20% SCALEPollenconcentrations 10* gralns/cc Figure4 (above andopposite). Pollen diagram.Theuppersolid linerepresents percentages andthe lower broken line the pollen concentrations. For species included in the pollen type name, seeAppendix 3. 'Subjective scale for macroscopic charcoal, the higher the number the more charcoal: see Methods. 102 Proc. Linn. See. N.S.W., 129, 2008 CHALSON AND MARTIN J.M. H.A. ^ Co S" ^ Macroscopic Total pollenconcentrationxlO' grains/cc J<b Si charcoal 23456789 f 01 „<?' 1 4 7" 10 11 12 I ' 1 > ' 1 i I 1 i*• 1I81 i- — A1 20- -- t ^1 40 A2 60 NOCORERECOVERY 80 4: 100 Peat 120 B 140 Peaty clay 160 BARREN OFPOLLEN 180 Clay 200 BARRENOFPOLLEN ^ ^^^ " Silt, siltyclay 520 - - - V C V Mottling 540 -- t • - - 560- 580 • — C - — 600 - .; — — 620 - - . — 640 - __,z. :^ BARRENOFPOLLEN 820 D - 840 860 Totalpollensum=Totalpollenandsporescounted L.J SCALEPollenpercentages 20% SCALEPollenconcentrations 10' grains/cc Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 103 VEGETATION HISTORY OF PENRITH LAKES, NSW the spectra from well preserved sediments. ZoneD, 860-790 cm, c.38 to 36cal. yrBP (see Fig. The pollen spectra are presented in Fig. 4. 5). and the taxa represented by the name on the pollen Total pollen concentration is low but increases diagram are found in Appendix 3. Percentages for towards the top of the zone. Eucalyptus viminalis all taxa identified and pollen concentrations for the and Leptospermum polygalifolium are prominent most abundant taxa are shown. The total pollen here and the Casuarina content is low. There are concentration is high at the top, then low through moderate amounts of Asteraceae/Tubuliflorae and the clay with some high concenfrations in the basal the form species Tubulifloritespleistocenicus, which silt and silty clay. When total pollen concentrations probably represents the shrubby Cassinia arcuata are high, concentrations of individual taxa generally (see Appendix 2). Other sclerophyllous shrubs, e.g. parallel percentages, but when the total is low, Acacia, Haloragaceae and Monotoca are present individual concentrations remain low, even though also. Poaceae types 3 and 6 are present, with minor percentages may be high, a reflection ofthe relative amounts ofCyperaceae towards the top ofthe zone. nature ofthe percentages. There is also a large amount ofcharcoal. The pollen spectra have been zoned as follows (Fig. 4), andanagemodelhasbeendeducedfromFig. 790-650 cm, c. 36.5 to 27kcal. yrBP, barren of 5, assuming a uniform rate of sediment deposition. pollen. The sediments are relatively uniform throughout the core and accumulation has probably been similar to Zone C, 650-500 cm, c.27tol6kcal. yrBP. I today,wheretheabandonedchannelactsasadrainage Total pollen concentration is low throughout the sump. zone. Myrtaceae pollen is too degraded for specific Depfli(cm) VEGETATION Sediments 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 . 800 Figure 5. Summary diagram ofthe history at Penrith Lakes. This model assumes continuous deposition (see text). For legend of sedimentary symbols, see Fig. 4. Radiocarbon dates are shown here, and for calibrated dates, (crosses), see Table 2. 104 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 CHALSON AND MARTIN J.M. H.A. identification, and there is far less of it than in the a swamp supporting rooted vegetation for probably zone below. The shrubby T. pleistocenicus is the only a few hundred years (see Fig. 5) prior to the most prominent pollen type, there are some Poaceae, present. The lake was probably quite shallow, subject especially type 6, and Cj^eraceae is more abundant to drying out on occasions of long dry spells. The than in the zone below. Podocarpus is usually fluctuating water table would not have favoured present and has the most consistent representation pollen preservation, hence there are long sections of for the profile. The vegetation of this zone, which the profile with no pollen and thus no record of the includes the last glacial maximum, would have been vegetation. predominantly shrublands with few Eucalyptus spp. heperiodswherethereisarecordofthevegetation Charcoal content is low, with the exception of one (Fig. 5)showthatfromabout38to37kcal.yrBP(zone highervalue. D), Eucalyptus viminalis was dominant, with minor Casuarina and some Leptospermum polygalifolium. 500-220 cm, c. 16to 6kcal. yrBP, barren ofpollen. Ifthe total Myrtaceae pollen ofthis zone is compared with the top part ofthe profile, which is assumed to ZoneB, 220-75 cm, c. 6 to 2.2 kcal. yrBP. represent the modem vegetation, then Eucalyptus species, presumably the tree cover, would have been Totalpollenconcentrationis lowinthelowerpart greaterthan inthe modemvegetation. Sclerophyllous ofthe zone, but increases towards the top. Eucalyptus shrubs were present in the understorey, particularly tereticornis and Leptospermum juniperinum are Cassiniaarcuatawhich coloniseddisturbedsites (see present here and there is an increase in Casuarina, Appendix 2). There would have been some grasses although it is not large. The shrubby T.pleistocenicus and a few Cyperaceae, the latter probably fi-inging is completely lacking, Poaceae types 2, 3 and 5 are the lake. The vegetation was probably an open more abundant, but type 6 is not present. Cyperaceae sclerophyllous forest. andtrilete fern spores increase towards the top ofthe During the period 26 to 16 k cal. yr BP (zone zone. The 'other tricolporate grains' group, probably C), which includes the last glacial maximum, the representing herbs and shrubs, is consistently present vegetationwas predominantly a shmbland/grassland, in the upper part or the zone. Most of the charcoal with the shmb Cassinia arcuata dominant, and values are low. minimal trees. Some grasses were present and they are the same types as found in the older zone below. 75-55cm, c. 2.2 to 2 kcal. yrBP, no core recovery. Cyperaceae was more abundant than in the preceding zone. ZoneA, 55 cm to surface, c. 2 to Okcal. yrBP. Bytheperiod6to 2.2kcal. yrBP(zone B), some trees had returned, with Eucalyptus tereticornis and ZoneAhashighpollenconcentrations, especially Casuarina suggestingan openwoodland, particularly in the peat, and is subdivided into two sub-zones, A2 in the upper part of the zone. The shrub Cassinia and Al. The major contributors to A2 sub-zone are arcuata had disappeared entirely. Grasses were more Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae and the trilete spore common, but the types found in the Holocene are group. Unfortunately, the poor preservation does not mostly differentto those onolderzones, showingthat allow identification of the Eucalyptus species in the the grassflorahad changed. Trilete fem spores are far older SubzoneA2. more abundant, suggesting a moister environment. In Subzone Al, Eucalyptus tereticornis and After 2 k cal. yr BP, the increased Myrtaceae Leptospermum juniperinum are prominant. The pollen content suggests that the tree cover may have other tricolporate grains group (shrubs and herbs) increased, but preservation is too poor to identity and Asteraceae/Tubuliflorae type have increased. the species in Zone A2. In the younger Zone Al Asteraceae/Ligulifloraeisconsistentlypresentthrough Eucalyptus tereticornis has been identified, but it the sub-zone. Poaceae has increased, especially types decrease towards the top of the profile, most likely 1 and 2 and the Cyperaceae content is maintained. due to European wood cutting. Grasses are more The introduced Pinus occurs here and the charcoal abundant and the uppermost levels would have content is high. included agricultural and introduced grasses and herbs. Trilete spores decrease, especially inthe upper ZoneAl. HISTORY OF THE VEGETATION The charcoal content is consistentlyhigherinthe basal Zone D and the top ZoneA. The higher content The abandoned river charmel would have been may indicate more fires, but alternatively, it may a lake or pond for almost the entire time, becoming indicate more fuel to bum. Zone D has the greatest Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008 105 VEGETATION HISTORY OF PENRITH LAKES, NSW tree cover, hence more fuel is likely. The tree cover is and drier, with temperatures some 3-5 °C lower than less inZoneA, butthisperiodencompasses European today. During the last glacial maximum (c. 18 k yr settlement which may have been the cause ofgreater BP), rainfall was up to half of present day values burning. There are high charcoal values at a few and air temperatures were as low as 7-8 °C below % other levels in the core, but overall the content is low present, and winds were some 20 stronger (Allan between these two zones. andLindesay, 1998). This studyisthus inaccordwith previous studies. The transition period from glacial maximum CLIMATIC HISTORY to the Holocene, when temperatures and rainfall increased to more like the present, is missing from The climatic parameters for the tree species in thisrecord. Inthe earlyHolocene (c. 9-6 kyrBP), the theregiontodayandidentifiedinthe sediments (Table climate was wetter than today and the late Holocene 3) give some basis for deducing climatic changes at appears to have been drier than the early Holocene Penrith. Eucalyptus viminalis has the lowest of the withless dramatic changes (AllanandLindesay 1998, mean minimum temperatures for the coldest month, Pickett et al. 2004). hence is the most cold tolerant, and is predominant Trees had returned to the riverflats by 6 kcal. yr in the period 38-36 k cal. yr BP, suggesting that BP, buttheir densitywas not as greatwhen compared temperatures were lower than today. The tree cover with the period 38-36 k cal yr BP. The tree species wasprobably greaterthanthepresent-day, suggesting in this younger period are different as well.. Grasses better effective soil moisture. Even ifrainfall was the increased,butitwas adifferentsuiteofspecies. There same, the cooler temperatures would ensure more was a much increased fern component, suggesting effective moisture. This study concurs with previous wetter conditions, at least around the abandoned studies(reviewedbyAllanandLindesay, 1998;Pickett channel. Grassesincreasedfurtherandtreesdecreased et al., 2004) which indicate cool and moist climatic towards the present, probably due to the influence of conditions about 32 k yr BP, with temperatures some European settlement. 2.5 °C lowerthan today. These climatic interpretations follow the overall The period 26-16 k cal. yr includes the last trends expected from previous studies, but moisture glacial maximum. The vegetation was shrubland, relationships would have been the result of both suggesting that temperatures and rainfall was less rainfall and river activity which at times may have than the minimum requiredby the tree species (Table augmented or subtracted moisture from the site. It is 3). Other episodic events, for example, extreme unknown how much influence river activity would frosts or drought, may have contributed to keeping have had on the moisture relationships, but climatic the river flats treeless (Hope, 1989). Previous studies change would have had an effect on river discharge indicate that the period 25 to 20 k yr BP was colder also. Table 3. Climatic parameters ofsome ofthe tree species found in the Penrith area (Benson, 1992), from Boland et al (2002). P, found in the area today. F, found as a fossil in the core. Present day climatic averages are included for Richmond, the nearest operating meteorological station and the mean annual rainfall for Penrith (see text). Mean max. Mean min. Mean annual Max no. frost mm Species temp, hottest temp., coldest rainfall, days per year month, °C month, °C ^^^ Penrith "^n/a n/a n/a 686 Richmond 28.9-29.4 3.2-4.4 n/a 800 Casuarina cunninghamii 'P, F 25-40 0-15 >50 500-1500 ' Eucalyptus eugenioides, P 25-33 0-6 >50 700-1100 E. moluccana P 26-32 0-10 >50 700-1200 E. tereticornis P, F 24-36 1-19 30 630-3000 E. viminalis F 20-32 -4-8 0-100 500-2000 'A riverine species, hence rainfall alone is no indication ofavailable moisture 106 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 129, 2008

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