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AntonievanLeeuwenhoek(2018)111:679–690 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10482-018-1014-z ORIGINAL PAPER Inter- and intracellular colonization of Arabidopsis roots by endophytic actinobacteria and the impact of plant hormones on their antimicrobial activity . . . Anne van der Meij Joost Willemse Martinus A. Schneijderberg Rene´ Geurts . Jos M. Raaijmakers . Gilles P. van Wezel Received:20November2017/Accepted:3January2018/Publishedonline:15January2018 (cid:2)TheAuthor(s)2018.Thisarticleisanopenaccesspublication Abstract Many actinobacteria live in close associ- clavifer as well represented species. When seeds of ation with eukaryotes such as fungi, insects, animals Arabidopsis were inoculated with spores of Strepto- and plants. Plant-associated actinobacteria display myces strain coa1, which shows high similarity to S. (endo)symbiotic,saprophyticorpathogeniclifestyles, olivochromogenes, roots were colonised intercellu- and can make up a substantial part of the endophytic larly and, unexpectedly, also intracellularly. Subse- community. Here, we characterised endophytic acti- quent exposure of endophytic isolates to plant nobacteria isolated from root tissue of Arabidopsis hormonestypicallyfoundinrootandshoottissuesof thaliana (Arabidopsis) plants grown in soil from a Arabidopsis led to altered antibiotic production natural ecosystem. Many of these actinobacteria against Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. Taken belong to the family of Streptomycetaceae with together, our work reveals remarkable colonization Streptomyces olivochromogenes and Streptomyces patterns of endophytic streptomycetes with specific traits that may allow a competitive advantage inside roottissue. Electronicsupplementarymaterial Theonlineversionof thisarticle(https://doi.org/10.1007/s10482-018-1014-z)con- Keywords Streptomyces(cid:2)Plant–microbe tainssupplementarymaterial,whichisavailabletoauthorized interactions(cid:2)Planthormone(cid:2)Crypticantibiotics(cid:2) users. Electronmicroscopy AnnevanderMeijandJoostWillemsehavecontributed equallytothiswork. A.vanderMeij(cid:2)J.Willemse(cid:2)G.P.vanWezel(&) MolecularBiotechnology,InstituteofBiology,Leiden Introduction University,Sylviusweg72,2333BELeiden,The Netherlands e-mail:[email protected] Actinobacteria represent a diverse phylum composed of both rod-shaped and filamentous bacteria that can M.A.Schneijderberg(cid:2)R.Geurts be found in soil, marine and fresh water ecosystems DepartmentofPlantSciences,WageningenUniversity, Wageningen,TheNetherlands (Goodfellow 2012). The filamentous actinobacteria are versatile producers of bioactive natural products, J.M.Raaijmakers includingtwo-thirdsofallknownantibioticsaswellas DepartmentofMicrobialEcology,NetherlandsInstitute many anticancer, antifungal and immunosuppressive ofEcology(NIOO-KNAW),Wageningen,The Netherlands agents (Barka et al. 2016; Be´rdy 2005; Hopwood 123 680 AntonievanLeeuwenhoek(2018)111:679–690 2007).Theactinobacteriaarealsomajorproducersof actinobacteria by the plant hormone salicylic acid industrially relevant enzymes (Anne et al. 1990; van (SA)(Lebeisetal.2015).SAplaysaroleinavariety Dissel et al. 2014). Hence, the actinobacteria are of of physiological and biochemical processes and is utmost importance for human health, agriculture and importantasanendogenoussignalmediatinglocaland biotechnology. systemic plant defense responses against pathogens Theconceptofactinobacteriaasfree-livingbacte- and abiotic stress factors (Rivas-San Vicente and ria has more recently been challenged by studies Plasencia 2011). SA is detectable in Arabidopsis pointing to their intimate relationships with diverse leaves and roots at concentrations up to 1 lg/g fresh eukaryotes (Seipke et al. 2012; van der Meij et al. weight(vandeMorteletal.2012).Hence,endophytic 2017). Indeed, they have been found in association actinobacteriaaremostlikelyexposedandresponsive with vertebrates, invertebrates, fungi and plants. toSAandotherplanthormonessuchasjasmonicacid Actinobacteriaareoftenwelcomegueststotheirhosts andauxin(Halimetal.2006;Zhao2010). due to their ability to produce chemically diverse Inthisstudyweisolatedendophyticactinobacteria natural products. Much of the chemical diversity of from Arabidopsis roots, grown under controlled secondarymetabolitesproducedbyactinobacteriahas conditions as well as from plants grown in an likelyevolvedbecauseoftheirinteractionswithother ecological setting. Colonization patterns were moni- (micro)organisms in highly diverse environments tored and visualised by confocal as well as electron (Seipke et al. 2012; van der Meij et al. 2017). It is microscopy for Streptomyces strain coa1, which becomingincreasinglyclearthatactinobacteriaplaya adapted from a soil dwelling to an endophytic keyroleinmaintainingplanthealthbycontributingto lifestyle, on axencially-grown A. thaliana. Finally, bioticandabioticstresstolerance(Viaeneetal.2016). weinvestigatedhowspecificplanthormonesaffectthe Forexample,actinobacteriaproducesiderophoresfor antimicrobial activity of endophytic Streptomyces iron acquisition as well as antibacterials and antifun- isolated from wild Arabidopsis providing a first step gals to protect their host against pathogens (Viaene towards evaluating the concept of plant-mediated etal.2016). ‘antibioticproductionondemand’. Actinobacteriacanmakeupasubstantialpartofthe rootendophyticcommunityacrosstheplantkingdom, which is largely determined by an increased relative Resultsanddiscussion abundance of the family of Streptomycetaceae (Bul- garellietal.2012;Edwardsetal.2015;Lundbergetal. Isolationofendophyticactinobacteria 2012). The composition of rhizospheric and root endophytic bacterial communities is strongly influ- To confirm the presence of actinobacteria in the encedbysoiltype(Bulgarellietal.2012)aswellasby endosphere, sterile A. thaliana Col-0 plants were the plant genotype (Perez-Jaramillo et al. 2017). growninapottingsoil:sandmixturefor2 weeksunder Therefore, part of the microbiome composition of controlled conditions, followed by harvesting roots the rhizosphere and endosphere of Arabidopsis andshoot,surface-sterilizationandhomogenizationof thaliana grown under controlled conditions in differ- theroottissueandplatingontovariousmediaselective ent natural soils is conserved with specific bacterial foractinobacteria(Zhuetal.2014b).Tenmorpholog- taxa including members of the actinobacteria (Bul- ically distinct actinobacterial isolates were obtained garelli et al. 2012). Despite their occurrence in the fortheCol-0plants.Asimilarisolationapproachwas endosphere, very little is known on how most adoptedforA.thalianaecotypemossel(Msl)obtained actinobacteria colonise the endosphere and where from a natural ecosystem (Mossel, Veluwe, the theyreside.AnexceptionisStreptomycesscabies,the Netherlands). Next to plating onto selective media causalagentofpotatoscab,whichhasbeenstudiedin for the isolation of actinobacterial endophytes from detail (Loria et al. 2006; Jourdan et al. 2016; Bignell Mslplants,totalDNAwasextractedineightreplicates etal.2010;Bukhalidetal.1998). fromsamplesobtainedfromthesoil,therhizosphere, Colonizationofrootandshoottissuebyactinobac- therootendosphereandtoothpicksinsertedinthesoil teria is dependent, at least in part, on chemical cues were utilised as wood compartment (Bulgarelli et al. from the plant as was shown for enrichment of 2012). These DNA samples were then analyzed by 123 AntonievanLeeuwenhoek(2018)111:679–690 681 16S rDNA-amplicon sequencing. Based on total analysed both belonged to the most abundant OTUs sequencereadstheresultsofthelatteranalysisshowed StreptomycesclaviferandStreptomycesolivochromo- thatactinobacteriarepresentedonaverage22%ofthe genes (Fig. 2a). Out of the 35 isolates, five were total endophytic population (Fig. 1a). Among the closelyrelatedtoS.claviferandfourtoS.olivochro- actinobacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs), mogenes. Supportive evidence comes from several the Streptomycetaceae and Micromonosporaceae independent studies, reporting S. olivochromogenes were overrepresented. Additionally, 10% the reads fromtheendosphereofChinesecabbageroots,potato oftheendophyticpopulationwasrepresentedbyonly tubers,medicinalplantsandpurplehenbit(Singhand two OTUs (137 and 48), belonging to the family of Gaur2016;Leeetal.2008;Doumbouetal.1998;Kim Streptomycetaceae(Fig. 2b).Thisenrichmentwasnot etal.2012).Additionally,strainssimilartoS.clavifer as much observed for the soil, the rhizosphere and were previously isolated from sugarcane, lucerne bacteria associated with a toothpick, suggesting a plants and wheat (Kruasuwan et al. 2017; Franco species-specific selection among the root endophytic etal.2017;MiskandFranco2011). actinobacteria of A. thaliana. Numbers on total Subsequent phenotyping of these endophytic acti- sequencereadsandOTUsarelistedinTableS1. nobacterial isolates by high resolution imaging by Isolation of actinobacteria from the endosphere of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed spiny A. thaliana ecotype Msl resulted in 35 morphologi- spores that are typical of S. clavifer (Goodfellow callydifferentisolates.The34-465regionofthe16S 2012), supporting the 16S rDNA-based taxonomic RNA gene of all isolates was sequenced and the classificationoftheisolatesasS.clavifer(Fig. 2b).In closest hitsontheEzBioCloudwereconfirmedusing contrast,S.olivochromogenespoorlydevelopssporu- the MLSA-based phylogeny published recently latingmyceliumaccordingtoBergey’smanual,which (Labeda et al. 2017). Linking the OTUs detected by is shown as well for an isolate classified as S. 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing to a single Strepto- olivochromogenes (Fig. 2c). However, impaired myces species was not always possible due to a sporulation was encountered frequently, a phenotype relatively low resolution (Girard et al. 2013; Labeda thatwasdependentonthegrowthmedia,whichmakes et al. 2017). Nevertheless, the two isolates that were this feature non-specific (see next paragraph). The Fig.1 Relative abundance of the actinobacteria in the endo- community. b The enrichment of actinobacteria is predomi- phyticcompartmentofA.thalianaMsl.aAmpliconsequencing natelydrivenbyStreptomycetaceaeOTU48and137.OTU48 data show that actinobacteria represent 22% of the total and137makeup10%ofthetotalECandalmost50%ofallthe endophytic compartment (EC), while in soil and rhizosphere actinobacteriapresentintheEC.TheseOTUsarenotasmuch (RS)communitiesandthoseinassociationwithatoothpick(TP) enrichedinthesamplesderivedfromnon-endophyticorigins insertedinthesoil,theytakeuproughly2%ofthetotalbacterial 123 682 AntonievanLeeuwenhoek(2018)111:679–690 Fig.2 CharacterizationofStreptomycesendophytesandtheir species level based on the 16S rDNA sequence. b Scanning taxonomic distribution. a Several isolates show highest simi- electron micrograph of Streptomyces sp. MOS18, which laritywithStreptomycesclaviferorStreptomycesolivochromo- produces spiny spores. Scale bar 3lM. c Scanning electron genesonthebasisof16SrDNAanalysis.Themajorityofthe micrograph of Streptomyces sp. MOS38 showing poor sporu- isolates showed a wide variation in closest species assigned, lation.Scalebar5lM.StrainsweregrownonSFMmediafor indicating a diverse endophytic compartment. ‘Unclassified’ 6days means that these actinobacteria could not be classified at the endophyticisolatesofA.thalianaecotypeMslshowed EndophyticcolonizationofArabidopsis diverse colony morphologies (for examples see byStreptomyces Fig. 3). Remarkably, 20 out of 35 isolates failed to developonR5agarplates,suggestingtheyhadeither Wethenwantedtoknowifandwheretheisolatesenter lost key sporulation genes or lacked the ability to therootendosphereofA.thalianatogetmoreinsight develop in the absence of specific nutrients or trace into the yet elusive endophytic biology of Strepto- elements. For example, R5 agar is known to lack myces. Therefore we inoculated spores of Strepto- sufficient iron and copper, which is a major reason myces strain coa1, which was recruited by sterile A. why bld mutants cannot sporulate on this media thaliana Col-0 plants grown in a potting soil:sand (Keijser et al. 2000; Lambert et al. 2014). Addition- mixture, onto sterilised seeds of A. thaliana Col-0. ally, several endophytes showed the propensity to Noteworthy,16SrDNAanalysisclusterscoa1intheS. openuptheircolony,withtheirvegetativemycelium olivochromogenes branch based on phylogenetic facing upward. This feature is well exemplified by relationships within the family of Streptomycetaceae Streptomyces sp. MOS31 and MOS18 (Fig. 3h, c). (Labedaet al. 2017).Attachment of the sporesto the MOS18 is taxonomically related to S. clavifer and seedswasconfirmedbySEM(Fig.S1).Seven-day-old MOS31is the only endophyticisolate closely related seedlings grown from the treated seeds were stained toStreptomycesbobili,a‘neighbour’ofS.olivochro- with propidium iodide and subjected to confocal mogenes (Labeda et al. 2017). To study the morpho- fluorescencemicroscopy.Theresultsshowedthatthe logical characteristicsofMOS31 at higher resolution endophyte had colonised both leaves and roots SEM was applied, which revealed a thick sheet of (Fig. 5). Strain coa1 attached to the lateral roots in hyphaethatturnedawayfromtheinsideofthecolony dense pellets, whereas colonization of the leaves (Fig. 4a). Additionally, we observed hyphae extend- involved hyphal growth over the leaf surface. The ing from these sheets, away from the vegetative colonised Arabidopsis roots were then fixed for mycelium(Fig. 4b). sectioningandhighresolutionimagingwithtransmis- sion electron microscopy (TEM). Regions of interest were identified by obtaining 1-lm sections that were 123 AntonievanLeeuwenhoek(2018)111:679–690 683 Fig.3 Streptomyces endophytes display a wide range of DSM40236 and the endophytic streptomycetes MOS18 (c), morphologies. Strains shown above are grown on SFM agar MOS38 (d), MOS14 (e), MOS32 (f), MOS25 (g), MOS31 platesfor6days.S.coelicolorM145andS.griseusDSM40236 (h)andMOS35(i).Scalebar2mm areshownasreferencestrains.aS.coelicolorM145,bS.griseus Fig.4 Scanning electron micrograph of Streptomyces sp. Scale bar 100lM. b Hyphae extending from the mycelial MOS31. Images of mycelial sheets as is seen in Fig.3H. sheets, thereby growing away from the vegetative mycelium. aThicklayersofvegetativemyceliummadeupofhyphaeand Scalebar30lM.Streptomycessp.MOS31wasgrownonSFM extracellularmatrixturnawayfromtheinnerpartofthecolony. agarplatesfor6days stained with toluidine to visualise the bacteria tissue and, remarkably, the intracellular space (Fig. 6a). The results showed that coa1 not only (Fig. 6b, c). No plant cell defects were observed in colonised the root surface but also the internal root the imaged samples. Strikingly, there is no plant 123 684 AntonievanLeeuwenhoek(2018)111:679–690 Fig.5 ColonizationofArabidopsisbyStreptomycesendophyte the root as a dense pellet. Scale bar 50lM. b Confocal coa1. a Confocal micrograph of a colonised lateral root. The micrographoftheborderoftheleaf.Singlehyphaearegrowing sample is stained with propidium iodide, resulting in red overtheleafsurface(arrowheads).Scalebar15lM fluorescenceofbothbacterialandplantcells.Coa1attachesto Fig.6 SectionsofArabidopsisrootsinvadedbyStreptomyces micrographs of Arabidopsis roots invaded by cao1. Coa1 coa1.aToluidinestainedsectionofanArabidopsisrootinvaded colonisestherootintracellularly.Thebacteriumcanbefound byStreptomyces coa1.Coa1 enters theroot viathe epidermis inbetweentheCO-andEPcells,andinbetweentheendodermis (EP) cells and colonises the root in between the cortex cells (ED) and CO cells (image B). In addition, in EP cells (CO)andEPcells.Scalebar10lM.Boxedpartoftheimageis intracellulargrowthofStreptomycescoa1wasobserved(image shownasmagnificationontheright.b,cTransmissionelectron C).Scalebar2lM cellular membrane separating Streptomyces from the turnip rape and carrot by Streptomyces (Bulgarelli intracellularspace. etal.2012;Bonaldietal.2015;Kortemaaetal.1994). Previous studies showed colonization of the root In addition, endophytic colonization of germinating surfaceofArabidopsisbyactinobacteria,andlettuce, wheat seed has been reported by reintroduction of a 123 AntonievanLeeuwenhoek(2018)111:679–690 685 GFP expressing Streptomyces strain (Franco et al. Genome sequencing revealed that actinobacteria 2017).Tothebestofourknowledge,ourresultsshow have a lot of biosynthetic gene clusters for natural forthefirsttimethepresenceofastreptomycetewithin products that are poorly expressed (Kolter and van an Arabidopsis root cell. Furthermore, the hyphae of Wezel 2016; Nett et al. 2009). This offers a vast coa1 appeared less electron dense in the endosphere reservoirofpotentiallyimportantbioactivemolecules, than on the plant surface, which may reflect physio- including antibiotics. To allow screening of these logicaldifferencesbetweenlifeinsideandoutsidethe compounds, strategies are required to elicit their plant. Still there are major gaps in our understanding expression (Rutledge and Challis 2015; van Wezel of the endophytic biology of streptomycetes. For et al. 2009; Wu et al. 2015; Zhu et al. 2014a). We example, we did not find reproductive structures or assessed the potential of phytohormones as elicitors, spores within the endosphere. It therefore remains to thereby mimicking the chemical environment of the beseenwhetherendophyteshaveacompletelifecycle rhizosphereandendosphere.Forthis,weexposedthe inside plants oronly remain in the vegetative growth endophytestotheplanthormonessalicylicacid(SA), phase, although we have to take into account that a indoleaceticacid(IAA,knownasauxin)orjasmonic 7 daytimeframemightnotbesufficienttoformspores acid(JA).Thestrainsweregrownonminimalmedia, within a plant. It has also been suggested that the withorwithout0.01,0.001or0.0001%(w/v)ofeither endophyticlifestyleofactinobacteriamayincludethe planthormoneasconcentrationsofSAcanbeashigh formationofsmallprotoplast-likecellsthatlackacell as0.01%(w/w).Square12 9 12 cmagarplateswere wall (Ramijan et al. 2016). These so-called L-forms inoculated with spots from spore stocks of the may explain how the relatively large mycelial acti- endophytes. Interestingly, the percentage of strains nobacteriacanstillmigrateandproliferateinsideplant exhibiting antibiotic activity roughly doubled, with tissue. To further unravel the endophytic biology of 20% of the strains inhibiting E. coli cells, and 29% Streptomyceswewillfocusfutureexperimentsonthe inhibitinggrowthofB.subtilis(TableS1).Thiseffect identificationofmajorgeneticormorphologicaltraits couldmostlybeattributedtoIAA,whichhadamore associatedwiththeendophyticlifestyle. significantelicitingeffectontheendophytesthanSA orJA(TableS2).Anexampleofelicitedantimicrobial Responseofendophytestophytohormones production byIAAis presentedin Fig.S2. Addition- ally, we observed increased activity against the Actinobacteriaplayanimportantroleinantibiosisand indicator strains as well, indicating either more as probiotics to the plant due to the production of a production of the same antibiotic or production of a diverse array of bioactive molecules (Viaene et al. different (set of) antibiotic(s) (See Fig. S3). After 2016). We assessed the antimicrobial activity of the elicitation, comparative metabolomics and/or geno- actinobacterial endophytes in overlay assays, using mics on samples obtained from producing and non- Bacillussubtilis(Gram-positive)andEscherichiacoli producing conditions can be used to identify the (Gram-negative) as the target. By applying agar compound and gene cluster of interest, respectively diffusion assays with the streptomycetes grown on (Gubbensetal.2014;Nguyenetal.2013). minimalmediumagarwithmannitolandglycerolwe Although the concept of eliciting antimicrobial showedthat11%oftheisolatesproducedoneormore production by actinobacteria is already well-estab- compoundsthatinhibitedgrowthofE.colicells,while lished, this experimental setup was connected to the 14%inhibitedgrowthofB.subtilis.Generally,thevast biotic interactions between plant and streptomycete, majority of actinomycetes isolated from soil samples aimedtomimicthechemicalenvironmentoftheplant. are able to inhibit B. subtilis growth under routine Plant-endophyteinteractionshavelikelyplayedakey laboratoryconditions,whichdiffersfromwhatwefind role in the evolution of the chemical diversity of for our collection of endophytes (Zhu et al. 2014b). actinomycete-derived natural products and signals While the small numbers make it difficult to apply thatcontroltheproductionoftheseantimicrobialsare statistics,wecannotruleoutthatthereducedantibiotic likelytiedtothebioticinteractions.Thisideaisfurther activity against Gram-positive bacteria and in partic- explored by the ‘‘cry for help’’ hypothesis, which ular Firmicutes, may be typical of endophytic additionallystatesthatactinobacteriaencountertrade- actinobacteria. offs between the costs of producing complex natural 123 686 AntonievanLeeuwenhoek(2018)111:679–690 productsandtheirbenefits,andmaythereforeproduce from the DSMZ culture collection (Braunschweig, thesemoleculesspecificallyinresponsetoecological Germany). S. coelicolor M145 and S. griseus demands (van der Meij et al. 2017). To broaden our DSM40236weregrownonSFMfor6 daysat30 (cid:3)C, understandingofthisconceptitwouldbeofinterestto unless indicated differently. A sterile A. thaliana know which type(s) of compounds are produced in ecotype Columbia (Col-0) was used for the recruit- responsetophytohormoneexposure.Identificationof ment of endophytic actinobacteria under lab condi- theantimicrobialcompoundsproducedinresponseto tions.Plantsweregrownonamixtureof9:1substrate exposure to phytohormones and the corresponding soil and sand (Holland Potgrond) at 21 (cid:3)C, a 16 h metabolic networks will give better insights into the photoperiod, and 70% relative humidity. After bacterial responses to the plant’s ‘‘cry for help’’. In 2 weeks of growth, the plants were harvested. Soil addition, the concentration-dependent effect of phy- for the field experiment with A. thaliana ecotype tohormones may be of great importance as local Mossel(Msl)wascollectedinMay2016attheMossel phytohormoneconcentrationsinaplantvary.Inorder area at the ‘Hoge Veluwe’ in the Netherlands (coor- toharnessplant-actinomyceteinteractionsaselicitors dinates: N52(cid:3)03035.500E5(cid:3)45006.400), from four differ- for antimicrobial production, further studies should ent spots within a radius of 100 m. If there was any focus on these concentration-dependent effects, as vegetationpresent,thetop5–10 cmsoilwasremoved. wellassynergismorantagonismofdifferentphythor- Thesoilwashomogenisedandalllargepartssuchas moneswhenusedaselicitor. deadrootsandstoneswereremoved.Thesoilwaskept inacoldroomat4 (cid:3)Cuntiluse.Seedsweresterilised in 49 diluted household bleach for 10 min, washed Conclusion seventimeswithsterileMQwater,ashortrinsewith 70%ethanolandtransferredtoplateswithawetfilter Inthisstudy,weshowtherecruitmentofStreptomyces paper, placed at 4 (cid:3)C for 48 h and then moved to a endophytesbyA.thalianaCol-0andA.thalianaMsl. 21 (cid:3)Cincubatorinthedark.Mosselsoilwasplacedin Our pilot study shows that isolates falling within the atraywith3 9 3 cmpotsandwatered.Toremovethe groups of S. olivochromogenes and S. clavifer are endogenousseedpopulation,thetraywasplacedinthe overrepresented in the endosphere, suggesting that greenhouse for 2 days. After weeding, the sterile these endophytic streptomycetes may have specific seedlings on the plates were transplanted to the tray characteristics that allow them to adapt to life inside withMosselsoilandafter7 daystheplantsincluding theplant.Thisneedstobestudiedinmoredetail,and the soil were planted into to the Mossel field. After mayalsobeextendedtothestudyofotheractinobac- 6 weeks ofgrowthinthefield, plantswere harvested terial genera found in the endosphere. Additionally, using a small shovel 3–4 cm around the base of the weprovideafirststeptowardstheproofofconceptfor plant. the‘cryforhelp’hypothesis,wherebyplanthormones, in particular IAA, have a stimulating effect on Isolationofendophytes antibiotic production by endophytic actinobacteria. These baseline experiments highlight the importance A.thalianaCol-0wassurfacesterilisedbywashingthe of exploring and exploiting plant-actinomycete inter- plant three timesin70%EtOH,after which theplant actions as elicitors for ‘antibiotic production on material was crushed in MQ. Sterilization was demand’. confirmed by adding a sterilised plant onto LB agar, after which no bacterial growth was observed. Root tissue of A. thaliana Msl was cleaned, sonicated and Materialsandmethods ground with mortar and pestle in 1 mL phosphate buffer(perlitre:6.33 gofNaH PO (cid:2)H O,10.96 gof 2 4 2 Bacteria,plantsandgrowthconditions Na HPO (cid:2)2H O and 200 lL Silwet L-77). Both the 2 4 2 crushed plant material (Col-0) and sonicated plant Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) M145 was obtained material(Msl)werespreadontothesurfaceofarange from the John Innes Centre strain collection in ofselectiveisolationmediaincludinghumicacidagar Norwich, UK, and Streptomyces griseus DSM40236 (HA) (Hayakawa and Nonomura 1987), glucose 123 AntonievanLeeuwenhoek(2018)111:679–690 687 casein agar (GCA) (Zhang 1985), soy flour mannitol mitochondial and chloroplast sequences were medium (SFM) or minimal medium (MM) (Kieser removed, as were the OTUs that did not have 25 et al. 2000). Initial selection was done on media reads in at least 5 samples (‘‘rare taxa’’). To obtain supplemented with the antifungal agent nystatin relativeabundanceoftheOTUs,thenumberofreads (50 lg/mL) and the antibacterial agent nalidixic acid fromasingleOTUpersamplewasdividedbythetotal (10 lg/mL). Plates were incubated at 30 (cid:3)C for numberofreadsofthatsampleafterfiltering forrare 4–25 days. taxa. PlantharvestingandDNAisolation Analysisofactinobacteriabasedon16SrRNA ofthemicrobialcommunity sequences ForA.thalianaMslweappliedtheharvestingprotocol The 16S rRNA genes of the actinobacteria were as described before (Lundberg et al. 2012). In short, amplified by PCR from liquid-grown mycelia using roots including rhizospheric soil were collected in a primers F1 (50-GCGTGCTTAACACATGCAAG-30) 50 mL tube containing 25 mL of phosphate buffer, and R1 (50-CGTATTACCGCGGCTGC T G-30), and vortexed for 15 s. Replacing the buffer and which correspond to nt positions 15-34 and 465-483 vortexing was repeated until the buffer stayed clear. of the 16S rRNA locus of S. coelicolor (van Wezel Roots were transferred toa 15 mL tube, sonicated(5 et al. 1991), respectively. PCRs were conducted as bursts of 30 s with 30 s breaks), vortexed, washed described (Colson et al. 2007) and sequenced using withphosphatebufferanddriedonfilterpaper.Then, oligonucleotide F1. Sequencing was done at Base- therootswereeithergroundforbacterialisolation,or Clear in Leiden, the Netherlands. 16S rRNA gene flash frozen and stored at - 80 (cid:3)C for later DNA analysiswasperformedusingwebbasedidentifytool isolation.Fourindividualplantswerepooledintoone on EzBioCloud (https://www.ezbiocloud.net/ sample. Untreated toothpicks were inserted into the identify). The identify service provides proven simi- Mslsoilataminimaldepthof4 cmandwereutilised larity-based searches against quality-controlled data- as wood compartment. DNA was isolated from soil basesof16SrRNAsequences.Thetop-hitinformation usingtheMoBioPowerSoilkitandECandtoothpick for each Identify Job was checked against Strepto- sampleswith theMPBioFast DNAspinkit.Quality myces focused MLSA based phylogenetic tree pub- and quantity of the DNA was checked by nanodrop lishedelsewhere(Labedaetal.2017). and gel electrophoresis. Around 400 ng was sent for 16 s rDNA sequencing at Beijing Genomics Institute Microscopy (BGI). Lightmicroscopy Ampliconsequencing StereomicroscopywasdoneusingaZeissLumarV12 Using primers 515F (50-GTGYCAGCMGCCGCGG- microscope equipped with a AxioCam MRc, and TAA-30) and 806R (50-GGACTACNVGGGTWTC- confocal microscopy using a Zeiss Observer Micro- TAAT-30),theV4regionwassequencedatBGIonthe scope. For confocal microscopy, spores of the endo- HiSeq 2500sequencingplatform(Illumina).Rawdata phyte were added to the seeds. Seeds were put on (cid:2) from BGI was processed using a previously reported Murashige and Skoog medium with 1% sucrose and custom implementation (Perez-Jaramillo et al. 2017) 0.8%agarandkeptinthedarkat4(cid:3)for48 h.Afterthe of QIIME (Caporaso et al. 2010) with minor modifi- coldshock,seedswereincubatedintheclimateroom cations(describedbySchneijderbergetal.,inprep).In for 1 week (see bacteria, plants and growth condi- short, reads were quality filtered and filtered for tions) after which they were imaged. Samples were chimerasusingChimeraSlayer.Using a97%identity stained with propidium iodide 1:1000 (1 lg/mL). threshold, de novo OTUs were determined, which Sampleswereexcitedwithlaserlightatawavelength weretaxonomicallyassignedusingtheRDPclassifier 535 nmtodetectthepropidiumiodide. 2.10(Coleetal.2014)withtheGreenGenesdatabase 28 (DeSantis et al. 2006). OTUs related to 123 688 AntonievanLeeuwenhoek(2018)111:679–690 Electronmicroscopy Streptomyces grow equally well on either mannitol or glycerol. The agar plates were supplemented with Morphological studies on single colonies of endo- either(±)-jasmonicacid(Caymanchemicalcompany, phytes by SEM were performed using a JEOL cas: 88-30-0), 3-indoleacetic acid (Sigma-Aldrich, JSM6700F scanning electron microscope. For Strep- cas: 87-51-4) or salicyclic acid (Alfa Aesar, cas: tomycete only samples, pieces of agar with biomass 69-72-7).Theendophytesweretypicallyincubatedfor from6-day-oldcoloniesgrownonSFMwerecutand 5 days at 30 (cid:3)C, following which they were overlaid fixed with 1.5% glutaraldehyde (1 h). Subsequently, withLBsoftagar(0.6%w/vagar)containing300 lL samplesweredehydrated(70%acetone15 min,80% ofoneoftheindicatorstrains(OD0.4–0.6),andthen acetone 15 min, 90% acetone 15 min, 100% acetone incubated overnight at 37 (cid:3)C. The following day, 15 min and critical point dried (Baltec CPD-030). antibacterialactivitywasdeterminedbymeasuringthe Hereafter the samples were coated with gold using a inhibition zones (mm) of the indicator strain sur- goldsputtercoater,anddirectlyimagedusingaJEOL roundingthecolonies. JSM6700F.ForSEMofArabidopissamples,imaging timing was increased four-fold to optimise fixation Acknowledgements This work was supported by a Grants 14218 and 14221 from the Netherlands Organization for and dehydration, and the 70%acetone step was done Scientificresearch(NWO)toJRandGPvW,respectively. overnight. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for the Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of analysis of cross-sections of Arabidopsis roots and interests. StreptomyceswasperformedwithaJEOL1010trans- OpenAccess Thisarticleisdistributedunderthetermsofthe mission electron microscope as described previously CreativeCommonsAttribution4.0InternationalLicense(http:// (Pietteetal.2005). creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unre- Samples were grown in the same way as for the stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, lightmicroscopy,andfixedwith1.5%glutaraldehyde provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s)andthesource, providealinktotheCreativeCom- for4 h.Post-fixationwasperformedwith1%Osmium monslicense,andindicateifchangesweremade. tetroxidefor4 h.Initialdehydrationwith70%ethanol was done overnight. Hereafter using a high magnifi- cation (9150) stereo microscope (MZ16AF) root sections containing Streptomyces growth were References selected, followed by dehydration in 1 h steps (80, 90, 100% ethanol, 100% propylene oxide, 50/50 Anne´J,VanMellaertL,EyssenH(1990)Optimumconditions propylene oxide/EPON, 100% EPON). Subsequently for efficient transformation of Streptomyces venezuelae sampleswereembeddedinEPONandpolymerisedfor protoplasts.ApplMicrobiolBiotechnol32:431–435 2 days at 60 (cid:3)C. Ultrathin sections were cut on an BarkaEA,VatsaP,SanchezL,Gavaut-VaillantN,JacquardC, KlenkHP,Cle´mentC,OudouchY,vanWezelGP(2016) ultramicrotome (Reichert Ultracut E), collected on Taxonomy,physiology,andnaturalproductsoftheActi- copper grids and examined using a Jeol1010 trans- nobacteria.MicrobiolMolBiolRev80:1–43 missionelectronmicroscopeat70 kV. Be´rdy J (2005) Bioactive microbial metabolites. J Antibiot (Tokyo)58:1–26 Bignell DRD, Seipke RF, Huguet-Tapia JC, Chambers AH, Antimicrobialactivityassays Parry RJ, Loria R (2010) Streptomyces scabies 87-22 contains a coronafacic acid-like biosynthetic cluster that Antimicrobial activity of the endophytes was tested contributes to plant-microbe interactions. Mol Plant-Mi- againstB.subtilis168oraderivativeofE.coliAS19- crobeInteract23:161–175 BonaldiM,ChenX,KunovaA,PizzattiC,SaracchiM,Cortesi RrmA (Liu and Douthwaite 2002). Indicator bacteria P(2015)Colonizationoflettucerhizosphereandrootsby were cultured in LB broth and incubated at 37 (cid:3)C taggedStreptomyces.FrontMicrobiol6:25 overnight.Antimicrobialassayswereconductedusing BukhalidRA,ChungSY,LoriaR(1998)nec1,ageneconfer- the double-layer agar method. Briefly, actinobacteria ringanecrogenicphenotype,isconservedinplant-patho- genic Streptomyces spp. and linked to a transposase were inoculated on minimal medium agar plates pseudogene.MolPlant-MicrobeInteract11:960–967 containing both mannitol and glycerol (1% w/v) as BulgarelliD,RottM,SchlaeppiK,LorenVer,vanThemaatE, non-repressing carbon sources, since not all AhmadinejadN,AssenzaF,RaufP,HuettelB,Reinhardt 123

(endo)symbiotic, saprophytic or pathogenic life styles, and can make up a myces strain coa1, which shows high similarity to S. olivochromogenes
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