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55th Conference on Glass Problems. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 16, Issue 2 PDF

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Preview 55th Conference on Glass Problems. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 16, Issue 2

ceramic MARCH-APRIL 1995 A Collection of Papers Presented at the Sth Conference Gloss Problems on Sponsored by the Departments of Materials Science Engineering and at The Ohlo State UnlversHy and The Unlverslty of llllnok Urbana-Champaign at Charles ti. Drummond 111 Editor November 69,1994 Columbus, OH Published by The American Ceramic Society 735 Ceramic Place Westerville, OH 4308 14 136 Copyright 0 1995 The American Ceramic SocieW ISN 0196-6219 ceramic MARCH-APRIL 1995 A Collection of Papers Presented at the Sth Conference Gloss Problems on Sponsored by the Departments of Materials Science Engineering and at The Ohlo State UnlversHy and The Unlverslty of llllnok Urbana-Champaign at Charles ti. Drummond 111 Editor November 69,1994 Columbus, OH Published by The American Ceramic Society 735 Ceramic Place Westerville, OH 4308 14 136 Copyright 0 1995 The American Ceramic SocieW ISN 0196-6219 Executive Director Editor W. Paul Holbrook John B. Wachtman Director of Publications Production Coordinator Linda Lakemacher Lori A. Kozey S. Committee on Publications: David J. Green, chair: Marina R. Pascucci; Richard Hommel; Man F. Yan; Carol M. Jantzen. ex office William Hammetter, ex officio; Charles Semler, ex officio; Timothy M. Robinson, ex dficio; John B. Wachtman, Jr., ex officio; 1 Paul Holbrook, ex officio; Linda Lakemacher, ex officio. Editorial and Subscription Offices: P.0 Box 61 36, Westerville, OH, 43086-612 Telephone (614) 890-4700; Telex TWX 7101 109409; and Telefax (614) 899-6109. Ann( subscription rate is $70 per year member, $85 per year nonmember; single copies $ member, $40 nonmember (postage outside U.S. $10 additional for surface delivery, $ additional for air delivery). Libraries may call for package pricing. Published six times a ye, Printed in the United States of America. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, P.0 Box 6136. Westerville, OH, 430e 6136. Second-class postage paid at Westerville, OH, and additional mailing offices. Allow I weeks for address changes. CESPDK Vol. 16, No. 2, 19: The American Ceramic Society assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinio advanced by the contributors to its publications, or by the speakers at its programs. Copyright Q 1995 by the American Ceramic Society. Permission to photocopy for personal internal use beyond the limits of Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law is grant by the American Ceramic Society, provided that the base fee of US$2.50 per copy, pl US.50 per page, is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood I: Danvers MA 01923. USA. The fee code for users of the Transactional Reporting Service Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings is 019 6-6219 /95 This consc $5.00+$.50. does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, advertising or promotional purposes, or for creating new collective works. Requests special photocopying permission and reprint requests should be addressed to the Director Publications, The American Ceramic Society, P.O. Box 61 36, Westerville, 43086-613 6 OH Each issue of Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings includes a collection technical articles in a general area of interest. These articles are of practical value for 1 ceramic industries and the general public. The issues are based on the proceedings o conference. Both American Ceramic Society and non-Society conferences provide the technical articles. Each issue is organized by an editor who selects and edits material frc the conference proceedings. The opinions expressed are entirely those of the presentc There is no other review prior to publication. Foreword The conference was sponsored by the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering of The Ohio State University and The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Director of the conference was Charles H. Drummond 111, Associate Professor, Dr. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University. Associate Dean Stacey Weislogel, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University, gave the welcoming address. Professor Robert H. Wagoner, Chair, Department of Materials Science Engineering, gave the departmental welcome. and The themes chairs of the four halfday sessions were follows: and as General Topics Ralph Chinella, Owens-Illinois R. Eugene Davis, Thomson Consumer Electronics Refractories John L. Martin, Owens-Corning Fiberglas Gary M. Crabb, Corhart Refractories Oxy-F ueYEnvimnment Carl W. Hibscher. Toledo Engineering Joseph E. Poley, Libbey-Owens-Ford Joint Session Frank Woolley, Corning Minoj Choudhq, Owens-Corning Fiberglas The last session was jointly planned with the Glass and Optid Materials Division of the American Ceramic Society. Ms. Denise boll, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, and Dr. Minoj Choudhq, Owens-Corning, Granville, OH, were program chairs. Presiding at the banquet was Professor Gerald Wirtz, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The banquet speaker was Mr. Ernest0 Martens, Vitro Glass, Monterey, Mexico. His address was entitled NAFTA Challenge w Indusm’es. The conference was held at the Fawcett Center for Tomorrow, The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH. iii Preface tradition of previous conferences, the papers presented at 55th Annual Conference In the the on Glass Problems have been collected and published the 1994 edition of The Collected as Papers. Ihe manuscripts reproduced by the authors. but were reviewed prior to are as furnished presentation by respective session chairs. Their is greatly appreciated. Minor the assistance editing was done by C.H. Drummond. The Ohio State University k not responsible for the statements and opinions expnssed in publication. this Charles H. Drummond III Columbus, OH December 1994 iv Acknowledgments It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance and advice provided by the members of the Program Advisory Committee in reviewing the presentations and planning the program: Ralph Chinella Owens-Illinois Gary Crabb M. Corhart Refractories R. Eugene Davis Thomson Consumer Electronics Carl W. Hibscher Toledo Engineering Rogelio F. Madram Anchor Container Glass John L. Martin OwensCorning Joseph E. Poley Libbc y-Owens-Ford Frank E. Woolley Coming V Table of Contents 55th Conference on Glass Problems ................... Vitrification of and Radioactive .1 Hazardous Wastes.. Dennis F. Bickford and Ray Schumacher French Nuclear Vitrification: State of the Art and Waste ............................................ Future Developments.. 11 C. Ladirat, R. Boen. A. Jouan, and J.P. Moncouyoux .............................. The Benefits of IS0 Certification .15 9ooo Janice E. Acorn .......................... Heat "Yansfer in Glass Fhxssing.. .19 Effects S.M. Rekhson Physical Modeling on the of Burner Positions Tests Effects on the Aerodynam..i.c. C..h.a.r.a.c.t.e.ri.s.t.ic.s. .o.f. G..a.s. .F.lo..w. .i.n .a. ............... Glass Furnace.. .38 Yu Yunlin Zhou Zhihao and A New Feeder Bowl: .F.r.o.m.. .C.o..n.c.e.p.t. T..h.r.o.u.g.h. .A..p.p.r.a.is.a.l. ............. Finished Product .48 to Mike Stanley Steps Toward the Solution of t.h.e. T..in.. B..a.t.h. .B.l.o.c.k. .P.e.e.l.i.n.g. ............ Problem in Float Glass Lines .59 Hans Petschauer, Helmut Ebigt, and Guenter Froehlich and Further Development of Magnesia-Zircon Bricks Use ............................................. in the Glass Industry .68 T. Weichert and B. Schmalenbach Latest Developments in. t.h.e.. M..e.a.s.u..r.e.m..e.n.t. o.f. R..e.g.e..n.e.r.a.t.o.r. .......... Thermal Performance .74 Yves Boussant-Roux and Main Zanoli. and William D. Leahy Jr. Fused Cast AZS Adapted for Superstructure Applications ....................................... in Today's Glass Furnaces.. .84 Gerard Duviem, Main Zanoli, and Michael Nelson Fine-Grind Cullet Technology, Part 1: Application of Differential Grinding for Fine Cullet Production and ............................................ Contaminant Removal. 96 Darnian E. Rodriguez vii Fiw-Grind Culkt Techwlogy, Part 2: Resul.t.s. .o.f. .P..la..n.t. ............. Rodpctbn ‘Mpls Using Finocrind Cullet .lo1 Steven M. Wekr ......................... Eoonomics of Batch and Cullet Preheating. .lo5 Horst Moscr ......... The LoNOx, Altematiw or Enhancement?. .lo9 an to Oxy-Fuel an Helmut Pieper Ronald H. Moore and Sampling Testing Rotoed tor Charecterizing Glass and ........................ Cnlkt Obtained h mP ostconsumer Saurces .117 Floyd Karp Bob Kirby and Comment on “Protocol for CharacterizhgG lass Culkt ........................... Obtained Postconsumer sourceSn.. .135 from George H. Edwards Reply “Gmment on ‘Protocol for Characterizing GIass to ...................... Cullet Obtained from Postconsumer sourceS”’ .137 noYd Karp Emission Issues Relative Development of Environmental to the ........................ Compliance for Glass .139 Regulations Furnaces. C. Philip Ross ............... Dynamic Gas/Oxy Superstructure Refrsctory Testing.. ,150 Lawrence H. Kotacska, John T. Brown, and Tmothy J. Cooper Cost-Effective Reduction Oxygen-Enriched NOx Using ........................ Air Staging on Regenerative Glass Furnace .156 Joshi, D.B.Wishnick;.R.F. Madrazo.W.H. Benz, Panahi, M.L. S.K. A.G. H.A. Abbasi R.E. Grosman, L.W. Donaldson Slavejkov, and Development of Advanced, Multifuel an. ...........L.o..w.-.E.m.i..s.s.i.o.n..s.,. .................. Oxygen Burner.. ,169 Curtis Taylor L. ......................... Oxy-Fuel DesiiC onsiderations.. .179 Furnace Roberto Ruiz. Wayman, Benjamin Jurcik, Louis Philippe, Steve JW-YVCS kitrides and Process Improvement Thmugh Oxy-Fuel Combustion- .................... Full Conversion of a Television Glass Melter. .190 The Keith Congleton ....................... 3R-Recent Developments in DeNOx Control .195 Geoff and Richard Evans Quirk ... Vlll

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