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500 of the Most Witty, Acerbic and Erudite Things Ever Said About Money PDF

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Preview 500 of the Most Witty, Acerbic and Erudite Things Ever Said About Money

5 0 A collection of the most memorable quotes on money, wealth, investment 0 o and business success, selected from a wide variety of sources: f th 550000 e HHhh m • Legendary investors: Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Jim Slater o s • Old-time billionaires: John D. Rockefeller, J. Paul Getty t w ooff tthhee • 21st Century swinging dicks: Bill Gates, Chris Gent itty mmoosstt • Entrepreneurs: Sam Walton, Ray Kroc, Jeff Bezos , ac e r • Wits: H.L. Mencken, Oscar Wilde, Dorothy Parker b ic wwiittttyy,, • Comedians: Woody Allen, Steve Martin, Stephen Fry a n d • Statesmen: Napoleon, Churchill, Thatcher e r u • Rogues: Robert Maxwell, Ivan Boesky, Al Capone d • Philosophers: Hegel, Goethe, Aristotle ite th aacceerrbbiicc and many more... iings aanndd e v e Ordered by subject, this pocket-sized book contains sharp insights, witty r s a one-liners, and thoughtful observations of the highest calibre. id eerruuddiittee a b o u Whether you want something fun to dip into, or you want to pepper your t m conversation and writing with apercus which will have your audience on tthhiinnggss e gasping in admiration, this is the source. ISBN 1 897 59797 5 y www.harriman-house.com eevveerr ssaaiidd aabboouutt mmoonneeyy HHhh Harriman House Publishing HHhh ££44..9999 500 of the most witty, acerbic & erudite things ever said about Money HARRIMANHOUSELTD 43ChapelStreet Petersfield Hampshire GU323DY GREATBRITAIN Tel:+44(0)1730233870 Fax:+44(0)1730233880 Email:[email protected] Website:www.harriman-house.com FirstpublishedinGreatBritainin2002,reprintedin2006 CopyrightHarrimanHouseLtd PublishedbyHarrimanHouseLtd TherightofPhilipJenkstobeidentifiedastheauthorhasbeenasserted inaccordancewiththeCopyright,DesignandPatentsAct1988. ISBN:1-897-59797-5 ISBN13:9-781897-597972 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookcanbeobtainedfromtheBritishLibrary. Allrightsreserved;nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedina retrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical, photocopying,recording,orotherwisewithoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthe Publisher.Thisbookmaynotbelent,resold,hiredoutorotherwisedisposedofby wayoftradeinanyformofbindingorcoverotherthanthatinwhichitispublished withoutthepriorwrittenconsentofthePublisher. PrintedandboundbyBiddlesLtd,KingsLynn,Norfolk Contents FirstPrinciples 1 Thenatureofinvesting 3 Risk 5 Time 6 BuyingShares 7 Generalguidelines 9 The‘efficiencyofmarkets’theory 11 Thequalitiesofgoodcompanies 12 Thedifferencebetweenpriceandvalue 16 Valueinvesting 17 Contrarianinvesting 19 Smallcapsandgrowthstocks 20 Technologystocks 22 ResearchingCompanies 25 Thenecessityforresearch 27 Reportsandaccounts 27 Qualityofmanagement 31 iii Insideinformationandtips 35 Researchfromprofessionalanalysts 37 PortfolioManagement 39 Diversification 41 Buy-and-hold 42 Movementofshareprices 45 Bull&bearmarkets 48 Timingthemarkets 53 Whentosell 56 Newissues 59 FundManagers 61 Short-termTrading 67 Keyaxioms 69 Theemotionalaspectoftrading 73 DealsandDealmakers 75 EthicsandGovernance 81 CrimeandScams 85 Banking 91 iv PoliticalEconomy 97 Economicpolicy 99 Inflation 100 Currenciesandexchangerates 102 Economists 104 DotcomsandOtherManias 109 Oops! 115 Tax 119 MoneyandLife 123 GettingRich 129 Work 139 BeingRich 143 SpendingIt 149 LosingIt 155 DyingRich 161 SuccessandFailure 165 Index 171 v First principles The nature of investing What it is “Althoughit’seasytoforgetsometimes,ashareofastockisnotalottery ticket. It’s part ownership of a business.” PeterLynch,legendarymanagerofTheMagellanFund “Speculation is an effort, probably unsuccessful, to turn a little money into a lot. Investment is an effort, which should be successful, to prevent a lot of money becoming a little.” FredSchwed,authorof‘WhereareTheCustomers’Yachts?’ How you win at it “It’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important, but how much moneyyoumakewhenyou’rerightandhowmuchyoulosewhenyou’re wrong.” GeorgeSoros 3

A collection of the most memorable quotes on money, wealth, investment, and business success, from a wide variety of sources. Including: - Legendary investors: Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, Jim Slater - Old-time billionaires: John D. Rockefeller, J. Paul Getty, Andrew Carnegie - Big swinging dicks: B
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