Dedicated to all grassroot members of Co-operative Institutions, men and women, young and old, who are striving to enrich their lives with Co-operation 50 Years of International Co-operative Alliance in Asia-Pacific [1960-2010] Serving Co-operatives International Co-operative Alliance Asia & Pacific INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE ALLIANCE [ICA Central Office] 15 Route des Morillons, CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex, Geneva. Switzerland ICA REGIONAL OFFICE FOR ASIA-PACIFIC [ICA Asia-Pacific] 9 Aradhana Enclave, Sector-13 RK Puram Ring Road, New Delhi 110066. India ICA BUSINESS OFFICE [ICA BO-Singapore] 510 Thomson Road, 12-02 SLF Building, Singapore 298135 ICA REGIONAL OFFICE-AFRICA [ICA Africa] House No. 11, Lenana Road-Milimani, PO Box 67595, Nairobi 00200. Kenya ICA REGIONAL OFFICE FOR THE AMERICAS [ICA Americas] Apartado 6648-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica ICA REGIONAL OFFICE FOR EUROPE [ICA Europe] Co-operative Europe asbi, European House of Co-operatives Avenue Milcamps 105, 1030 Brussels. Belgium FIFTY YEARS OF INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE ALLIANCE IN ASIA-PACIFIC [1960-2010] SERVING CO-OPERATIVES International Co-operative Alliance–Asia & Pacific 9 Aradhana Enclave, Sector 13 RK Puram, New Delhi 110066. India Tel.: [91-11] 2688-8250, Fax: [91-11] 2688-8067 Email: [email protected] Website: Price : INR 200 USD$ 10 Set in Book Antiqua 11 point. Cover design and book layout: Daman Prakash & Amin Zaidi Printed in India at Diamond Offset, HS-14 Kailash Colony Market, New Delhi 110048. [Oct. 2010] [1000] Contents Foreword by ICA Regional Director, ICA-AP 09 Message from ICA President 13 Message from ICA Director-General 15 Message from President, ICA-AP 17 Chapter-01 International Co-operative Alliance-Asia Pacific 19 Chapter-02 Capacity Building & Human Resource 33 Development Chapter-03 Facilitating Enabling Environment 43 Chapter-04 Co-operative Best Practices and Awareness 56 Chapter-05 Member-Organisations of ICA-AP 65 Chapter-06 Collaboration with Development Partners 67 Chapter-07 ICA Domus Trust and ICA Premises 69 in New Delhi Chapter-08 Impact of ICA on Co-operative Movements 74 in Asia-Pacific Chapter-09 Future Projections for ICA-AP 79 Chapter-10 Distinguished Personalities and their Views 85 Chapter-11 Chronology of Events 92 Chapter-12 References Used 112 ANNEXURES Annexe-I ICA Member-Organisations in Asia-Pacific [2010] 114 Annexe-II A Brief Note on ICA [Global] 119 Annexe-III ICA-AP Office-Bearers and Regional Meetings 130 Annexe-IV ICA-AP Technical Staff [Past and Present] 134 Annexe-V ICA-AP Publications 138 6 50 Years of ICA-AP: 1960-2010 7 Acknowledgements In the preparation of this publication major and valuable contribution has been made by Dr Daman Prakash, former Director [Agricultural Co-operative Management Programmes] who had served the ICA Regional Office during the period 1962- 2002. In the making of this material authentic and comprehensive, valuable suggestions and contributions were made by the following co-operative specialists: Mr JM Rana, former Director, ICA Education Centre; Dr RC Dwivedi, former Senior Consultant, ICA Regional Office; Mr AH Ganesan, former Programme Officer, ICA Regional Office and Mr BD Sharma, former Senior Consultant, ICA-AP. Mr Rajiv ID Mehta, Deputy Regional Director, ICA-AP, Ms Archana Gupta, Librarian, and other technical officers from the ICA-AP had provided valuable support to the above- mentioned team. The International Co-operative Alliance-Asia Pacific acknowledges their whole-hearted, spontaneous and candid support in the preparation and publication of this document. 8 50 Years of ICA-AP: 1960-2010 9 Foreword The International Co-operative Alliance has now been in the Asia-Pacific Region for fifty years. This is a short period for an organisation to make any substantial contribution. However, the ICA-AP, has not only been able to unite all Co-operative Movements in the Asia-Pacific Region, but also sustain itself, thanks to the candid and unflinching support provided by its Member-Organisations and the respective governments. The ICA stands for uniting, serving and representing co-operatives worldwide. The ICA stands for enriching the concept of Co- operation through mutual help. The Regional Office has been able to erect a tangible and strong relationship not only among co-operatives but also between the governments and co- operatives. Though I was not present when the ICA came to the Region in 1960, yet the documentation available in the Office and my interaction with the co-operators in the Region since my arrival in New Delhi in 2010, I have understood the relevance, strength and usefulness of a strong non-governmental international organisation, like the ICA. It has been found that Movements are closer to each other now; they are aware of their own problems and strengths; they have a better dialogue with their governments; and, value the technical and advisory role being played by the ICA. There have been eminent co-operative leaders and scholars of outstanding reputation and rich experience who have offered their advice and support not only to the ICA, but also to their own Movements. Also there have 10 Foreword been instances of outstanding contributions made by developed Movements from the Region and outside the Region to their counterparts in the Region in various technical fields. The post-World War-II scenario was dismal for the newly- emerging economies, especially in Asia and Africa. The International Co-operative Congresses held after 1950 have been strongly supporting strategies to provide technical support to the developing Movements in Asia, the result of which has been the establishment of the ICA Regional Office in Asia, at New Delhi, in 1960. Most of the newly-emerging economies in Asia accepted the concept of Co-operation as a pillar of economic development through generating awareness, education, skill development and international trade. The Western Co-operative leaders considered the ICA as the most relevant and effective channel to promote and strengthen co-operatives in Asia. The lead was taken by the Swedish Co-operative Movement which, through the Swedish Co-operative Centre [SCC], channelled a consistent and substantial financial and expertise support by creating an Education Centre. At the same time the ICA also came forward to establish its Regional Office in New Delhi. With the expansion of Co-operative Movement in the Asian Region, the two institutions got merged into one, ICA Asia-Pacific and continued to support the Movements in the Region. Other Movements including governments from within the Region and outside came forward to support Movements in Asia-Pacific Region. The present document is a brief account of the role played by the ICA in strengthening relationship among the Movements and having a deeper understanding of the Principles of Co- operation. I am aware that it is quite a difficult task to document all the activities which were carried out by the ICA in the Region, but an effort has been to describe how the mutual co-operation has strengthened the fabric of co-operative brotherhood during the last 50 years. I acknowledge with gratitude the leadership which was provided by my predecessors and technical personnel who, with their hard work, diligence and foresight, had brought a strong