50 Case Studies for Management & Supervisory Training Alan Clardy, Ph.D. Advantage Human Resources alishet hy HRD Press © Alan Clanily, PR.D,, 6994 ‘The materials dat appear in this book. other than dhose gunied front prior sources, may be reproduced for edueatouaVraining activities. There #8 10 reqirement to ahtain special permission for such uses. We do, however, ask Ul ube following statement appear on all répreductions. Reprudnoed hom Fifty Case Stadies for Musuagement & Sypervixory Training, by Alon Clardy, Pb.D, Amberst, Mass, TIRD Press. 1994, ‘This permission atatemeat is limited (o reprodoction ef materials for educational or training events. Systematic or large scale reproduction of distibution— oF ‘nchusivn af ilemis iw publications for sale may be cattied out only with peior rite permission from dhe publistes. Published by Ry Lakewood HRD Press Eases 22 Ameeat Roa! 530 Seth Ninth Sect “Amber. MA 08002 Minneapolis, MS 35102 1-BOeN22-2801 1 01 707-7768 ISBN 0-87425 977 Praduction Services by Susin Kotzm Cover Design by Olt Mill Graphies Editorial Work by Mary Goorge Table of Contents Acknowledgemens ‘Using the Ciscs in ‘This Manvel Ease Report Worksheet Analying a Css: A General Suateny Case Analysis Guidelines Worksite: ‘An Invitation to tae Reader Case Toes Tndss.. ‘The Filly Case Stutics. 3. Toss Cone Thoy Make More ‘aa Me? ‘She’s a Sinuet Brough Brow!" Lnproving Perfurmance in Business Services ‘Looney Tunes on Parade”: Par, | —Goting Savted cu the Righl (or Left Foot en "Looney tunes on Parade": Par 2—Kieking Into Gear ‘Looney Tunes on Parade": Puri 3A ‘Time for Action May Cay. Shipping ond Receiving ‘They Came Hom Decu-Max He's Just Not the Same. Special Checking ls Handed a Loss Reverly Comes Full Circle T1 Was Realty So Simple. Pain in Claims. Don't Lat Her Get Behind You Kathy Showers. Forgetting Claims. . Anssvering the Phone Goo News, Bad News: Part 1 ‘The $3.73 Mistuke. Goo News, Bad News; Part 2~-Judy, Indy. Judy Good News, Bud News: Fart 3— Tite Storm Breaks Conflict in Customer Service Dow’t Lt ay OM Flame Dig, Fitty Caso Stacia for Mensgament & Supenisay framwig 24, "The Contaitina of Business 24d 25, Problems Bebind the Counter 25.1 26, Wanted: Good Secretary 261 27, Another Staff Mecting m1 28 The Case ia Case Analysis 281 29. A*No" iwihe Field... 291 30. Tuy Jefterson, 301 31. A Wet Pain in the Nook au 32. "Well, Hxcuuuse Me 33. The "BT is Back M. Accidents Happen 35. A Leaderstup Crulle 34. I1Was Either Some Dress or Some Stain 361 3. Bad Nows in Buxlgets 3 Ontof Control 39, Whata Waste of Time, V1 40, Getting s Pair Tearing 40. AL, Who's Telling the Truth? 42. Shouting for Resalts 44. Fixing Things Over Dinner 441 44, A Systern's Migration to Rew Skills 441 45, The Wor purt Was That She Often Was Right 451 46, Lighting a Fice 2 61 47, Caughu in the Act, A 498, Took Out Ahead ARI 49, A Problem in Seeusity. 401 30. Who Va! o sh Acknowledgements “The following individuals deserve revoguiton for tir contbutions 69 dis nana Hise | would le to extend any giatiude to Roker! W. Carkhof, publishor ‘of HRD Press, Bob was visionary enough tr sce Uhe potent fr tho c48C, sling enough to vik trying cut an noted aut. ad patient enough w girs hion some est cme to finlsh the project. H want eo thaak Fath Tor Ris help it ‘making this voleme possible Second, | am indebre tothe mmmorons managers and supervisors who we1e willing share herr storiss wthme 6 Let me lst io The tubes, Fruscations sul. es. tho mistakes thoy inhcited trom dir predecessor, Ty these mes it was happily unclear wo was te tlner abd who was he shlong, Thom expo ricmues hive Been all of us au opporanity 0 Tear, and in cur hell, Fish to thant Thom Disclaimer Publisher and/or anihor rake no warmed, express implied, ‘th rospoet 1 this book and netcr assumes any responsibility tor aay legal vompluint or acrion aceasioned hy any Tollowing of its gnidelines. The user assumes ull ish und Dabllty whatsoever in connection with the use of or reliance won the matatials cou- tained bercin und dere are no oral ugreements or understandings te warrnnvies cllaleral tn oraffocting the understanding inaplicic §n the purchase ofthis hook, “The practices af Ihe user organization should be tallored to aecommshie isthe particular need. Tn case of any uncertainty svith respect to any specific arguniation policy, compeven! legal ‘counsel should be sou, “The nlividuals porttayoa in thi book ate completely fetivaal Any resernblance to sal persons, Tiving er dead, s purely coincident Using the Cases in This Manual ‘The cases 1epavted iw this manual are, with few excoptions, based upwm tm stories chat | have gathered [un a hrc spectrin of supervisors and atanagers While the esseoris) features of each story have Boou ietained, che wanes oF Ue people and organizations have been changed lo provect heir Mentiies, as well aS tomnke the eases move Mexible fov uaining purposes Thave used these cases successfully in various management and supervisory lnsining programs aver the years. From sny experience T have Found that they prkluce rexognition, discussion, aid even debate. lnvatiahly, they challenge frainees anu encourage Unom to tothink and ioexamine dhe Fursdamentals of be ing an ellective eader. Toxetbor, as prescated inthis manual hey crver n Fld ratlge oJ management sind supervisory ismcs and concer, ‘Although the ewses arc written pritnarily inthe coment al service indost andl few ey sot in mamufacturing, they’ go straight us the heart of universal leadership challenges ancl sheir application extends into virually ony orguniza (ional area. They tnelode such issues as dealing with a dificull employs, m= moving performance, irining and coaching, seloetigg dhe right person for Ihe job. und managing farly aad effectively, hese challoiges ate likely ta confront Any manager cir supervisar in any kind of exgmization, and developing, the ubil= ity to respond se thems prexluctively andl to [sam front then is what this rumah ig al about ‘The Case Studies in This Manual The Cases Many of the cases ane prosonted in one complete sary: ethers are sublli= vidal inio sections that highlight major decision poinss in the develogneent of te story. Fther foltewing each section or atthe chd of dhe case are suggested yaencios Tor discussion oe assignment Case Discussion Accompanying each ease ix the Case Discussion, This helpful pide con tains 2 summary ci the case along with ansisery to he suggested questions pre Sonted in the body of the vase. The Case Discussion tachment is intended for Use by the trainer er discuss facia Case Issues Index The Chae Teswex Tle lists the cases aud the major managerwent and super visory issues addrense in each ésco page x3), Lge the index to locale the issues you ssunl to gover; fsa road the ease summaty ih the Case Discussian tn fearn ihe specifies Fitty Case Stu for Management & Supervisory am Using Case Studies in Training Programs Thore are several ways by which you can profitably inelnde case stdies 38 pat of yur rsiniag programs. ‘These apious ate toviewed below Preparing for the Training Program Puiting sufficient etfort into the proclss preparation gracess can make che Silerence hersoen a focused, cliective taining session und a fragmentary, ine somgequential one. As a regnlse practice, L require managers and supervisors ‘eho wil he partcipacig in my tnining programs to submit case report draw. Tron heir personal experience as pact ofthis prepararion procs. Thore are sev- eral reawins for doing 50: 1. Cue wtesnye serve asa needs aosessment, revealing the issnes and oon joins of he pooale who acs consing inka the program, 2, Case preparation begins the proces of ovienling the pariipsnes ts the ccsining 3, For the eases selects, Teuming muteraly spool wo the client organieae tion ais unique mimeycroen! neal ean be prepuse snd used in the twining A Cage Repent Worktoe dese fr ihe preclas case asigument is D> wide for yout use at che onchnign of this nraductory section see pave si). “You can digutue thie Werhsbuct ts pyeiipats None Lie hefne the shel led seut dats, Pires rat Hr compte Fons ut yea. You Took Tor foes tha ecm representing al inportan, Shen write case based on that Foaion forse inthe raining The Training Session “Yo nse cieher che case praise hone mus thal yous develop as part ote using select casos) tat is he ua srs. ‘nthe erating session, the pancipans are organized Sn leaders groups und de cafes age lstbted, The groups ave given anyorere Tes UO We 30 ninaies to tead tad aivuss the save. When the portiipts ane well, devi: ing is conducted, boginiag Wik » prom eecittion of dhe srs" saia fats This review teal zc to the quests supplied at The end of dhe eae Case discussions are inpoetant feauses ofthe tsining and seave two Tne sions very well" Fis, Gey pronite panicipant inohement. escoaging par tiepants to rik amd misracl wilh cme snlber second. they fer earvelous ‘opportnities for aricpants apply and extend what they have learned to spo ti problens, the preduedvty of Mee eae discussions can be inceassd by reciewing the step in tho Cass Diseussiom ee the fling chapier on Ana treing a Cane). 6 by proviling each participa. with Case Analysis Work sheet faee page xv, Those worksheets help participa evaluse Ce eases and Spply hei eben solving sie a ex group sopsensus on vase slations. sing Ine Cases ia Thi Meal Cases and Role Playing In wong af the ses, = mecting between the managedlsuperviser und the 5) is needed. Several iliffersm kinds a goals ave possible fir such a 1» soummunicate devises, to listen for information, 10 negotiate Intiow. To chastise, or co recogabie gooul werk. In this context, these cases pie Seut namual gateways for role playing practice exer ‘Lo use these exercises as cole-paying Teal-in, the taimcr assigns fo past nts the various roics af supervisor, employee, or unyane else integral to che ‘axe, Then the pastieypants are given the task of canducting the mecling aca discussed by the group. The case establishes the siluaion, bul bow the role players, especialy those in superviscny roles, al with the situation is up € them, “The participant scho plays dhe eole af the supervisor vsually bas the mest ‘con! over how dhe situation develops—and die most decisions to make, For ‘example, ifthe scone 18 @ disciplinary meeting, wat should the supecreisur sa? Aad how should he or sto aet? While there mig be coin bout proper action, the use of more spceitic bebavioxat puidelines is pflem de sirable ‘There ave numerous sommes of bshavioral guidlines dat ae ppt: For use in ease scenario role-play, Some behavior modsting taining. pryrims pre vido list of stops a manager shoul fake in any given situatim; thus so of Po dnxvioe priuciples fay coaching can be applied in there situations, Guilelines aay also be drawn trom the general titesative, The betaviers assouiotsl with w= serive communication, for ckample, sve rather widely known arkl eam he: used as the basis for tesining anu! role-playing activites. Finally, keep fy mind Dat the organizsnon which employs the paricipauts may itself be sm invaluable source pT guidance, The organization's policies and prosodures in diseipliaay rmavers, Jor instance, may clearly indicate witat a sepervisor shentd do aru say, lhsrefon: providing the role-player wath aa established model of conduct For stcaling sity disciplieary problenns ‘Tho eases, which eteate the contoxe For action. and che role-playing exer- isos, which bring putieipants into the spsre of action, help participants further develop their problem-solving and decision-making skills. Using these cases i cconunetion with rote-playing exercises and che appropriate guidelines can thus result inv higtly cffeotive unining methed. Fitty Case Stucess for Managemant & Supenusery tainng Questions and Answers About the Cases How Were These Cases Developed? Thote cases, collected over the past 10 yoars, arc basad om the expeciences ‘of managers and supervisors in a vatioty af professions, ‘ke accupadonal set- tings eepeesented heic include financial, health-care, edecational, overautenral, vet, and manufacturing sctings, Bach case tells the story of paticutaly cormpelling or challenging mango- ment and supcevisory situation, Reprosenting the “erica imsidomts” ip the lives ‘of managers and supsvisors, these slories buve heen generated hy the kind nf iecumatances that, whether simply unvsuxl or quite extaurdinary. can hav Dfstound cffects on dividuals gna argunisutions. They are al circumstances, For which elcag-cut roles aml touine procedures dlp nt aloays apply BBooause the ewes wore developed aeuonfing Io uke auciunts if these neal: life circumstances, a in Wife, there pfien is neither one absolutly coavect an ‘or single comeet course ul aetion uo Follew tbat will neatly salve the problems they pose, Such nalistie dificullies only increase tbe posrer uf Uwe cases as learning tools. When » case situation cal support sevesal diene posse ee sponses, it promotes discussinn an stimulates competing opinions snd ler tive points of view, Case dizeussions. im turn, promote ihe evaluation af aplinns and help build judgment ip considering how tb handle difficult Teadersbip siu- ations, A Note on Leadership Orientation Several of these cases were develope! fir ute wits raising in situation lead ceship methods, Situational leadership is sn approach to diecting eomplogees in ‘which the qype Of approprivic leadership style dapenuls in large part on the wa ity Jove) of the employees. Tor insionce, accordiny to this meted, a highly competent employee should not he managed in the ssine way that sa untied. poorly motivated new employee is managed: A supervisor o¢ manager should ‘set more indivduilized sayle of Feadership ‘The classic staternemt of This approach i& givan by Paul Uershey and Ken- eth Blanchard in Managemens of Orgusizatonal Behasiow: Cuiliiay Hurt Resources Where Did the Answers to the Case Questions Come From? ‘The aunwers provided in the smpplementary Case Discussion sections are ‘sed nn my expericnoe in managing employees, in timing managers url se pervivers. and ia administering hnaan rosonrce mnagement systems. Oxhers rmiy see tbe cases in different ways and recommend courses of accion that vary fron ese which 1 bave secommonded Cane scussion wall fen yield swealh of opinions which, duongh case analysis, can he developed ity several bptions Far resolving dhe case: then, the "hes" aernative Se anon Une oy Hons ean be chosen {300 page xv, Anulyring 3 Cuse: A Gewenal Straus) Again, equally competent uxinagers ond supervisors may arvive at different— yetequally plausible -solutiom.