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5 Weeks To Winning Bridge PDF

580 Pages·1964·75.966 MB·English
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. “Thebestbridgebookeverwritten’ —AlbermtH.Morehead,FormerBridgeEditor. TheNew\brkTmes $2 25 SHEBNWOLD <3VKT?ED 'WEEKSTO ^WINNING ^BRIDGE mi* ,»A Vcv -ft Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/5weekstowinningbOOalfr .(Continuedfrombackcover) WHAT YOU CAN LEARN IN 35 DAYS WITH THIS PRACTICAL HOME-STUDY COURSE 23 Keeping the dangerous opponent off lead 24 When to draw trumps 25 How the experts count 26 Planning your play 27 Watch your entries 28 Expert plays (safety and throw-in plays, the trump coup, and squeezes) 29 What to lead — 30 Defensive rules and when to break them 31 Deceptive play 32 Third review and self-testing quizzes 33 Modern bidding conventions (including the Italian systems) 34 Manners, morals, and laws 35 Final review When your course is over, you st—ill may not be able to win a world championship but if you do your part faithfully, you can expect to play a better game consistently^ confidently, and often quitevictoriously. OTHER BOOKS BY THE AUTHOR How to PIdy Winning Bridge (Coauthor Edgar Kaplan) 101 Best Card Games for the Family First Book of Bridge Second Book of Bridge: The Play of the Hand Third Book of Bridge: How to Bid and Play in Duplicate Tournaments Fourth Book of Bridge: How to Improve Your Game Short Cut to Winning Bridge ^Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles #1 ^Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles #2 ^Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles #3 *Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles #4 Published byPocketBooks 5 WEEKS TO WIPWING BfflDGE Alfred Sheinwold .AKANGAROOBOOK PUBLISHEDBYPOCKETBOOKSNEWYORK ofBnoirnne,insetLtolnidngon,inANlferwedYoSrhekinCwitoyl.dDcuarminegthoisthuendUenrigtreadduSattaetesdaayts,tahteCaig^e College he became interested in bridge and after his graduation in 1933 he joined the legendary Ely Culbertson as a technical editor. He returned to bridgeafter serving as Chief Code and Cipher Expert for athmeassO.eSd.S.theduraimnagziWnogrltdotaWlaorf 2II,.00I0nMfaosutreryePaorisntsofantdouwronna,meanmtonpglayo,thheer troHpheiesh,asthewrUi.tSt.enMassitxerp'rseTvieoaums Cbhoaomkpsioonnshibrpi.dge,,is edrfor of The Bridge World magazine andAmerlcaitBridge Digestand is Cards Editor for Argosy *i^n°tPeIrany'aetri?o’nwarlitberridagne.d Atneacahcetri,veShmeeinmwboelrd oisf otnhee oNfatitohnealleaLdaiwnsg afnigdureRsuleIsn Commission, the high court of bridge, his syndicated column appears in sometwohundrednewspapersdaily. POCE^T BOOKS Another Original publication of POCKETBOOKS,aSimon&Sclmsterdivisionof GULF & WESTERN CORPORATION 1230AvenueoftheAmericas,NewYork,N.Y.10020 Copyright©1959, 1962, 1964byAlfredSheinwold Allrightsreserved,includingtherighttoreproducethisbook orportionsthereofinanyformwhatsoever. ForinformationaddressPocketBooks, 1230AvenueoftheAmericas,NewYork,N.Y. 10020 ISBN:0-671-82023-0 FirstPocketBooksprintingJanuary, 1960 24thprinting TrademarksregisteredintireUnitedStatesandofliercountries. PrintedintheU.S.A. CONTENTS Howto Use This Book xiii if You Have Never Played Bridge Before xv The Pack xv Rubber xxlll Choosing Partners ,xvl Vulnerability xxiil TThhee SBheugfifnlnei,ngCuotfaPnldayDeal ..xxvviil DouTrbilcekd PaonidntsRedoubled xxlll Winning a Trick xvii Overtricks xxiv The Bidding xviii Undertrick Penalties xxiv Doubles and Redoubles xix ' Honors .xxv Scoring xxi Slams xxv Game and Part Scores xxii Unfinished Game or Rubber.xxvl I. Bidding Without Opposition 1st DAY: How to Value Your Hand The Point Count 3 Dummy^s Points 8 How Points Are Used 4 Defensive '"Points" 9 Whose Hand Is It? 5 Quick Tricks 9 Good and Bad Points 6 Playing Tricks 10 Declarer's Points 7 The Effect of the Bidding ...10 2nd DAY: The Versatile One-Bid 11 When to Bid 12 Two 5-Card Suits 19 Fourth-Hand Bids 15 A 5-Card Suit and a 4-Card Which Suit to Bid 16 Suit 21 TWwhoen6-iCsaradSuSiutitsBiddable? ...1178 TThwroee4-4C-aCradrdSuSiutists 2223 A 6-Card Suit and a 5-Card In Short 24 Suit 19 3rd DAY: How to Handle Your Notrumps .25 The Basic Rules 25 Responding to One Notrump .35 Distribution 26 The Stayman Convention ....36 STthoeppeRrisght Count 2287 SRetsapyomnadninagttHoigHhiegrhLNevoetlrsum.p..37 Opening with Two or Three Bids 38 Notrump 31 Rebids by the Opener 39 What, to Do with In-Between In Short 39 Hands 32 . vl Contents 4th DAY: Responding to the Opening Bid ..40 WSTODTRrianohhiniueiepgsb-clliloeehnFevgoeRRrTraacayRi-iipassOnieeMengsssaeejosPofrRrieRnsecSpiusopipltnoesnesse.?...................44444441024567 TTNRRInwaoehiotseSsr-upSii>oohJntunvogumsermpetrasp-ORMbneRyiesenpsaoopRrnoePsnsaeSspsuseosinteisdnesHaan.Nd.e.w.....5545513952 5th DAY: — Rebids Where Judgment Begins After a Single Raise 59 After a One-over-One After a Double Raise in a Response 64 Major Suit 60 After a Two-over-One After a Triple Raise in a Response 67 AftMearjoar RSeuistponse of One 61 RReebviedrssebayndtheSkiRpe-sLpeovneldeBrid.s.....7720 Notrump 61 Accepting an Invitation 73 After a Response of Two Tips on Rebidding 74 Notrump 63 6th DAY: — Two-Bids Strong and Weak 75 Requirements for a Strong Responding to a- Weak LTRRiehembsTeilpwtdooWesn-dedBaAiifTnkdtwgeoTr-twBooai-adBTsiwTdow-oB-iBdid...............8787728395 TInhTCeSlwhuoOob-prsBetinding Bid of Twa ,,......888854 7th DAY: How to Bid Your Slams 89 CNoonrtmraollsSlom Requirements ..9809 CFuakeeBCiuddeinBgids .1.0918 TWhheenBlAarcekwYoooudCConovnevnetnitoinoanl?. ..9914 SHhelepwinfgroma tShienglEenteomny 110025 SSthoopwpiinnggaatVoFiidveSuNiottrump ...9965 DDeicrleactrerS'lsamSkiBlildding 110068 The Gerber Convention 97 8th DAY: First Review and Self Testing Quizzes 1st Through 7th Days 109 . . Contents li II. Competitive Bidding . Ill 9th DAY; Bidding with a Part Score 112 Your Part Score 112 Mild Skim Tries 118 The Expanded Notrump ..113 Trapping the Enemy 120 Playable Suits 114 Opponents' Part Score 121 Semi-Forcing Bids 115 Light Overcalls and Opening Two-Bids 116 Takeout Doubles 121 ^it Raises 117 In Short 123 Jump Takeouts 117 10th DAY: Overcalls 124 Points or Tricks? 125 Weak Jump Overcalis 133 Risk Versus Gain 126 Responding to the Weak The Rule of 500 Points 127 Jump Overcall 134 Requirements for When Silence is Golden ....135 Overcalling 128 Overcalls in Notrump 136 Responding to an Overcall ..129 Free Bids 136 Jump Overcalls 132 Free Rebids 139 Strong Jump Overcalls 132 In Short ••••140 nth DAY: Doubling for Takeout 141 Takeoutor Penalty Double? .142 When Not to Double •••••.151 Requirements for a Takeout In Short ..153 Double 147 12th DAY: After a Takeout Double 154 The Doubler's Partner 155 The Opening Bidder 166 Responding in Notrump ..157 After Partner Passes ....167 Free Responses 157 After Partner Raises ....167 After a Redouble .158 After Partner Redoubles ..167 The Penalty Pass 159 After Partner Bids a Rebids by the Doubler .....161 New Suit 168 Opening Bidder's Partner ...164 In Short ••.168 13th DAY: Shutout Bids .169 Risk Versus Gain 170 Responding toaShutoutBid .177 Shutout Bids of Defending Against Shutout Three or More .173 Bids .181 Examples of Shutout Bids ..175 In Short 182 The Case Against Strong Three-Bids 176 14th DAY: When to Sacrifice ...182 TAdhveanVtaalgueesofofGaSmacerifice 183 TDihsecoAudrvagainncge aSacSraicfriicfeice.. ..118878 Bidding 184 Bid or Double? .190 How Much Will You Be Set? 185 The Forcing Pass .192 Encouraging a Sacrifice ....187 In Short .193 . . vill Contents 15th DAY: . — Penalty Doubles Low Contracts 193 Light Doubles 195 In Short 203 Doubling into Game 201 16th DAY: — Penalty Doubles High Contracts 204 Game Doubles 204 Slam Doubles 214 Counting Tricks Other Lead-Directing for a Double 207 Doubles 215 Inferential Doubles 209 In Short 217 Doubles of Three Notrump ..211 17th DAY: Reopening the Bidding 218 Bid or Double? .219 Reopening After a Raise ...224 Responding to a Reopening The Unusual Notrump ... ..226 Bid Non-Fit Auctions Opening Bidder's Rebids .. .222 In Short 18th DAY: Second Review and Self-Testing Quizzes 9th Through 17th Days 229 III. The Play of the Cards 231 19th DAY: Simple Finesses 232 The Principle of the Two-Way Finesses ..240 Finesse 232' Finessing Against the Jack ..241 Finessing Against the Ace ..234 Double Finesses 242 Finessing Against the King ..235 Triple Finesses 243 When to Lead High 237 Finessing an Opponent's Finessing Against Lead 244 the Queen 238 /

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