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5-Minute Apologetics for Today PDF

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5·Minute APOLOGETICS for TODAY Ron Rhodes HARVEST HOUSE PUBLISHERS EUGENE, OREGON Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Verses marked NIV are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Verses marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org) Verses marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Verses marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. All emphasis in Scripture quotations is added by the author. Cover by Dugan Design Group, Bloomington, Minnesota 5-MINUTE APOLOGETICS FOR TODAY Copyright © 2010 by Ron Rhodes Published by Harvest House Publishers Eugene, Oregon 97402 www.harvesthousepublishers.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rhodes, Ron. 5-minute apologetics for today / Ron Rhodes. p. cm. ISBN 978-0-7369-2457-3 (pbk.) 1. Apologetics—Miscellanea. I. Title. BT1103.R56 2010 239’.7—dc22 2009017210 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 / DP-SK / 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Acknowledgments Introduction Day 1: Absolute Truth Day 2: Be Reasonable Day 3: Philosophy Can Be Helpful Day 4: Reasonable Faith Day 5: Christians Can Be Deceived Day 6: False Doctrine Day 7: All Religions Are Not the Same Day 8: Faulty Doctrine Can Hurt Day 9: Marginalizing God’s Word Day 10: Contend for the Faith Day 11: Non-Rock-a-Boatus Day 12: Flex Some Apologetic Muscle Day 13: Salt and Light Day 14: Living Ethically Day 15: A Desire for More Day 16: Charity Day 17: Permissible but Not Necessarily Beneficial Day 18: Lying Day 19: Oaths Day 20: Civil Disobedience Day 21: Capital Punishment Day 22: Suicide Day 23: Divorce Day 24: Slavery Day 25: An Activist View of War Day 26: A Pacifist View of War Day 27: A Selectivist View of War Day 28: Just War Day 29: Self-Defense Day 30: Laziness Day 31: Human Life Begins at Conception Day 32: Abortion Day 33: Fornication and Adultery Day 34: Polygamy Day 35: Homosexuality Day 36: Liberation from Homosexuality Day 37: Skepticism Day 38: Agnosticism Day 39: Denying God’s Existence Is Not Logical Day 40: Miracles Day 41: Empirical Observation Day 42: A Cause and a Beginning Day 43: Christian Atrocities Day 44: Extermination Day 45: Hypocrisy Day 46: Jesus Is the Messiah Day 47: Jesus and Pagan Myths Day 48: Jesus and Simple Legends Day 49: Is Fulfilled Prophecy a Hoax? Day 50: Theological Bias Day 51: The Problem of Evil Day 52: God Does Not Create Moral Evil Day 53: Evil and Free Will Day 54: Evil and Intelligent Design Day 55: Evil and an All-Powerful God Day 56: Good out of Evil Day 57: The Boundaries of Evil Day 58: Evolution Day 59: Microevolution and Macroevolution Day 60: Mutations Day 61: Natural Selection Day 62: The Meaning of Miracles Day 63: Miracles Can Happen Day 64: Miracles and Deity Day 65: Miracles in Jesus’ Hometown Day 66: More Miracles than Jesus Day 67: Cultists in Our Houses Day 68: Beware of Cults Day 69: Characteristics of Cults Day 70: Sociology and the Cults Day 71: Cults’ Moral Characteristics Day 72: Talking with Cult Members Day 73: Reincarnation Day 74: Astrology Day 75: Participation in the Occult Day 76: Mysticism Day 77: A Christian Belongs to Christ Day 78: Knowing God and Knowing About God Day 79: Knowing God Intimately Day 80: General Revelation Day 81: Special Revelation Day 82: God and the Old Testament Prophets Day 83: The Apostles Day 84: Progressive Revelation Day 85: False Prophets and Teachers Day 86: New Testament Prophets Day 87: Holy Books Day 88: A Library of Inspired Books Day 89: The Holy Spirit: The Agent of Inspiration Day 90: Scripture Is “God-breathed” Day 91: God and Human Writers Day 92: All of Scripture Is Inspired Day 93: What the New Testament Writers Knew Day 94: Fulfilled prophecy and Inspiration of Scripture Day 95: No Inaccurate Prophecies Day 96: Our Supreme and Final Authority Day 97: The Canon in New Testament Times Day 98: Five Tests for Canonicity Day 99: In or Out? Day 100: The Apocrypha Day 101: Papyri and New Testament Studies Day 102: The Dead Sea Scrolls Day 103: The Dead Sea Scrolls and Biblical Manuscript Transmission Day 104: New Testament Variants Day 105: Has the Bible Been Corrupted? Day 106: The Preservation of Biblical Manuscripts Day 107: Extrabiblical Christian Sources and the Bible Books Day 108: Secular Extrabiblical Sources and the Bible Day 109: The Gospels’ Apparent Contradictions Day 110: The Gospels Are Selective Day 111: Nature and the Bible Day 112: Archaeology and the Bible Day 113: Archaeology and the Old Testament Day 114: Archaeology and the New Testament Day 115: Formal Equivalence Day 116: Dynamic Equivalence Day 117: Gender-Inclusive Language Day 118: Principles of Bible Interpretation Day 119: A Literal Interpretation of the Bible Day 120: Esoteric Interpretation Day 121: The Wisdom Sayings and Bible Promises Day 122: Conditional and Unconditional Promises Day 123: Promises to the Israelites—and to Us? Day 124: Promises in the Old Testament and Today Day 125: Christian Meditation Day 126: Majestic and All-Powerful but Also Personal Day 127: God the Father Day 128: God’s Names Day 129: Elohim Day 130: God’s Attributes Day 131: God Is Spirit Day 132: Is God Distant? Day 133: Pantheism and the Bible Day 134: God’s Sovereignty Day 135: God, the Almighty Judge Day 136: Our Incomparable God Day 137: The God of Christianity and the God of Islam Day 138: God Is a Trinity Day 139: Is the Trinity a Logical Contradiction? Day 140: The Trinity and Ancient Paganism Day 141: Jesus and the Trinity Day 142: Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom Day 143: Three Views of Predetermination Day 144: Resting in God’s Sovereignty Day 145: Saved in Trouble, Not from Trouble Day 146: Our Intelligently Created Universe Day 147: God’s Fingerprints Day 148: Scientifically Discernible Design Day 149: Creationism and Thermodynamics Day 150: Intelligent Design Is Science Day 151: Intelligent Design and DNA Day 152: Design Flaws? Day 153: Creation and Divine Revelation Day 154: Foundational Truths in Genesis Day 155: Scripture, Time, and Eternity Day 156: The Trinity and Creation Day 157: The Days of Genesis 1 Day 158: The Gap Theory Day 159: Intelligent Life on Other Planets Day 160: Progressive Creationism Day 161: Theistic Evolution Day 162: Young-Earth Creationism Day 163: Cain’s Wife Day 164: The Universal Flood Day 165: Jesus Was a Real Person Day 166: Jesus Never Married Day 167: Jesus: A Good Moral Teacher? Day 168: Jesus and the Messianic Prophecies Day 169: Messianic Prophecies and the Jews Day 170: The Angel of the Lord Day 171: Melchizedek Day 172: Jesus and the Archangel Michael Day 173: Jesus, the Christ Day 174: Jesus Is God Day 175: Jesus and the Names and titles of God Day 176: Jesus Is Equal to God Day 177: Jesus and God’s Authority Day 178: Jesus, the Son of God Day 179: Jesus, the Son of Man Day 180: Christ’s Humanity Day 181: The Virgin Birth Day 182: Jesus’ Two Natures Day 183: Christ Emptied Himself in the Incarnation

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