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[491 Bayshore, Home Depot initial study] PDF

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SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT BAYSHORE 491 HOME DEPOT STUDY INITIAL March 2002 6, San FranciscoPublicLibrary Government information Center San Francisco Public Library 100 Larkin Street, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94102 REFERENCE BOOK Not to be taken from the Library ^PLANNING DEPARTMENT CA City and County of S^an Francisco 1660 Mission Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, 94103-2414 PLANNINGCOMMISSION ADMINISTRATION CURRENTPLANNING/ZONING LONG RANGEPLANNING ^i: !::;::>/o fFaAyX-:5s5w8--f6c4i0n9q FAX:558-6426 FAX:558-6409 FAX:558-6426 DOCUMENTS DEF DATE: March 9, 2002 TO: Responsible Agencies, TrusteeAgencies, and Interested Parties MAR I 1 2002 SAN FRANCISCO FROM: Paul Maltzer, EnvironmentalReview Officer PUBLIC LIBRARV RE: Notice ofPreparation ofa DraftEnvironmental ImpactReport The City and County of San Francisco Planning Department is the Lead Agency and will prepare an EnvironmentalImpactReportforthefollowingproject: 2001.0062E: HomeDepotProject- 491 BayshoreBoulevard, Assessor'sBlock5598, Lots 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, and 28. The proposed project consists of demolition oftwo vacant buildings, totaling 107,372 square feet (sq.ft.), and construction ofahome improvement store (HomeDepot). The main store would be two stories tall, with approximately 96,250 sq.ft. on the main floor, 38,405 sq.ft. on the second floor, and a 9,888-sq.-ft.enclosedgreenhouse. Theproposedprojectalsoincludes anapproximately8,546-sq.ft. outdoor- garden center. The HomeDepotbuilding wouldbe approximately 153,089 sq.ft. A separateparking garage consisting oftwo levels plus rooftop parking totaling 550 parking spaces would alsobe constructed on this 5.73-acresite.Thebuildingswouldbeapproximately40feetinheight. Vehicularaccesstotheparkinggarage would be from Bayshore Boulevard, where Cortland Avenue dead-ends into Bayshore Boulevard, and secondaryaccess wouldbeonLoomisandWaterlooStreets. Betweenthegroundleveloftheparkingfacility andthe store, acustomerpick-uplanewouldbeprovidedwith egress ontoBayshoreBoulevard,justnorth of the Cortland Avenue intersection. Four general freight-loading spaces would be provided. The project is located within the Bayview/Hunter's Point neighborhood. The site is within the Planning Commission's adoptedIndustrialProtectionZone(IPZ)andislocatedinanM-l (LightIndustrial)zoningdistrictandwithina 65-J height andbulk district. TheNoticeofPreparationofaDraftEnvironmentalImpactReport(EIR)andNoticethatanEIRisDetermined tobeRequiredfortheabove-referencedprojectarebeingsenttoyoubecauseyouhaveexpressedaninterestin theproposedproject,orbecauseyouhavebeenidentifiedbythePlanningDepartmentaspotentiallyhavingan interest in the project. Notice ofpublication ofthese documents will be printed in a newspaper of general circulation onthedayfollowingthedateofthesenotices. As statedintheseNotices,thePlanningDepartment has determinedthatpursuantto the CaliforniaEnvironmental QualityAct(CEQA) anEIRmustbeprepared priorto anyfinal decision regardingtheproject. Weneedtoknowtheviewsofyouragencyastothescopeandcontentoftheenvironmentalinformation which is germane to youragency's statutory responsibilities in connectionwith the proposedproject. Youragency mayneed tousethe EIR when considering apermitorotherapproval forthis project. Written comments on the scope of the EIR will be accepted until the close of business on April 8 2002. Written comments should be sentto: Paul Maltzer, Environmental Review Officer, San Francisco Planning Department, 1660 Mission Street, Ste. 500, SanFrancisco, CA 94103. Please includethename ofacontact person in youragency. Thankyou. P^rilMaltzer Date JErfvironmen; eview Officer Digitized by the Internet Archive 2014 in ( https://archive.org/details/491bayshorehomed6200sanf . NOTICE THAT AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT DETERMINED TO BE REQUIRED IS Date ofthis Notice: March 9, 2002 Lead Agency: SanFranciscoPlanning Department 1660 Mission Street, Suite 500 SanFrancisco, California 94103-2414 Agency Contact Person: Tammy Chan Telephone: (415) 558-5982 ProjectTitle: 2001.0062E- 491 Bayshore Boulevard, HomeDepot Project Sponsor: HomeDepot, U.S.A., Inc. Project Contact Person: Anna Shimko, Cassidy Shimko & Dawson, LLP Telephone: (415)788-2040 ProjectAddress: 491 BayshoreBoulevard/196 Loomis Ave Assessor's Block and Lot: Block 5598, Lots 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, and 28 City and County: San Francisco ProjectDescription: Theproposedprojectconsistsofdemolitionofthevacantbuildings,totaling 107,372square feet(sq.ft.), and constructionofahomeimprovementstore (HomeDepot). Themainstore wouldbetwo stories, with approximately 96,250 sq.ft. on the main floor, and 38,405 sq.ft. on the second floor, and a 9,888-sq.-ft. enclosed green house. The proposed project also includes an approximately 8,546-sq.ft. outdoor-garden center. A Thetotal retail space wouldbe approximately 153,089 sq.ft. separate parking garage consisting oftwo levels plus rooftop parking totaling 550 parking spaces would also be constructed on this 5.73-acre site. The buildings would be approximately 40 feet in height. Vehicular access to the parking garage would be from Bayshore Boulevard, where Cortland Avenue dead-ends into Bayshore Boulevard, and secondary access would be on Loomis andWaterloo Streets. Betweenthe groundlevel oftheparking facilityandthe store, acustomerpick-up lanewouldbeprovidedwithegressontoBayshoreBoulevard,justnorthoftheCortlandAvenueintersection. Four general freight-loading spaces would be provided. The project is located within the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood. The site is within the Planning Commission's adopted Industrial Protection Zone (TPZ) and is located in anM-l (LightIndustrial) zoning district and within a 65-Jheight andbulk district. THIS PROJECT MAY HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTREPORT IS REQUIRED. This determination is based uponthe criteriaof the State CEQA Guidelines, Section 15063 (Initial Study), 15064 (Determining Significant Effect), and 15065 (MandatoryFindingsofSignificance), andthefollowingreasons, as documentedintheEnvironmentalEvaluation (Initial Study) forthe project, which is attached. DeadlineforFilingofanAppealofthisDeterminationtothePlanningCommissionisMarch29,2002 at5:00p.m. An appeal requires: (1) aletter specifyingthe grounds forthe appeal, and (2) a $209.00 filing fee. Environmental Review Officer PlanningDepartment 2001.0062E-491 Bayshore/196LoomisAvenue 1 INITIAL STUDY1 2001.0062E- 491 Bayshore, Home Depot PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SETTING I. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Theprojectsite is located at491 BayshoreBoulevard/196 Loomis Ave, on Assessor'sBlock 5598, Lots 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, and28, whichtotals249,699 sq.ft. orapproximately5.73 acres. ThesiteispartofthemajorCityblock boundedby aone-story industrialbuildingtothe north, Waterloo Streetto the south, Loomis Avenueto the east, and Bayshore Boulevard to the west in an industrial areaofSanFrancisco (Figure 1, page 3). Two buildings currentlyexistonthesite, bothofwhicharevacant. GoodmanLumberCompanypreviouslyoperated a76,846-sq.-ft. homeimprovementandbuildingsupplystoreonaportionofthesitewhileWholeEarthAccess, aretail homefurnishing andsupplystore, operatedoutofthesecondbuilding, whichwasapproximately30,500sq.ft. Whole Earth occupiedits portion oftheproperty until Juneof1999 andGoodmanLumber Company ceased its operation in August of2000. The propertyhas beenvacant since. Theproposedprojectistodemolishthetwoexistingbuildingsandconstructatwo-story,approximately153,089-sq.-(J home improvement store. The main store would be two stories, with approximately 96,250 sq.ft. on the main floor, and 38,405 sq.ft. on the second floor, and a 9,888-sq.-ft. enclosed greenhouse (Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, pages 4 to 8). Theproposedprojectalsoincludes anapproximately 8,546-sq.-ft. outdoor-gardencenter. Aseparate 550-space, two-storyparking garageplus rooftopparkingwouldalsobeconstructed. The buildings wouldbe approximately40 feet in height. There wouldbe an approximately 4V2-foottall wall with a 6-foottrellis alongtheperipheryofthe roof to shieldtheviews ofparkedcars. VehicularaccesstotheparkingfacilitywouldbefromBayshoreBoulevard, where Cortland Avenue dead ends into Bayshore Boulevard, and from Loomis and Waterloo Streets. Traffic signals and pedestrian crosswalks would be installed at Bayshore Boulevard and Cortland Avenue, a left-turn pocket would be created for southbound Bayshore Boulevard traffic to enter the project site, and just north ofthe project site, the medianonBayshoreBoulevardwouldbe changedtoallownorthboundtraffictomakeU-Tums. Developmentofthe site would require excavationofapproximately 8,500 cubicyardsofsoilforfootings andfoundation. Thefoundation system would include pile driving. B. PROJECT SETTING Theprojectsiteconsistsofninelots. Adjacenttotheprojectsiteatthenorthendofthisblock, therearethreebuildings (a masonry supply warehouse and storage lot, a commercial retail and parking lot and a fast food restaurant). The project site is located in anM-l (LightIndustrial) zoning districtinthe Bayview-Hunters Pointneighborhood. A 1 Preliminary MitigatedNegative Declarationwas publishedon September29, 2001 and appealedto the Planning Commission. Uponfurtheranalysis, the Planning Departmentdeterminedthat anEnvironmental Impact Report (EIR) was required. The issues raised inthe appeals willbe addressedinthe EIR. 2001.0062E-491 Bayshore/196 LoomisAvenue 2 2001.0062E-491 Bayshore/196LoomisAvenue 3 2001.0062E-491 Bayshore/196 LoomisAvenue 4 2001.0062E-491 Bayshore/196LoomisAvenue 5 2001.0062E-491 Bayshore/196LoomisAvenue 6

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