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Preview 46th Symposium Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering, Opatija, Croatia, 2018

UDC 631 ISSN 1848-4425 UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF OSIJEK FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AND LIFE SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE OF SLOVENIA INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING, BOKU, VIENNA NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY - INMA BUCHAREST CROATIAN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS OF THE 46th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering 8 1 0 2 H C R A M t s 1 - Y R A U R B E F h t 7 2 , A I T A O R C , A J I T A P O SVEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU AGRONOMSKI FAKULTET ZAVOD ZA MEHANIZACIJU POLJOPRIVREDE POLJOPRIVREDNI FAKULTET SVEUČILIŠTA U OSIJEKU UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FAKULTETA ZA KMETIJSTVO IN BIOSISTEMSKE VEDE KMETIJSKI INŠTITUT SLOVENIJE INSTITUT ZA POLJOPRIVREDNU TEHNIKU, BOKU, BEČ NACIONALNI INSTITUT ZA POLJOPRIVREDNU MEHANIZACIJU - INMA BUKUREŠT HRVATSKA UDRUGA ZA POLJOPRIVREDNU TEHNIKU AKTUALNI ZADACI MEHANIZACIJE POLJOPRIVREDE ZBORNIK RADOVA 46. MEĐUNARODNOG SIMPOZIJA Opatija, 27. veljače – 1. ožujka 2018. Published by University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Engineering Svetošimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Izdavač Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Zavod za mehanizaciju poljoprivrede, Svetošimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska Editor-in-Chief / Nikola Bilandžija Glavni i odgovorni urednik (e-mail: [email protected]) Technical editor / Tehnički urednik Dragan Tupajić Organising committee / Organizacijski odbor Đuro Banaj Dubravko Filipović Nikola Bilandžija Zlatko Koronc Krešimir Čopec Igor Kovačev Goran Fabijanić Stjepan Sito Mateja Grubor Scientific committee / Znanstveni odbor Prof. dr. Đuro Banaj, HR Prof. dr. Joachim Mueller, DE Ing. Jaroslav Čepl, CSc., CZ Prof. dr. Pietro Picuno, IT Prof. dr. Aleksandra Dimitrijević, RS Prof. dr. Stjepan Pliestić, HR Assist. prof. dr. Đorđe Đatkov, RS Prof. dr. Egidijus Sarauskis, LT Prof. dr. Ettore Gasparetto, IT Prof. dr. John Schueller, USA Prof.dr. Ivo Grgić, HR Prof. dr. Peter Schulze-Lammers, DE Prof. dr. Andreas Gronauer, AT Prof. dr. Denis Stajnko, SI Dr. Viktor Jejčič, SI Prof. dr. Dumitru Tucu, RO Prof. dr. Silvio Košutić, Chairman, HR Assist. prof. dr. Peter Vindiš, SI Prof. dr. Miran Lakota, SI Dr. Valentin Vladut, RO Prof. dr. Milan Martinov, RS Prof. dr. Daniele De Wrachien, IT Prof. dr. Dumitru Mnerie, RO ISSN 1848-4425 http://atae.agr.hr Cover painting / Slika s naslovnice: Dušan Jejčič Cover design / Oblikovanje naslovnice: Kreativna Točka by Marko Košutić All papers in the Proceedings are peer reviewed Svi radovi u Zborniku su recenzirani Papers from the Proceedings have been indexed since 1997 into databases: / Radovi u Zborniku su indeksirani u bazama podataka od 1997.: Clarivate Analytics: Web of Science Core Collection: Conference Proceedings Citation Index CAB International - Agricultural Engineering Abstracts 46. Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia, 2018. 3 SPONZORI – SPONSORS MINISTARSTVO ZNANOSTI I OBRAZOVANJA REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE / MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA ZAKLADA HRVATSKE AKADEMIJE ZNANOSTI I UMJETNOSTI / THE FOUNDATION OF THE CROATIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS INA MAZIVA d.o.o. – ZAGREB 46. Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia, 2018. 4 PRIČA O TRAKTORU S NASLOVNICE Lanz Bulldog HL Priča o masovnoj proizvodnji traktora s užarenom glavom počinje nakon Prvog svjetskog rata, kada Lanz, Manheim, Njemačka (najveći europski proizvođač mehanizacije početkom 20. stoljeća i kasnije), 1921. godine započinje proizvodnju jednostavnog stabilnog motora s užarenom glavom hlađenog otparivanjem vode. Motor je potom ugrađen na podvozje s kotačima koje je vukla konjska zaprega. Ta je izvedba kasnije nadopunjena – dograđen je sklop koji je povezivao motor sa stražnjim kotačima. Time je Lanzov stacionarni motor postao samohodni stroj – traktor. Takva jednostavna izvedba traktora bila je namijenjena za pogon stacionarnih strojeva u poljoprivredi – vršalica, pumpi za navodnjavanje, kružnih pila za drvo, slamoreznica. U industriji je služio za pogon drobilica kamena, električnih generatora i transport (na tvrdoj podlozi mogao je povući prikolicu najveće mase 7 tona). Traktor je nazvan Bulldog zbog karakterističnog oblika motora, koji je sprijeda nalikovao glavi buldoga (užarena glava motora). Pored osnovne poljoprivredne izvedbe, u ponudi je bila i verzija s pogonom na sva četiri kotača za rad u voćnjacima i vinogradima, izvedba za rad na močvarnim tlima (s proširenim čeličnim kotačima), tricikl izvedba po uzoru na američke traktore za kultivaciju kukuruza. Koncepcija Bulldoga je bila tako uspješna da su se na njega ugledali i drugi europski proizvođači traktora: Landini, Orsi, HSCS, Bubba, Ursus, S.F.Vierzon, Bolinder, Marshal. „Otac“ ovog legendarnog traktora bio je dr. Fritz Huber, koji je zagovarao koncepciju jednostavnog, robusnog i jeftinog traktora prikladnog za poljoprivredu. Velika je prednost motora s užarenom glavom činjenica da kao pogonsko gorivo može koristiti različite frakcije nafte, biljno ulje, životinjske masnoće, otpadna motorna ulja, zemni plin, ugljenu prašinu. Korištenje jeftinijih goriva (u odnosu na benzin ili mineralni dizel) omogućilo je i siromašnijim poljoprivrednicima da mehaniziraju teške radne operacije. Uz to, motori s užarenom glavom bili su zahvaljujući niskom broju okretaja (400 – 700 min-1) i izrazito dugovječni. Postoje slučajevi u kojima su ovi motori na traktorima radili do 40.000 radnih sati (nakon izmjene dijelova podložnih trošenju, npr. klipnih prstenova, motor je bez problema dalje radio). Snaga motora na Lanzovom Bulldogu HL iznosila je 8,8 kW (12 KS), zapremina oko 6000 cm3, a masa traktora ovisno o izvedbi od 1850 kg do 2360 kg. Traktor nije imao mjenjač, a brzina kretanja regulirala se brzinom vrtnje motora. Za kretanje unazad trebalo je zaustaviti motor te ga pomoću zamašnjaka pokrenuti u suprotnom smjeru. Najveća brzina kretanja iznosila je 4,2 km h-1. Postojala je i izvedba Bulldoga koji je imao mjenjač s dva stupnja prijenosa. U prvom stupnju traktor je postizao 6 km h-1, a u drugom 12 km h-1, što je posebno naglašavano u promotivnom materijalima. Proizvodnja HL modela trajala je od 1921. do 1927. godine, kada je zamijenjen sofisticiranijim modelom. U stručnoj literaturi iz područja traktorske tehnike neko je vrijeme smatrano da je Lanz bio prvi proizvođač traktora s užarenom glavom u svijetu, no danas ga se smatra najmasovnijim proizvođačem (spominje se da su prvi traktori s užarenom glavom uvedeni u Švedskoj između 1913. i 1919. godine). Lanz je do kraja 1950-ih proizveo više od 220.000 traktora s užarenom glavom. Dr. sc. Viktor Jejčič 46. Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia, 2018. 5 STORY ABOUT TRACTOR FROM COVER PAGE Lanz Bulldog HL The story of a hot bulb fired semi-diesel engine tractor large-scale production started after the First World War, when the Lanz company, of Manheim, Germany (the biggest producer of agricultural mechanization at the beginning of the 20th century), began in the year 1921 the production of a simple stationary hot-bulb fired semi-diesel engine with evaporative cooling. The engine was just mounted to a chassis with wheels that was drawn by horses. This version was later updated with a system that connected the engine with the rear wheels. This simple version of the tractor was intended to power stationary agricultural machines, such as thresher, pump for irrigation, circular jigsaw, straw cutter and so on. In industry this tractor was used to power stone crusher, electric generator and transport (the tractor was able to pull on a hard surface trailer up to maximum 7 tones load). The tractor was named Bulldog due to the specific shape of its engine, whose front part resembled the English dog species. Besides the basic agricultural version, the manufacturer offered following versions: an all-wheel drive intended for work in orchards and vine yards, a version for working on swampy soils (due to wider steel wheels), a tricycle version for corn cultivation like American row-crop tractors. The Bulldog tractor concept was so successful that other European tractor producers – Landini, Orsi, HSCS, Bubba, Ursus, S.F. Vierzon, Bolinder, Marshal – followed it. The designer of this legendary tractor was dr. Fritz Huber, who supported concept of a simple, robust and cheap tractor suitable for agriculture. The great advantage of this engine was its ability to be fueled by crude oil, plant oil, waste sump oil, animal fat, powdered coal and natural gas. The hot- bulb fired semi-diesel engines were – due to operating at low speed (400-700 min-1) – very durable. Some records proved cases where these tractor engines completed up to 40,000 working hours (after general repair these engines continued to work perfectly). The Lanz’s Bulldog HL was powered by an engine of 8.8 kW (12 HP), the displacement of the engine was 6,224 cm3, the weight of the tractor depended on a model and varied from 1,850 to 2,360 kg. The Bulldog HL had no gearbox, only engine speed controls. In order to move in reverse, the engine had to be stopped and then restarted in the opposite direction by a flywheel. The maximal traveling speed of the Bulldog HL tractor was 4.2 km h-1. There was a Bulldog version equipped with a two-speed gearbox (first gear max. speed v = 6,0 km h-1, second gear max. speed v = 12.0 km h-1). The Lanz’s Bulldog HL tractor was in production from 1921 to 1927, when it was replaced with a more sophisticated model. The earlier expert literature on the history of tractors took Lanz as the World’s No. 1 producer of tractors with the hot-bulb fired semi-diesel engine, but today Lanz is taken only as the World’s No. 1 large-scale tractor producer. Some sources mention that the first tractors with hot-bulb fired semi-diesel engines were introduced in Sweden between 1913 and 1919. Until the end of the 1950s, Lanz produced over 220,000 tractors with hot-bulb fired semi-diesel engines. Viktor Jejčič, Ph.D 46. Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia, 2018. 6 PREDGOVOR Poštovane kolegice i kolege, Poštovani čitatelji, Sa zadovoljstvom Vam predstavljam Zbornik radova sa 46. međunarodnog Simpozija „Aktualni zadaci mehanizacije poljoprivrede“, koji se kao i prethodnih godina održao u Opatiji, Republika Hrvatska od 27. veljače do 1. ožujka 2018. godine. Simpozij je pružio mogućnost sudionicima iz 10 različitih zemalja da prezentiraju i raspravljaju o svojim znanstvenim dostignućima u području poljoprivredne tehnike i biosustava. Ovogodišnji Zbornik radova sadrži ukupno 65 radova, od toga iz Austrije 1, Češke 2, Kanade 1, Filipina 1, Hrvatske 8, Italije 4, Njemačke 2, Rumunjske 37, Slovenije 6 i Srbije 3. Svaki rad tiskan u Zborniku je prošao postupak recenzije te je poslan dopisnom autoru na autorizaciju teksta. Pristup elektroničnoj verziji Zbornika radova je besplatan na adresi http://atae.agr.hr/proceedings.htm. Od 1997. godine, radovi objavljeni u Zborniku uvršteni su u baze podataka Clarivate Analytics: Web of Science Core Collection - Conference Proceedings Citation Indeks i CAB International - Agricultural Engineering Abstracts. Suorganizatori ovogodišnjeg Simpozija od strane međunarodnih strukovnih udruga su Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR), European Network for Advanced Engineering in Agriculture and Environment (EurAgEng) i Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE). Zahvaljujem svim autorima, recenzentima te kolegama iz organizacijskog i znanstvenog odbora, koji su svojim radom i svesrdnom pomoći omogućili održavanje ovogodišnjeg Simpozija. Također, zahvaljujem se i sponzorima odnosno Ministarstvu znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske, Zakladi Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti te tvrtki INA MAZIVA d.o.o. Doc. dr. sc. Nikola Bilandžija Zagreb, ožujak 2018. Glavni urednik 46. Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia, 2018. 7 PREFACE Dear Colleagues, Dear readers, I am very pleased to introduce the Proceedings of the 46th International Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering" that like in the previous years took place in Opatija, Republic of Croatia from February 27th to March 1st, 2018. The Symposium provided an opportunity to participants coming from 10 different countries to present and discuss on their respective research findgs in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering area. This year's Proceedings includes 65 articles from Austria 1, Canada 1, Croatia 8, Czech Republic 2, Germany 2, Italy 4, Philippines 1, Romania 37, Serbia 3 and Slovenia 6. Each published paper in the Proceedings has been under peer-review process and the papers were sent to the corresponding author on text authorization. Access to the web edition of the Proceedings is free of charge at the website http://atae.agr.hr/proceedings.htm. Since 1997, papers published in the Symposium Proceedings are included in the Clarivate Analytics: Web of Science Core Collection – Conference Proceedings Citation Index and CAB International - Agricultural Engineering Abstracts. International professional associations as co-organizers of this year's Symposium are International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR), European Network for Advanced Engineering in Agriculture and Environment (EurAgEng) and Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE). I would like to express my gratitude to our members of the Organising and Scientific Committee for their tremendous efforts. Without their support, the conference could not have been the success that it was. I also acknowledge the authors themselves, without whose expert input there would not have been conference. I would also like to thank all reviewers for their time and effort in reviewing the papers. Without their commitment it would not be possible to have the important ‘referee’ status assigned to papers in the proceedings. It is my pleasant duty to acknowledge the continuous financial support from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, The Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the INA MAZIVA company. Assist. Prof. Nikola Bilandžija, PhD Zagreb, March 2018. Editor-in-Chief 46. Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia, 2018. 8 SADRŽAJ – CONTENTS Milan MARTINOV, Andreas GRONAUER, Silvio KOŠUTIĆ .................................... 19 Highlights of 27th club of Bologna meeting Sažetak 27. Susreta kluba Bologna Rares HALBAC-COTOARA-ZAMFIR, Cristina HALBAC-COTOARA-ZAMFIR ... 29 Adapting to climate changes – a challenge for Romanian agriculture Prilagodba klimatskim promjenama – izazov za poljoprivredu Rumunjske Rares HALBAC-COTOARA-ZAMFIR ............................................................................... 37 Brief introduction on water harvesting and its potential in western Romania Kratak uvod o prikupljanju vode i njezin potencijal u zapadnoj Rumunjskoj Carmen Otilia RUSĂNESCU, Marin RUSĂNESCU, Mihaela BEGEA, Gigel PARASCHIV, Sorin Ștefan BIRIȘ, Gheorghe VOICU, Ileana Nicoleta POPESCU .................................................................................................... 45 Assessing the risk of aridity: a case study Bucharest – Romania Procjena štetnosti suše: primjer Bukurešt - Rumunjska Dan-Teodor BALANESCU, Vlad-Mario HOMUTESCU ................................................ 57 Agricultural machinery hybrid propulsion system based on combined cycle gas and steam turbines Sustav hibridnog pogona poljoprivrednih strojeva kombinacijom plinske i parne turbine Baldwin G. JALLORINA, Victorino T. TAYLAN, Ireneo C. AGULTO, Helen F. GAVINO, Vitaliana U. MALAMUG, Emmanuel V. SICAT .......................... 67 Harnessing the irrigation water flows for micro-hydro power generation Iskorištavanje vodenih tokova od navodnjavanja za pogon mikro hidro-elektrana Anamarija BANAJ, Đuro BANAJ, Vjekoslav TADIĆ, Davor PETROVIĆ, Dario KNEŽEVIĆ ................................................................................................................... 79 Comparison of standard and twin row seeding on sunflower yield Usporedba standardne i “twin row” sjetve suncokreta s obzirom na prinos Gheorghe BOLINTINEANU, Dan CUJBESCU, Cătălin PERSU, Iuliana GĂGEANU, Laurentiu VLĂDUŢOIU, Mihaela NIȚU, Augstina PRUTEANU, Nicoleta UNGUREANU .............................................................. 89 Researches of the bulb planting process in field and laboratory conditions Istraživanje procesa sadnje lukovica u poljskim i laboratorijskim uvjetima 46. Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia, 2018. 9 Gabriel-Alexandru CONSTANTIN, George IPATE, Gheorghe VOICU, Gabriel MUȘUROI, Mariana-Gabriela MUNTEANU, Maria DRAGOMIR .............. 99 Evaluation of hand-arm vibration transmitted during soil tillage based on Arduino and MPU9250 motion sensor Ocjena vibracija prenesenih na sustav šaka-ruka prilikom obrade tla korištenjem Arduina i senzora pokreta MPU9250 Gabriel GHEORGHE, Cătălin PERSU, Dan CUJBESCU, Marinela MATEESCU ......................................................................................................... 107 Influence of attack angle to draft force variation of a furrow opener at mulch foil planter Utjecaj napadnog kuta na vučni otpor otvarača brazde u sjetvi pod malč foliju Zlatko KORONC, Dubravko FILIPOVIĆ, Goran FABIJANIĆ ................................... 117 Tractor DI diesel engine performances using different types of diesel fuel Karakteristike traktorskog dizel motora s direktnim ubrizgavanjem pri korištenju različitih vrsta dizelskog goriva Alina OVANISOF, Ovidiu VASILE, Maria DRAGOMIR ........................................... 129 Analysis of human whole-body vibration exposure on a U650 tractor Analiza izloženosti vibracijama na tijelo rukovatelja korištenjem traktora U650 Gheorghe VOICU, Magdalena - Laura TOMA, Elena - Madalina STEFAN, Paula TUDOR, Mihaela - Florentina DUTU ................................................................... 139 Grain pile stratification process on sieves of harvester cleaning system Uslojavanje zrna na sitima za čišćenje u kombajnu Dorel STOICA, Iulian-Claudiu DUȚU, Gheorghe VOICU, Mihaela-Florentina DUȚU ............................................................... 149 Influence of the oscillation frequency on the separation process at the conical sieves Utjecaj frekvencije oscilacija koničnih sita na postupak separacije Ioan ȚENU, Oana-Raluca COORDUNEANU, Petru CÂRLESCU, Radu ROȘCA ...................................................................................... 157 Design and construction of a fertilizer spreader for glass houses and greenhouses Projektiranje i konstrukcija raspodjeljivača gnojiva u plastenicima i staklenicima Dan VIDREAN, Florinel Cosmin BOJA, Alin TEUŞDEA, Cristina Ioana DRAGOMIR, Nicuşor Flavius BOJA ..................................................... 169 Assesment of soil impact after using a vibro-combinator Utjecaj primjene kultivatora s elastičnim motičicama u obradi na svojstva tla 46. Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering", Opatija, Croatia, 2018. 10

the basic agricultural version, the manufacturer offered following versions: an all-wheel drive intended for tillage tool and soil. The chosen part which I have chosen to analyzed is the most active part of the applying mulching films equipment. That part will be executed after performing finite e
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