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The Orthodox Presbyterian Church MINUTES OF THE FORTY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING AT BEAVER FALLS, PENNSYLVANIA - MAY 27 JUNE 4,1976 4 Published by THE ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7401 Old York Road Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19 1 26 The I ' Orthodox Presbyterian Church MINUTES OF THE I FORTY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING AT BEAVER FALLS, PENNSYLVANIA - MAY 27 JUNE 4,1976 Published by THE ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7401 Old York Road Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191 26 FORTY-THGIREDNE RALA SSEMBLY 3 MINUTES OF THE FORTY-THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ORTHODOPXR ESBYTERIACHNU RCH MEETINGA T GENEVAC OLLEGE BEAVERF ALLS,P ENNSYLVANIA MAY 27 -JUNE 4, 1976 THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 27 The Forty-third General Assembly was called to order at 8:Ol p.m. by the Rev. George R. Cottenden, Moderator of the Forty-second General Assembly. Mr. Cottenden constituted the meeting with a worship service and delivered a sermon on the subject, “The Silence of the Saviour,” based on I Peter 2:18-25. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered by Mr. Cottenden, assisted by the Rev. Robert W. Eckardt, and by elders John S. Atwell (Carson, Calif.), Frank W. Burger (Abilene) , John E. Dowling (Franklin Square) , Arthur F. Johnson (Denver) , Rodney T. Jones (Trenton), Herbert R. Muether (Franklin Square), Harold P. Roskamp (Cedar Falls), and Christian H. Walmer (Middletown, Pa.). The Assembly recessed, following the pronouncement of the benediction, at 9:25 p.m. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 28 Following a devotional service led by the Rev. Charles G. Dennison, the Assembly reconvened at 8:04 a.m. The Moderator led in prayer. The Rolf of Commissioners follows. (Commissioners represent presbyteries. Locations of ruling elders are for reference only.) Presbytery of the Dakotas Ministers: William J. Bomer, Donald J. Duff, Edward A. Eppinger, John W. Mahaffy, James E. McFarland, Richard G. Mitchell, Allen P. Moran, Jr., Richard A. Nelson, Jack J. Peterson, Huibert J. Vandenbroek Ruling Elders: Frank W. Burger (Abilene), Arthur F. Johnson (Denver), Virgil T. Seaberry, Jr. (Abilene) Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic Ministers: Barry R. Hofford, Wallace W. Marshall, Jr., Edwin C. Urban, Laurence N. Vail, Andrew E. Wikholm Ruling Elders: Edward L. Gummel (Rockville) , Richard E. Lauxstermann (Vienna), Jules C. Rist (Vienna) 4 FORTY-THGIREDNE RALA SSEMBLY Presbytery of the Midwest Ministers: Vincent L. Crossett, Da.vid B. Cummings, Leslie A. DUM, Henry H. Fikkert, John N. Fikkert, George E. Haney, Jr., Robert W. Harvey, George W. Knight, 111, Henry D .Phillips Ruling Elders: Steven P. Bosman (Gowen), Henry Buikema (Gowen), Robert J. Hilbelink (Janesville) , Harold P. Roskamp (Cedar Falls), Lloyd P. Theune (Oostburg) , Thomas Uhlenhopp (Cedar Falls) , Austin Voskuil (Cedar Grove) Presbytery of New Jersey Ministers: Edmund P. Clowney, Robert W. Eckardt, Albert G. Edwards, IIJ, Charles G. Dennison, Richard R. Gerber, Roy L. Kerns, Robert L. Marshall, Kenneth J. Meilahn, Stephen L. Phillips, George C. Scipione, Albert W. Steever, Jr. Ruling Elders: Alfred K. Bath (Bellmawr), Edward A. Haug (Neptune), Garret A. Hoogerhyde (Fair Lawn), Rodney T. Jones (Trenton), Samuel G. Parker (West Collingswood), Paul S. Patterson (Vineland), Herbert D. Plummer (West Collingswood) Presbytery of New York and New England Ministers: Theodore J. Georgian, Allen H. Harris, Jr., John C. Hills, Jr., Raymond M. Meiners, Wendell L. Rockey, Jr., Lewis A. Ruff, Jr., Charles E. Stanton, Bernard J. Stonehouse, George J. Willis, Richard J. Wirth Ruling Elders: John E. Dowling (Franklin Square), Herbert R. Muether (Franklin Square), Roger A. Ramsey (Bangor) Presbytery of Northern California Ministers: Robert L. Atwell, Donald G. Buchanan, Jr., Rollin P. Keller, Richard M. Lewis, Charles A. McIlhenny Presbytery of the Northwest Ministers: John Davies, Patrick H. Morison, Donald M. Poundstone, Samuel van Houte Ruling Elder: Walter 0. Clark (Eugene) Presbytery of Ohio Ministers: Leonard J. Coppes, Lawrence R. Eyres, John M. Frame, Arnold S. Kress Ruling Elders: Donald 0. Copeland (Grove City), Richard C. McGill (Grove City), John C. Smith (Pittsburgh) Presbytery of Philadelphia Ministers: Lester R. Bachman, Abe W. Ediger, John P. Galbraith, Robert D. Knudsen, William C. Krispin, Arthur W. Kuschke, Jr., Neil J. Lodge, C. John Miller, John J. Mitchell, Jonathan F. Peters, H. Leverne Rosenberger; Arthur J. Steltzer, Jr., Robert B. Strimple, Thomas E. Tyson, Douglas C; Winward, Jr. Ruling Elders: William A. DeJonge (Kirkwood), Wendell A. Haberern (Mechanics- , ville) , William A. Haldeman (Wilmington) , John 0. Kinnaird (Oxford) , Daniel E. McElwain (Fawn Grove), Christian H. Walmer (Middletown, Pa.) FORTY-THG~EDN ERALA SSEMBLY 5 Presbytery of the South Ministers: Calvin K. Cummings, Robert A. Gramp, Larry G. Mininger, Roger W. Schmurr, Donald H. Taws, James K. Workman Ruling Elders: Gary B. Adams (Miami), John Berrios (Hialeah) Presbytery of Southern California Ministers: H. Wilson Albright, Bruce A. Coie, Larry D. Conrad, Henry W. Coray, Edwards E. Elliott, Robert H. Graham, Kent T. Hinkson, Edward L. Kellogg Ruling Elders: John S. Atwell (Carson, Calif.), Philip R. Conrad, Sr. (Santee), William R. Letson (Garden Grove), Daniel Y.Y ahuso (Garden Grove) .- - Ex Oficio R, Minister: George R. Cottenden (Presbytery of New Jersey) Ruling Elder: Richard A. Barker (Westfield, Presbytery of New Jersey) Corresponding Members Ministers: Allen D. Curry (New Jersey), Committee on Christian Education; Robley J. Johnston (Philadelphia), Committee on Christian Education; Lawrence Semel (Ohio), Committee on Arrangements Ruling Elder: F. Kingsley Elder, Jr. (Covenant, Rochester, Presbytery of New York and New England), Committee on Christian Education RECAPITULATION Ministers Ministers Elders Elders Presbytery Apportioned Present 'Apportioned Present Dakotas ....................... 10 10 8 3 Mid-Atlantic .................... 5 5 4 3 Midwest ....................... 9 9 7 ' 7 New Jersey .................... 11 11 9 7 New York and New England. ..... 10 10 6 3 N~rthernC alifornia ............. 6 5 4 0 Northwest ..................... 4 4 2 1 Ohio .......................... 4 4 3 3 Philadelphia .................... 15 15 7 6 South .......................... 6 6 4 2 Southern California .............. 9 8 7 4 Ex afficio ...................... 1 1 1 1 Total .......................... 90 88 62 40 Total voting commissioners present: 128 6 FORTY-THIGREDN ERALA SSEMBLY On separate motions the requests on behalf of Messrs. Bachman, Ediger, and Krispin to arrive late were granted. On motion the request of Mr. Steever to be excused from the Monday morning session was granted. On motion the request of Mr. Willis to be excused following the Thursday morning session was granted. On motion the request of Mr. Adams to be excused following the Wednesday afternoon session was granted. It was moved and seconded that for the purpose of determining full travel fund compensation, attendance through the evening session of Thursday, June 3, would fulfill the requirement of attendance at every session of the Assembly. On motion the pending question was laid on the table. On motion Standing Rule, Chapter XII, was suspended and it was determined to defer considering any further requests for excuse for early departure until action is taken on the proposed amendment to Standing Rule, Chapter XI1 (see Minutes, 42nd G.A., pp. 187, 188). Mr. Semel presented a report of the Committee on Arrangements. Dr. Knight introduced to the Assembly the Rev. H. Timothy Fortner, a fraternal delegate of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). On motion Mr. Fortner was enrolled as a corresponding member. Mr. Barker presente’d the report of the Stated Clerk as follows: REPORT OF THE STATED CLERK The Minutes of the Forty-second General Assembly are presented herewith. The Minutes were given to the printer on August 4, 1975, and were delivered for mailing on November 19, 1975. They are eight pages longer than the previous longest Minutes (1974). A few minor errors have come to the Clerk’s attention. Delays in getting reports to the Clerk forced a slippage in the date for mailing the Agenda for the 43rd General Assembly. This problem has occurred before but was more acute this year and required spending a large amount on first class postage to destinations other than the four states closest to Philadelphia. Standing Rule M, 8, requires sub- mission of reports to the Clerk two months prior to the Assembly, and Standing Rule IV, 3.e., requires that the Agenda be mailed a month before the Assembly. That leaves only a month for everything incident to producing the Agenda, and a month has not been long enough. The Assembly in 1974 adopted the Clerk’s recommendation that reports be submitted 2% months before the Assembly, which is enough time, but the committees for the most part have been unable to meet the earlier date. The Clerk hopes to give more attention to this perennial problem this year with a view to finding a satisfactory solution. The Clerk has complied with the condition attached to his nomination by the Trustees in 1975, viz., that he obtain competent secretarial assistance. As a result, the FORTY-THGIREDN ERAALS SEMBLY 7 task of distributing the report of the Committee on Problems of Race and the attendant actions of the 41st General Assembly to the member churches of the RES has been completed, and correspondence required by the Assembly was handled more adequately than it was the year before. The Clerk has prepared tentative advisory committee assignments for this Assembly and has shared them with the retiring Moderator. The attached report on the condition of the General Assembly Fund shows it to be in the black. This is the first time since 1966 that such a result could be reported to the Assembly. It fulfills (for the moment) a cherished goal of the Clerk. When adjustments are made to make this year’s and last year’s reports comparable, the net improvement is about $6,000 each year. About one third of this reflects receipts from the sale of Knoll- wood Lodge, and the rest is due to increased giving by the churches. Travel expenses to RES 1976 probably will drive the fund into the red this year, but if the churches continue to respond as admirably as they have for the past two years, and the Assembly continues to resist creating new committees, the Fund should be back in the black in 1978 and stay there. RECOMMENDATION The Clerk believes that the work of the Historian is important enough to warrant an honorarium, and recommends that the Assembly instruct the Committee on General Assembly Fund Review to include such an honorarium in the budget it presents to the Assembly. Respectfully submitted, Richard A. Barker, Stated Clerk 8 FORTY-THIGREDN ERAALSS EMBLY GENERAL MEMBLY FUND PRELIMINARSYTA TEMENOTF CASHR ECEIPTSAN D DISBURSEMENTS MAY1 . 1975 TO APRIL3 0. 1976 Balance Previous Assembly ....................................... $(486.46) RECEIPTS Contributions .From Churches ......................... $23,477.29 Sale of Minutes ...................................... 178.25 Sale of Amended Version of Form of Government ......... 1,050.00 Proceeds - Knollwood Presbyterian Lodge ................ 1,340.00 $26,045.54 Total Accountable ................................. $25,559.08 DISBURSEMENTS Honoraria .Stat ed Clerk .42nd General Assembly ...... . $ 3,200.00 , Assistant Clerk . .......................... 100.00 Statistician - 41st, General Assembly ......... 100.00 Statistician - 42nd General Assembly ......... 150.00 - Printing and Mailing Minutes 42nd General Assembly .... 3,906.58 Printing and Mailing Agenda - 42nd General Assembly .... 3,076.00 - Supplementary Agenda 42nd General Assembly .......... 7 10.50 Stationery, Telephone, Postage - Supplies ................. 339.53 Secretarial Expenses ................ .................. 85.07 , Travel .Frat ernal Delegates: Christian Reformed Church ......................... 58.90 Presbyterian Church in America ...................... 254.27 Reformed Church in the U.S. (Eureka Classis) ......... 127.46 Reformed Ecumenical Synod Assessment .................. 1,8 3 1.87 North American Presby . & Reformed Council Assessment .... 20.35 Committees: Arrangements - 42nd General Assembly .............. 28.55 Baptism of the Holy .Spkit ........................... 707.73 Book of Discipline and Directory for Worship .......... 694.20 Ecumenicity and Interchurch Relations ................ 2, 3 15.04 Date, Place and Travel ............................. 15.00 Form of Government ............................... 1,567.22 Linguistic Revisions to Westminster Standards .......... 24.38 Ministerial Training ............................... 748.89 Problems of Race .................................. 76.00 $20,137.54 Balance April 30, 1976 ............................. $ 5,421.54 NOTE: The following obligations have not been included: Printing Agenda .43rd General Assembly ........ $ 3,144.00* * Plus time and postage for mailing I FORTY-THIRGDE NERAALS SEMBLY 9 On motion the recommendation of the report was adopted. ~ The Moderator introduced to the Assembly the Rev. G. Aiken Taylor, Ph.D., alternate fraternal delegate of the Presbyterian Church in America. .Mr. Jones presented the report of the Statistician. On motion Standing Rule Chapter VI, Section 7, was suspended and the report was ordered included in the Minutes without being read aloud. REPORT OF THE STATISTICIAN The following highlights are presented to assist in summarizing the Statistical Report for the year ending December 31, 1975. MEMBERSHIP Total membership at the end of 1975 was 15,227, consisting of 224 ministers, 10,129 communicant members and 4,874 baptized children, representing a net overall loss of 94 members, or .6 per cent during 1975, compared to a net gain of 2.0 per cent for the previous year. The dismissal of the Valdosta, Harriman and Greenville congrega- tions as reported under the Presbytery of the South for a total of approximately 330 members (year enad 1974) had a major impact on membership. The percentage change in total membership for each presbytery in 1975 follows: Presbytery Net Gain or (Loss) Dakotas 5% N.Y. & N.E. 4 Southern California 4 Midwest 3 Mid-A tlantic 2 Northwest 2 Philadelphia 2 Ohio 1 New Jersey ( 3) Northern California ( 3) South (32) Exclusive of the three churches dismissed, the loss of the Presbytery of the South would have been 1 per cent. The number of churches was 128 versus 130 a year earlier. At the end of the year there were 20 chapels compared with 19 a year earlier. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (TITHEANSD OFFERINGSA, LL ORGANIZATIONS) Total contributions for 1975 were $3,698,023, an increase of 11 per cent over contributions for 1974. The percentage increase for total contributions compares favor- ably with the 10.2 per cent increase last year.

world church hea,ded up by the antichrist of Rome! Scripture's command in all of this is to “come out (n 0. Benevolence. Receipts. In. Y. *. 1. Y h). 0. U. 10 P \o m \o 03. 1. Special Rcceipta cn. * \4. P UI '5). N p. w N 00. U w. U v) U. '0. 0 w N P. Total Receipta. * h) w Y. Av. htr. per. Comm
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