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Preview 4.1 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in the Vjosa Watershed

i (cid:1) Abstract (cid:1) (cid:1) T he free flowing Vjosa River in Albania and its rich biodiversity are b eing threatened by the construction of dams for hydropower. Our goal was to identify opportunities to improve the sustainability of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) harvesting and collection in the Vjosa catchment area. In addition, we explored the ramifications of potential dams on the MAPs trade. Our team conducted a study to determine how the large and increasing demand for Albanian MAPs in export markets influence harvesting practices. We concluded that collectors need to implement guidelines for sustainable harvesting in order to help preserve the natural resource base for the trade of wild MAPs. Also, to increase revenues in the region, we recommended the development of a Vjosa MAPs brand for marketing. ii Acknowledgements Our sponsors at the office of responses became the base of our We would like to thank our EcoAlbania also deserve to be findings chapter, and we could not sponsors at EcoAlbania and the acknowledged. Olsi Nika, Besjana have done our project without their University of Tirana for their superb Guri, and Dr. Pranvera Bekteshi have cooperation. guidance during the course of our all inspired our team with their Finally, we would like to thank project. To begin, we could not have passion and commitment to their our project advisors, Professor Robert done this project without Professor cause. They have helped us Hersh and Professor Peter Aleko Miho from the University of tremendously every step of the way, Christopher, for their unwavering Tirana, who was there to answer our from the logistics of our field study to support throughout the duration of questions every step of the way. the general goal of our project, all our project. With their guidance and Additionally, Professor Miho has while dealing with the pressing issues timely feedback, we were able to dedicated countless hours of his busy of running an environmental NGO. realize our project’s true potential. schedule to contribute to the success We were very fortunate to work at They were always willing to help us of our project, gathering needed their office on a daily basis, as we have with the difficulties of our project, and information from various Albanian developed both personal and we are incredibly grateful for their sources that we otherwise would not professional relationships with them. support. have been able to access. He, along We would hope to stay in contact even with Professor Lulzim Shuka and Dr. after we depart for the United States. Jani Marka have shown us incredible Through Olsi and Besjana, we hospitality and have made us feel very met Eltoni Pashollari, Alexander welcome during our stay in Tirana. Totti and Gëzim Shehu, who acted as We are incredibly grateful and lucky translators and guides for us during to work with such highly motivated our field studies. Without their and generous people. Furthermore, hospitality, transportation, and the professors introduced us to Gerta patient translations, a large portion of Bidoshi, who is a Masters student this project would not have been working in the Department of Biology. possible. We would like to extend our gratitude We would also like to to her for working diligently on parts acknowledge our interviewees for of the project with us, all while taking answering all of our questions and rigorous courses at the University of taking time out of their days to help Tirana. us with our project. Their thoughtful ii Authorship Introduction Everybody Formatting: Soylu Section 2.1: Larson Documentary Storyboard: Section 2.2: Larson Amirault, Larson Section 2.3: Amirault, Soylu Post-Editing: Soylu Section 2.4: Soylu Fact Sheet: Soylu Section 2.5: Larson Poster: Soylu Section 2.6: Amirault, Larson HPPs Map: Amirault Section 2.7: Amirault, Collins Methodology: Everybody Section 3.1: Amirault, Collins Section 3.2: Amirault Section 3.3: Soylu This report represents the work of Section 3.4: Larson WPI undergraduate students Section 4.1: Amirault, Larson submitted to the faculty as evidence Section 4.2: Amirault of completion of a degree Section 4.3: Everybody requirement. WPI routinely Section 4.4: Larson publishes these reports on its website Conclusions: Amirault, Larson without editorial or peer review. iii Executive Summary The Vjosa Watershed The free flowing Vjosa River in Albania and its biodiversity are threatened by the construction of dams for hydropower (Figure 1). The Vjosa River is one of the largest rivers in Southern Europe, extending 272 kilometers from the Pindos Mountains in Greece to the Adriatic Sea in Vlora (Figure 2) (Save the Blue Heart of Europe, 2016). The districts in the Vjosa catchment area are incredibly biodiverse, with over 700 taxa of higher plants found in only Gjirokastra (Malo 2010). Experts estimate over 1500 species of vascular plants are present in the region, however Dr. Lulëzim Shuka says it is difficult to know the true number, as new species are still being discovered (personal communication, Nov. 30, 2016). Figure 1: Vjosa River (© L. Shuka) However, this rare natural state is threatened by 33 small hydropower plants (HPPs) either planned or into account more fully, when it the trade of medicinal and aromatic already under construction along the considers hydropower on the Vjosa, plants, which would be affected by Vjosa and its tributaries. the value of the region’s biodiversity dams. Environmentalists, including our and opportunities for rural sponsor, EcoAlbania, are working to development based on tourism and encourage the government to take sustainable resource use, including iv Medicinal and Aromatic production companies. Some district level collectors have facilities for Plants (MAPs) storing and drying plants while others combine MAPs from various Over the past decade there harvesters in different districts and has been a clear increase in the then sell the plants to three different demand for medicinal and aromatic markets: packagers, medium plants (MAPs). These MAPs are processors and large processors. defined as “botanical raw materials,” Medium and large processor receive from which herbal and medicinal MAPs directly from cultivators drugs, culinary spices, and cosmetic (Figure 3). Medium-sized processors products are created (Export Impact, are mainly responsible for direct 2016). There is also a section within sales to foreign customers, (USAID the MAPs trade that is focused on 2009) while large processors have a essential oils, which are processed more organized operation, working from the MAPs and then sold at a with large international company higher value. These products are such as McCormick's (Paul 2014); highly sought by medicinal (USAID 2009). practitioners and common people Estimates suggest that the alike, therefore increasing the MAPs trade provides rural Albanians demand for MAPs each year (Export with a significant source of revenue, Impact, 2016). with figures ranging from as 35% to 90% of household annual MAPs trade in Albania earnings. (Furth 2015, Gjedra spokeswoman said 90% in some The supply chain is composed cases). Medicinal and aromatic of local harvesters, district collectors plants products are involved in the and production companies. Local everyday life of rural Albanian harvesters are responsible for either families to supplement their income, collecting plants from the wild or and the majority are collected from cultivating them. Independent wild-grown plants within the Figure 2: The Vjosa/Aoos Basin collectors at the district level buy watershed. In Albania, home-use of (Balkinrivers.net) MAPs from harvesters and cultivators, and act as middlemen between the harvesters and the v MAPs for traditional medicine is a common occurrence (P. Kumi, personal communication, Sept. 15, 2016). In rural regions especially, household members rely on traditional herbal medicines for most minor illnesses. For example, families often treat coughs with coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) or use Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) for intestinal issues, and they typically cultivate frequently used species in Figure 3: Simplified Flowchart of the Supply Chain (USAID 2009) their home gardens. (Pieroni, 2010). In addition to providing income to many families, they help preserve cultural heritage through their use in folk medicinal practice, and on a national scale, stimulate the growth of Albania’s international exports (Imami et al 2015). Figure 4 provides illustrations for some of plants found in the Vjosa valley. Figure 4: Salvia Officinalis (right) and Thymis Longicaulus (left) (L. Shuka) vi Objectives Vjosa watershed and evaluate We also conducted several the findings. semi-structured interviews in Tirana Our sponsor, EcoAlbania, is a 2. Create an interactive map of and in Berat to gain more non-governmental environmental Hydropower Plants within the information about the MAP industry. group, created by professors from the Vjosa watershed. By interviewing key stakeholders in University of Tirana and the 3. Delineate the practices of the MAP supply chain, we were able Albanian “Save the Blue Heart of people involved with MAPs to analyze the perspective of each Europe” team. EcoAlbania wants to trade in the Vjosa watershed level of the chain, and consider what know more about the plants in this and identify measures to could be done to improve the quality ecosystem and to what extent they make the MAPs trade more of MAPs through harvesting and might be threatened by proposed sustainable. post-harvesting practices. We dam construction. 4. Develop a short documentary conducted a field study in the The goal of our project was to that discusses the interplay southern Albanian towns of Permet, identify opportunities to improve the between the dams, MAPs and Tepelene and Kelcyre, which sustainability of medicinal and rural communities to be used involved conducting the majority of aromatic plants harvesting and as a persuasion tool by these interviews with collectors and collection in the Vjosa catchment EcoAlbania. production companies. It also was area and to explore the ramifications useful in creating our documentary, of the potential dam construction on since it offered a glance at the beauty the MAPs trade. Our sponsor does Methods of the Vjosa region. not have up-to-date information on After conducting interviews in the economics or sustainability of the We created a complete and in- both Tirana and the Vjosa basin, our MAPs trade, so they sought our help depth inventory of the medicinal and team developed a short documentary in exploring sustainable options for aromatic plants found in the Vjosa to showcase the social impacts of the MAPs in the region and will use Valley through the synthesis of MAPs trade and the potential dam on findings to influence the public information from a few Masters and rural communities. We did this by opinion of the MAPs trade in the PhD theses and several reference identifying the major aspects to Vjosa, since this industry books. For each plant in the include in the documentary by demonstrates the value of the spreadsheet, we included its Latin analyzing previous interviews and region’s biodiversity. To achieve this name, Albanian name, English name, determining which clips and goal, we compiled the following locations it can be found, the type of interviews supported those ideas. We objectives: plant (i.e. angiosperm, gymnosperm) used a GoPro to film the 1. Create a comprehensive and its endangerment state, if documentary and logged each clip by inventory of medicinal and applicable. giving it a descriptive title with a aromatic plant species in the vii three letter code to represent the extent. This finding leads us to deliver are organic. This focus on location.We then developed a believe that the biodiversity in the quality and organic certification storyboard, which outlines the times Vjosa region could be in danger if could lead to a premium in the of each clip, the clip file being used these plant populations do not market and hence higher prices for and the associated section of the file, recover. In addition, from the both collectors and harvesters and the music and any voice over that interviews we conducted with potentially less damaging harvesting may play. After the creation of the collectors and production companies, practices. storyboard, we edited the film using most were not concerned about the But often MAPs sent to iMovie editing software and overlaid state of the engenderment but were production companies are the scenes with music. The trading MAPs that were labeled as commingled, that is a mix of organic documentary will be used by our vulnerable on the red list. For and cultivated plants that fetch a sponsor as a persuasion tool on social example, Agathokli Proko, a lower price in export markets. In our media to further their organization’s collector, referred to mountain tea as interview with a collector from goal to preserve the natural state of protected and endangered but he Kelcyre, he discussed how production the Vjosa River. mentioned that it was still commonly companies tend to trust his product traded. more so than some other collectors as Findings Practices of People Involved with he does not mix the wild harvested plant with the cultivated product (F. the MAPs trade in the Vjosa Inventory of Medicinal and Mullaraj, personal communication, Watershed and Identifying Aromatic Plants in the Vjosa Nov. 15 2016). A third party company Measures to Improve Sustainability Watershed called AlbInspekt, which is financed by certification fees, has the As our background literature After the creation of the resources to put inspectors in the suggests, the fact that the collectors inventory of MAPs in the Vjosa field to certify that harvesting and do not have contracts with watershed, we were able to analyze it processing practices meets organic production companies or harvesters to evaluate which plants were most standards (AlbInspekt, 2014). In runs counter to the organic commonly collected and which plants doing so, the company enables MAPs certification process. In order to be were most endangered. The production companies to trace the declared organic, a product must be information we found proves that the provenance of their products If the traceable back to its source (USAID Vjosa is in incredibly biodiverse company knows which MAPs of 2009). If collectors were to have region in terms of plant species. Yet theirs are wild-harvested, and they contracts with certified organic we discovered that approximately can prove it, they are more likely to harvesters, they could then provide 12% of the plants that we included in obtain organic certification. assurances to the production our inventory were either companies that the MAPs they endangered or threatened to some viii From the interview with Develop a short documentary that The final and most significant Gjedra, a medium sized production discusses the interplay between issue we focused on in our company, much was learned about the dams, MAPs and rural documentary related directly to our the types of products they produce, goal and our sponsor’s overall communities their markets, and even the purpose. While we did not have the investments they have made in their Our first theme highlighted opportunity to visit the dams facility. Overall, Gjedra seemed to be the aesthetic potential of river and directly, we did discuss the potential positive that business would continue showcases the potential the region impact of the construction of the to grow, particularly in the area of has for tourism. When we initially dams on the MAPs trade with the organic products (L. Strumi, personal arrived in the region, we were collectors we interviewed, who saw communication, Nov. 6, 2016). This is astounded by the beauty of the the potential impact of the dams not indicative that the market as a whole scenery and felt that it could play a simply on the MAPs trade, but on the is shifting more towards higher crucial role in the ability of our lives of the individuals in the regions quality products, as the customers documentary to be persuasive. themselves. are the ones showing interest and Another aspect that we wanted to seeking out the organic products. focus on was the significance of the Conclusion and Due to the expressed interests river to the rural community of customers, Gjedra has been members. To address the importance Recommendations making an effort to invest in higher of the MAPs trade to the Vjosa region From our interviews with quality products. For example, we captured footage of a field of production companies who export Gjedra invested in a new processing cultivated sage, street markets in MAPs to the EU and the USA to our line in 2014, boasting that it is the Permet and a collection facility in discussions with collectors in the best in Albania for creating a “clean” Permet to attempt to have the viewer Vjosa region, the issue of how to product (L. Strumi, personal visualize all of the steps of the MAPs make MAPs harvesting more communication, Nov. 6, 2016). If supply chain. While showing those sustainable was a major concern. It is Gjedra is experiencing this sort of clips in the documentary, we a complex issue: harvesters often feel demand and accommodating it, it is determined that the best way to the need to harvest a higher quantity also likely that other companies in convey our message of the because of the growing demands of Albania that receive plants from the importance of the MAPs trade was by the market, collectors are not Vjosa watershed are also using text at key points to describe typically in a position to monitor experiencing same demand from the trade, use statistics and facts to harvesting practices, and production their consumers. build our argument and ultimately companies have a difficult time make the claim that the MAPs trade tracking their products back to the is crucial to those in the region. source to prove they are organic. ix

ii. Abstract. The free flowing Vjosa River in Albania and its rich biodiversity are of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) harvesting and collection in the Vjosa . Figure 3: Simplified Flowchart of the Supply Chain (USAID 2009).
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