THANK YOU FOR ALL THE WORK YOU DID TO MAKE THIS ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE SUCH A SUCCESS! Annual Conference Program Committee Chair: Miles Banks Committee: Peter Fennell, Fred Gindraux, Eric Herstine, John Intondi, Cathy Kalaydjian, Ed Quinn, Kevin Shea, Jon Steer, Sandra Van Enk, Susan Wain Annual Conference Site Committee Chair: Susan Barros Committee: Cathy Kalaydjian and Tara Dickie (Fairmont Southampton) 40th Anniversary Conference & Declarations Commemorative Issue Committee Chair: Sandra Van Enk Committee: Cathy Kalaydjian, Walter O’Grady, Charlie Donohue, Susan Barros, Diane Weinreb (Graphic Designer) and BFS (Printers) OFFICERS 2008-2009 DIRECTORS (TERM EXPIRATION) PRESIDENT SECRETARY ERIC HERSTINE (2009) JOACHIM KRANE (2010) EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATOR SANDRA VAN ENK STUART WILLOUGHBY AVPof Reinsurance Claims Chief Claims Officer SUSAN BARROS Senior Vice President Claims Director Lexington Insurance Company Continental Europe and Asia Excess/Surplus Lines Claims Association T1h7e7 TMoaad Riseoinns Auvraenncuee Co. of America M49a rLkeeal dInetnehrnaallt iSotnreaelt 1B(60o1s07t oS)n u3,m 3M0mA-8e0r4 21S18tr1e0et XMZLuy rtIinchhseu n8rqa0un2ac2ie 1S0witzerland c5N/5eo5w T FYhifoethr kB ,Ae NvaeuYn m1u0oen0, t18 7Gthr oFulopor Morristown, NJ07962 London EC3A 2EA England [email protected] 41.43.555.4800 (212) 867-0228 (973) 898-9117 44 (020) 7953-6000 [email protected] Fax: (732) 920-1260 [email protected] [email protected] KSrE. VVIiNce J .P SreHsEidAe n(2t 0/0 D9i)rector of Claims ROBERT DUDZIK (2011) [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Berkley Insurance Co./Signet Star Re Vice President GENERAL COUNSEL MExIeLcEuSt ivBeA NDKirSe ctor - Group Claims KViUceR TP rSeTsEidINenHtA UER 4G(27r0e5e3 Sn)t we5ia4cmh2,-b 3Co2Ta7t0 1R6o8a3d6-2519 AONrencweh LIYniobsreukrr,ta yNn PcYela1 zG0ar0,o 05u63prd Floor FN5R5icA5oN lFeKitft tiNh, GIACovOenLnsEouTneT,, IS8pthin Fnleoro &r Owen, LLP Willis Group Limited General Reinsurance Corporation [email protected] (212) 651-6500 New York, NY10017 The Willis Building 695 East Main Street [email protected] (212) 730-7750 5Lo1n Ldiomne E SCt3reMet ,7 1D3QthE Lnegvlaenld S(2ta0m3)fo 3rd5,8 C-6T40960901 SSSUeconStiAtosNrd V aWliecAe II nNPsr ue(r2sai0dn0ecen9 t) Coof mCplaaimnys ECDhiWefA ORDpe Rra. tQinUg IONfNfi,c eJRr. (2011) Ffnaixc:o (le2t1ti2@)n 44 (020) 3124-6261 [email protected] 8877 North Gainey Center Dr. Rockville Risk Management [email protected] Scottsdale, AZ85258 Associates (480) 365-2580 119 North Park Avenue, Suite 407 TREASURER [email protected] Rockville Centre, NY11570 BRUCE CARLINO (516) 536-2700 Chief Claims Officer PETER FENNELL, CPCU (2010) [email protected] Senior Vice President QBE Reinsurance Corporation Aon Benfield TERRY J. TUTTLE (2011) 88 Pine Street/Wall Street Plaza 200 East Randolph Street Vice President New York, NY10005 Chicago, IL60601 Reinsurance Solutions LLC (212) 894-7739 (312) 381-5413 One Convention Place [email protected] [email protected] 701 Pike Street, Suite 2000 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 621-3750 [email protected] h t t p / / . w w w . x s l c a . o r g DECLARATIONS’ CONTENTS Features Departments 14 The History of Our Association IFC Officers’ and Directors’ Contact Information By Richard Traub, Milton Thurm, 2 President’s / Editor’s Message Donald Rees and Richard Power 4 Membership News 17 4. New Members Approved Past Presidents’ Memories 5. Membership Committee Report 6 Treasurer’s Report 19 40th Anniversary Program Agenda Annual Conference Sponsors 7 Committee News 36 40 Year Photo Retrospective Corporate Governance Committee & Member Advisory Committee Joint Report 50 8 Committee News 2009 Member Meeting Details London Conference 2009 Committee Report 67 40 Years of Claims – 10 Committee News An Overview U.S. Regional Conference 2009 By Neal M. Glazer Committee Report Costantino P. Suriano and 12 IADC Mary Jo Barry 18 Vince Donohue Award Winner Frank M. Nicoletti, Esq. 79 Vince Donohue Award Winners 72 DRI 76 FDCC 80 Past Presidents 78 ADTA Notes 79 NAIIA Page 18 Page 8 Page 50 1 DECLARATIONS 40TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE PRESIDENT’S / EDITOR’S MESSAGE SANDRA K. VAN ENK President and Editor What a difference a year makes! ever been active in professional associations knows… .the real work When I began my term as president within any organization is done by committees. And we had some of our organization last autumn, who exceptionally good committees this year! General members, board could have predicted what the next members and past presidents alike all came out in force to actively 12 months would bring? By mid- make positive things happen for our organization. Just a few of September, the credit crisis was in full their accomplishments are listed below. swing. Bear Sterns was salvaged by This year was exceptional as the Board of Directors took up one of federal regulators. Fannie Mae and the Strategic Planning Committee’s proposals for in-depth study and Freddie Mac had already been bailed consideration. Made up of certain board members and past presi- out. The week our annual conference commenced turned out to be dents of our organization, the role of the Strategic Planning one of the turning points in this crisis that directly impacted all of us Committee is to focus on the longer term needs and viability of the in some way. AIG was effectively taken over by the US govern- Association, from our financial stability to our status among profes- ment. Lehman Brothers, however, was left to falter. The Federal sional industry associations. Up for discussion for the past few Reserve Chairman and Treasury Secretary placed great pressure on years was, how do we keep our organization current with the times Bank of America to purchase Merrill Lynch. Then both began to and reflective of our member composition? One of the ideas that decline. Several other less prominent financial institutions were on evolved from those discussions was the concept of an association the verge of collapse. All of these events spawned regulatory name change. Many of us had anecdotal stories about conversa- actions, class action lawsuits, tremendous job loss and personnel tions with other claim professionals who assumed the ESLCA was displacement, and a severe worldwide economic downturn. not relevant to them because their companies did not write or The US was deep in the midst of a momentous general election, exited the excess/surplus lines business. When approaching many one made unique in that Americans elected their first president of of our peers in other countries to convince them to join our group, color. There were deep divides in terms of political ideology. The it became clear that our name had little significance or confused national debate was characterized by both parties’ calls for change them. We looked at the mix of business our member companies and reform. Ultimately, heavily influenced by the growing financial write, and noted that for the majority of them, excess and surplus sector crisis, domestic policy and the economy became central lines is only one of several businesses in which they have interest. themes in the campaign. Now, a year later and after the implemen- We considered our roots, our decades’ long evolution and our tation of stimulus measures in almost every industrialized nation, future as an organization. We consulted an expert in branding and the world economy appears to be recovering slowly, but business name recognition. The Board concluded that it was right, timely and consumers alike are still cautious. Like never before, our expe- and appropriate to ask the membership what they thought. riences over the past year illustrate that countries and their citizens Once the Board agreed to submit a proposal regarding an associa- around the globe are as interconnected as ever. When one sneezes, we all catch colds! tion name change for a vote by the membership, the Corporate Governance Committee was charged with implementing a process All this presents the backdrop during which the Board of Directors which would be open and compliant with both our bylaws and gauged how the Association fared during this past tumultuous year, articles of incorporation. Kevin Shea, who chaired both the Strategic and how we viewed our prospects going forward. Operating in one Planning Committee as well as the Corporate Governance of the industries hardest hit by the economic turmoil, we were very Committee, was ably assisted by General Counsel Frank Nicoletti as concerned about a number of things which could significantly nega- the committees navigated through the name change decision tively impact our ability to service our members. Would companies making process, and then the ways in which our members could be in a position to renew or join the ESLCA? Given the inevitable voice their opinions. Both of these committees worked tirelessly cutbacks in travel and educational expense budgets, could the and thoughtfully, and in the end, we trust that regardless of what Association successfully hold educational conferences? Could we we decide as a group regarding a name change, the membership count on the past generous sponsorship of our members which is will agree that the time was right to evaluate how we have evolved vital to securing our longer term financial wellbeing? I am pleased as an association and how we want to position ourselves for the to advise that despite some setbacks, our Association enjoyed another successful year in the 2008/2009 term. future. Both committees must be commended on the excellent job done regarding this pivotal issue! First let me start by reiterating something that every person who has The Membership Committee, chaired by Peter Fennell, did a terrific 2 DECLARATIONS 40TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE job in attracting and retaining members, despite the inevitable in response to the era in which they became necessary. The ESLCA industry belt tightening. While we would all like to think that our has never existed in a vacuum, but adapted as thought necessary, vibrant organization sells itself, in times of hardship, maintaining even when it was uncomfortable. I very much appreciate the membership levels takes just good old-fashioned legwork. special contributions of the authors, sister organization leaders, the Introduction of our organization to new members requires good past presidents who provided their heartfelt memories of the personal contacts, time, patience, and follow up. This past year we Association and those of you who took the time to dig up old were able to expand our membership by over 20 companies, pictures for everyone’s enjoyment. Working with you all was a attracting both Bermudian and European in addition to US based pleasure. companies. Our new member marketing reception in Bermuda last Reflecting back on my year as president, I cannot say it was stress May turned out to be such a success that plans are underway to free. The time was challenging, uncertain and at times, quite duplicate it in other locations in order to set the stage for additional daunting. Were not for the support of the general membership, my member recruitment. fellow board members, our executive administrator, the committee Our most obvious successes are exemplified in the work done by members, various past presidents, sister organization leaders and those committees who put together our regional and annual confer- other friends I have within the Association, we could never have ences. With the hard work of Joachim Krane, Stuart Willoughby, emerged relatively unscathed by tough economic times and accom- plished what we did in terms of four educational conferences, Miles Banks and Eric Herstine and their respective committees, the increased membership, more structured educational and training ESLCA held successful educational events in Zurich, London, and efforts, greater financial stability and increasingly positive industry New York City. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend all of the recognition. What I can say with no hesitation is that serving the regional events, and therefore enjoyed first-hand, the positive ESLCA as a board member and ultimately as president has been feedback from all the attendees. By now you have all seen the infinitely rewarding. The organization is not the same one I joined education program scheduled for Bermuda. The insightful topics ten years ago, and today’s will evolve even further over the next and expert speakers are the culmination of months of consideration, decade. I hope to be around in ten years to witness what the future debate, teleconferences and following up. We have already received brings. “rave” reviews from prospective conference attendees, and have Not to wax too nostalgic, but as I end my term as president, I have every expectation that this year’s annual conference will be extreme- two wishes: first, that the members realize the vast majority of the ly beneficial to all who participate. changes made in our organization in recent years were the result of A special note of thanks to Susan Wain who agreed to chair our the Boards’ desire to focus on the wants and needs of its member- newly created Education and Training Committee. While educating ship. I hope those efforts are apparent to all. Second, to those of our membership has always been a primary purpose of the you with whom I have worked on ESLCA matters throughout the Association, only recently did we form a standing committee to past several years, when you think back on those days, I hope you focus on concrete ways in which we can provide educational agree that we accomplished a lot and “done good.” I appreciate services year around, in addition to our conferences. Her commit- your input, encouragement, good counsel and overall support. I wish tee generated a wealth of ideas which will be weighed and all the best to the incoming officers and board member. May your narrowed down over time. As part of this committee’s efforts, we service to the Association be as memorable as mine. rekindled our relationship with the St. John’s University School of Insurance and Risk Management. Two of its students were on hand (cid:1)(cid:2) at our New York City regional conference to be acknowledged by the attendees as the recipients of the Emil Rago Scholarship Award. A very sincere THANK YOU and apologies (this Now let me put on my editor’s hat and comment about this special commemorative edition of Declarations. Putting together any type publication was a lot of work!!) go to Past of publication is a challenge, but this particular issue was not only President Cathy Kalaydjian, Sue Barros of extremely challenging, but a learning experience. Having only joined The Beaumont Group and Diane Weinreb of the the ESLCA a mere decade ago (a blink of the eye compared to Graphic Factory. Without your involvement, this many of my colleagues’ involvement), it was an eye opener to go very special commemorative edition of back through the organization’s history and chart its milestones. Declarations would have never turned out to be Certainly there were low points in our history which impacted us on the quality product it is. I appreciate your giving many levels. Various hurricanes and the September 11 disaster of not only your workdays, but your evenings, come to mind immediately. But what is most striking is the evolu- tion of the Association as depicted in photos, quotes, articles and weekends and Labor Day holiday as well! timelines. These documented changes have all been positive and 3 DECLARATIONS 40TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE MEMBERSHIP NEWS New Members Approved The following members were approved at the Excess/Surplus Lines The following membership applications were approved at the Claims Association June 3, 2009 Board of Directors Meeting: Excess/Surplus Lines Claims Association September 3, 2009 Board of Directors Meeting: CLAIMS MANAGEMENT MEMBERS: REGULAR MEMBERS: Buxbaum Loggia & Associates, Inc. Delegate: Paul Buxbaum, President Canopius Managing Agents Ltd. Alternate: Joseph Loggia, Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Delegate: Michael East, Head of Claims Crawford and Company SCOR Global P&C Delegate: Stephen J. Couto, Vice President Delegate: Charles Pierre, Alternate: Terry Hunt, Managing Director, Assistant Vice President Executive Vice President Claims & Commutations Totura & Company CLAIMS MANAGEMENT MEMBER: Delegate: Mark Richardson, Senior Vice President Specialty Claims Management LLC Alternate: Peter Fonda, President Delegate: William Howell, President Alternate: Joseph Campo, Vice President ADJUNCT MEMBER: The following membership applications were approved at the Vere Wheatley, CMS Cameron McKenna Excess/Surplus Lines Claims Association August 3, 2009 Board of Directors Meeting: REGULAR MEMBERS: Catlin, UK Delegate: Nick Sinfield, Group Claims Director Maiden Re Delegate: Walter V. O’Grady, Jr., Sr. Vice President – Claims Alternate: Dorothy Muir, Sr. Vice President – Head of Claims Montpelier Syndicate 5151 Delegate: Paul Moss, Group Head of Claims Alternate: Nicola Simons, Sr. Vice President, Claims XL Insurance Bermuda Delegate: Michael Rosemark, Vice President, Casualty Claims Alternate: Chris A. Johnson, Vice President CLAIMS MANAGEMENT MEMBER: North American Risk Services Delegate: Tim Loftin, Director of Claims Alternate: Robert Ruryk, President ADJUNCT MEMBER: Simon Kilgour, Reynolds Porter Chamberlain Christian Bouckart, BOPS Law 4 DECLARATIONS 40TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE MEMBERSHIP NEWS Membership Committee Report PETER FENNELL Chair Bermuda Cocktail Reception Draws Attention to ESLCA In the last issue of Declarations, the Membership Through the rest of the term, the Membership Committee Committee reported its decision to target new will continue to develop strategies for expanding our mem- member companies by geographic region. We decided bership base. We wish to duplicate our success in Bermuda Bermuda was the perfect place for our inaugural new in other select geographic areas around the world. To member marketing event given its growing importance in support this objective, we are creating a prospect list to our industry and it being the site of our upcoming 40th identify those companies or individuals that we would like to Anniversary Conference. I am happy to report that the have as members. I will be also be working with the ESLCA Bermuda cocktail reception held on May 12, 2009 Strategic Planning and Corporate Governance Committees to was a great success! address the possibility creating a new category of member- Close to 30 Bermuda based claims professionals attended ship which would allow those who have retired from the this first time event and we received strong interest in joining industry the opportunity to stay involved in the organization our Association from several companies. Past presidents and continue to make a contribution. Cathy Kalaydjian and Jim McNamara, as well as current Given the uncertain financial times that we live in, the board director Joachim Krane were instrumental in attracting Membership Committee has been closely monitoring those interest in the event and espousing the benefits of joining companies that have not renewed membership for the our organization. So far the ESLCA gained one new member upcoming year. In order to maintain the long term financial as a result of this effort; we hope that the reception laid the viability of the organization, we must not only seek out new groundwork for several more new members in the future. members but also keep the members we already have. The Membership Committee was honored by the fact that Committee members will personally communicate with each Mike Mc Gavick, CEO of XL Capital Ltd., took this opportunity nonrenewing company so that the Association can collect to say a few words in support of the claim profession and the information and then do what it can to retain them as our Association. I am sure that went a long way in demon- members. While sadly we have lost some members as a strating that the ESLCA is the premier global claim associa- result of expense cutting measures and company mergers, tion of the insurance industry. We again thank XL for its on a net basis we continue to thrive in terms of our growth. sponsorship and for providing such a great venue. We remain cautiously optimistic that the value in ESLCA As I mentioned in the last committee report, we had gained membership will be clearly apparent and our retention rate 12 new members since our annual conference last will remain high. September. Applications continue to come in on a regular The Association’s prestige and global reach continues to basis and I am pleased to report an additional 16 more grow. Let’s keep that momentum going forward. I again members have joined. Membership is the life blood of any invite comment and feedback from the membership con- organization and will ensure our long term success. Special cerning ways we might achieve our objectives. thanks for the hard work of the Committee and Regular members who have been diligent in this regard. (cid:1)(cid:2) 5 DECLARATIONS 40TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE COMMITTEE NEWS – Treasurer’s Report BRUCE CARLINO Treasurer ESLCA 2009 Annual Conference Sponsors Once again, I have the opportunity as 40th Anniversary Sponsors Association Treasurer to share with you the Alan Gray, Inc. highlights of our financial position at mid- Allied World Reinsurance year 2009. As I reported in the previous edition Aon Benfield of Declarations, 2008 was a strong financial year Buxbaum Loggia for the Association and allowed us to achieve all Devonshire Group of our major objectives for the year. Dynamic Claims I am happy to report, that in spite of the contin- Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge ued economic doldrums that have enveloped Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd. our industry, the Association remains standing on some very solid ground. At Frank M. Nicoletti, Esq. the half year we are exceeding expectations in both Association dues and Gordon & Rees, LLP Corporate Sponsorship. Our membership has been the foundation of our Guy Carpenter & Co., LLC success and speaking on behalf of the Board I would like to extend our grat- Ironshore Holdings itude for your support. And to our many sponsors; THANK YOU all for your Lexington Insurance generous backing. Maiden Re This year too we have been able to hold our educational forums, one in Markel International London and one regional conference in New York. Both were well attended Marsh Ltd. and helped us to continue our core tradition of providing industry education- Midland Claims Administrators al forums. North American Risk Services We also have our landmark 40th Anniversary Annual Conference in QBE Bermuda rapidly approaching. Because of our fiscal well being we are again Scottsdale Insurance Co. able to keep our conference fees to a very reasonable level and for the Swiss Re second consecutive year have not increased the registration fee. We have The Toa Reinsurance Corp. of America been able to contain costs and yet offer many events and activities which Traub Lieberman Straus & Shrewsberry LLP will make our Anniversary Conference a memorable one. Becoming the leading global claims association is our primary aim. We will Platinum Sponsors continue to fulfill our value proposition towards that end and will endeavor AXIS Insurance to continue to offer the benefits of being a member of the Association. Chaucer Syndicates Phelps Dunbar LLP Thank you again for a great start to 2009. I hope to see you all at our Anniversary Conference in October. Golf Outing Sponsor Harold Provizer for Herzfeld & Rubin PC (cid:1)(cid:2) Ryder Cup Sponsors Max at Lloyds Rockville Risk Management Associates Opening Night Reception Sponsors Arch Insurance Group PartnerRe US Monday Night Dinner Sponsor RSUI 6 DECLARATIONS 40TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE & MEMBER ADVISORY COMMITTEES JOINT REPORT KEVIN SHEA, Chairman, Corporate Governance Committee TERRY TUTTLE, Liaison to the Membership Advisory Committee *** See Page 50 for Voting Information By now the membership has been tant and your thoughts should be shared now or at the member meeting. As always, you may contact any board provided notice regarding the member for additional information or to air your views. In this commemorative issue of Declarations, we are again Excess/Surplus Lines Claim Association providing you with the resolution wording, the reasons why the Board of Directors believes the name change is appro- (ESLCA) Member Meeting to be held priate and the various options for voting. If you have not on October 13, 2009 at the Annual already voted electronically, provided a proxy vote or intend to be present at the meeting in Bermuda, please exercise Conference. The information you your right to vote at some point. Your participation in this decision is very important. Don’t wait! received regarding a proposed name change is the culmination of intense consideration and numerous discussions by several board committee and board of directors members. Over the last several years, our organization has expanded significantly in the breadth of both our membership as well as the claim professionals who represent them. What was initially created as a forum for excess and surplus lines claims professionals to gather and discuss the issues facing that niche area of our industry has grown into an interna- tional forum which explores all aspects of our ever changing market and world. As a result, it is an excellent time, on this, the 40th anniversary conference of our fine organiza- tion, to consider a new name for our association that more accurately reflects the sum of its members. With this in COMMUNICATION mind, we are excited to be a part of presenting a resolution to change the name of our organization to the International is the key Association of Claim Professionals. Your input is very impor- to development and change. 7 DECLARATIONS 40TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE COMMITTEE NEWS – London Conference 2009 Timely and Topical as Always (but more so), the 2009 London Conference Again a Big Success • STUART WILLOUGHBY, Co-Chair • Attendance remained high at the ESLCA London Regional have been more relevant to Conference, despite the current economic climate. The events as they evolved on the London Programme Committee, consisting of Miles Banks world stage this past spring. and Stuart Willoughby (co-chairs), Mervin Allinson, Gary The regional conference kicked Bass, Steve Clarke, Steve Robson and Sylvia Lenzen, must off to an interesting start with once more be congratulated on a job well done! And industry notables Paul Jardine, again the event was kindly sponsored by the Lloyds Lloyd’s Market Association Market Association, Lloyds International Insurance Brokers Chairman and COO of Catlin Association and the International Underwriting Association. Group, alongside Barnabus In attendance showing Hurst-Bannister, Lloyd’s their support for this Market Association annual event were Deputy Chairman and Sandra Van Enk, Chairman of Travelers President, who gave Syndicate Management the opening address, Ltd, giving an insightful Kurt Steinhauer, industry update and dis- Immediate Past cussing market reform. President, Cathy The obvious depth of the Kalaydjian and Gary information presented as Bass, Past Presidents, well as the quality of the and Edward Quinn Jr., delivery were very well and Eric Herstine, received by the audience. Board Members. They were followed by This year’s April David Douglas, Director seminar, held once of Kidnap and Ransom more at the Old Library Operations at the security at Lloyd’s, could not firm Mitig8, who provided 8 DECLARATIONS 40TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE