Administration Application rale3.3 Compa me ae case No: [IN THE HIGH CoURT OF LUSTICE BUSINESS AND PROPERTY COURTS OF ENGLAND ANB WALES INSOLVENCY AND COMPANIES IST (ChD}] INTHE MATTER OF SC_ ANALYTICS LTD. ‘Company number 09838687) AND IN THE MATTER OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT 1956 THE COMPANY: () The ganfeation concerns SCL ANALYTICS LTD. (the Company) Tre regizered nur of the Company is 9932657 Tre rensiered office oftne Company is Pa Ltlejchn 2nd Floor,“ Westferry Gicus, Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom, E14 4l4D THE APPLICANT: {2it3) Tae App canis is are] SCL ANALYTICS 1.1 (2%) This solication is made by (i: The Corpany under paragraph 1s) of Schetule BI the Insolvency Act 1986 (the sched Gi she deters ofthe Company under paragraph 12{1}(b) ot te Schecule 0) rechtoroftne Comaasy under sacagiapa--2FMa}ofahe Schedule F his applcatian-undar part : : ‘bebaltattealidhireslithorsal-ard ihe lolowing otverereditas ofthe company yn ‘ undi’ parapraph 37 of she Sctecule) Theslebelotthecharsearsustallws: . + : ert amet] bitshaliquldnorotsheeamansiisder pataaraph Sof the Sched. ; Ss Hopes pene by section 874 of tre Magistrates: Cours tet 1980. {@hje}The Company isrogistered unde” Uke Compan ws Ac 2006 Uihtt nas the folowing ised and called-up capial, namely dived imo 1000 ruse" ef shores, of£1 ech, anc theemaurt of caaital paid up or credited 35 paid u> is £1000 Team (ais tized by guoronteo.] (2Nf) The particulars oF the Compury's pr neil bus ness ave ae filows: gorsral ammercal eampany JURIspctoN: (2a) The Carcpsny istesetan ur Insoluency Proceotings, king wethin Asile 1.2 ofthe SU Reguasios or (Oh; For the reasons stated in tne nitress statement of JLLIAN W/4EATLAND fied in suppartheveol der rule 6 af che meolvency ngland and wales} Hires 20TH, itis consiered tat ‘he CU Reguialion or Insolvency Proceedings willl not apply end - these praceedir gs wil bs main /auconduey erverriatil oroecedings 2s defined i the FU Raguiation ar Irsolvenzy Proceeding: {BIL Tor the reasons set out in te witness statement of JLLIAN WHEATLAND filed in suspart ereo, he Apnlieal believes thatthe Comper is ors Hkely Lo become nable te pay ts debts (2)fj The propased adrainistralors) iat: Nameis): Mi. Vince Green of C-owe Clark Whitehil Addressiesi: 4 Moun! Ephraim Rosd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent “N1 1 EE Emails) [email protected] Telophoe numboris:: 01882 700200 (Billy. The applicants addresses for sary a i: Tiger Law, Z2ald House, 28 Churan Streat, Wye, Kont TN25 SBL. Tel 07235 227 355, ‘THE ORDER SOUGHT: (2ifi The appicanl requests tne sou (i tamake an administs:on order in relator. to the Company: 2} appoint the proposed personis; lo be adiminisiralaris); ancl elo redeet (8 ta make such ancilary o‘der as tho applicant may request and such omar order as Ine sour Ihinks appracriat. ADDRESSES: Us mended to se-ve “hs ap aj the Company ) Haves Hank ole {3} the Propased Adreiniszstor ‘Tre Cour adore Polls Building 7 Ralls Buildings, Feter Lane, London, ECAA IN| STATEMENT OF TRUTH the apolleent, bellve/Tne app kart beloves ta the facts sae in this application meer | C-2D1 | the above-signed, rot heing she aaplicant in aerson, sate 25 follows ‘My rare is VANESSA CHALLESS My postal acres is Zealds House. 39 Chutch Street, Wye, Kent, TN25 SBL ‘My positions SOUCTER, 2m duly autherised by she apslican a sign hs statement on itsfhis/her behal Endorsement by the Court ‘Th's application wl be heare at: Peco ate Tine {or as soon cheresfte as the apllestion can 90 hearc)