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Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience Pedestrian dead reckoning employing simultaneous activity recognition cues This article has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article. 2012 Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 025103 (http://iopscience.iop.org/0957-0233/23/2/025103) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: The article was downloaded on 26/02/2013 at 10:18 Please note that terms and conditions apply. IOPPUBLISHING MEASUREMENTSCIENCEANDTECHNOLOGY Meas.Sci.Technol.23(2012)025103(20pp) doi:10.1088/0957-0233/23/2/025103 Pedestrian dead reckoning employing simultaneous activity recognition cues KeremAltun1 andBillurBarshan DepartmentofElectricalandElectronicsEngineering,BilkentUniversity,Bilkent,TR-06800Ankara, Turkey E-mail:[email protected],[email protected] Received14September2011,infinalform18November2011 Published11January2012 Onlineatstacks.iop.org/MST/23/025103 Abstract Weconsiderthehumanlocalizationproblemusingbody-worninertial/magneticsensorunits. Inertialsensorsarecharacterizedbyadrifterrorcausedbytheintegrationoftheirrateoutput toobtainpositioninformation.Becauseofthisdrift,thepositionandorientationdataobtained frominertialsensorsarereliableoveronlyshortperiodsoftime.Therefore,positionupdates fromexternallyreferencedsensorsareessential.However,ifthemapoftheenvironmentis known,theactivitycontextoftheusercanprovideinformationabouthisposition.In particular,theswitchesintheactivitycontextcorrespondtodiscretelocationsonthemap.By performinglocalizationsimultaneouslywithactivityrecognition,wedetecttheactivitycontext switchesandusethecorrespondingpositioninformationaspositionupdatesinalocalization filter.Thelocalizationfilteralsoinvolvesasmootherthatcombinesthetwoestimatesobtained byrunningthezero-velocityupdatealgorithmbothforwardandbackwardintime.We performedexperimentswitheightsubjectsinindoorandoutdoorenvironmentsinvolving walking,turningandstandingactivities.Usingaspatialerrorcriterion,weshowthatthe positionerrorscanbedecreasedbyabout85%ontheaverage.Wealsopresenttheresultsof two3Dexperimentsperformedinrealisticindoorenvironmentsanddemonstratethatitis possibletoachieveover90%errorreductioninpositionbyperforminglocalization simultaneouslywithactivityrecognition. Keywords:inertialsensing,wearablecomputing,pedestriandeadreckoning,human localization,humanactivityrecognition (Somefiguresmayappearincolouronlyintheonlinejournal) 1.Introduction combined with other types of position sensing to improve positionaccuracy. Dead reckoning is the process of estimating the current Historically, dead reckoning has been used in ship position of a moving entity using the position estimate navigationforcenturies.Reference[1]explainsitsuseinship (orfix)calculatedatprevioustimeinstantsandthevelocity(or navigation in detail. It has been used in air navigation since speed)estimateatthecurrenttimeinstant.Itcanalsobeused the beginning of 1900s; a thorough survey appears in [2, 3]. topredictthefuturepositionbyprojectingthecurrentknown A survey on the positioning and navigation methods for positionandspeedtoafutureinstant[1].Sincethepastposition vehiclesappearsin[4].Deadreckoningisemployedinmobile estimatesareprojectedthroughtimetoobtainnewestimatesin robotics through the use of odometry [5] and/or inertial deadreckoning,positionerrorsaccumulateovertime.Because navigationsystems(INSs). ofthiscumulativeerrorpropagation,dead-reckoningestimates INSs [6] can be used for both indoor and outdoor areunreliableifcalculatedoverlongperiodsoftime.Hence, positioning and navigation. Fundamentally, gyroscopes dead reckoning is seldom used alone in practice and is often provide angular rate information and accelerometers provide velocity rate information. Although the rate information is reliable over long periods of time, it must be integrated to 1 Present address: Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia,Vancouver,BC,Canada. provide position, orientation and velocity estimates. Thus, 0957-0233/12/025103+20$33.00 1 ©2012IOPPublishingLtd PrintedintheUK&theUSA Meas.Sci.Technol.23(2012)025103 KAltunandBBarshan Figure1.Strap-downINSintegration. even very small errors in the rate information provided by one step will not be carried over to the next step. As an inertial sensors cause unbounded growth in the error of the alternative,insteadofdirectlyresettingthevelocitiestozero, integratedmeasurements.Asaconsequence,anINSbyitself this information can be used as a measurement in a Kalman is characterized by position errors that grow with time and filter[11,12].In[10],theZUPTmethodisusedtoestimatethe distance, usually referred to as the ‘drift error.’ One way distancetravelledandahigh-gradegyroscopeisemployedto of overcoming this problem is to periodically reset inertial estimate the orientation. Alternative methods for orientation sensors with external absolute sensing mechanisms and to estimation also exist in the literature. In [13], a Kalman eliminate this accumulated error. Thus, in most cases, data filter is used to estimate the orientation. Accelerometers fromanINSmustbeintegratedwithabsolutelocation-sensing and magnetometers can also be used interchangeably with mechanismstoprovideusefulinformationaboutposition. gyroscopes depending on whether the body is in motion or An inertial measurement unit (IMU) consists of not [14]. Another approach is to use the orientation output orthogonallymountedaccelerometersandgyroscopesinthree of a commercially available sensor module that integrates spatial directions. If the IMU is directly mounted on the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer measurements [15]. An extensive survey on orientation estimation moving object, the system is called a strap-down INS [6]. methods using body-worn sensors appears in [16]. Heuristic The IMU provides three acceleration and three angular methodsthatexploittheusualwalkingpatternsofpeoplecan velocity (or angular rate) outputs in the object coordinate alsobeappliedfordriftreduction[17]andelimination[18]in frame. A basic block diagram of a strap-down INS is given gyroscopes. in figure 1. To estimate the orientation (or attitude) of the InordertoapplytheZUPTmethod,correctdetectionof moving object, the gyroscope outputs should be integrated. gaiteventssuchasthesteppinginstantsandcorrectestimation Then, using the estimated orientation, accelerometer outputs of gait parameters such as stride length are crucial for many should be transformed to the Earth coordinate frame. The PDR systems. This detection can be performed using only accelerationvaluesintheEarthcoordinateframeareintegrated inertialsensorsasin[19].Zero-velocitydetectionalgorithms twicetogettheposition.Becauseoftheintegrationoperations using inertial sensors are compared in [20, 21]. In [22], an involved in the position calculation, any error in the sensor external pressure sensor is used to detect the steps. It is also outputs accumulates in the position output, causing a rapid possible to perform activity recognition with inertial sensors drift in both the gyroscope and accelerometer outputs. Thus, to detect the stepping instants and estimate the stride length the reliability of position estimates decreases with time. For [23,24]. example,aconstantbiasinthegyroscopewillcauseanerror IntegratingexternalreferencesensorswithPDRsystems in the position that grows proportional to the cube of time, isalsocommonintheliterature.In[13,25],ashoe-mounted and a constant bias in the accelerometer will cause an error inertial/magnetic system is used together with a quaternion- that grows proportional to the square of time [7]. For this based extended Kalman filter (EKF) to estimate the 3D path reason, inertial sensors are usually used in conjunction with travelled by a walking person. Magnetic sensors are used othersensingsystemsthatprovideabsoluteexternalreference in the initialization of the EKF. Reference [26] combines information. dead reckoning with GPS in outdoor environments. For One application of INSs is in pedestrian dead reckoning indoor environments, WiFi fingerprinting method is used (PDR). PDR systems are generally used in GPS-denied for localization. Reference [27] uses the GPS data for error environments such as inside buildings, tunnels, underground correction.ThepedestriantrajectoryisestimatedusingaPDR ordenseforestsandaroundtallbuildingsinurbanareaswhere systemandawirelesssensornetworkin[8]. GPSdataarenotaccurateoralwaysavailable.References[8] Another alternative for integrating external references is and[9]providebriefsurveysonPDRsystems.Suchsystems map matching. If a map of the environment is available, this are usually developed for security personnel and emergency information can be used to provide drift error correction. In responders [10]. Unlike land vehicles and robots, a method [28],thisideaisappliedinanoutdoorenvironment,combined called‘zerovelocityupdate’(ZUPT)enablesthestand-alone withaheuristicdrifteliminationproceduredescribedin[18]. usageofINSsonpedestrians,withoutanyexternalreference In indoor environments, activity-based map matching can be sensor.TheZUPTmethodexploitsthefactthatduringwalking, used[24].Thisideaexploitsthefactthattheactivitycontext the velocity of the foot is zero at some time interval during of the pedestrian gives information about his location. For the stance phase (see section 3.1). If this time interval example, if the pedestrian is ascending stairs, most locations is correctly detected, the drift in the velocities calculated on an indoor map can be ruled out, improving the position instrap-downintegrationcanberesettozeroandthedriftin estimate.Here,wefollowasimilarapproach. 2 Meas.Sci.Technol.23(2012)025103 KAltunandBBarshan In this study, we perform pedestrian localization using five inertial and magnetic sensor units worn on the body [29]. Localization is performed simultaneously with activity recognition, where activity recognition cues are used in the positionupdatestocorrectthedrifterrorsofinertialsensors. Apart from being inherent in inertial sensors, drift errors and offsets in body-worn systems can also arise from initial misplacement, occasional slips from the initial position and orientation during operation, or loose mounting on the body. Even though the initial errors are expected to be small, they Figure2.MTx3-DOForientationtracker are accumulated and result in larger errors over long periods (reprintedfromhttp://www.xsens.com/en/general/mtx). of time. To the best of our knowledge, these issues have not been addressed before in the literature. We demonstrate that Xsens Technologies [32]. Each MTx unit has a tri-axial usingagivenmapoftheenvironmentandactivityrecognition accelerometer, a tri-axial gyroscope and a tri-axial cues, these errors can be reduced considerably and accurate magnetometersothatthesensorunitsacquire3Dacceleration, localizationcanbeachievedwithouthavingtouseanyexternal rate of turn and the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field. referencesensor.Inpractice,theproposedmethodcanbeused Accelerometers of two of the MTx trackers can sense in the inapplicationswhereamapisavailableandGPSdataarenot range±50ms−2(standardrange)andtheotherthreecansense reliableornotavailableatall(e.g.,undergroundmines,indoor intherangeof±180ms−2(customizedrange).Allgyroscopes areas and urban outdoor areas with tall buildings). We note intheMTxunitscansenseintherangeof±1200◦s−1angular that although here we use activity recognition information velocities; magnetometers can sense magnetic fields in the to improve localization performance, the converse is also rangeof±75μT.Additionally,eachsensorunithasabuilt-in possible,i.e.localizationinformationandamapcanimprove Kalman filter that outputs the orientation of the sensor with theactivityrecognitionperformance.However,inourprevious respect to a global coordinate frame (see section 3.1). Three studies,sincewehaveobservedthatactivityrecognitionwith orientationoutputmodescanbeusedfortheoutput:direction high accuracy can already be achieved using proper signal cosinematrix,quaternion andEulerangles.Inthisstudy,we processingandpatternrecognitiontechniques[30],wefocus usethequaternionoutputmode. ononlyonesideoftheloopinthispaper.Inaveryrecentstudy, The sensors are placed on five different positions on the activityrecognitionandbodyposeestimationarecombinedin subject’s body as shown in figure 3. Two of the customized averysimilarway[31]. sensorunitsareplacedonthefeet,theremainingcustomized We have performed experiments in both 2D and 3D unitisplacedonthesubject’schestandthestandardunitsare environments. In the 2D experiments, walking, standing placed on the sides of the knees (the right side of the right and turning activities are considered. In 3D localization experiments,ascending/descendingstairsactivityisaddedto kneeandtheleftsideoftheleftknee).Thecustomizedunits these activities. We assume that a map of the environment areusedonthefeettoavoidsaturationinthesensoroutputs, is available and that the switches between these activities becausefeetaccelerationsareexpectedtobelargerthanknee usually correspond to multiple locations on the map. For accelerations(upto±90ms−2inourexperiments).Thesensor example, in an indoor environment, switching from walking units on the feet and chest are used to estimate the distance to turning activity might correspond to the end of a corridor travelledandtheheading,respectively.Thesensorunitsonthe or to the front of a room, whereas switching from walking legsarenotusedinthelocalizationprocess;theyareusedfor to standing activity might correspond to a location in front activityrecognitioninthe3Dexperiments. of a lift. Therefore, activity switches usually correspond to several discrete locations in the environment. If one can 3.Methodology detecttheactivityswitchescorrectly,itispossibletousethe correspondingpositioninformationinordertocorrectthedrift In the following, we refer to several different coordinate intheposition. frames,whicharetheglobalcoordinateframe,localnavigation Therestofthispaperisorganizedasfollows:insection2, coordinateframesandthesensorcoordinateframes(figure4). wedescribethesensorsusedinthisstudy.Section3explains There is a single global coordinate frame. In the default thetheoreticalbackgroundoftheappliedmethods.Sections4 configurationofthiscoordinateframe,thezaxispointsupward and 5 present the results of 2D and 3D experiments, along the vertical (opposite to the direction of the gravity respectively.Weprovideadiscussionoftheresults,limitations vectorg),thexaxispointstowardsthemagneticnorthandthey of the proposed method and related issues in section 6 and axispointstothewest,completingtheright-handedcoordinate conclude with section 7, providing some future research frame(figure4(a)).Thelocalnavigationcoordinateframesare directions. translatedversionsoftheglobalframetothepositionofeach sensorunit,andtherefore,inthedefaultcase,alsohavetheir 2.Inertial/magneticsensingequipment zaxespointingupwardsalongthevertical,xaxespointingin themagneticnorthdirectionandyaxespointingtothewest. In this study, we use five MTx three-degree-of-freedom In other words, there is a single global coordinate frame but (3-DOF) orientation trackers (figure 2), manufactured by five local navigation coordinate frames, one for each sensor 3 Meas.Sci.Technol.23(2012)025103 KAltunandBBarshan one of which is for localization and the other is for activity recognition. 3.1.Localization Theprocessingforlocalizationisdoneintwomainsteps.In thefirststep,thetrajectoriesarefoundusingtheZUPTmethod, mentionedinsection1.Inthesecondstep,aKalmanfilter-like state estimation procedure is employed to utilize the activity recognitioncuesandimprovetheresults. Weperformtheregularstrap-downintegrationprocedure, using the orientation data output from the MTx sensor and ZUPTs. A block diagram that summarizes this procedure is depicted in figure 5. As shown in the diagram, calculations for the distance travelled and the heading are performed separately. To estimate the heading, it is possible to use the orientationoutputoftheMTxuniteitheronthechestoronthe feet.Weusethechestsensoroutputbecauseduringwalking, thechestisarelativelystablereferencetomeasuretheperson’s heading as opposed to the feet. That is, the signals recorded on the chest are less oscillatory than the signals acquired fromotherlocations.Thequaternionoutputmodeisusedfor orientationtoavoidtheoccurrenceofanysingularitiespossible in the Euler angle mode, even though this is unlikely for the chest.Atthebeginningoftheexperiments,aresetoperationis performedonthecoordinateframessuchthattheyawangleis initiallysettozeroandismeasuredwithrespecttothevertical Figure3.Thelocationsofthesensorunitsonthebody.(Theoutline axisduringthemotion(seesection4.1).Then,theorientation ofthehumanbodyistakenfrom data are converted to Euler angles (see, for example, [33]). http://www.anatomyacts.co.uk/learning/primary/Montage.htm.) In the Euler angle domain, the yaw angle (ψ) represents the instantaneous heading. Here, it is assumed that the left and unit.Theaxesofthelocalnavigationcoordinateframesalways right turns performed during motion are about the vertical remainparalleltotheaxesoftheglobalcoordinateframebut axis. their origins are shifted to the locations of the sensor units. To estimate the distance travelled, the sensor signals on The sensor coordinate frames also have their origins at the eitherfootcanbeused.First,usingtheorientationoutputofthe positionsofthesensorunitsbuttheirthreeaxeshavearbitrary sensorunit,theaccelerationsaretransformedfromthesensor orientationinitially,asshowninfigure4(a). coordinateframetothelocalnavigationcoordinateframe.The Asstatedabove,theMTxunitsproviderawacceleration, transformationcansimplybeperformedas angular velocity and magnetic field data, in addition to the a =q a q∗ =q a q , (1) orientation data that are calculated by the built-in Kalman L LS S LS LS S SL filter.Inthissection,thestepsusedforprocessingthesedata where a is the acceleration vector in the local navigation L areexplained.Theprocessingisdoneintwoseparatetracks, frame, a is the acceleration vector in the sensor coordinate S N N xG x xG xL,xS L y G y ,y x L S yG zG yL zL S zG zL,zS y global frame zS S global frame sensor unit sensor unit before alignment reset after alignment reset (a) (b) Figure4.Topviewsoftheglobal(G),localnavigation(L)andsensor(S)coordinateframes(a)beforeand(b)immediatelyafterthe alignmentresetoperation. 4 Meas.Sci.Technol.23(2012)025103 KAltunandBBarshan Figure5.Blockdiagramforthefirstprocessingstep. Figure6.Thehumangaitcycle (figurefromhttp://www.sms.mavt.ethz.ch/research/projects/prostheses/GaitCycle). frameandq isthequaternionrepresentingtheorientationof the angular velocity (rate), the following binary signal is LS thesensorcoordinateframewithrespecttothelocalnavigation constructed: (cid:2) frame. To estimate the position from the acceleration signal, 1, |ω(k)|(cid:2)(cid:4) I (k)= T (2) theaccelerationdatamustbeintegratedtwice.Becauseofthis step 0, |ω(k)|>(cid:4) , T integration procedure, the errors in the sensor readings are (cid:3) accumulated,causingunboundeddriftintheposition. wherekisthetimestep,|ω(k)|= ωx(k)2+ωy(k)2+ωz(k)2 We use the ZUPT method [10] to reduce the drift in and(cid:4)T isapre-setthresholdvalue.Thissignalisconstructed position. When a person is walking, the motion of the leg separately for the left foot and the right foot sensors. When is quasiperiodic. The collection of these motions within one thissignalis1,thefootisassumedtobeinthestancephase; periodiscalledthegaitcycle.Thehumangaitcycleisroughly otherwiseitisassumedtobeintheswingphase.Toeliminate dividedintotwophasescalledthestancephaseandtheswing possibleinstantaneous0-1-0or1-0-1switchesinthissignal,a phase.Thestancephaseisdefinedasthetimeintervalduring medianfilterisused.Then,thevelocitiesandaccelerationsare which the foot is in contact with the ground, and the swing settozerowhenthissignalis1,andtheintegrationsintheblock phaseisthetimeintervalduringwhichthefootdoesnottouch diagraminfigure5areperformed. Notethattheintegrations theground.Stancephasetakesapproximately60%ofthegait on the plane and in the z direction are performed separately, cycle, as shown in figure 6. During a sub-interval (cid:3)T of the resulting in the signals d(k) and dz(k), which correspond to stancephase,thefootvelocityandaccelerationareexpectedto thedistancetravelledonthex−yplaneandthepositiononthe bezero.Thus,thetruevaluesofthevelocityandacceleration zaxis,respectively. areknown.Ifonecansuccessfullydetectthissub-interval,the Because of the slight movement of the chest during sensor signals can be reset to zero and the drift error in one walking,theheadingsignalcontainsripples,asshownbythe stepwillnotbecarriedovertothenextstep. blue-dashed line in figure 7(a). This signal can be smoothed The problem is now converted to successfully detecting using the gait phase data obtained using the aforementioned the(cid:3)T intervalwherethefootvelocityisexactlyzero.There method. The Istep signal of the right foot is superimposed on areanumberofdetectorsusedintheliteratureforthispurpose: thisplotinthegreen-solidlineinthesamefigure.Thesedata accelerationmovingvariancedetector,accelerationmagnitude are obtained in an experiment where the subject stands for detectorandangularratemagnitudedetector[20].Inarecent 5s,thenstartswalkingalongastraightline,thenturns90◦ to study,analternativedetectorwasproposedthatgivesslightly therightataboutt = 25sandcontinueswalking.Ascanbe better results than the angular rate magnitude detector [20]. observed in the figure, when a right step is taken (i.e. when However, in most of the studies, the angular rate magnitude I = 0fortherightfoot),thechestangleswingsslightlyto step detector outperforms the others. We use the angular rate the left, and vice versa. To remove the ripples, the mean of magnitude detector in this study because of its performance theheadingdatabetweenrisingedgesoftheI signalcanbe step and simplicity of implementation. Using the magnitude of calculatedandreplacedasacorrectedheadingsignal.Thisis 5 Meas.Sci.Technol.23(2012)025103 KAltunandBBarshan 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 d) d) a a ψ (r−0.5 ψ (r−0.5 −1 −1 −1.5 −1.5 −2 −2 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 t (s) t (s) (a) (b) Figure7.(a)Originalheadingsignal(blue-dashedline)andswing-stancephaseindicatorvariable(green-solidline)superimposed; (b)originalheadingsignal(blue-dashedline)andcorrectedheadingsignal(red-solidline). showninfigure7(b).Inthisfigure,theoriginalheadingdata long periods of walking. This could be caused by attaching areshownbytheblue-dashedlineandthecorrectedheadingis the sensors to loose rather than tight clothing. Magnetic shownbythered-solidline.Obviously,thiscorrectionshould disturbance caused by the ferromagnetic materials in the bemadeseparatelyforeitherfootdependingonwhichfoot’s environmentisanothersourceoferrorforthemagnetometers data are used in evaluating d(k), using the I indicator for that directly affects the heading. Accelerometer data can be step that foot. In this case, the correction is made using the right used to estimate the inclination angle, but the only external footdata.Thecorrectedheadingdataaredenotedasψ(k)in referenceavailablefordeterminingtheheadingisthemagnetic therestofthistext. field data. Furthermore, the thresholds that we use are fixed Afterdeterminingd(k),d (k)andψ(k),thepathcanbe constants, i.e. they are not selected specifically for the z reconstructedusingthesimplestatemodelgivenbelow: person wearing the sensors. Considering the age, height and weightvariationsamongpeople,sucherrorsareunavoidable. x(k)=x(k−1)+(cid:3)d(k−1)cos[ψ(k−1)] Therefore,weusecuesobtainedfromactivityrecognitionand y(k)=y(k−1)+(cid:3)d(k−1)sin[ψ(k−1)] (3) performpositionupdateswhensuchcuesareavailable,inorder toimprovetheresults. z(k)=z(k−1)+(cid:3)d (k−1), z 3.2.Activityrecognition withtheinitialconditionsx(0),y(0)andz(0).Here,(cid:3)d(k−1) =d(k)−d(k−1)representsthedistancetravelledontheplane Inourearlierwork[30],wedemonstratedthatitispossibleto and(cid:3)d (k−1)=d (k)−d (k−1)representsthedisplacement distinguishbetweenvariousactivitiesusingbody-worninertial z z z inthezdirection,duringthekthtimestep. and magnetic sensors and provided an extensive comparison By defining a state vector ξ(k) = between various classifiers. Simple Bayes classifiers with [x(k), y(k), z(k)]T and an input vector u(k) = Gaussianprobabilitydensityfunctionsaresufficienttoobtain [(cid:3)d(k)cosψ(k), (cid:3)d(k)sinψ(k), (cid:3)d (k)]T, the equa- over95%correctclassificationratesiftrainingdatafromthat z tionbecomes specificpersonareavailable.However,ifsuchtrainingdataare notavailabletotheclassifiers,morecomplexclassifierssuch ξ(k)=ξ(k−1)+u(k−1) (4) as the k-nearest neighbour method (k-NN) or support vector with the initial condition ξ(0) = [x(0), y(0), z(0)]T. In the machines (SVM) can be utilized that have expected correct 2D experiments, we do not consider the z direction. That is, classification rates of about 85%. The reader is referred to d (k) is not calculated and the state z(k) is deleted from the [30,34–36]forsurveysoftheliteratureonactivityrecognition z statevectorintheseexperiments. usingbody-wornsensors. The performance of the above model depends on the Inourexperimentsin2D,weconsiderareducedactivity performances of the distance and the heading estimation set, comprised of walking, standing and turning activities. methods. In our experiments, we observed that both have Sincethesethreeactivitiesarequitedifferentfromeachother, errors,whichcausesthereconstructedpathtodriftovertime. usingcomplexclassifiersisnotnecessary.Weusearule-based This drift is naturally amplified as the length of the walking classifierforthesethreeactivities,inwhichthefollowingrules path increases. The most dominant cause of error is the areappliedinthegivenorder: dislocation of the mounted sensors during the experiments, (i) ifthefilteredheadingvalueisaboveacertainthreshold, especiallytheheadingsensor.Forexample,aslightdislocation theactivityisclassifiedasturning; of the chest sensor causes a slight measurement error in (ii) ifbothfeetarestationary,thentheactivityisclassifiedas the heading that causes the path to drift drastically over standing; 6 Meas.Sci.Technol.23(2012)025103 KAltunandBBarshan (iii) if the above conditions do not hold, then the activity is withtheinitialconditionξ(0)modelledasaGaussianrandom classifiedaswalking. vector with mean μξ(0) and covariance matrix Pξ(0). Note For the first rule, the heading signal is passed through a that here ξ(k) is a random process and is different from the first-orderdifferencefilteroflength1sandthresholded.The deterministicstatevectorinequation(4).However,weusethe second rule is realized by performing an AND operation on samenotationforsimplicity.Theinputu(k)isthesameasin the I indicator variables (equation (2)) for the left and the equation (4). In equation (5), Rθ represents a rotation on the step rightfeet. planebyanarbitrary⎛angleθ: ⎞ Forour3Dexperiments,weintroducethe‘stairs’activity cosθ −sinθ 0 totheactivitysetthatrepresentstheactivitystateofthesubject Rθ =⎝sinθ cosθ 0⎠, (6) whileascendingordescendingstairs.Distinguishingbetween 0 0 1 walking and stairs activities is not straightforward, and a and w(k) is the process noise modelled as a white Gaussian simple rule-based method like the one applied above cannot noise with a diagonal covariance matrix Q. In equation (5), beusedinthiscase.Therefore,weusethek-NNclassifier.The the noise vector is rotated by ψ(k) at each time step k. This data acquired in our previous work [30] are employed as the way,thenoiseintroducedtothesystemismodelledsuchthat trainingdatafortheclassifier.Fromthatarticle,wecombine itisuncorrelated(andindependent,sinceitisGaussian)inthe the data of the activities walking in a parking lot (A9) and current heading direction and in the perpendicular direction walking on a treadmill (A10) to get the ‘walking’ class, and to the heading. If there were no rotation, the noise would be data of ascending stairs (A5) and descending stairs (A6) to uncorrelated in the global x and y directions, as long as the getthe‘stairs’class.Weusethestanding(A2)activityforthe covariancematrixQisdiagonal.Webelievethatintroducing ‘standing’ class directly. To recognize these three activities, this rotation matrix is a more realistic assumption for our weusethesensorsontherightandtheleftlegs,sincetheyare model than assuming the noise in the x and y directions as mountedatthesamepositionasinthatarticle.Therefore,the beinguncorrelated. dataareexpectedtobesimilar.Wecalculatetherunningmean Suppose that an AB activity switch is detected and a and running variance values from the test data as features, positionupdateisperformedataprevioustimek = k .Until using a sliding window of length 5 s. This length is chosen 1 thenextpositionupdate,equation(5)canbeusedtomodelthe since the same length is also used in the training data for position. The prediction equations using this forward model feature extraction. We do not use magnetometer data, since aregivenas theaccuracyofmagnetometersisknowntodegradeinindoor environments[16].Thek-NNclassifierisusedtodistinguish ξˆ (k|k ) =ξˆ (k−1|k )+u(k−1) f 1 f 1 between walking, standing and stairs activities, whereas the (cid:4)f(k|k1)=R(cid:3)ψ(k)(cid:4)f(k−1|k1)RT(cid:3)ψ(k)+Rψ(k)QRTψ(k) (7) turningactivityisrecognizedusingthesameruleasintherule- fork>k ,wherethesubscript f standsfortheforwardmodel based method described above. Then, the switches between 1 and(cid:3)ψ(k)=ψ(k)−ψ(k−1).Theinitialconditionsforthese activities and corresponding time values are determined and predictionequationsdependontheactivityswitchatk = k . usedforpositionupdates,asexplainedinthefollowingsection. 1 Theyaregivenasξˆf(k1|k1) = μAB,n and(cid:4)f(k1|k1) = PAB,n, wherenistheindexofthecorrespondingactivityswitchpoint 3.3.Simultaneouslocalizationandactivityrecognition onthemap.Ifnopositionupdateisperformeduptotimek,then In this section, we combine the localization results with k = 0andtheinitialconditionsfortheforwardfilterarethe 1 position updates simultaneously obtained from activity initialconditionsofthestatemodel.Thatis,ξˆf(0|0)=μξ(0) recognition cues. We assume that a map of the environment and(cid:4)f(0|0)=Pξ(0). is available and some of the switches between recognized WhenanactivityswitchfromactivityCtoactivityD(i.e. activities correspond to multiple locations on the map, in a CD switch) is detected at k = k , we run the same system 2 general. That is, knowledge of an activity switch provides backwards in time, all the way back to the previous activity informationaboutthepossiblepositionsonthemap. switchABandpositionupdateatk =k .Thebackwardfilter 1 Supposethat,foragivenmap,aswitchfromactivityAto equationsare activityBcanoccuratNABdifferentpoints.TheplaceholdersA ξˆ (k−1|k )=ξˆ (k|k )−u(k−1) andBcanstandforanyactivityinouractivityset,i.e.walking b 2 b 2 (W), standing (S), turning (T) or stairs (R). For example, a (cid:4)b(k−1|k2)=R(cid:3)ψ(k−1)(cid:4)b(k|k2)RT(cid:3)ψ(k−1) walking-to-standing activity switch is denoted as WS and a +Rψ(k−1)QRTψ(k−1) (8) walking-to-stairs activity switch is denoted as WR. In the for k < k (cid:2) k , where the subscript b stands for the 1 2 following, the nth AB activity switch point is modelled as backward model and (cid:3)ψ(k−1) = ψ(k−1)−ψ(k). The a Gaussian random vector with mean μ and covariance AB,n initialconditionsforthesepredictionequationsagaindepend PAB,n, where n = 1,...,NAB. The mean corresponds to the on the current activity switch at k = k , and are given by 2 cthoeorcdoivnaartieasncoefmthoedeexlsptehceteudncloecrtaatiinotnyoonftthheelogcivaetinonm.ap, and ξˆb(k2|k2) = μCD,n∗ and(cid:4)b(k2|k2) = PCD,n∗.Thesubscriptn∗ indicatesthepredefinedCDswitchlocationonthemapthatis In the previous section, we use the state equation (4) to theclosesttotheforwardstateestimatejustbeforetheposition predicttheposition.Tomodeltheuncertaintyintheposition, update.Moreprecisely, considerthestateequation ξ(k)=ξ(k−1)+u(k−1)+Rψ(k)w(k), (5) n∗ =argmnin||ξˆf(k2|k1)−μCD,n||. (9) 7 Meas.Sci.Technol.23(2012)025103 KAltunandBBarshan 15 the backward filter should be run all the way back to the previous activity switch. Since there is no previous activity switch, the backward filter is run to the beginning, k = 0. 10 This path is shown by the magenta-dashed line. Then, these estimatesarecombinedtogettheimprovedestimate,whichis shownbytheblue-solidlineinthefigure.Thereconstruction 5 almost coincides with the ground truth after the update, as confirmedbythefigure. ) m 0 4.2DExperiments ( y 4.1.Experimentalsetup −5 Atotalof11experimentsareperformedin2D,intwodifferent environments. The first set of experiments is performed outdoorsonastraightlineof66mlength.Thelineisdivided −10 intofoursegmentsofequallength,andtheendpointsofeach segmentaremarkedwitha+ora×sign.Thepathisillustrated infigure9. −15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Acoordinateframeisassignedinthisenvironmentsuch x (m) that the line coincides with the x axis. The origin of the coordinate frame is at the leftmost point of the line. The × Figure8.Optimalcombination(blue-solidline)oftheforward marksindicatepossiblelocationstoperformthe‘walking-to- (green-dash-dottedline)andbackward(magenta-dashedline) standing’ (WS) activity switch, and the + marks indicate the estimates.Thethinred-solidlineshowsthetruepath. locations to perform the ‘walking-to-turning’ (WT) activity switch. Note that point (66,0) is marked with both symbols Atthispoint,foreachk=k +1,...,k −1,wehavetwo 1 2 meaningthatitispossibletoperformbothWSandWTactivity estimatesavailablefortheposition.Thelinearcombinationof switchesatthislocation. thesetwoestimateswiththeminimumcovarianceis(seethe In this outdoor environment, four experiments are appendix) performed: ξˆ(k|k1,k2)=(cid:4)(k|k1,k2) (1) startfrompoint(0,0),stopat(16.5,0),stopat(49.5,0), ×[(cid:4)f(k|k1)−1ξˆf(k|k1)+(cid:4)b(k|k2)−1ξˆb(k|k2)], (10) stopat(66,0); where (cid:4)(k|k ,k ) = [(cid:4) (k|k )−1 + (cid:4) (k|k )−1]−1 is the (2) start from point (0,0), stop at (16.5,0), turn back at 1 2 f 1 b 2 (33,0),stopat(16.5,0),stopat(0,0); covarianceofthecombinedestimate. (3) startfrompoint(0,0),stopat(16.5,0),stopat(49.5,0), In practice, we run the forward filter in a causal manner turn back at (66,0), stop at (49.5,0), stop at (16.5,0), untilanactivityswitchisdetected.Whenanactivityswitchis detectedatk =k ,thebackwardfilterisrunallthewayback stopat(0,0); to the previous p2osition update at k = k , and the position (4) start from point (0,0), stop at (49.5,0), turn back at estimatesfork=k +1,...,k −1areca1lculated.Ifthereis (66,0),stopat(16.5,0),stopat(0,0). 1 2 nopreviouspositionupdate,thenk1 =0.Aftertheupdateand Notethatitisnotrequiredtostopatevery×mark,orturn the smoothing operation, the new k1 value is assigned as k2. backatevery+mark,butthesemarksindicatesomenonzero Thisisillustratedinfigure8thatincludesaportionofoneof likelihoodthattheseeventswilloccuratthatlocation. our2Dexperiments.Intheexperiment,thesubjectstartsfrom ThesportshallofBilkentUniversityisusedasthesecond point (0,0) and walks in the +x direction, which is shown environment.Thesubjectsarerequiredtowalkonlinesdrawn bythethinred-solidlineandrepresentsthegroundtruth.The on the floor. The map of this indoor environment is shown green-dash-dotted line shows the reconstructed path until an in figure 10. Similar to the first setup, the × marks indicate activityswitchisdetected,whichoccursatpoint(16.5,0).The possiblelocationstoperformthestandingactivity.Eachcorner reconstructed path is drifting from the actual path, as shown inthefigureindicatesapossiblelocationtoperformtheturning inthefigure. activity. Thus, the WS and WT activity switch points on the Theaverageheadingerrorisabout18◦.Suchlargeheading map are assigned manually; all corners are defined as WT errorsarenotfrequentlyobservedinourexperiments;however, switchpointsandWSswitchpointsareassignedarbitrarily. this experiment is chosen to demonstrate the performance of Thesevenexperimentsperformedinthisenvironmentare combiningactivityrecognitioncues.Aftertheactivityswitch, asfollows: Figure9.Thepathfollowedinthefirstfourexperiments(alldimensionsinm). 8 Meas.Sci.Technol.23(2012)025103 KAltunandBBarshan Table2.Profilesoftheeightsubjects. Subjectno Gender Age Height(cm) Weight(kg) S1 f 32 158 45 S2 f 34 161 51 S3 m 25 180 79 S4 f 22 166 47 S5 f 24 178 60 S6 m 33 175 95 S7 m 22 187 75 S8 m 25 182 75 reset, the global and local navigation frames are in their default configuration. However, at the reset instant, the x–y orientationoftheseframesmaychangearbitrarily,whiletheir zaxesremainperpendiculartothehorizontalplane,opposite to the direction of the gravity vector. Immediately after Figure10.Thepathfollowedinthesecondsetofexperiments(all the alignment reset, the local navigation and the sensor dimensionsinm). coordinate frames are coincident. All orientation outputs duringtheexperimentsareobtainedwithrespecttothelocal Table1.Totalpathlengthsoftheexperiments. navigation coordinate frames, illustrated in figure 4(b) for Experimentno Pathlength(m) a single sensor unit. After the alignment reset, the sensor coordinate frames may rotate and translate with the motion 1 66 oftheperson,whereastheglobalframeremainsfixedandthe 2 66 localnavigationframesmaytranslatebutnotrotate. 3 132 4 132 5 222 4.2.Experimentalresults 6 222 7 90 In this section, we present and compare the results of the 8 90 reconstructionwithandwithoutusinganyactivityrecognition 9 33.9 cues.Wecalculatetheerrorbetweenthereconstructedpathand 10 96.2 thetruepathbydiscretizingthetruepathwithequallyspaced 11 96.2 points on the path, and consider either path as a finite set of points.Weuseasymmetricerrorcriterionbetweentwopoint (5) walkforthreelapsonarectangleofsize24m×13m; sets P and Q, proposed in [37]. The well-known Euclidean (6) walk for three laps on a rectangle of size 24 m × 13 m, distanced(p,q ):R3×R3 →R(cid:2)0oftheithpointintheset i j stoppingatthemidpointofthelongerside; Pwiththepositionvectorp = (p ,p ,p )T tothe jthpoint i xi yi zi (7) walkforthreelapsonarectangleofsize9m×6m; q = (q ,q ,q )T insetQisgivenby j xj yj zj (8) walk for three laps on a rectangle of size 9 m × 6 m, (cid:8) stoppingatthemidpointofthelongerside; d(p,q )= (p −q )2+(p −q )2+(p −q )2, i j xi xj yi yj zi zj (9) walkforthreelapsonacircleofdiameter3.6m,stopping (11) eachtimeattheendpointsofthediameter; (10) walkforonelaponarectilinearpolygon; where i ∈ {1,...,N1} and j ∈ {1,...,N2}. In [37], we (11) walkforonelaponarectilinearpolygon,stoppingatthree consider and compare three different metrics to measure differentpoints. the similarity between two sets of points, each with certain advantagesanddisadvantages.Inthiswork,weusethemost Thetotalpathlengthsoftheseexperimentsaretabulated favourable of them to measure the closeness or similarity intable1.These11experimentsareperformedbyfourmale betweenthesetsPandQ: andfourfemalesubjects,whoseages,heightsandweightsare 1 presentedintable2. E = (P−Q) Before starting the experiments, an ‘alignment reset’ is ⎛ 2 ⎞ performedoneachsensorunittoresetthecoordinateframes ×⎝1 (cid:9)N1 min{d(p,q )}+ 1 (cid:9)N2 min{d(p,q )}⎠. stoucthhethuatnittheopienriatitaolro(rtiheanttaitsi,onthetrainnsiftioarlmoartiieonntactoiornresopuotnpdust N1 i=1 qj∈Q i j N2 j=1 pi∈P i j is I3×3 in the direction cosine matrix mode, q = 1 in the (12) quaternion output mode or zero Euler angles in the Euler Accordingtothiscriterion,wetakeintoaccountallpointsin angleoutputmode),andthezaxesareintheverticaldirection. the two sets and find the distance of every point in the set The top views of the global, local navigation and the sensor PtothenearestpointinthesetQandaveragethem,andvice coordinateframesbeforeandimmediatelyafterthealignment versa. The two terms in equation (12) are also averaged, so reset are shown in figure 4. Note that before the alignment thatthecriterionissymmetricwithrespecttoPandQ. 9

Feb 26, 2013 Inertial sensors are characterized by a drift error caused by the integration of . with a heuristic drift elimination procedure described in [18].
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