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containMesopotamianUmma,Ur,LagashandErechaswellas allthecitiesalongtheroadstotheLevant. Sargon,whostartedhiscareerastributecollector,knowsas wellasanyPharaohorLugalwhatthewormdoesbest.Iteats Against His-story, Against tribute,notonlytofeedtheLugalandhisEnsis,whonowhave Leviathan Semitic names, but above all to feed the increasingly violent gods in the Temple, gods as dead as the Leviathan itself, and justashungry. *** Fredy Perlman The feats and fates of Urukagina, Lugalzaggizi and Sargon arethesubjectofwhatwecall“history.”MaryJaneShoultzhas demystified the word. When we speak of real History, of His- story,wemeanHis-story.Itisanexclusivemasculineaffair.If womenmaketheirappearanceinit,theydosowearingarmor andwieldingaphallusshape.Suchwomenaremasculine. The whole affair revolves around phallus shapes: the spear, the arrow, the Zigguat, the Obelisk, the dagger, and of course later the bullet and the missile. All these objects are pointed, andthey’reallmadetopenetrateandkill.TheMesopotamian ZigguatandtheEgyptianObeliskman-mademountainswhich point at the sky, forecast the day when males will tear the at- mosphere’sozonelayerandpropelthemselvestoairlessspaces whereonceonlygodsflew. Many, from Euripides to Bachofen, Shoultz, Grass and Turner, will ask why His-story is so exclusively masculine. Theywillrememberthestud-likecharacterofthehumanmale in the state of nature and will wonder if the Leviathanic feats thatconstituteHis-storyarethemale’srevenge. WiththeriseoftheLeviathans,womenaredebased,domes- ticated,abusedandinstrumentalized,andthenscribesproceed to erase the memory that women were ever important. Dia- mond says that literacy, which Shoultz calls Maleliteracy, is ideallysuitedtoerasethepastfrommemory.Intheoldcommu- 1983 nities, what one elder forgot another was likely to remember, 56 whichhisSemitic-speakingsubjectstranslateasKingofKings andLordofLords. But the days of even this Almighty are numbered. Just as SumerianspeakersarenolongerallpriestsandEnsis,Semitic speakers are no longer all zeks. By way of marriage, physical prowess or toadying, grandchildren of zeks are in the palace and in the Temple. Those in the Temple presume to give the names of long-forgotten Semitic deities to the Sumerian gods, give the vulgar name Ishtar to the daughter of the Moon. Sumerian-speaking priests no longer seem to care; many of them must know that the Sumerian gods are no longer anything more than names. Besides, many of the brothers of the Semitic-speaking priests are Ensis — so many, in fact, that it would be imprudent to insist that Ishtar’s real name is Inanna. Furthermore, in the outlying cities along the road from Sumer to the Levant and the Sinai, there are not only Semitic-speaking Ensis but even a few who presume to the officeofLugal.SuchaoneisSargontheAkkadian. Sargon is Sumerian in everything but his language. He ap- parently began his career as an Ensi to the Lugal of Ur, for whomhecollectedtributefromaLevantineprovince.WhenUr felltoLugalzaggizi,SargonnamedhisprovinceAddadandas- sumedthepostofLugal.HehasbeenobservingLugalzaggizi’s fat Leviathan, something we will call an Empire, for a whole generation. Suddenly he figures out something that even Lu- galzaggizi doesn’t know; his scribes say Ishtar told it to him. Sargonknowsthatthephallus-headoftheLeviathanisforall thepowerful,notonlySumerian-speakingpowerful. All the powerful who have felt the least bit slighted find a champion in Sargon. Following Lugalzaggizi’s lead, he cap- tures his mentor and sweeps through the cities that gave rise tothefirstLeviathans. A single Leviathan, as long as the Nile and several times wider,nowsprawlsovertheentireFertileCrescent.Itsentrails 55 ThefirstUrlugalpresumedtoknowthehierarchyofthegods andgotawaywithhispresumptionbecausethegodswereal- readyweakanddying. Urukaginadoesn’tgetaway,becausethesegmentheattacks, Contents althoughbydefinitiondead,isnotweak.Retributiontakesthe form of an invasion from Umma. Urukagina is swept out of officebyLugalzaggiziofUmma.Urukaginaiskilled,soarehis liberalEnsisandmostoftheirzeks,andLagashisrazedtothe 1 5 ground. 2 21 The town of Umma is not known either for its power or itscourage,anditdoesn’tsuddenlyacquirethesequalities.Its 3 40 strongmanLugalzaggizidoesnotinvadeLagashwithUmma’s forces.The necessary forcesas wellas the technology needed 4 64 for an invasion are in the segment Urukagina attacked. Lu- galzaggiziistheinstrumentofthereformer’sdownfallnotbe- 5 81 cause he champions the powerful, but also because he knows somethingUrukaginadidnotknow. 6 94 Lugalzaggizi understands that the head of Leviathan is not 7 101 whereitwasayearoragenerationago,norwhereUrukagina thinksitoughttobe.JustastheLugal’sgodisalwaysthegod 8 108 in the phallus-shaped Ziggurat, so the Leviathan’s most pow- erful segment is always its head. Such is Leviathanic justice, 9 122 and Lugalzaggizi, not Urukagina, is the true champion of the worm. 10 134 Lugalzaggizi’schampioningofthepowerfulgiveshimallies inallofSumer’scities.Perhapstheyareallbesetbyreformers 11 146 nostalgicforanearlierLeviathanicorder.Lugalzaggizi’sforces 12 157 overrunallofthem. Before all the corpses are buried, Lugalzaggizi is Lugal of 13 165 Umma, Lgash, Ur and Erech. His scribes describe him as the Man of Erech, the One and Only. The Tigris-Euphrates valley 14 180 is occupied by a single Leviathan. Sumer is one for the first time. The worm has eaten all its predecessors. Lugalzaggizi’s 15 201 scribesalsodescribehimastheLugalofLugals,anexpression 16 215 54 3 17 233 Abusinessmanisahumanbeingwhoselivinghumanityhas been thoroughly excavated. He is by definition a person who 18 251 thrivesin,andon,theLeviathan’smaterialentrails.Peoplere- ducedtothingsareamongsttheobjectsinthebeast’sentrails 19 264 andareobviouslyfairgametothishunterofprofits.Thebusi- nessman’saxiom,longbeforeAdamSmithwillpublicizeit,is: 20 288 Everymanforhimselfandthegodsagainstall. 21 306 We’vealreadyseenhowtheSumerianbusinessmanreduced a community of foreigners to debtors, then defaulters, finally 22 323 zeks. He now applies the same economic wisdom to foreign- ers inside Sumer, and at last he stops distinguishing between 23 339 foreignersandSumerians. The reduction goes so far that by the time of the reign of 24 362 Urukagina, even the Lugal is bothered by it. And this Lugal decidestodosomethingaboutit,oratleastpublishesatablet statingsuchanintention. This Urukagina, who assumes the office of Lugal of Lagash at a time when his southern neighbors have already adorned the banks of the Nile with the first pyramids, may not be the first reformer. He’s the first documented reformer. He is the first of many who will put the wellbeing of the entire worm aheadofthewellbeingofasegment.Hecanseethatthegreedy profit-seekers,whoareameresectionofthewhole,havebeen distortingthecadaverscoherence,itsveryabilitytomove,by eatingupallitsentrails.Heproclaimsthatthevipers“shallnot gather fruit in the poor man’s garden,” they shall not reduce Sumerianstozeks. By placing the welfare of the entire worm above that of its swelledsegment,thisreformingLugal,likemanyofhisliberal successors, unleashes forces which overwhelm him. Relying on his memory of earlier stages of the worm’s existence, he presumes to know the best, or most just, arrangement of the worm’ssegments. 4 53 off with it. There’s still a human face below the mask, just as there’sstillapotentiallyfreebodybelowthearmor,butmerely airingthemtakesalmostsuperhumaneffort. And as if all this weren’t bad enough, something starts to 1 happentotheindividual’sinnerlife,hisecstasy.Thisstartsto dryup.Justastheformercommunity’slivingspiritsshriveled and died when they were confined to the Temple, so the individual’sspiritshrivelsanddiesinsidethearmor.Hisspirit Andwearehereasonadarklingplain can breathe in a closed jar no better than the god could. It Sweptwithconfusedalarmsofstruggleandflight suffocates. And as the Life inside him shrivels it leaves a Whereignorantarmiesclashbynight.(M.Arnold) growing vacuum. The yawning abyss is filled as quickly as it Hereonecanneitherstandnorlienorsit empties, but not by ecstasy, not by living spirits. The empty Thereisnotevensilenceinthemountains spaceisfilledwithspringsandwheels,withdeadthings,with Butdrysterilethunderwithoutrain…(T.S.Eliot) Leviathan’ssubstance. *** The darkling plain is here. This is the waste land: England, America,Russia,China,Israel,France… The once-free human being increasingly becomes what Andwearehereasvictims,orasspectators,orasperpetra- Hobbes will think he is. The armor once worn on the outside tors of tortures, massacres, poisonings, manipulations, despo- wrapsitselfaroundtheindividual’sinsides.Themaskbecomes liations. the individual’s face. Or as we will say, the constraint is in- HicRhodus!Thisistheplacetojump,theplacetodance!This ternalized. The ecstatic life, the freedom, shrinks to a mere isthewilderness!Wasthereeveranyother?Thisissavagery! potentiality.Andpotentiality,Sartrewillpointout,isnothing. Doyoucallitfreedom?Thisisbarbarism!Thestruggleforsur- This reduction is most visible in the cities of Sumer, vival is right here. Haven’t we always known it? Isn’t this a Leviathans which are amazingly modern in this respect as publicsecret?Hasn’titalwaysbeenthebigpublicsecret? well.ItbecomessovisiblethattheSumeriansthemselvesstart Itremainsasecret.Itispubliclyknownbutnotavowed.Pub- to notice it. It is not the increasingly stupefying ritualization liclythewildernessiselsewhere,barbarismisabroad,savagery of the Temple’s activities that bothers them, nor even the isonthefaceoftheother.Thedrysterilethunderwithoutrain, evermore noticeable inner emptiness of the Ensis and their the confused alarms of struggle and flight, are projected out- families. All this seems to be accepted as a consequence that ward, into the great unknown, across the seas and over the follows the need for a dependable supply of water and zeks. mountains.We’reonthesidewiththeangels. What bothers them is that descendants of the first Sumerians are themselves being reduced to zeks. The main instrument Ashapewithlionbodyandtheheadofaman, of this reduction is trade, or as we will call it, business. The Agazeblankandpitilessasthesun, Sumerian city, more than any other early Leviathan, is a Ismovingitsslowthighs…(W.B.Yeats) heavenforbusinessmen. 52 5 …ismovingitsslowthighsagainsttheprojectedwilderness, worm’s segments, become increasingly like the springs and against the reflected barbarism, against the savage face that wheelstheyoperate,somuchsothatsometimelatertheywill looks out of the pond, its motion emptying the pond, rending appearasnothingbutspringsandwheels.Theyneverbecome itsbanks,leavinganaridcraterwheretherewaslife. altogetherreducedtoautomata;Hobbesandhissuccessorswill InawonderfullylucidbooktitledBeyondGeography,abook regretthis. which also goes beyond history, beyond technology, beyond Peopleneverbecomealtogetheremptyshells.Aglimmerof civilization,FrederickW.Turner(nottobeconfusedwithFred- liferemainsinthefacelessEnsisandzekswhoseemmorelike erick Jackson Turner, the frontiersman’s advocate) draws the springsandwheelsthanlikehumanbeings.Theyarepotential curtainandfloodsthestagewithlight. humanbeings.Theyare,afterall,thelivingbeingsresponsible Others drew the curtain before Turner; they’re the ones for the cadaver’s coming to life, they are the ones who repro- who made the secret public: Toynbee, Drinnon, Jennings, duce,weanandmovetheLeviathan.Itslifeisbutaborrowed Camatte,Debord,Zerzanamongcontemporarieswhoselights life;itneitherbreathesnorbreeds;itisnotevenalivingpara- I’veborrowed;Melville,Thoreau,Blake,Rousseau,Montaigne, site;itisanexcretionandtheyaretheoneswhoexcreteit. LasCasasamongpredecessors;LaoTzeaslongagoaswritten The compulsive and compulsory reproduction of the ca- memorycanreach. daver’s life is the subject of more than one essay. Why do Turner borrows the lights of human communities beyond peopledoit?Thisisthegreatmysteryofcivilizedlife. civilization’s ken to see beyond geography. He sees with the Itisnotenoughtosaythatpeopleareconstrained.Thefirst eyesofthedispossessedofthisoncebeautifulworldthatrests capturedzeksmaydoitonlybecausetheyarephysicallycon- onaturtle’sback,thisdoublecontinentwhosepondsemptied, strained, but physical constraint no longer explains why the whosebankswererent,whoseforestsbecamearidcratersfrom children of zeks stick to their levers. It’s not that constraint thedayitwasnamedAmerica. vanishes. It doesn’t. Labor is always forced labor. But some- thing else happens, something that supplements the physical …avastimageoutofSpiritusMundi constraint. Troublesmysight… Atfirsttheimposedtaskistakenonasaburden.Thenewly capturedzekknowsthatheisnotaditch-repairman,heknows Focusingontheimage,Yeatsasked, that he is a free Canaanite filled to the brim with ecstatic life, for he still feels the spirits of the Levantine mountains and Andwhatroughbeast,itshourcomeroundatlast, foreststhrobbinginsidehim.Theditch-fixingissomethinghe SlouchestowardBethlehemtobeborn? takes on to keep from being slaughtered; it is something he merelywears,likeaheavyarmororanuglymask.Heknows ThevisionisascleartoTurnerasitwastoYeats: hewillthrowoffthearmorassoonastheEnsi’sbackisturned. But the tragedy of it is that the longer he wears the armor, Thedarknessdropsagain;butnowIknow the less able he is to remove it. The armor sticks to his body. Thattwentycenturiesofstonysleep The mask becomes glued to his face. Attempts to remove the Werevexedtonightmarebyarockingcradle. mask become increasingly painful, for the skin tends to come 6 51 deities, but it seems they cannot support Leviathans any bet- Seers of old returned to share their visions with their com- terthanpeoplesupportplagues;godsareamongthecadaver’s munities,justaswomensharedtheircornandmentheirhunt. firstvictims;thebeastisdeicidal. Butthereisnocommunity.Theverymemoryofcommunity The death of Egypt’s gods is recorded. After two or three isafoggedimageoutofSpiritusMundi. generationsofPharaoh’sprotection,thefiguresontheTemple Theseerofnowpourshisvisiononsheetsofpaper,onbanks walls and pillars no longer jump or fly; they no longer even ofaridcraterswherearmoredbulliesstandguardanddemand breathe.They’redead.They’relifelesscopiesoftheearlier,still the password, Positive Evidence. No vision can pass by their living figures. The copyists are exact, we would say pedantic; gates. The only song that passes is a song gone as dry and ca- they seem to think that faithful copying of the originals will daverousasthefossilsinthesands. bringlifetothecopies. Turner, himself a guard, a professor, has the courage of a A similar death and decomposition must pale the songs Bartolomé de Las Casas. He storms the gates, refuses to give and ceremonies as well. What was once joyful celebration, thepassword,andhesings,herants,healmostdances. self-abandon, orgiastic communion with the beyond, shrinks The armor comes off. Even if it is not merely worn like tolifelessritual,officialceremonyledbytheheadofStateand clothes or masks, even if it is glued to face and body, even his officials. It all becomes theater, and it is all staged. It is if skin and flesh must be yanked off with it, the armor does no longer for sharing but for show. And it no longer enlarges comeoff. the participant, who now becomes a mere spectator. He feels Of late, many have been storming the gates. Only recently diminished, intimidated, awed by the power of Pharaoh’s one sang that the net of factories and mines was the Gulag household. Archipelagoandallworkerswerezeks(namelyconscripts,in- Our painting, music, dance, everything we call Art, will be mates,laborgangmembers).AnothersangthattheNazislost heirs of the moribund spiritual. What we call Religion will be thewarbuttheirneworderdidn’t.Rantersarelegionnow.Isit another dead heir, but at such a high stage of decomposition abouttorain?Isitthetwilightofanewdawn?Orisitthetwi- thatitsonce-livingsourcecannolongerbedivined. lightinwhichMinerva’sowlcanseebecausedayisalldone? *** *** Turner,Toynbeeandothersarefocusingonthebeastthatis While the ecstasy of the former living community lan- destroyingtheonlyknownhomeoflivingbeings. guishes within the Temple and suffers a slow and painful Turner subtitles his book, “The Western Spirit against the death, the human beings outside the Temple’s precincts but Wilderness.” By Western Spirit he means the attitude or pos- inside the State’s lose their inner ecstasy. The spirit shrivels ture, the soul or spirit of Western Civilization, known nowa- upinsidethem.Theybecomenearlyemptyshells.We’veseen daysasCivilization. that this happens even in Leviathans that set out, at least TurnerdefinesWildernessthesamewaytheWesternSpirit initially,toresistsuchashrinkage. definesit,exceptthatthetermispositiveforTurner,negative Asthegenerationspass,theindividualswithinthecadaver’s fortheWesternSpirit:WildernessembracesallofNatureand entrails,theEnsiaswellasthezeks,theoperatorsofthegreat allthehumancommunitiesbeyondCivilization’sken. 50 7 InAStudyofHistory,ArnoldToynbeeexpressedenthusiasm and Technology, for the Leviathan itself, have not been born forhistoryandforcivilization.Afterseeingtheriseandfallof yet. Perhaps the cities of Sumer, amazingly secular cities, the Nazi Third Order and all the refinements it brought in its already contain precursors of modern progressives, but even train,Toynbeelosthisenthusiasm.Heexpressedthislossina therethegodintheZigguratcomesfirst. bookcalledMankindandMotherEarth.Thevisioninthisbook InEgyptthereisnotevenaglimmerofprogressiveenlight- iskintoTurner’s:MankindisrendingMotherEarthasunder. enment,andtherewon’tbeforatleastahundredgenerations. Toynbee’stermMankindembracestheWesternspiritaswell There the aim of all violence, of the capture of foreigners, of asthehumancommunitiesbeyondCivilization’sken,andhis therendingofcommunities,istopreservetheoldcommunity, MotherEarthembracesalllife. to defend Life against the great cadaver. All the killing of the I’llborrowToynbee’stermMotherEarth.She’sthefirstpro- raids,invasionsandwarsissacrificialkilling.Itisdoneforthe tagonist. She’s alive, she’s life itself. She conceives and births sakeofLife,forthesakeofthespiritsoftheanimals,theplants, everything that grows. Many call her Nature. Christians call theriver,theunderworldandthesky. herWilderness.Toynbee’sothernameforherisBiosphere.She Buttheworldofthespiritsshrinks,asithadinSumer,and isthedryland,thewaterandtheearthenvelopingourplanet. becomes confined to the Temple, which in Egypt is also the She’sthesolehabitatoflivingbeings.Toynbeedescribesheras Pharaoh’shousehold. athin,delicateskin,nohigherthanplanescanflyandnolower UnfortunatelyfortheEgyptians,Lifecannotbepreservedin thanminescanbedug.Limestone,coalandoilarepartofher asealedjar.Itatrophies,andatlastitdies. substance, they are matter that once lived. She selectively fil- This sad, slow death can be seen in Egypt’s paintings, its tersradiationfromthesun,preciselyinsuchawayastokeep sculptures,initslore,initsshrines. life from burning. Toynbee calls her an excrescence,a halo or The earliest painters and sculptors clearly still breathe the rust on the planet’s surface, and he speculates that there may airofthecommunityPharaoh’shouseholdintendstopreserve benootherBiospheres. intact. These people are still in touch with women who leave Toynbee says Mankind, human beings, in other words We, their bodies and visit the underworld, with men who extend have grown very powerful, more powerful than any other themselves toward the sky and fly, with people who actually living beings, and at last more powerful than the Biosphere. speaktotheJackalandtheIbex,forthegodsstillminglewith Mankind has the power to wreck the delicate crust, and is thepeople.Pharaoh’searlycraftsmenstillknowsuchseers,but doingit. notmany,andthenextgenerationknowsevenfewer. Therearemanywaystospeakofatrap.Itcanbedescribed There are still seers who have visions and revelations, but from the standpoint of the self-balancing environment, of the who knows what foreigners inspired them? Ultimately only trapper, of the trapped animal. It can even be described from Pharaoh’s visions can be trusted, and Pharaoh takes care to thestandpointofthetrapitself,namelyfromtheobjective,sci- confinehimselftothevisionsoftheoldones. entific,technologicalstandpoint. Thegodsstopminglingwiththepeoplefromthedaywhen ThereareasmanywaystospeakofthewreckingoftheBio- Pharaohundertakes todefend andpreservethe gods.And de- sphere.Fromthestandpointofasingleprotagonist,Earthher- spiteallPharaoh’sefforts,thegodsdie.Isuspectitisbecauseof self, it can be said that She is committing suicide. With two hiseffortsthattheydie.Idon’tpresumetoknowmuchabout 8 49 accord,sublimelybeautifulwallsandpillarsandshrines,with protagonists, Mankind and Mother Earth, it can be said that surfaces covered by sculptured and painted motifs rich with WearemurderingHer.Thoseofuswhoacceptthisstandpoint meaningtoeveryoneontheNile. andsquirmwithshamemightwishwewerewhales.Butthose But a permanent division of labor is compulsory simply by ofuswhotakethestandpointofthetrappedanimalwilllook being permanent, and compulsion is soon as common on the forathirdprotagonist. banks of the Nile as on those of the Tigris. What was done Toynbee’s protagonist, Mankind, is too diffuse. It embraces voluntarily by one generation is expected of the next, and is allcivilizationsandalsoallcommunitiesbeyondCivilization’s imposed.Egyptisnolongeraplacewherepeopleshareways; ken.Yetthecommunities,asToynbeehimselfshows,coexisted itisnowaplacewheresomeimposelawsonothers.Wayswere withotherbeingsforthousandsofgenerationswithoutdoing alwayslivingways;lawsarenotwaysoffreepeople.Lawsare the Biosphere any harm. They are not the trappers but the Leviathan’sways. trapped. ThetasksperformedforPharaoharenotfreelychosen;they Who, then, is the wrecker of the Biosphere? Turner points areimposedtasks,forcedlabor. attheWesternSpirit.Thisistheherowhopitshimselfagainst Andlikealivingwormthatreconstitutesitselffromamere theWilderness,whocallsforawarofexterminationbySpirit segment, a complete Leviathan is excreted by the Pharaoh’s againstNature,SoulagainstBody,TechnologyagainsttheBio- household. The builders and craftsmen are no longer invited. sphere,CivilizationagainstMotherEarth,godagainstall. Pharaoh now leads armies northward to Sinai and the Lev- Marxists point at the Capitalist mode of production, some- ant,southwardtoNubia.Hereturnswithcaptives.Heimposes timesonlyattheCapitalistclass.AnarchistspointattheState. heavy tribute on those not captured and leaves tribute collec- CamattepointsatCapital.NewRanterspointatTechnologyor tors in distant garrisons. Like the Lugal, he now has scribes Civilizationorboth. who keep track of the tribute, and he sends punitive expedi- If Toynbee’s protagonist, Mankind, is too diffuse, many of tions. theothersaretoonarrow. Pharaohtoohasanartificialmemorynow,adatabankaswe The Marxists see only the mote in the enemy’s eye. They willcallit.Hisscribeshavedevisedascriptoftheirownashave supplant their villain with a hero, the Anti-capitalist mode of scribes in distant Mohenjo Daro on the Indus. The characters production, the Revolutionary Establishment. They fail to see and the materials are different, but the aim is the same. And thattheirheroistheverysame“shapewithlionbodyandthe Pharaoh’s scribes, like the Lugal’s, have devised an artificial head of a man, a gaze blank and pitiless as the sun.” They fail year,acalendar,theearliestformofclock,tobeabletoforesee to see that the Anti-capitalist mode of production wants only thedayswhenthetributecropsturnripe. tooutrunitsbrotherinwreckingtheBiosphere. Howsad!Allthisisbeingdonetoprotecttheoldwaysfrom AnarchistsareasvariedasMankind.Therearegovernmen- theonslaughtofabeastwith“agazeblankandpitilessasthe talandcommercialAnarchistsaswellasafewforhire.Some sun.” All this is being done for the sake of the spirits of the Anarchists differ from Marxists only in being less informed. valley,fortheancientcommunity’sgods. They would supplant the state with a network computer cen- We must remember that enlightened progressives who ters, factories and mines coordinated “by the workers them- woulddoallthisforthesakeofproductiveforces,forScience 48 9 selves” or by an Anarchist union. They would not call this ar- Persianplains,there’sMariandEblaandothersintheLevant, rangementaState.Thename-changewouldexorcizethebeast. and there’s talk of a Guti Leviathan somewhere in the moun- Camatte,theNewRantersandTurnertreatthevillainsofthe tains.Thebravefighterssucceedindefeatingonlythemselves. MarxistsandAnarchistsasmereattributesoftherealprotago- *** nist.Camattegivesthemonsterabody;henamesthemonster Capital,borrowingthetermfromMarxbutgivingitanewcon- Thosewhowallthemselvesinfallintoasimilartrap. tent. He promises to describe the monster’s origin and trajec- Communitiesbuiltwallsbefore,atJerichoforexample.But torybuthasnotyetdoneso.TheNewRantershaveborrowed they built a wall once. Wall-building was not an institution lightsfromL.Mumford,J.Ellulandothersbuthavenot,tomy among them. The hostiles camped outside were not Urlugal’s knowledge,gonefurtherthanCamatte. undying army. They were another community who either Turner goes further. His aim is to describe only the mon- moved to another site, or who found husbands and wives ster’s spirit, but he knows it is the monster’s body that amongthoseofJericho,andceasedbeinghostiles. destroys the bodies of human communities and the body of Thisisnolongerthesituationfacedbythebuildersofwalls Mother Earth. He says much about the monster’s origin and onthebanksoftheNile,bythoseraisingthewalledMohenjo trajectory, and he speaks often of its armor. But it is beyond Daro on the banks of the Indus, by those who would slightly hisaimtonamethemonsterordescribeitsbody. laterenclosethemselvesinfortressesinCentralAnatolia. Itismyaimtospeakofthebeast’sbody.Foritdoeshavea TheLeviathanicintrudersarenotcommunitiesoffreemor- body,amonstrousbody,abodythathasbecomemorepowerful tals. They are emissaries from something that neither leaves than the Biosphere. It may be a body without any life of its nor dies. Even their memories are not human but are stones own. It may be a dead thing, a huge cadaver. It may move its carriedinpouches.Jericho’swallswillnolongerdo.Thewalls slow thighs only when living beings inhabit it. Nevertheless, have to be high and strong, and they have to be repaired as itsbodyiswhatdoesthewrecking. oftenastheditchesofErech. If the Biosphere is an excrescence on the planet’s surface, The seasons pass and the generations pass, yet the walls thebeastthatiswreckingherisalsoanexcrescence.TheEarth- muststillbemaintained.Andmaintainedtheyare,generation wreckerisarustorhaloonthesurfaceofahumancommunity. aftergeneration. It is not excreted by every community, by Mankind. Toynbee The seeress who dreamt of the need for these walls has ex- himselfputstheblameonatinyminority,onveryfewcommu- periencedherlastimportantvision.Fromthatdayonherkin nities.Perhapsthecadaverousbeastwasexcretedbyonlyone havepaidherscantyattention;they’vebeenhoveringaround communityamongthemyriads. her brother, Pharaoh, who in his person combines the offices ofSumerianpriestandSumerianLugal. *** Wallscannotbepermanentlymaintainedwithatemporary The cadaverous beast excreted by a human community is divisionoflabor.Atfirstfreecultivatorsofthesoilareinvited young,itisatmosttwoorthreehundredgenerationsold.Be- to help build the walls, in exchange for stimulating visions as fore turning to it, I’ll glance at human communities, for they well as grain plundered by Pharaoh’s men from other cultiva- aremucholder,theyarethousandsofgenerationsold. tors. And the free peasants do build, apparently of their own 10 47

not begin with Civilization-builders, say with Sumerians who . Others drew the curtain before Turner; they're the ones eyes of the dispossessed of this once beautiful world that rests Yet the Leviathan does have a biography, an artificial one His-story is born with Ur, with the first Leviathan. B
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