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3G CDMA2000 Wireless System Engineering PDF

280 Pages·2004·1.831 MB·English
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3G CDMA2000 Wireless System Engineering ForalistingofrecenttitlesintheArtechHouse MobileCommunicationsLibrary,turntothebackofthisbook. 3G CDMA2000 Wireless System Engineering Samuel C. Yang Artech House, Inc. Boston • London www.artechhouse.com LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheU.S.LibraryofCongress. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Yang,SamuelC. 3GCDMA2000wirelesssystemengineering.—(ArtechHousemobilecommunications library) 1.Wirelesscommunicationsystems. 2.Codedivisionmultipleaccess I.Title 621.3'845 ISBN 1-58053-757-x CoverdesignbyYekaterinaRatner ©2004ARTECHHOUSE,INC. 685CantonStreet Norwood,MA02062 Allrightsreserved.PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesofAmerica.Nopartofthisbook maybereproducedorutilizedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,includ- ing photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permissioninwritingfromthepublisher. Alltermsmentionedinthisbookthatareknowntobetrademarksorservicemarkshave beenappropriatelycapitalized.ArtechHousecannotattesttotheaccuracyofthisinforma- tion.Useofaterminthisbookshouldnotberegardedasaffectingthevalidityofanytrade- markorservicemark. InternationalStandardBookNumber:1-58053-757-x 10987654321 TomywifeJennyandmysonDaniel . Contents Preface xiii Acknowledgments xvii CHAPTER 1 Introduction to 3G CDMA 1 1.1 ThirdGenerationSystems 1 1.2 ProtocolArchitecture 2 1.3 OtherElementsofProtocolArchitecture 3 1.4 SpreadingRate1andSpreadingRate3 5 1.5 DifferencesBetweenIS-2000andIS-95 7 1.5.1 Signaling 7 1.5.2 Transmission 8 1.5.3 ConcludingRemarks 8 References 9 CHAPTER 2 Physical Layer: Forward Link 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 RadioConfigurations 14 2.3 SignalingChannels 15 2.3.1 ForwardDedicatedControlChannel(F-DCCH) 15 2.3.2 QuickPagingChanel(F-QPCH) 16 2.3.3 ForwardCommonControlChannel(F-CCCH) 19 2.3.4 BroadcastControlChannel(F-BCCH) 20 2.3.5 CommonAssignmentChannel(F-CACH) 21 2.3.6 CommonPowerControlChannel(F-CPCCH) 22 2.3.7 PilotChannels 24 2.4 UserChannels 26 2.4.1 ForwardFundamentalChannel(F-FCH) 26 2.4.2 ForwardSupplementalChannel(F-SCH) 27 2.5 ChannelStructure 31 2.6 Modulation 32 2.7 CapacityGain:ForwardLink 34 References 35 SelectedBibliography 35 vii viii Contents CHAPTER 3 Physical Layer: Reverse Link 37 3.1 Introduction 37 3.2 RadioConfigurations 39 3.3 SignalingChannels 40 3.3.1 ReverseDedicatedControlChannel(R-DCCH) 40 3.3.2 ReverseCommonControlChannel(R-CCCH) 41 3.3.3 EnhancedAccessChannel(R-EACH) 42 3.3.4 ReversePilotChannel(R-PICH) 45 3.4 UserChannels 49 3.4.1 ReverseFundamentalChannel(R-FCH) 50 3.4.2 ReverseSupplementalChannel(R-SCH) 50 3.5 ChannelStructure 50 3.6 Modulation 51 3.7 CapacityGain:ReverseLink 52 References 53 SelectedBibliography 53 CHAPTER 4 Medium Access Control 55 4.1 Introduction 55 4.2 Primitives 55 4.3 MultiplexSublayers 57 4.4 RadioLinkProtocol(RLP) 60 4.4.1 OverviewofLayer2Protocols 60 4.4.2 llustrationoftheRLP 61 4.4.3 ConcludingRemarks 62 4.5 SignalingRadioBurstProtocol(SRBP) 63 4.6 SystemAccess 64 4.6.1 BasicAccessMode 65 4.6.2 ReservationAccessMode 65 4.6.3 PowerControlledAccessMode 67 4.6.4 DesignatedAccessMode 68 References 68 CHAPTER 5 Signaling Link Access Control 71 5.1 Introduction 71 5.2 LACSublayers 71 5.2.1 AuthenticationandAddressingSublayers 71 5.2.2 ARQSublayer 73 5.2.3 UtilitySublayer 73 5.2.4 SegmentationandReassemblySublayer 74 5.3 SublayerProcessing 74 5.3.1 CommonSignaling:ForwardLink 74 5.3.2 CommonSignaling:ReverseLink 76 5.3.3 DedicatedSignaling:ForwardLink 77

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