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Preview 3d-electron induced magnetic phase transition in half-metallic semi-Heusler alloys

submitted to Applied Physics Letters 3d-electron induced magnetic phase transition in half-metallic semi-Heusler alloys I. Galanakis∗ Department of Materials Science, School of Natural Sciences, University of Patras, GR-26504 Patra, Greece E. S¸a¸sıo˘glu† Institut fu¨r Festk¨orperforschung, Forschungszentrum Ju¨lich, D-52425 Ju¨lich, Germany and Fatih University, Physics Department, TR-34500, Bu¨yu¨kc¸ekmece, I˙stanbul, Turkey K. O¨zdo˘gan‡ 8 0 Department of Physics, Gebze Institute of Technology, Gebze, TR-41400, Kocaeli, Turkey 0 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 2 Westudytheeffectofthenon-magnetic3d atomsonthemagneticpropertiesofthehalf-metallic n (HM) semi-Heusler alloys Co1−xCuxMnSb and Ni1−xCuxMnSb (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) using first-principles a calculations. We determine the magnetic phase diagram of both systems at zero temperature and J obtainaphasetransitionfromaferromagnetictoanantiferromagneticstate. ForlowCuconcentra- 3 tionstheferromagneticRKKY-likeexchangemechanismisdominating,whiletheantiferromagnetic 1 superexchangecouplingbecomes important for larger Cu contentleading totheobserved magnetic phasetransition. AstrongdependenceofthemagnetisminbothsystemsonthepositionoftheFermi ] level within the HM gap is obtained. Obtained results are in good agreement with the available i c experimental data. s - PACSnumbers: 75.50.Cc,75.30.Et,71.15.Mb l r t m In half-metallic semi-Heusler alloys with the chemical change and the antiferromagnetic superexchange. . t formulaXMnZ,whereXisahigh-valenttransitionmetal a Purposeofthegivenworkistoinvestigatetheinfluence atom and Z a sp-element, the magnetization is usually m ofthenon-magnetic3d atomsonthemagneticproperties confinedtotheMnsublatticeandthetotalmagneticmo- - ofthe half-metallicsemi-Heusleralloys: Co1−xCuxMnSb nd mruelen.t1aAssdudmiteiosninaltleyg,etrhvealMuens-MginvednisbtyantcheeiSslartaetrh-ePraulalringge daniadgrNaim1−oxfCbuoxtMhnsSybs.teWmseadtetzeerrmointeemtpheermataugrne.etiIcnpahgarsee- o and thus the 3d states belonging to different Mn atoms ment with the experiments we obtain a phase transi- c do not overlap considerably. The ferromagnetism of the tion from a ferromagnetic to an antiferromagnetic state [ Mn moments stems from an indirect exchange interac- around x ≃ 0.8 and x ≃ 0.6 for the Co-based and 1 tion mediated by the conduction electrons. Therefore, Ni-based systems, respectively. The physical mecha- v themagneticpropertiesofthesesystemsstronglydepend nisms behind the magnetic phase transition is revealed. 8 on the non-magnetic 3d (X) and sp (Z) atoms. Early Theelectronicstructurecalculationsareperformedusing 6 measurements by Webster et. al., on several quaternary 9 the full-potentialnon-orthogonallocal-orbitalminimum- 1 HeusleralloysaswellasrecentstudiesofWalleet. al.,on basis band structure scheme (FPLO).9 . AuMnSn1−xSbx demonstrated the importance of the sp 1 electrons in establishing the magnetic properties.2,3 On We begin our discussion from the calculated mag- 0 netic moments. Fig. 1 presents the atom resolved the other hand, the importance of the non-magnetic 3d 8 atoms for the magnetism of Heusler alloys has been re- and total magnetic moments in Co1−xCuxMnSb and 0 : vealed recently by the experimental studies of Duong et. Ni1−xCuxMnSb as a function of the Cu content for the v al., andRenet. al.4,5 Theauthorshaveshownthe possi- ferromagnetic state. For comparison the Mn magnetic i moment corresponding to the antiferromagnetic state is X bilityoftuningtheCurietemperatureofCo1−xCuxMnSb given. As seen from Fig. 1, for x = 0 the correspond- r and Ni1−xCuxMnSb alloys by the substitution of Cu for a CoandNi, respectively. Furthermore,aphasetransition ing parent compounds are half-metallic with total in- fromaferromagnetictoanantiferromagneticstateis de- teger magnetic moments of 3µB and 4µB for CoMnSb and NiMnSb, respectively. As the Cu concentration tectedinbothsystemsclosetothestoichiometriccompo- sition (x∼1). To reveal the nature of the magnetism in increases the total spin magnetic moment follows the Slater-Pauling rule up to x ≃ 0.6 (x ≃ 0.2) for the Co- the Mn-based Heusler alloys S¸a¸sıo˘glu et. al., performed based(Ni-based)systemandthenitbecomesalmostcon- systematicfirst-principlescalculationsfocusingonthein- stant. Thus the half-metallicity is retained up to these fluence of the sp-electrons on the magnetic characteris- particular values of the Cu concentration. This can also tics. The authors interpreted the obtained results using the Anderson s-d mixing model8 and showed that the be seen from the total density of states (DOS) shown in Fig.3wheretheFermilevelcrossthespinminoritystates complex magnetic behavior of the Mn-based Heusler al- forthe correspondingvaluesofx. Furthermore,the vari- loys can be described in terms of the competition of two exchangemechanisms: the ferromagneticRKKY-likeex- ation of the total magnetic moment is around 1.25µB in the Co-based systems which mainly comes from the Mn 2 )Β 000...468 Co1-xCuxMnSb CCS b ou (NNii)1-xCuxMnSb eV) 450000 CNoi11--xxCCuuxxMMnnSSbb nduction electronµ)n polarization (Β---0000....100204771 µment ( 0.20 (mFM] 230000 Cospi 0 0C.2onc0e.n4tra0t.i6on (0x.)8 1 o E[ agnetic m -0.25 E - [AFM] 1000 AFMFM m 4.5 n -100 pi 4 S -200 3.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Mn Mn (AFM) Concentration (x) 3 Total 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 FIG.2: (Coloronline)Groundstatemagneticphasediagram Concentration (x) Concentration (x) and total energy differences between AFM and FM configu- rationsoftheMnmagneticmomentsinCo1−xCuxMnSband Ni1−xCuxMnSbasafunctionoftheCuconcentration(x). In FIG. 1: (Color online) Calculated atom-resolved and total theinsetweshowthetotalspinpolarizationoftheconduction spinmoments(inµB)inCo1−xCuxMnSbandNi1−xCuxMnSb electrons of X (Co, Ni, Cu) and Z (Sb) atoms as a function asafunctionoftheCuconcentration(x). Theatom-resolved of the Cu content. spin moments for Co(Ni) and Cu have been scaled to one atom. Solid lines represent theSlater-Pauling rule.1 superexchange. Note that a detailed discussion of the and Co atoms, whereas this is rather small (≃ 0.25µB) exchangemechanisminlocalmomentsystemsandappli- cationstodifferentsystemscanbefoundinRefs. 10and in Ni-based systems. The behavior of the induced mo- 11. Here we will give the expressions for both exchange ments in Cu and Sb atoms only weakly depends on the couplings in q→0 limit for the analysis of the obtained x concentration. It should be noted that as seen from results. For q = 0 he RKKY-like coupling takes a sim- Fig. 1 the Mn moment is insensitive to the magnetic or- der revealing the localized nature of magnetism in HM ple form which is JRKKY(0)=V4D(ǫF)/Eh2, where V is the coupling between the Mn 3d levels and the conduc- semi-Heusler alloys and justifying the use of Anderson s-d model in the interpretation of the results obtained tion electron states. The mixing interaction V induces a spin polarization in the conduction electron sea, and from first-principles. the propagation of this polarization gives rise to an ef- In order to confirm the experimentally observed mag- fective indirect exchange coupling between distant mag- neticphasetransitionwecalculatethetotalenergiescor- responding to the FM and the AFM configurations of netic moments. D(ǫF) is the density of states at the the Mn magnetic moments. The zero temperature mag- Fermi level and Eh is the energy required to promote an electron from the occupied 3d levels to the Fermi level. neticphasediagramisdeterminedasthedifferenceofthe corresponding total energies (EAFM −EFM) and is pre- Thevalueofthespinpolarizationoftheconductionelec- trons can be used to estimate the relative contribution sented in Fig. 2. In agreement with the experiments for of this coupling. On the other hand, the superexchange bothcompoundsweobtainaphasetransitionfromafer- coupling does not posses a simple limit; for q = 0 it be- romagneticstatetoanantiferromagneticoneatacertain valueoftheCuconcentration,x. AsseenfromFig.2the comes JS(0)=V4Pnk[ǫF −ǫnk−Eh]−3, where the sum criticalx value for the Ni-basedalloys(x≃0.6)is some- is takenoverthe unoccupied statesandthe terms inthis how smaller than the experimental value (0.9 < x < 1). sum drop off quickly as ǫnk increases. Thus, the struc- tureofthe DOSabovetheFermilevelplaysakeyrolein While in the Co-based compounds the transition point (x ≃ 0.8) is closer to the measured value (0.9 < x < 1). determining the strength of this coupling. Note that the HM character, as discussed above, is lost Now we return back to the discussion of the phase di- before reaching the transition point and the Fermi level agram in terms of these two mechanisms. A qualita- crossesthe minority-spinconduction band but the ferro- tive information on the variation of the RKKY-like and magnetism persists up to the transition point. superexchange contributions can be obtained from the As shown in Refs. 6 and 7 the observed magnetic analysisof the conduction electronspinpolarizationand phase transition in these systems can be qualitatively fromthe structure ofthe DOSabovethe Fermi level. As accounted for in terms of the competition of the fer- seen in Figs. 2 and 3 when we substitute Cu for Co(Ni), romagnetic RKKY-like exchange and antiferromagnetic the spin polarizationdecreasesand at the same time the 3 4 Co1-xCuxMnSb x = 0 . 0 Ni1-xCuxMnSb sapninangtliafesrsr-olimkeagbnehetaivcioorrd.1e2rFinurbtohtehrcionmcrpeaosuendofsxduleeatdosthtoe x=0.2 2 x=0.4 dominating character of the superexchange mechanism. 0 As discussed above the magnetic interactions in HM semi-Heusler alloys are sensitive to the width of the gap ) -2 and the position of the Fermi level within the gap. Sys- V e tems having large HM gaps and a Fermi level far from s/ -4 e the right edge of the gap are strongly ferromagnetic and t ta possesveryhighCurietemperatures.13,14,15,16Thisisdue (s 4 S x=0.6 tothefactthatinthiscasethesuperexchangemechanism O x=0.8 D 2 x=1.0 islessefficientsincethegapinthespin-downchannelde- creases the number of available minority-spin states just 0 above the Fermi level. Thus, the position of the Fermi level within the gap is an important parameter in de- -2 termining the magnetic characteristics of the HM ferro- magnets. These findings suggest a way for tuning the -4 magnetic properties of the HM ferromagnets and allow -0.6 0 0.6 1.2 -0.6 0 0.6 1.2 the fabrication of materials with predefined characteris- E (eV) E (eV) tics. It should be noted that, as shown in Ref. 6, the variation of the sp-electrons (Z atom) concentration is FIG. 3: (Color online) Spin-resolved total density of states (DOS) of Co1−xCuxMnSb and Ni1−xCuxMnSb around the an alternative route for tuning the magnetic properties Fermi level for selected values of x. Vertical dotted lines de- of the Heusler alloys. However, in HM compounds both notetheFermilevel. PositivevaluesofDOScorrespondtothe kindofatomsgiverisetosimilareffectsasdemonstrated majority-spin electrons and negative values to the minority- by recent experiments.3,5 spin electrons. In conclusion, we study the effect of the non-magnetic 3d atoms on the magnetic properties of the half- position of the Fermi level moves towards higher ener- metallic Mn-based semi Heusler alloys Co1−xCuxMnSb gies, i.e., the number of the states just above the Fermi and Ni1−xCuxMnSb (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) within the framework levelincreases. Thisgivesrisetoanoppositebehaviorin oftheparameter-freedensityfunctionaltheory. Weshow the relative contributions of the exchange mechanisms: that the magnetic interactions in these systems strongly a decrease for the RKKY-like coupling and an increase depend on the position of the Fermi level within the in the superexchange mechanism. In large part of the gap. We show that for Cu concentrations preserving phase diagram the former coupling is dominating. This the half-metallic characterthe ferromagneticRKKY-like isreflectedasacorrelationbetweenthespinpolarization exchange mechanism is dominating, while the antifer- and the total energy differences given in Fig. 2. On the romagnetic superexchange coupling becomes important other hand, the superexchange coupling becomes impor- for larger Cu concentrations and it is responsible for the tant for larger values of the Cu concentration, i.e., for observed magnetic phase transition in both compounds. x > 0.5. As seen from Fig. 2 at the transition points These findings can be used as a practical tool to design both mechanisms compensate each other giving rise to a materials with given physical properties. ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] and Y. W. Du,J. Mag. Magn. Mater. 288, 276 (2005). † Electronic address: [email protected] 6 E.S¸a¸sıo˘glu, L.M. 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