365 Affirmations for Hopeful Living Patricia D. Brown Dimensions For Living Nashville Copyright Information Acknowledgments This book is precious to me because it reflects my own story and the journey of many other women and men who have shared joys and sorrows. Some have been my mentors; others have allowed me to be a guide in their discipleship journey. Through these interactions in community we have found healing. I am thankful for all the people who have supported me in my Christian journey, bringing me to this day to write these affirmations. Special thanks to my family: Dale, my spouse, for his rich supply of love, tireless support, and editing skills; Christian, my teenage son, who kept me honest; and Stephen, my five-year-old, who reminded me to play. Their support through this book meant everything. My thanks to my home pastor and friend, David Keller, whose faith in me keeps me keeping on; to Carola Beasley-Topliffe, Ira and Joyce Goldstein, Cynthia Stine, Allen Hulslander, Beth Miller, and other colleagues whose feedback, insights, and support I gratefully acknowledge; to Ron Patterson, who shared my vision and encouraged me to write; and, finally, to my editor, Sally Sharpe, whose patience and insight through the drafts have enriched this book tremendously. My thanks go to many. My thanks and praise go to God. Introduction Affirmations for hopeful living are a personal “YES! NOW!” to God's movement in our lives. They are powerful, positive statements that declare how we want to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. When we allow ourselves to say “YES!” to the work of the Holy Spirit, we then are able to change and move on. Whatever our circumstance, we all are in need of God's grace. God's grace, and our efforts to acknowledge and employ that grace, are what affirmations are all about. As we read or write affirmations, we establish a dialogue with self, God, and others. We ask, “What is it that is emerging from within me?” We search our lifelong dreams, our intuitions, and our deepest desires to build affirmations about our lives as disciples. Through these emerging affirmations we go to God with a new attitude of prayer. We are ready to listen and act. We are open in new ways to God's purposeful work in our lives. This book is written for those who want to replace their critical inner dialogue and prayer with positive, life-giving language. The messages we give ourselves and the conversations we pray are crucial in determining our attitude, outlook, behavior, and path. There are parts of ourselves we dislike. We can begin to change those parts by conversing, praying, and living in new ways. There are other parts of ourselves we'd like to enhance. These, too, need to be lifted up in prayer and presented to God, who will strengthen us and use our gifts. Setting aside time each day to form images of ourselves behaving as Christian disciples is an important beginning. Using affirmations as guides, we pray to change old messages and reverse patterns that no longer fit as we accept God's unconditional love and forgiveness. Along with our love for God and neighbor, we also seek to love ourselves. This love of self is not to be mistaken as narcissistic or selfish. Instead, it is a genuine concern for ourselves which enables us to extend our love to God and others. We begin to draw a new self-portrait revealing a member of God's community who is healthy, whole, and Christ-centered. Here are a few practical guidelines for using the affirmations in this book: • Remember that affirmations are communicated in the present tense. They are positive statements written and spoken in the first person singular. Never say “I can” but “I am.” • If you are not already part of a Christian community, seek a fellowship of believers in which you can share when appropriate. A Christian community provides you with a place for support and reflection as you work to put your affirmations into action. Remember, no one grows in isolation. • To use these affirmations effectively, read each message aloud. You may need to repeat it several times. Reflect on its meaning and then form it into a prayer. Beware of negative thoughts which try to take over or statements which negate your value, worth, or esteem as a person of God. • Recognize that some affirmations will not catch your attention or seem to fit, because they are not relevant to your life now. Also, remember that no one affirmation can be complete in and of itself. Each touches only a small part of your total. Everything about your specific situation cannot be covered in one daily affirmation. • For use in Bible study or fellowship groups, choose one or more affirmations and read aloud to the entire group. Each person can then reflect on its meaning and how it speaks to her or his life. These are not to be sessions that dwell on the intense past of despair and pain. Instead, they are opportunities for sustaining power, new hope, and energy for the discipleship walk in community. My hope is that this book will be a catalyst for all followers of Christ who are on the road of discipleship. May it be a new beginning for those who are called of God and ready to accept the peace, joy, and light offered in Jesus. JANUARY JANUARY 1 -- HOPE When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain.... Then he began to speak, and taught them.--Matthew 5:1-2 Jesus has words to speak to me. I am to listen and learn in these days. Today I make a fresh start. This day is like a blank sheet of paper on which my Lord and I can write new ways of being and doing in the world. I will write about what I lovingly wish in my relationship with Jesus, with myself, and with others. I expect this day to be a day of healing, to feel energizing health pulsing through me. I expect today to be a day of joy, in which I will be freed from anxieties. I expect this day to be a day of love, with satisfying relationships. I expect today, and each day, to be a time of renewal and a deepening understanding of myself as a disciple of Jesus Christ. I welcome this new season, this new day, and this new me. JANUARY 2 -- SPIRITUAL POWERS Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.--Ephesians 3:20-21 There is a strong power at work in me today. Its presence empowers me to do far more in my life than I ever dreamed possible. If a situation makes me feel low, I remember that the difficult time will not last forever. In Christ I have the power to live through the difficulty, knowing that good times will return. I choose to live my life to its fullest. Each new day brings opportunities to stretch my horizons, try new experiences, and assert my power. In the past I limited my own vision of what I thought was possible. Yet in Christ these barriers are torn down so that I can be free to dream and envision. I am thankful that through Christ I can accomplish far more than I ever thought possible. Today I choose to live my life centered in the power of Jesus Christ. JANUARY 3 -- GOALS This one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.--Philippians 3:13b-14 Today I will begin my journey with a single step. I will take the time to think about my goals and plans and how they can be reached. I will reflect on what I want in my relationships. I will pray concerning what I need spiritually, emotionally, and physically as I work toward one of my goals. I need to remember that my goals are set in accordance with God's will for my life. So I ask, “What does God want me to achieve?” or “What does God have in store for me?” I am able to leave the past in the past and strain forward to the future, to God's call, and to purpose in my life. Yesterday I blocked my own and God's efforts. Today I choose my direction and find strength to take that next step toward achieving my goal. I choose one act today which moves me one step closer to my goal. JANUARY 4 -- DECISION I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth.--Revelation 3:15-16 Today I move out of my mediocrity and lukewarmness in decision making. I will throw off my feelings of powerlessness and apathy. The time has come to let go, begin to forgive, and move on. My life does have importance and purpose. I am not a lukewarm person, but I am a person who is able to make clear, purposeful choices. I am free of the numbness that kept me from taking action. I look in each new day for possibilities to make decisions that will give me fresh direction. Today, with the help of God, I shake off my apathy, take my stand, make my statement, and hold firm in my convictions.