For Mutual Aid *& Solidarity May 2013 About the case of the arrested anarchists in Nea Filadelfeia (Northern Athens - Greece) Information about the arrest of five On Wednesday noon, May 1st, anarchists on Tuesday noon, April 30th, the arrestees were all transferred the criminal proceedings against them, to Evelpidon courts, where the and the hunger/thirst strike of comrade media crows were lurking, and Dimitris Hadjivasiliadis. were met with the comrades’ hostility. The comrades stood On Tuesday, April 30th, at around 4pm, before prosecutor and interrogator The Submissive Crowd anarchists Yannis Naxakis and Grigoris without any formal indictment and Sarafoudis were arrested on Dekeleias (for some) without being allowed “All revolutions have failed? Perhaps. But avenue in the district of Nea Filadelfeia, as to meet with a defense lawyer in rebellion for good cause is self-justifying – they were coming out of a cafeteria. advance that would also be a good in itself. Rebellion transforms slaves present in the hearing, what into human beings, if only for an hour.” At the same time, a large police force perhaps occurred for the first time Edward Abbey stormed the café and caught the anarchist in the history of similar cases. fugitives Argyris Ntalios —who tried to break The judges applied their usual You can be the most pleasant, easy-going, out of the kettle— and Fivos Harisis-Poulos. tactic to postpone the preliminary kind-hearted person, but it really doesn’t Both comrades had arrest warrants pending hearing for two days regardless of matter to the “normal’ members of Society: against them since mid-February 2013 (after the arrestees’ wishes. Ntalios, “the followers”, those who are scared and the double robbery in Velventos–Kozani and Harisis, Naxakis and Sarafoudis hostile towards anybody they see as the incarceration of anarchists Andreas- refused to make any statement. different from what they perceive to be Dimitris Bourzoukos, Dimitris Politis, Nikos On the other hand, Hadjivasiliadis acceptable or decent. Wearing differently Romanos and Yannis Michailidis). demanded that he be heard immediately with the presence of cut clothes or having a weird haircut is enough to risk the ire of the “good people” Anarchist Dimitris Hadjivasiliadis was also a defense lawyer. His demand it seems, without even mentioning arrested inside the same cafeteria in Nea was dismissed, so the comrade possessing different manners or Filadelfeia. stated that he has denied food and water already from the perspectives counter to the mainstream. If you have ideas that challenge the status All five were transferred to the anti-terrorism moment of his arrest, and he goes quo, and you’re determined to commit service on the 12th floor of the Athens on hunger/thirst strike for as long them to experience, be ready for their police headquarters. The two comrades that as he is locked up in the white anger and grudges. With narrow minds and were caught out on the street, as well as the cells of the antiterrorism torturers. low horizons, the submissive crowd is the two that were wanted by the authorities Lastly, he held the judges respon- eyes, ears and mouths of repression; encountered the violence of statist dogs in sible for his prolonged custody on Grovelling conformists, who, -when they are the anti-terrorist office. The fifth comrade the 12th floor of the Athens not looking out for “terrorists” and was forced to stand for twelve hours hand- police headquarters, where the “criminals” - are busy sniffing and snitching cuffed tightly behind his back —what offi- cops were attempting only to out any of those who don’t go through life cially is considered torture— and when he ‘manufacture’ an accusatory brief like one of a herd of sheep. was taken into a cell (the white cells of the against the three anarchists for 12th floor), he remained handcuffed for whom no warrants were outstand- several hours. ing in order to ask for their pretrial Sheep who scrabble for money, lie, cheat incarceration. and back-stab to get what they want, The same evening, the Greek security force dominate other people when they can, and put out a report that accused all of them of On Wednesday evening, preven- beg for protection and mercy from the resisting arrest and giving false testimony — tive detention warrants were authorities. “Neighbours”, “communities”, because the five anarchists refused to give executed against the two ex- and “citizens”; mostly just more words for fingerprints, profiles or DNA samples, which fugitives, and Fivos Harisis and those who fill the streets with their were ultimately taken by force. In addition, Argyris Ntalios were transferred to xenophobia, nationalism and hypocrisy. Naxakis, Sarafoudis and Hadjivasiliadis were Koridallos prison. Those who respect social mediocrity and charged with harbouring fugitives. fawn to power deserve my contempt. Their world must go. Cont. overleaf Cont. on back page About the arrests... continued: totalling 36 months, “reminded” that a year ago when he was in the hospital On Thursday, May 2nd, Ntalios, Harisis, In the meantime, Yannis Naxakis on hunger strike, again then the special Naxakis and Sarafoudis were charged in and Grigoris Sarafoudis were still interrogator “renewed” his detainment past robbery cases on the basis of held as suspects in bank robbery for 12 more months a day before he ‘findings’ from DNA samples that were case, awaiting further proceeding was going to be released. The trial was forcibly taken by them. Additionally, an in the city of Larissa. According to interrupted because of the tension and appellate judge who handles such cases mainstream media, these two continued with the testimonies of issued preventive detention warrants anarchists were brought before an witnesses for the case of the parcel against Yannis Naxakis and Grigoris interrogator on Saturday, May 4th. bombs by the CCF. Sarafoudis. An indictment was presented They are said to be remanded and to all five arrested in Nea Filadelfeia, moved to Koridallos prison. Employees of courier companies and an including the accusation of ‘membership employee from the Swiss embassy into a criminal organization with a view to testified. The latter mentioned that committing robbery,’ in accordance with when the parcel initially arrived she the Greek antiterrorist law, without thought it was “suspicious”, but finally exhibiting any direct evidence of premedi- the consul of the embassy received it tation or even intent, other than some and opened it in the outside area of the orange juices served on the cafeteria Athens, Greece: building. table… Conspiracy of Then she, from a distance, realized that Meanwhile, on Thursday, the cops staged there was a smell of sulphur in the air a psychological war on Hadjivasiliadis to Cells of Fire - and as the consul told her, when he make him stop the strike. They brought opened the parcel there was an ignition water bottles inside the cell, repeatedly Trial updates and a large flame popped out of the ‘offered’ him food and water, and threat- parcel. In their statements the com- ened him that he would stay there for rades of the Conspiracy mentioned to CCF, 3rd trial updates many more days. Hadjivasiliadis and his the reasons of their choice of targeting Session 44. lawyer insisted on his right to medical the Swiss embassy, referring to the This session began with tension examination. A doctor came in at night, imprisoned comrade Marco Camenish since in the previous days the and assured him that there was no (who has been in prison for 20 years) detainment of a comrade-member immediate danger to him at this stage but as well as the three anarchists (Sylvia, of the CCF and another accused his condition could deteriorate any Billy, Costa) who were arrested back comrade was extended for 6 more moment. The doctor also told the screws then in Switzerland charged with trying months. With this decision of the to leave the transom window of the cell’s to blow up the offices of IBM [specifi- council of judges, the comrade- door open, to help the striker breathe cally a nano-technology lab under member of the Conspiracy will more efficiently. construction]. The trial was adjourned complete 36 months held on till Tuesday April 30th. remand when the limit of detain- On Friday morning, May 3rd, the five ment without being sentenced is anarchists were brought to Evelpidon Session 45 18 months. courts once again, where only a few This session included prosecution comrades and relatives were gathered in witnesses for the parcel bomb case. In the tension caused, participated solidarity. Four of the accused insisted Amongst them appeared an employee many comrades of the CCF who upon their refusal to make any statement. of a courier company who had recog- turned towards the judges, telling Then Ntalios and Harisis read a text in nized some of the “accused” as senders them to abandon their democratic solidarity to striker Hadjivasiliadis, declar- of the parcels. Finally, during her façade and the rhetoric of polite- ing that he is being held without any testimony she implied that a large part ness, since they are servants of substantial evidence whatsoever against of her testimony as well as the recogni- the system and eternal enemies of him. The judges had no basis to press tions, are created by the anti-terrorist them. Just before that the judges criminal organization charges against the force. claimed to not know anything and arrestees and set bail conditions instead that they cannot comment on their for all five of them. In a statement of his, a comrade of the colleagues decision. Against this Conspiracy stressed that “The CCF recital of humanity and hypocrisy, Nevertheless, Dimitris Hadjivasiliadis was does not care about the penal conse- a comrade of the CCF said: the only one to be released, and thus quences and the decision of the court. stopped his three-day hunger and thirst But it is important to reveal the meth- “We do no expect anything from strike. ods of the antiterrorist force as a legacy you besides long term sentences of knowledge and as a protection which you will impose on us. But Argyris Ntalios and Fivos Harisis were mound for the new comrades.” do not pretend to be sensitive taken back to Koridallos. The Solidarity because you are not convincing Fund for imprisoned and persecuted Also, he added, “Lets not forget that in anyone. There is a war between fighters (Greece) released their prison this trial there have been accused also us and we will not call a truce address: individuals who have none neither even for a moment….” could have had any relation with the Fivos Harisis-Poulos Conspiracy.” Argyris Ntalios While the other comrade of the CCF whose detainment was Dikastiki Filaki Koridallou, A Pteryga, To a question by the prosecutor if the extended for 6 more months 18110 Koridallos, Athens, Greece CCF cares about the acquittal of the 2 rest of the “accused”, the comrade was clear. far, were not declared to the tax pating now in the Conspiracy, I will read “the acquittal of the rest of the comrades, office so that it is difficult to track a collective statement for this trial. All of who are indeed innocent, is a job for their them and cross check the fake us, the members of the CCF, want to lawyers. We are not lawyers. But we want - information. The witnesses that clarify some things. and we will- to preserve history and the followed were called to recognize In this trial, besides us who have taken honour of the organization.” the comrades if they were the the responsibility for our participation and same people who set up police support of the Conspiracy, all other The rest of the witnesses were couriers who blocks in order to copy their accused do not have, neither have any unwillingly had carried parcel bombs. identity card info. relation with the charges attributed to them. Session 43. It is reminded that the comrades They never were, neither could ever be This session was postponed because of an of the CCF would disguise members of the Conspiracy. illness of one of the judges. themselves and pretend to be An ocean of disagreements, perceptions cops carrying out fake stop and and choices divides us… Session 42. checks in order to copy real In this session, amongst the other prosecu- identity information and use them The CCF and FAI is an international tion witnesses, appeared also a cop of the on fake id cards in order for them network of anarchists of praxis antiterrorist force. to be convincing and of existing who stand against the enemy with the This specific cop stated that he serves in the people. certainty of those who play it all or “department against the anarchists”, causing nothing and refuse the proof of inno- tension in the court room. In his testimony he CCF, 4th trial starts cence and legal mitigations. added that he carried on him photos of some Session 1. of those wanted for the CCF (to help him in 5th April 2013: One more trial for The Conspiracy and the Informal Anar- locating them) and stressed that he took the actions of the CCF began at chist Federation through their hundreds of orders directly from the “headquarters” of the Koridallos prisons. attacks express the black anarchy which antiterrorist force. sets fire to the silence of the many and During the examination of the rest of the Besides the members of the cowardice of the reformists. witnesses, at some point the prosecutor Conspiracy accused in the same All the charges in your indictments are a stated that it seems from the attitude of the case are also Dimitris Politis, piece of the anarchist history and the comrades of the Conspiracy, shows that they Giannis Mihailidis, Giorgos armed course of the Conspiracy through are indifferent about the charges, since as Karagiannidis, Alexandros the social desert of mass subjugation. they themselves stress they take the respon- Mitrousias, Kostas Sakkas and It is our compass in the unmapped sibility for the actions of the CCF and speak Stella Antoniou (who are also unknown of the anarchist insurrection. of the continuation and intensification of the accused in the third trial which is It is the unique moment where theory anarchist urban guerilla. taking place as well) and meets practice. Kostandina Karakatsani and It is there where the law dies and Session 41, Panagiotis Masouras. anarchy is born. This session began with the testimony of an Theofilos Mavropoulos read a It is there where the sounds of the appointed advocate. Let us note here that common statement of the now ten explosions and the gun shots break the many comrades of the CCF because of their members of the CCF, after which calmness of the crowd. refusal of any legal representation they have all members of the organization These moments are our moments. These appointed advocates, since according to the left the room. history is our history. legislation if the “accused” refuse to have an A history which cannot be put on trial, advocate, then the court itself appoints one “As I have stated in a previous neither finishes inside the court room. for them. The appointed advocate therefore court and in older public texts, I We are the gasoline, the gun powder, the testified that a few days ago there was a have been next to the comrades detonator, the bullet, the gun. burglary in his work office and the unknown of the CCF as a solidarian The only thing you will get from us is war. burglars took from him documents concerning anarchist, without however being The Conspiracy is, was, itself. the case of the CCF without stealing any- a member of the Conspiracy. From This is our Anarchy”. thing else of value from him. the first moment of my arrest after There was tension in the court room and the shoot out with the cops in G.Mihailidis read a common statement of eventually the appointed advocates left and Pefki, the comrades of the Con- his and D.Politis and then left the proce- the trial was adjourned until the next session. spiracy stood next to me like dure. brothers. Inside prison we shared “Give us a copy”, asked the chairman, Session 40. common worries, tensions and “this statement is not for you”, answered The whole session was about examining forged our steel passion for D.Politis, while the cops were cuffing witnesses who either were owners of houses liberation through our common them. which the CCF rented out as safe-houses, or escape attempt in December their identity info was found on fake identity 2011. Today for me the CCF is an The statement: cards. During the recognition-snitching of the inseparable piece of my thought, “We state that: We refuse to participate comrades of the Conspiracy by the prosecu- my desires and my personal in the procedure of the court, not only tion witnesses, it was impressive that a mutiny for anarchy. because it is a mean of the state to comrade of the CCF was recognised as a This is why as of today, here in demean and bend the anarchist struggle, tenant, with a fake id card, of a safehouse, at your court, I state that I join the not only because its function aims at the the time that he was in prison. It is character- CCF and share together with the respite of anarchist action,but mainly istic as it was proven by the juridical proce- imprisoned and non arrested because we do not recognize any dure, that almost all the safe-houses of the members the endless course to institutional representative of the bour- Conspiracy which have been discovered so the anarchist insurrection. Partici- 3 geois democracy to judge people. The only thing I’d like to clarify is much to show its side effects. At that As anarchist revolutionaries we stand the part concerning torture, as this point I asked myself some questions: hostile against the bourgeios justice was quite a big thing. I know that were fraud and corruption leading the which sends people to the rot of impris- in society the image of someone system to crisis isolated cases or is the onment in order to defend the criminal who got beaten up can generate crisis itself a pre-arranged plan that lawful order of capitalism. Also, we fear, compassion or doubts. But serves to achieve yet more profits? Was support the anarchist revolutionary war this is not the case with us the ‘crash’ of the bank system due to in every one of its forms. comrades. I also want to say that lending or was it a capitalist trick for We are part of the violent and guerilla the State intentionally allowed our more concentration of capital, for an action and will defend it as an insepa- photos be made public, and they even bigger capitalization? rable part of the struggle.” did so with the intent to terrorize Surely we are facing an unprecedented those who might think to do what crisis in capitalist reality and surely the we did. Perhaps it was a ‘mistake’ crisis was preceded by the ‘crash’ of the due to hurry and the fact that any bank system. But we are talking about operation of the Anti-terrorism two sides of the same counterfeit coin. Squad is done almost automati- Capitalism couldn’t exist without the bank Letter from anarchist cally. Be that as it is, I don’t want system nor would exist one of the most to concentrate on this now. important means of capital concentration. prisoner Andreas- Instead, I’d like to shortly talk As the State was called in to fill up bank about the thoughts that crossed safes when the crash of the bank system Dimitris Bourzoukos my mind during the time we were was imminent, so banks were called in to beaten up. strengthen investments and pave the way to a new capitalization of the banks A.D. Bourzoukos is one of the 4 anar- I never felt like a victim and of immediately after the collapse of the chist comrades arrested on 1st February course I don’t want that others State machinery. A vicious circle that 2013 following the double robbery consider me as such. During those serves to spare death to moribund carried out in Velventòs four hours of continuous beating capitalism. one of the things I was thinking ‘It wasn’t quite dawn yet about was the possible scenarios Looking at the brief history of Greece in But I have never accepted defeat’ on the ‘end’ the cowardly and the European Union and at its economic bully pigs had in mind. Neither fear collapse I can only interpret it as some- 25 minutes past midday. The last time I nor pain, just anger. In spite of thing that was planned in advance, both had a look at the time. Behind us a how much truth can hurt, you just Greece’s collapse and that of other patrol car and in the van my two com- take someone by the hair and put European countries hit by the crisis. As rades, the ‘hostage’ and I. Only a few them on their knees. While the Greece joined the euro zone with a minutes earlier our emotions were beating was going on without ‘creative logistics’ (as Greek logistics has completely different. For an instant, stopping I recalled all the years been called), prime minister Simitis talked everything seemed to be perfectly all when I had chosen to clash with about a wonderful era and presented right, until they arrested our comrade in this rotten system. All my choices Greece as a strong country, in constant the ‘ambulance’. All of a sudden we lost and thoughts became flesh and development, just like any other EU state. heart but in spite of this we remained as bones. Perhaps one single minute And at that time the middle class hoped much lucid as we could, and in this way with my hands tied would have in the advent of the capitalist heaven. we managed to ensure our comrades’ been enough. Perhaps the torture But this ended with the 2008 crisis, the escape. was just a proof confirming how ‘mark’ of the capitalist system, and the the system is rotten. beginning of collapse. What followed was Let’s go back to the picture of the But let’s talk about money now, once again ‘creative logistics’, this time beginning: the three of us along with the the money that flows abundantly introduced by Giorgios Papandreu so as ‘hostage’ in the van and an ‘accidental’ (including during these times of Greece could benefit of financial support encounter (actually it was not at all crisis) in banks, public offices and mechanisms (IMF-ECB). And then we accidental because the alarm had been all kinds of capital investment (like came where we are today, to the total raised in all the surrounding villages) Cosco). This is the blood of selling off of people’s lives and the with a patrol car. In the last minutes of capitalism. elimination of human dignity. Of course our freedom the countdown had already this goes hand in hand with low-cost started. What we said to each other in My refusal to become yet another investments and opportunities for the the van is not relevant to our story, what well-oiled clog of the system is plunder of nature, as they are doing is relevant is our final decision. We one of the many reasons why I today in several places. wouldn’t have fired and put the doctor’s decided to carry out a bank life in danger. But it was our only choice robbery (personally I call it ‘expro- Lived experiences and the unbearable at that moment. However the only priation’). I mean I’ve never wanted pressure imposed on society are suffi- weapon we had in those conditions was to be another ‘pedestrian’ on this cient to demonstrate the dirty face of our passion for freedom. And we used it earth, one who has a ‘normal’ job capitalism in all its clarity. I recognize my as best as we could. After a chase in the and a ‘normal’ life. I didn’t take action as expropriation. To me the real streets of Veria, just like in a film, we got much to understand that work thieves are those who administer bank finally trapped by a patrol passing there aims at exploiting the human being executive bodies and the state apparatus. by chance, in a dead end road. It is for the sake of Capital, of the An obvious assistant of the crisis of the pointless to tell the rest of this story concentration of capital in the system is repression, be it generalized or once again. hands of few, which doesn’t take aimed at an objective, and repression is 4 meant to terrorize and debilitate the It was easy to imagine what was I’m in a society very much varied and I whole society. Its main target is the wide to happen in the days following my always struggle for myself, my comrades, anarchist-subversive spectre, which often arrest. Some special prosecutor in the definitive destruction of the system acts as detonator and catalyst for charge of terrorism-related cases and the total collapse of the existent. insurrection, tensions and the anger that (can he be named Mokkas?) This does not mean that I will stop is increasingly spreading in different would summon me on the basis of criticizing those who deserve my critique social sectors. empty evidence, apart form the because they are responsible for conjectures of the Antiterrorism, maintaining and reproducing a rotten The paradox of the repressive politics of and point at me as a member of and oppressing system with their the State can be seen in the way it also some organization. Confirmation of tolerance and indifference. strikes other social sectors that resist as this didn’t take long to come. it describes them as ‘illegal and terrorist I was summoned by the special ‘This revolution must be violent, even if people who only want destruction’. An investigation judge (in fact he’s violence is not right in itself. It would be example of this is the spasmodic reaction called Mokkas), who included me absurd to hope that the privileged ones of the State after the events of Skouries. in the revolutionary organization recognize the suffering and injustice The massive fire that totally destroyed Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. Of caused by their privileges and that they the equipment of the gold mines was course I recognize the actions of decide to voluntarily renounce them.’ quickly labelled as ‘terrorist attack’. It is a the CCF and its members as Violence emerges from inside us and it fact I welcome and I’m on the side of revolutionary, but this doesn’t is the only worthwhile response to the those who realized it. The only possible prevent me from saying that I’ve decay and misery generated by the dialogue with a multinational that wants got nothing to do with this organi- system. The radicalization of society is to destroy and plunder nature for its zation. I’ve never been a member obvious nowadays. The historically profits’ sake is pure and hard attack. I of it because of essential differ- important question is: where is this acknowledge the courage of the people ences in both projectuality and the polarisation heading to? A tangible who opted for direct action and took their general perception of society. By example of this tension can be seen in lives in their hands. They caused fatal making me a member of the CCF the growing percentage of votes gained injury to both the ‘El Dorado’ enterprise the State can easily increase my by Golden Dawn [Neo-Nazi political and the State. This is also the reason sentence and consequently the party] during the elections, and the why on the following day the entire years I should spent in prison. But recurrent episodes of racist attacks in village of Skouries was literally inundated I think this is just putting all in the the centre of Athens. Clearly this is a with forces of order, which promptly same bag, a flagrant grouping that superficial ‘extreme’ position because it raided all the houses of the village. This automatically suppresses any lacks conscience. Presenting itself as an method reminds of civil war and shows political attitude of a fighter. alleged ‘anti-system party’ Golden Dawn the totalitarianism of the State, which has managed to recuperate most of the turned the village into a war zone. Of ‘The price of self-determination anger of some social sectors. course they also talked of the ‘involve- is never low, and in same cases Needless to say, I’m not a supporter of ment of terrorist anarchists’ in this attack. it is incredibly expensive.’ the ‘theory of the extremes’, and I don’t Since the beginning the media hastened consider Golden Dawn as anti-system. It to locate the ‘terrorists who gave instruc- Certainly the trajectory to revolu- is even too clear to me that they are tions for the attack’. Media tactics are tion and anarchy cannot be indeed part of the system and also a well-known: denounce, terrorize and vilify covered with rose petals, but it is weapon of the system. This is the reason always following the guidelines of the not the only trajectory either, no why Golden Dawn shouldn’t attract less messenger in charge, the Security of The matter what the current situation attention than it deserves. State, the Anti-terrorism Squad or the is like. Our means are well-known government itself. Authentic ‘workers’ of and need constant development, We will organize for a multiform and oppression and submission are digging and the range of choices we have lasting struggle to destroy work and its graves – deep enough to allow everyone in our armoury is wide enough. I foundation of oppressive relations, and in – so that the repressive arm can think that any revolutionary has to will do this through conscious expropria- continue its work and the judiciary mafia have the necessary acuteness and tion of capitalist wealth with the aim of can bury everything when resistance lucidity to choose the most strengthening and supporting the occurs. adequate ‘weapons’ according to struggle. We will continue on the road of the conditions. The road to direct action and total attack on the In this way the delirium of the media resistance presents many aspects capitalist system. By constantly commu- (Goebbels-style propaganda) also set off and we need a multiform struggle. nicating and stirring up the anarchist- immediately after our arrest. Perfect stuff It can be a poster calling for a subversive environment as well as wider for the news bulletins of terror and the strike, the occupation of some social sectors we can spread anarchist screenwriters of the anti-terrorism fiction. state-owned building, arson on a relations and self-management of our I can’t help recognizing a clear political bank, an explosive attack on some lives. By being constantly present in the line adopted by the media when with structure of the State, expropria- streets and in wild street struggles we pomposity and sensationalism they talked tion of the money belonging to the form our conscience and fighting soul, about our ‘certain participation in other State: the goal is still the same, and violence spreads in the struggle. actions besides the robbery’. Using a i.e. on the one hand to strike the No: molotov bottles and barricades are tactic similar to that employed in Italy in structures and functions of not steps necessary to ‘climb higher’ the mid-nineties to strike the anarchists capitalism, on the other hand to and eventually dedicate oneself to gas (ORAI case), the Greek state is trying to spread the means, practices and bottles, bombs and armed struggle. repress all forms of resistance. conceptions of struggle for Instead, they constitute an inseparable anarchy, for freedom. part of the struggle itself. One com- 5 pletes the other. Street struggle is as Gabriel Pombo da Accused anarchist, much necessary as is night sabotage carried out with all means against the Silva transferred Henry Zegarrundo, machinery of the State. Armed struggle is back to Villena given house arrest one of the expressions of the fight, an indispensable expression that has to Prison (Spain) (Bolivia) support the wider struggles of the move- ment and be supported by the latter. Any sabotage separated from the struggles of Remember that Gabriel was After nearly a year in prison since the the movement and wider claims risks to already in Villena and was trans- arrests, with over a dozen audiences pass through history in low profile, as if it ferred to Valdemoro to bring him to suspended, Henry has finally been granted was an unimportant event, and finally be the National Hearing to give house arrest pending trial! erased. testimony in relation to the events in Italy (Operation Ardire). After Let’s leave an indelible ‘imprint’ in history. “With dignity as an ally, friend, and Gabriel’s refusal to give any The moment has come, let’s make companion, and without bending before statement, he was again trans- revolution possible and destroy plutoc- power, despite an environment overloaded ferred to Villena, again to keep him racy, for anarchy. with police collaboration, our comrade has distant from his environment of honorably gotten out to be able to be with family and friends. Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos his own while awaiting resolution of the His address is: Koridallos prison, wing A case.” Athens, Greece Gabriel Pombo da Silva March 2013 The day of international solidarity for Centro Penitenciario Alicante II, Ctra. N-330, km. 66, May 29 is still on: the accusations have 03400 Villena (Alicante) not been withdrawn, one anarchist is still Spain locked up as part of the case, people are still on the run, and the highway is still being built. Solidarity is a weapon! Manolada: Workers demand pay, Golden Mayday build up Letter from Stefano Dawn open fire for anti-G8 (UK) Gabriele Fosco to (Greece) Liberacion Total, Anti-capitalists have been gearing 200 workers (almost all of them from up for the protests against the G8 Material Anarquista, Bangladesh) went to the offices of their Summit with Mayday actions Publicaciòn Refractario across the country. The focus was company in the region of Manolada on Primark and other businesses (Peloponnese) to ask for six months of & Viva la Anarquia con- profiting from the global slave back wages.They were blocked by armed labour system which led to the security staff, paid by the boss to defend cerning an anti-judicial death of 700 people in his propriety and himself. Faced with a Bangladesh. There were angry crowd insistently asking for what was non-controversy (Italy) protests in central London, theirs, the security reacted by shooting Hackney, Lewisham, Birmingham, and wounding at least 34 people. It Brighton and Bristol, with the clear To the dear comrades of Liberacion Total, seems that Golden Dawn is implied in this message going out that the Material Anarquista, Publicaciòn story and the government is helping them disaster was not an accident but Refractario and Viva la Anarquia. to cover up the facts. Thousands of the inevitable consequence of the migrants are enslaved and often black- callous capitalist system. I give you all my anarchist and brotherly mailed because they don’t have docu- solidarity following the attack you got from ments and risk deportation. An interna- The anti-G8 activities will begin a pseudo-nihilist asshole. There’s no tional boycott of the products, especially on the weekend of 8-9 June, with censorship when one decides not to strawberries, coming from this bloody workshops and skillshares in publish a text that attacks a prisoner while region has been launched with the cry of preparation for the #J11 Carnival the investigation on him is still ongoing. Boycott Manolada’s Strawberries! Against Capitalism on 11/6. There will be an anti-militarist It must be known that in Italy there is no demo on 12/6 and a No Borders anti-judicial controversy. There are only No Prisons! day on 13/6. assholes playing the same game as repression. On April 17 2013 two secret agents came 6 to the prison of Ferrara. The door of the cabin had not submitted the transcripts of the missing They didn’t say their name, they only been forced… environment bugging. After two delays wanted to have a chat with me on ‘the requested by the court, these transcripts anti-judicial controversy’. They were Among hundreds of users, why did should be ready by June 5 (it seems that surprised at the fact that I didn’t take part they cut the wire of my connec- the experts can’t understand or transcribe to this controversy. I told the cops that I tion? If someone had meant to Neapolitan dialect, which had sounded so was anarchist and wouldn’t damage the cabin they wouldn’t clear to the judges from Genoa when it talk with them or the judges for any have cut just one wire but all of was used to corroborate the charges, reason. them or most of them; and they according to the arrogant methods always would have forced the door of the employed to interpret environment bug- My anarchism is indestructible and it cabin instead of opening it with a ging.) doesn’t allow some provocateurs to key. blacken me. The attacks on me and on the As concerns the results of the examina- comrades who show solidarity with me I don’t think it was an accident or tions carried out by the RIS [a special continue because I’m in a prison inside a something that happened by technical investigations unit of the state] prison. chance, considering the air you to compare the traces of gunpowder breathe in the city in this period. found on the helmets seized in Nicola’s I’m sorry I have to waste time and energy Meantime we have found back house and the weapons lawfully owned by on this infamous provocation. I’d like to the ‘Arianne’s thread’, and the his father found in the same house, they carry on with what I’ve always done and written and live radio counter- should be available in May. you are brilliantly doing with your blogs. information is continuing. We hope we’ll be able to celebrate as As pointed out in previous updates, after a Brothers and sisters, a big rebellious hug we did in the last year thanks to failed attempt at linking the traces of from the high security unit of the prison of Pier Luigi Vigna (former anti-mafia gunpowder to the bullets used in the Ferrara. prosecutor ) and Antonio wounding of Adinolfi, the prosecutors of Manganelli* (national chief police, Genoa tried it again, this time for the sake Stefano Gabriele Fosco former chief police of Naples, or of 270bis, and clumsily envisaged an Individualist anarchist prisoner rather former chief of those who imaginary ‘shooting training’ undergone by (Prison of Ferrara, April 19 2013) quite likely cut the wire of the investigated comrades, of course RadioAzione)… reconfirming that without specifying where and when it took Stefano Gabriele Fosco it will be our laughter that will place (not to mention the fact that the C.C. Via Arginone, 327 bury you! helmets were seized during raids without 44122 Ferrara the cops adopting any ‘scientific’ criteria, Italy RadioAzione as they touched the ‘evidence’ with their dirty hands, carried it in their cars and to places where the defenders of disorder * Vigna died last year and normally play with gunpowder.) Manganelli this year… causes for celebration (TN) A new investigation of the ROS [special operations unit] was also put on record. This concerns farther examinations on the RadioAzone: Wires of printers seized during the raids in the investigated comrades’ houses, with the the telephone line and aim of comparing them with the leaflets of Update about the claim of the attack on Adinolfi: this ADSL found cut (Italy) time the experts are compelled to admit anarchist prisoners that the leaflets are not compatible with either the ink or printing defaults of the From RadioAzione: Nicola and Alfredo printers, thus contradicting an earlier forensic examination which referred to a As I was updating the blog of RadioAzione (Italy) generic printing default very common to a yesterday afternoon, I found that the great numbers of printer brands available internet connection was no longer there. on the market. Similarly the telephone line was not 24th April 2013 – As preliminary working. Nothing strange, apparently, as investigations came to an end on Comparative examination between DNA technology is subjected to this kind of March 11 2013, Nicola and traces found on the handles of the faults (besides many others, or rather it is Alfredo will go on trial for 280bis scooters allegedly used during the attack technology itself the main fault). I (attack with purposes of terror- and the DNA of 5 people investigated and promptly called the responsible for the ism), a proceeding also linked to searched in September, was also put on ADSL and telephone contract and they the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare record by the RIS of Parma. As this said that everything was all right to them. manager Roberto Adinolfi, whose comparison produced negative result, After repeating that it was not all right, case (270bis - Subversive there came the nth attempt at investigat- they sent an engineer this morning. He association) remains open for the ing Alfredo for a double explosive attack checked the cabin in the street (which two comrades plus another one. on… the RIS of Parma that took place contains the telephone connections of all back in 2005 and was claimed by FAI/ the inhabitants of the area) and found it No date has been fixed for the Cooperativa artigiana fuoco e affini. It out that a wire had been cut… not preliminary hearing for 280bis, as must be said that the mixed traces of DNA disconnected but cut… the prosecution has not yet found on the wrapping of the device 7 outside the headquarters of the ‘scien- tists’ in 2005 were not reliable as evidence, as the cops themselves admitted adding that they had also touched the wrapping before carrying out examination. Nonetheless public prosecutor Federico Manotti has ordered Alfredo be questioned on the matter on May 7 in the prison of Ferrara… perhaps the prosecutor wants to ask him for suggestions on how to Briefing on control systems Lecce: Update on re- accuse him and for what charges. (A text from Italy) pression and anti-mili- In this case too the judge from Genoa is From a first reading of the court wielding article 280bis, even if it is clear tarist protests (Italy) papers more detailed technical that this investigation attempt is the points emerge besides the result of random fishing out from a traditional control methods such On April 19 2013 the appeal sentence 270bis file concerning a number of as shadowing, visual control, was pronounced at the court of Lecce, investigated people (25 to 30, accord- video monitoring of cameras ing to press releases), which refers to where some anarchists from Salento placed outside houses and many attacks claimed by various groups [Lecce] stood on trial. In 2010 the workplaces, use of bugs and of the Informal Anarchist Federation comrades had been sentenced to one satellite signals in cars, phone from 2003 onwards between Liguria, year imprisonment for resistance against tapping, internet monitoring, etc. Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and Lombardy. public official. They had been pressed The new points are three, as The media also said that the prosecu- this charge because they had unfurled already said a few months ago: tion of Genoa ‘snatched’ the investiga- an anti-militarist banner during a public the request for authorization of tion on the attacks on the RIS and concert and had defended it from the installing cameras inside houses Cofferati from their colleagues from (authorization that the investigat- DIGOS’ attempt at snatching it. The Bologna. ing judge refused to grant, appeal trial concluded with the acquittal allowing only audio monitoring), of all the defendants. Beyond career rivalries and jealousies the use of laptop cameras as On April 11 2013 a group of anti- between prosecutors and beyond the bugs which can be activated by a militarists staged a protest in piazza Saint historical conflict between ROS and special software (in which case Oronzo in Lecce, where various associa- DIGOS [political police], the absolute the sneaks’ eavesdropping is not tions were demonstrating in favour of two incongruity and contradictions displayed live as happens with traditional Italian soldiers, Girone and Latorre. The in the use of forensic examinations is microphones) and the use of comrades unfurled a banner, distributed remarkable. This kind of examinations battery powered environment bugs leaflets and made speeches through a are totally unreliable, to say the least; with built-in recorder to be placed megaphone. On the occasion, the events they are good to create media/accusa- in houses and neighbourhoods. tory suggestions rather than prove that led to the 2010 trial were also something, as the script of the judges mentioned. It is useful to bear in mind that old and cops’ s dirty job always reads. and new control technologies On the previous day the comrades also don’t need sophisticated methods Nothing new under the sun: these are intervened during the European Film or expensive equipment to be the usual wretched cogs of a world that Festival, and in particular during the talk discovered. Quite often the must be destroyed. entitled ‘Relations between Puglia and technicians who install them Israel’, which hosted the representative leave traces of their dirty visits, Solidarity with the comrades locked up for example broken locks, dis- for culture of the Israeli embassy in Italy. in the dungeons of the state in Italy and placed furniture and objects, Through a megaphone, a banner and everywhere. oddities in the internet connec- leaflets, the comrades expressed solidar- tion, background noises in the ity with the Palestinians oppressed by To write to the comrades: telephone, shadowy individuals Israel (it seems that no documentaries outside the house, strange shown during the film festival took any Alfredo Cospito customers at the workplace, account of the existence of Palestinians). Nicola Gai diligent escorts accompanying The comrades also reminded the audi- C.C Via Arginone 327 your trips out, etc. It is up to our ence that in the village of Gagliano del 44122 Ferrara intelligence and love for life to Capo (Lecce) a made in Israel anti- Italy find the way of mocking them and migrants radar antenna is about to be prevent them from making our - installed (the antenna has been tested by lives heavier. Israel in the Palestinians’ occupied Solidarity bank account territories and subsequently exported to For more info: Account name : Paolo Perona the rest of the world). In Puglia it is nidieunimaitres (at) IBAN IT10 TO76 0101 0000 0101 supposed to intercept small and big 0767 885 boats of ‘illegal migrants’. An enemy of militarism 8 Three letters of advice insert/introduce with only one explosion and a grave mortal accident. By the same error of “apprentice” I had, movement the fuse/fuses to the for saboteurs from charge only in the place of attack also according to the experts of the acts in my penal summary/folder, a great deal and later activate the timer for the Marco Camenisch of luck when I sabotaged a transformer electrical circuit. and other targets on the perimeter of an Marco Camenisch, electric substation utilizing electronic Regensdorf prison, Switzerland Greetings and advice from Marco detonators and electric wire to connect 27.06.09 Camenish to the compañerxs of chile in the separate charges as well as a relation to Mauri’s death. commercial electronic device to detonate - the charges. Dear compañerxs, Urgent advisory from a veteran I implore you to send these greetings and Marco Camenisch, saboteur to the anonymous this simple but perhaps important advice to in Swiss prison, saboteurs of the August 2008 the compas of Chile and everywhere else. November 2008 post in Farellones, Chile. Allow me to express the latter because I have experience, because even the most * In relation to the sabotage in experienced guerrillas “weren’t thinking about this, the trivial and banal means that Chile, Aug. 12, 2008* (which - allow one to save their skin during the according to the press involved dangerous art of handling “explosive an electric detonator), a veteran On derailments and stupidities… powders! saboteur is obliged to offer this Letter from a veteran saboteur about valuable assessment to every the case of Adrián in México saboteur of towers, antennas, and So on my part as well, from inside of Swiss other similar instruments. prison, I send a strong embrace of This is a continuation of a valuable solidarity to our compañeras and technical assessment written by a compañeros from Chile! Honor to Urgent advisory from a veteran veteran saboteur. In relation to the compañero Mauricio!!! What goes for our saboteur to the anonymous Adrian’s detention* an analyst wrote: “To warriors who have fallen during combat saboteurs of the August 2008 derail a train, a terrible idea. The most goes for those of us kidnapped by the post in (Farellones) Chile and in prevalent account of the derailment was enemy as well: those of us who continue general to all individuals actively provided by the police. This version fighting, the utmost solidarity we keep in engaged in sabotage around the facilitated by the police and accepted by life, because our community is fighting. world! journalists and analysts has little What is useless (except for the enemy) and credibility and collapses in light of the tragic for the struggle is solely those who, Electric filaments and/or devices input by this veteran saboteur. Now, two when a compañerx dies fighting or falls and/or detonators and/or possibilities remain standing: an prisoner in the hands of the enemy, points connections and other elements unsuspecting transportation of the with a hypocritical finger, murmuring of on single or separate charges artifact on the train or an action that “useless death, useless imprisonment, of should not be used for posts, failed in its intent. “tragedy, etc. transformers, and other electric installations surrounded by an It is obvious how purely propagandist and As a veteran combatant, it is with pain, but electro-magnetic field, only defamatory the disinformation with humility as well, that I reflect on the mechanical or chemical filament surrounding Adrián’s case is, as well as possible causes of such an accident. should be used and/or, if the fact that some canisters of butane Could it have been a short circuit (perhaps necessary a modern filament for gas did not even tickle a train or some activated by a timer) of an electric two or more charges attached to tracks. detonator with a spark submerged directly the same structure, or a In order to even put a wrinkle in a into the black powder? Then there is a connection with blasting caps railroad track (possibly capable of simple trick to avoid deaths, injury, and should utilize a chemical or causing a derailment) at least a few imprisonment. Well constructed, it does not mechanical detonator/filament as hundred grams of high power explosive is impede the success nor the timing (in the well. needed (in which the accompaniment of place, in the delay) of the operation. A gas makes no technical sense) and if we slow burning fuse (or more than one, All of this is necessary because say (the calculation will be an parallel, they are easy to make) should the electro-magnetic field which underestimation) the cut side of a track always be inserted between the electric surrounds the electric conductors/ is 50 sq. cm, in order to shear it, the detonator with the spark on one side and installations can easily charge calculation is easy (25 grams of military the charge on the other, a fuse which in through induction each electric grade explosive per square cm), and the case of an early or accidental ignition, element and set off an would take around 1.25 kilograms of high can be seen or heard during the uncontrollable explosion during power explosive. transportation and handling for activation; the application/preparation of the Later, if we take in to account, that for the same fuse has to be long enough to device with tragic consequences example commercial dynamite is weaker count seconds or perhaps centimeters easy to imagine, as happened for and that with black powder (which should necessary to place oneself in safety and example to Feltrinelli in Italy or in be carefully placed behind a container of possibly, to extract or cut, disconnecting one case in Austria when an stable material, such as a thick plate, the charge and therefore guaranteeing the electric prong was applied to a since inside of a simple “bottle” a flare safety of eventual passer-bys- and high-tension power pylon resulting up or shaking would not do a thing to a obviously even more secure would be to in an uncontrolled and premature 9 8mm rod) the amount has to be hunted individuals and collectives Portugal and perversely mistreated in a multiplied six times in order to achieve of liberation extend and bond, are regime of punishment who has been on the same effect and level of destruction, never extinguished nor disappear. hunger strike since April 1st. this would take at least 6 to 7 kilos of Where some capitulate and return black powder, well the distortion of the to the normality of a citizen of -Every imprisoned individuality in the whole “facts” of the “article” is clear from here. capital, others sincerely, and with world who fights against power. everything, rebel. The hypotheses is that that was used -The anonymous in insurrection, against the tracks (implicit in the case of Against all authority, against the autonomous, and anti-authoritarians who the jokes about the “derailment”), it prisons and jailers, their borders, attack, practice the revolutionary would not deter traffic for even a the mercantile dictatorship, the experience, and walk the path of the moment. If the “news” of the “smoke in false critics, various reformists, permanent offensive against all that the train” was true we would still be adaptive pseudo-radicals…against oppresses us. facing an explosion of clumsy and all that exists that robs us of life… precocious fabrication. There are memories of resistance -Those who in solidarity accompanied us and subversive struggle where this past Wednesday, the 24th, outside of Furthermore, it is not casually that one of there is a thirst for justice…in a the “justice center” in Santiago, attempting the “rules” of the urban guerrilla is to sterile high-security cell, in the to demonstrate, and who were arrested by avoid as much as possible the beautiful darkness of a mountain the pigs. transportation of artifacts and/or lined with clandestine footprints, explosives aboard mass public transit due in anonymous urban sabotage, -To the hermanxs in the Argentine region to the potential grave danger to those penetrating their guarded centers who manifested as well on Wednesday “unaware of the facts”, danger which is of power…in a poem-song, in a outside of the Chilean consulate in Buenos already sufficiently great with all other text-declaration, in an honest Aires and at the doors of the Chilean methods of transportation in a populated surrender to the heart…memory capitalist retail trash called Fallabella. environment… and subversion exist independent of the pounding waves of -Those who conspire in minority sectors A veteran saboteur, repression. promoting conflict, calling for social war…I’m thinking of you and carry you with Marco Camenisch. Our negations are infinitely more me… potent then their domination, * Brief summary of Adrian’s situation: charges, and threats, are proudly “Because not one sentence will be fed by our desires and perpetual and not one prison high-security” prison_Mexico.html necessities, by our indomitable Claudia López B. dignity which we do not buy nor sell…we are willingly irrepressible, -Hans Niemeyer, recaptured Thursday the never forgetful!! 26th and clumsily indicted by the prosecutor and police in order to satisfy I think of and carry with me: democracy’s anti-bomb thirst for Marcelo Villarroel ‘Let’s vengeance. -Zoe, a young compañerita walk together: it’s time libertaria who died April 30, 2009 -Carla and Iván locked up in their houses handling an explosive device in an under the same capitalist thirst for to fight!!’ (Chile) abandoned factory in Cogna, vengeance. Chanbery, France while we were prisoners at Unidad 11 in To break with immobility and acceptance, to “Because one who forgets the captives Newken, Argentina. construct networks of complicity, to take of war completely forgets the same war.” back the practice and ideas of subversion Gerasimos Tsakalos, -The three compañeras and two and revolutionary solidarity… CCF member in prison. compañeros, political prisoners incarcerated since Dec. of last For anti-capitalist internationalism, The chapters of confrontation which we year in Bariloche, Río Negro, autonomous, and libertario… live as hostages of the state-prison- Argentina as a result of the capital are many and lived daily, there are mobilization of popular sectors Let’s go, walking together, it time to fight!! no pauses in war. Domination crushes tired of their misery. Prisoners of the Social War…to the street!! lives in the centers of extermination and While misery exists, there will be rebellion!! isolation, in the places of wage -Nicola Gai, Alfredo Cospito, exploitation, in the temples of combative anarchist prisoners Against prison, the state, and indoctrination and lobotomy which held in Ferrara, Italy, for the attack capital….Total liberation!! serially create teams of managers, carried out in 2012 against the professionals of democracy, citizens of executive director of Ansaldo Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda social peace, slave-sheep of the military- Nucleare. police complex which controls a large Libertarian prisoner part of the planet. But the multiform -Jaime Gimenes Arbe, an offensive resistance is not a pantomime anarchist prisoner of direct action CAS – Santiago – Chile nor a mere pose. it is a permanent act- of Basque origin, held captive April 30, 2013 option-experience which manifests in all since 2007 in prison in Monsanto, moments and aspects of our lives. The 10