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Preview 32 sept Spotlights.indd - Bromley Little Theatre

September 2011 No. 32 | Bimonthly www.bromleylittletheatre.org FLEA IN HER EAR! (Review: page 4 - Photos Back Cover) INSIDE: Review: Flea in Her Ear | Love On The Dole S P E Auditions: California Suite | Twelfth Night | Equus R A Preview s: The Glass Men a gerie | The Weir | Brassed Off E S 2 V O Howard Wilson Tribute • Events Diary • Noticeboard I 0 N 1 E 2 W What’s Inside BLT Chair 2 Playgoers’ Noticeboard 3 Key Contacts 3 The D.R.A.M.A.s Review of Flea in Her Ear 4 Howard Wilson: 6 a tribute 7 BLT’s 2012 Season 8 Audition Notices 12 Previews 14 Diary Dates 16 Flea in her Ear Claire McRandal as Raymonde in BLT Chair will be looking at strategies to increase as many members are aware, the number of set designers, set we cannot make the necessary ““II ssaaiidd aatt tthhee builders, lighting designers, lighting investment in the theatre until bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff operators etc. we are clear that we have a mmyy pprreevviioouuss sufficiently long lease to make ccoolluummnn iinn BLT, the company and charity held, its such investment worthwhile. Our SSppoottlliigghhttss tthhaatt AGM on Monday 18 July. Key points current lease is up for renewal II wwaass wwrriittiinngg aatt d• iscussed included: at the beginning of 2012 and tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg securing a sufficiently long new ooff tthhee ffiirrsstt Artistic values remain a key lease is the key priority for the ssuunnnnyy ddaayy ooff strength at BLT. Moreover, with • Board for the remainder of this tthhee ssuummmmeerr.. IItt special thanks to Pauline Armour, year. ttuurrnnss oouutt II’’mm our aim is to increase further, Finally, having reported on the sad aaffrraaiidd tthhaatt iitt wwaass oonnee ooff tthhee ffeeww ssuunnnnyy the quality and consistency of loss of Tom Pead in the previous days of the summer and I should productions through an artistic edition of Spotlights, BLT lost have stilled my pen because I clearly assurance scheme. The focus Howard Wilson on 28 June. Many brought the dismal summer weather will be on making sure each are aware that Howard, with the we have largely seen ever since. production has support available wonderful support of his wife to iron out any difficulties Christine, fought a positive and Life at BLT continues as always. We that may arise early on in the life affirming battle with motor are in the middle of the August break, production process and will neurone disease. It was a mark of preparations for the September see longstanding BLT Directors the man that even in this matter, production of Whipping It Up proceed • supporting each other as well as Howard maintained his joyous at hectic pace. Planning for both new Directors to BLT. and quietly persistent approach the 2012 season and membership Our finances remain healthy to life. Later on in this edition renewal are underway, the youth as previously reported, we have published the tribute to group is up and running and dozens and we continue to run a Howard from Jane Buckland at of children are preparing themselves surplus. Significant discussion the commemoration of his life for an Autumn of weekends spent was had though on the need for on 12 July. That says more than I rehearsing for the December significant expenditure on the ever can in this column. But BLT production of Oliver. At the same time, theatre building, for example the has lost a great stage manager we remain, as always, hand to mouth parlous state of the roof and the and actor and I will miss him as a Samantha Barrass in the back stage running of BLT and need for a new one. This is before person enormously.” one occupation of the Board and we any long desired development Playgoers as we go into the Autumn to improve the facilities. However, www.bromleylittletheatre.org Bromley Little Theatre - Registered Charity No. 1132561 Spotlights Spotlights is published by Bromley Little Theatre Ltd., North Street, Bromley,2 Kent BR1 1SB. Any views and/or opinions expressed by individuals in are done so independently and are not necessarily the opinions of Bromley Little Theatre Ltd or its directors. Playgoers’ NoticeBoard Key Contacts Key Contact Areas: board@bromleylitt letheatre.org playgoers@bromleylitt letheatre.org Hello everyone! My name is Dominic Howell and I’m the new Chairman of the Playgoers’ Chairman: chairman@bromleylitt letheatre.org Committee. Some of you may have seen me on Tel: 07900 580841 stage over the past few years - I played Jeffrey Key: Samantha Barrass Fairbrother in May’s production of Hi de Hi - and others may will have encountered me at Finance: fi nance@bromleylitt letheatre.org the coffee bar in recent months. If you don’t Key: Howard Binysh know me, I hope to meet you at the theatre at some point in the coming months. I joined the Artistic: Flea in her Ear Playgoers’ Committee last year as I felt that having appeared on the BLT stage artistic@bromleylitt letheatre.org Tel: 07984 722308 several times, I should try and make a contribution behind the scenes. I took the Claire McRandal as Raymonde in Keys: Pauline Armour, view that it is all very well prancing around on stage and having a jolly time in Jane Buckland costume, but it takes an awful lot of work to put on shows and keep the theatre running on a day to day basis. In fact, the performances are the tip of the iceberg. Youth Group: As a poacher turned gamekeeper as it were, I’d like to express my gratitude on youthgroup@bromleylitt letheatre.org Key: Playgoers & Board behalf of the actors to everyone who works to make the shows possible - be that sound and lighting, box office, coffee and bar, theatre maintenance, accounts and Membership: finance, legal issues, anything and everything that stops the roof falling in and membership@bromleylitt letheatre.org means audiences can come and see our shows. Tel: 07871 155216 Key: Christina Jeremiah It is customary at this stage to say thank you to my predecessor. Simon Peel has Box Offi ce: boxoffi ce@bromleylitt letheatre.org been a tireless servant of the theatre for many years and I am daunted to be Tel: 07917 853621 following in his footsteps. I can say at the outset that I won’t be able to match Key: Sue Clarke his all-around abilities and skills but I do hope I can help in a small way to make the experience of playgoers to be an enjoyable one. Maybe appearing in Production: production@bromleylitt letheatre.org fewer shows is the right way to start! I would like to foster a spirit of common Tel: 07890 724071 endeavour at the theatre and for everyone to bear in mind how many people Key: Chris Stewart give up considerable time and energy to make it the best place to see theatre in Bromley! If you would like to get involved in any way we are always looking for Spotlights: Spotlights@bromleylitt letheatre.org volunteers to help make our shows better and better. Key: Playgoers & Board Dominic Howell Website: webmaster@bromleylitt letheatre.org Tel: 07939 034437 Key: Paul Johnson Bar: bar@bromleylitt letheatre.org Tel: 01689 870326 Key: Pauline Pead 3 a le a F a in E r W E V I A E her R I won’t attempt to summarise the plot as we’d be here all day, if not several weeks. ‘Flea’ was once memorably described Adapted and directed by as like watching a tennis • Stevie Hughes match with twelve players all playing at once. I can mazingly, like the rest There have been occasions at confirm this, having attended of his celebrated French BLT when directors haanvde also the aforementioned Old Vic farces, Feydeau’s ‘A acted in their own productions. version which I found to be Flea in Her Ear’ has never But directing, acting bewilderingly frenetic and previously been seen at BLT. writing? As Stevie Hughes complex. So I’m glad to report Mind you, I nearly didn’t see pointed out in his programme that here, Feydeau’s maelstrom this production either. By the notes, he had no alternative. A of mistaken identity, marital time I got around to booking When ‘Flea’ was first mooted infidelity, illicit liasons and it was all sold out. Thankfully, as a production by BLT’s flying dental appliances was I was able to pick up a spare Playgoers’ Pick competition much simpler to follow and far returned ticket, but it was a last year, Stevie agreed to easier to enjoy. close call. direct, little knowing that he would not only have to take In his pivotal dual role as Has this ever happened to you? over the part of ‘Tournel’, but Victor-Emmanuel Chandebise If so, I suggest you sign up that the rights to the play itself and hotel porter Poche, for BLT’s new email bulletins. would be withheld, thanks Tony Wright-Jones was both Simply go to the website at to an impending production exhausting and exhilarating www.bromleylittletheatre.org at the Old Vic. Showing to watch. Sustaining two enter your email address in the commendable tenacity (and such demanding roles must box on the home page (you’ll taking advantage of the fact have been difficult, yet he art find it just under ‘Coming Soon that Feydeau’s works are now w to BLT’) and you’ll be signed out of copyright) he bravely set coped with it not just ably, s Ste but admirably. As his wife ri up automatically. You’ll then about writing his own version, Ch Raymonde, Claire McRandal hit y: be emailed a gentle and timely retaining the story, characters h p just the right note and added a reeamchi nsdheorw t.o book just before amnidd -d2e0vthi cCeesn btuutr yr ePsaertitsin agn idt rine- a certain coquettish glamour hotogr to the proceedings, aided and P jigging the dialogue to make it abetted by the ever-reliable OK commercial over, back to more relevant to modern ears. Julie Binysh as her best friend the review. 4 Lucienne. Newcomer Kyle However, this Flea in Her Cluett wrestled manfully – and Ear was not without its Flies successfully - with the mangled in the Ointment. Whilst speech of Camille and it was acknowledging the difficulties nice to see Dennis and Nikki imposed by the need to swiftly Packham so obviously getting alternate between two sets a kick out of portraying the on BLT’s ‘compact’ stage, did couple running the notorious they have to be so under- Hotel Oo-La-La. A literal kick dressed? The Chandebises’ in Dennis’ case! drawing room was made unrelentingly drab by the use Elsewhere, Felix Catto and of black drapes as the back Martin Bunyan turned wall which, unfortunately, in characteristically fine turned a rather grubby grey performances as Dr. Finache sludge colour when lit from and Etienne the butler. the front. Likewise, surely Likewise, Bob Etherington the Hotel Oo-La-La would had a ball as Hungrich, the have been enhanced by a few shouty german guest, while pictures on the wall, say, or a Patrick Brown added to his couple of potted plants? As it gallery of skilfully-drawn BLT was, it resembled a particularly characters as Baptiste, one unappealing government of the seedy dedniviezretnisss oemf tehnet institution rather than a hotel (I particularly enjoyed his decadent den of iniquity. And between-acts the absence of a bedroom door with Nikki Packihncaomg,n withoere to slam is definitely a major I swear Hi De Hi’s Ted omission in a farce! Bovis made an art reappearance!). Samantha However, these criticisms w e St Elgar and Holly Marsh lent aside, Stevie and his cast and s hri strong support as Anoinette crew are to be congratulated C y: the cook and Eugenie the on giving Feydeau such a fine h p ra potty-mouthed chambermaid, and ambitious debut at BLT. g o ot although I couldn’t help feeling Here’s hoping that it won’t be h P that the latter’s frequent use another 60-odd years before he of the word ‘Twat’ was more makes a further appearance! st Paul Campion 21 century Poplar than mid- th 20 Century Paris! Meanwhile, Glenn Aylott enjoyed himself tremendously as Don Carlos, Lucienne’s hot-blooded pistol- packing husband. Sadly, this was Glenn’s final performance at BLT but he went out with a bang – in both senses of the word. Costumes and wigs (by Lorraine Spenceley) were similarly well-judged and suited the director’s intention to evoke the glamour of the period. 5 to get the group to make the the D.R.A.M.A.s decisions, and not rely on the organisers. Hi, I’m Kirsty! Next term we’re going to be looking at the And I’m Ed! whole schbang: lighting, costumes, And we are the Democratic the works! Republic of Absolutely Mad Actors!... the D.R.A.M.A.s... get it? We have two shows coming up, ‘The Previously known as the BLT Shakespeare Thingy’ Youth Group. on the 2nd-4th March, and our main Do you like acting? house production in early August. Do you like the theatre? The Do you like ALL aspects of the Both will be brilliant so other big change will theatre? be sure to check them out! come next term when we start looking at all aspects of the In which case, join us every theatre, and to be honest Kirsty, Sunday from 3-5pm at the I can’t wait! So, Kirsty! You’ve just joined Bromley Little Theatre for tons youth group, what were your of fun! fi rst impressions? You’ll meet loads of friendly So if you want to try some acting, Well, Ed, at fi rst it was rather people between the ages of 11-18! intimidating, everyone being so No matter how much you’ve It’s always a laugh, but we’re loud and energetic, but once I done before, settled in, I felt at home. It’s so constantly working hard fun, and I’m always laughing! Or learn more about any aspect of towards a performance. There’s never a dull moment, the theatre, Our next one is a showcase on and everyone gets involved (even September 4th. Come along at 5pm if the shyer characters need a Or just have a good laugh, and watch for free! little poking at fi rst!). It’s such Come and join us! a relaxed, happy atmosphere; I We’ve put together a collection always leave in a far better mood Th e Democratic Republic of of sketches for the show and, than I was in when I went in. Absolutely Mad Actors! as always, it’s our decisions as much as the organisers. You, however, Ed, have been at You know the time, youth group for a while. How has it changed? And you know the place, Apart from the But if you still have some time change? questions, just email us! At Well it’s still the [email protected] same friendly atmosphere it There’s always someone friendly always has been, on the other end, so don’t but everybody hesitate to ask us about anything. gets more involved now; See you soon! there’s been a real shift Ed Vander and Kirsty Dolan- Murphy 6 Howard Wilson: a tribute oward’s exemplary and rather sometimes solipsistic world of trouble over the smallest of tasks on wonderful life at Bromley amateur theatre, Howard never fell Howard’s shows, not because he was a Little Theatre began in 1994 out with anyone; I never heard a single martinet or tyrant but simply because when, as Christine told me, he found person have an ill word to say of him you just didn’t ever want to let Howard Macbeth himself almost by chance, cast in the and if he found an individual trying down. Backstage props were placed role of the Porter in . This or difficult to work with he kept his on tables squared off with masking drunken, lascivious, foul mouthed, own counsel and quietly avoided tape with sections marked as “severed H old goat could not have been further their company. He never gossiped. leg one” or “second pistol.” A place for from the courtly, kind and considerate (Perhaps only those of you here today everything in its place. And of course Howard who was so loved at BLT but involved in the theatre will appreciate there was always cake, usually tiffin. I know he would have performed the quite how admirable and unusual that When he became ill and could no role with relish. was!) longer act or stage manage he and I first met Howard in 2005 when Whilst impressive in serious roles it Christine came to every show they Ghetto we were both in a performance of was in comedy that Howard sparkled possibly could, in the latter months Sobel’s , a grim and moving and I had the joyful task of directing in the space for his wheelchair at the On the Razzle story of resistance and sacrifice him on more than one occasion. As front of the auditorium from where during the Holocaust. He played the Zangler in , resplendent his and Christine’s ready laughter part of Kruk, one of the characters in Ruritanian red uniform and encouraged many a young actor in who compromised least in the play ludicrous feathered helmet, he romped a comedy role to think themselves a and who refused to cooperate with his way through puns and slapstick comic genius judging by the audience’s the Nazis even to save his own life. enjoying every moment of rehearsal reaction. See How they Run This Character’s inner strength and and performance. As the Bishop of Lax I know that many people at BLT feel as integrity echoed one of my first in , he ran through I do, that we were privileged to work impressions of Howard, even before French windows leaping athletically and have fun alongside this man. His his sense of fun and kindness became over, comatose spinsters like a Dad’s Army quiet integrity, his kindness, his laugh, also apparent. The production battled geriatric but still sprightly gazelle and his gentlemanly demeanour, his wit with various difficulties in rehearsals as Godfrey in he milked and his patient encouragement of until finally one night we were told every last drop of comedy from that younger and less experienced actors that the artistic director had decided character’s unfortunately unreliable are all things we will miss terribly. to pull the show, the first time such internal plumbing. He knew the a decision had been taken in living devil was in the detail and I fondly - JHane ew Baus cak mlaannd, take him for all in all, I memory. The cast were in uproar, the remember his carefully rehearsing On the Razzle shall not look upon his like again director was in tears and as we stood over and over again a tricky trouser in the bar, Howard and I, with people changing episode in as milling around, he turned to me and though it was a piece of particularly said quietly but firmly, “this can’t challenging brain surgery. happen.” And it didn’t, changes were Howard is remembered with such organised, people made heroic efforts affection and respect at BLT not and the show did go on and was a just for his acting but also for his success, albeit a qualified one. role as stage manager on so many Howard had the ability to be the productions. He was one of the best stillness at the heart of the storm, stage managers we had. He only liked the moral centre of any group but to work on shows which presented more remarkably he could be these a challenge, such as numerous and things while at the same time being complicated props or set changes. He holier than thou enormous fun. There was nothing was a stickler for detail, impeccably pious or about him organized and a quite brilliant (unless, of course, he was playing manager of the backstage team. No a comedy bishop.) In the crazy, one arrived late or 7failed to take Planning the 2012 season has come around again very quickly and many hours have been spent pouring over play M catalogues, web sites and reading a wide range of scripts BTG including those suggested by our members. In addition we A Performances March 16 -24 Festival have revisited the plays put forward by members last year T o Be Confirmed Entry R and some suggestions have again made it into the 2012 programme. C DIn iMraerccht ePdau blinye PAramuoluirn deire Actrs mouor 2u0r12 entry into the Bromley Theatre Guild Festival. At the time of going to print several H options are being explored as performing rights are negotiated During 2012 we aim to expand our programme by and secured. Watch the website for an announcement in the next increasing the number of bar productions which have few weeks and for audition details. Auditions 16 October at proved to be very successful and have played to 100% 3-30; capacity. In addition the Youth Theatre has been re- launched and there will be opportunities throughout the year to show case their achievements in both the main house and the bar. Performances April 20 -28 We are also pleased to announce that along with hundreds A J- eJerz uBusttaerlweomrth of other companies up and down the country BLT is P participating in the Royal Shakespeare Company’s ‘Open Stages’ programme. This means that we may be given R DIn iArpericl wtee dpr ebsye nDt tahev ese Ariorumslyo durarmatic and deeply moving Equus by one of our greatest British playwrights – Peter Shaffer. the opportunity to perform at regional venues during 2012 Tony Jenner who brought us Amadeus in 2010 directs this show casing our particular tribute to either the actual works I challenging piece which explores the mind of a deeply disturbed of Shakespeare, those of his contemporaries or writing young man following the mutilation of 6 horses. The play was L revived in the West End last year with Daniel Radcliffe making adapted along a Shakespearian theme. his stage debut following his success as Harry Potter. Recent reviews comment on how well the play has stood the test of time Again it has proved tricky to secure the performing rights and how its revival was richly deserved with its powerful mix of for all of the shows we had in mind and a certain amount psychiatric casebook and detective story. Auditions 16 October of wheeling and dealing has been required to put together at 5-30; a programme which we hope refl ects the eclectic tastes of our membership. So here we go: Performances May 18 -26 T- Aalabn lAeyc Mkboaurnnners M J Performances January 20-28 A DIn iMraeyc wtee dw eblcyo mPea Ptartirciciiaa MMelelulilsuh,i aslhthough new as a director A to BLT, her work is well known to many other companies in C- Naeilli Sfiomronnia Suite the area. The mood is lightened by one of Alan Ayckbourn’s Y N comedies from the acclaimed Norman Conquests Trilogy – Table Manners. You can expect the usual mix of fraught family U DWeir oepcetne ind J banyu aNryi kwikthi NPikakci kPahcakhmam, hot from her successful relationships, absurd situations and laughter which arise from best actress award in the Bromley Theatre Guild Festival, the hopes, dreams , fears and frustrations of ill matched couples A directing her second production for BLT, the extremely funny and hopeless singletons. The play is still absolutely fresh two California Suite by the ever popular Neil Simon which shows generations after it was fi rst produced packed with great wit but R his writing at his most humane, compassionate and witty best. also real, compassionate insights into the mundanity of middle Set in a hotel suite, four highly entertaining stories, unrelated class life in the 1970s and also, one fears, today. Auditions to Y other than their location are guaranteed to start the year off on a be announced in 2012; positive note with an effortlessly laughing audience. Auditions 18 September at 2-00; Performances June 15 -23 F J E- Pqetueru Scsh affer E U DOuirr Jeucntee pdro bduyc tTioon nisy in Jtehen cnaeparble hands of Jane Buckland B Performances February 17 -25 N who directs a hilarious romp of a play ‘London Assurance’ by T- Wwilleialmf tShha kNesipgeahret the Victorian playwright Dion Boucicault which sold out during R E the 2010 Summer season at The National with many accolades for the performances of Simon Russell – Beale and Fiona Shaw. U DOuirr ceocnttreibdu tibony toA tbhei TRSoCp Olepyen Stages Programme is our The plot follows the classic Restoration comedy genre (although February production when Abbi Topley takes on Shakespeare’s written over 100 years later) where impecunious toffs spent their A Twelfth Night renowned for its opening line ‘If music be the food lives frittering away money that they do not have and pursuing of love – play on’ and of course the hapless Malvolio’s yellow romantic intrigues with inappropriate women. The combination of R stockings. Abi and her team are assured to deliver a production ridiculous characters in an unlikely tale of mistaken identities is that is engaging, fast moving and bridges the divide between the guaranteed to generate sustained laughter throughout the entire Y 16th and 21st centuries. Auditions 18 September at 4-00; performance. Auditions to be announced in 2012; 8 BLT’s 2012 Main BTG Festival Entry House Season N O Performances July 13 -21 Performances November 9 -17 J H- Chuamrlotbtel Jeon Besoy V J- eJerz uBusttaerlweomrth U E DRoibreertc Dteilkds dbirye cRtso obure Jrutly D prioldkusction, the darkly amusing DBLiTr ehacst esedc ubreyd Danaonth eAr fir rmst fooru Nrovember when we again L comedy ‘Humble Boy’ by Charlotte Jones which was M become one of the fi rst amateur companies to perform Jez commissioned for the National Theatre and played to great Butterworth’s outstanding play Jerusalem which has won award Y acclaim by a cast which included Diana Rigg and Simon Russell B after award both in the UK and America. Jerusalem premiered at Beale. Billed as “a comedy about broken vows, failed hopes the Royal Court Theatre in 2009 and featured Mark Rylance in and the joys of beekeeping” Humble Boy abounds with comic E an astonishing performance as Johnny Byron, a modern day pied moments ranging from clever wordplay to low farce and black piper and a wanted man. Accolades for the play are endless: A comedy. Following on from his excellent Abigails Party (2010) wonderful rollicking dark comedy about contemporary life in rural R and The Glass Menagerie (2011) Robert and his team will England (Financial Times); Unarguably one of the best dramas of most certainly move the audience from laughter to tears with the 21st century (Guardian). Dan Armour takes on the directorial some appropriately timed cringing and groaning along the way. challenge of this expansive play which in the words of The Auditions to be announced in 2012; Observer ‘ keeps coming at its audience in unpredictable gusts, rolling from comic to furious, from winsome to bawdy.’ Auditions to be announced in 2012; D S E E Performances September 14 -22 C P D- Na. Jn. Cgriseprous Obsession E Performances December 7-15 T DAftierre thcet eAdug ubsyt bTreBakC we start the Autumn Season with a taut M TDetoails bof oeur Dceocemnbefr iprrodmuctioen dwill. be announced later the E psychological thriller Dangerous Obsession by NJ Crisp set in in the year. Be assured of an extravaganza in keeping with the an opulent security conscious house in the home counties. When B Festive spirit. Auditions to be announced in 2012; Man insignifi cant visitor unexpectedly calls late on a summer’s E afternoon the intrigue, mystery, tension, suspense and shocks B begin. First performed in the West End with Dinsdale Landon in the role of the visitor the play has enjoyed well received recent R E National Tours. ‘So powerfully are the tricks of suspense applied that the audience dared not cough for fear of missing the next R turn of the screw’ Times. Don’t forget to lock your doors when you get home and be careful who is watching! Auditions to be announced in 2012; O C Performances October 12 -20 C- Aadalaptnedd bey Tri mG Fiirrtlhs T O DIn iOrcetocbteerd B LbTy b ePcaomuel sC oanme opf tihoen fi rst amateur companies in Great Britain to perform the blockbuster Calendar Girls by Tim Firth directed by Paul Campion. The play hardly needs B any introduction so popular and well know are the fi lm version starring Julie Walters and the touring version with Linda E Bellingham. The true and genuinely heart warming story revolves R around a group of WI ladies from a small branch in Yorkshire who raised money for charity by posing in the nude for a calendar – all done in the best possible taste of course. Under Paul Campion’s direction we can be assured that the comic timing will be spot on with lashings of gentle humour, some great visual gags, the odd belly laugh and of course the inevitable tears. Auditions to be announced in 2012; 9 BLT’s 2012 MAY NOVEMBER Bar Season Shakers Betrayal - by John Godber - by Harold Pinter In January 2011 we launched our John Godber’s companion For November we have applied fi rst Bar Theatre programme with piece to Bouncers the action for the performing rights for Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads packed, fun fi lled Shakers is Harold Pinter’s taut drama which was very well received our May production directed by Betrayal which has very recently and played to full houses. Wayne Sheridan – one of ‘the played to great acclaim in Bouncers by John Godber also bouncers’ himself. Four feisty the West End starring Kristen proved to be extremely popular cocktail waitresses show us the Scott Thomas. Considered to and audience feedback about life of the cocktail bar in a strong be a Pinter masterpiece by the bar events has been very ensemble in which they portray a many theatre critics Betrayal positive. We anticipate that myriad of entertaining characters concerns itself with the devious our October production of The as well as giving us a glimpse workings of the human heart, Weir by Conor McPherson will of their own not so glitzy lives. with love and guilt and passion. also be very successful and Auditions: To be announced in This production will be directed on the strength of this pleasing 2012; Performances May 3 – 6 by Mike Weaver – a new director to BLT – although well picture the 2012 Bar Theatre known as a director at the programme will be expanded JULY to include 6 productions all Geoffrey Whitworth Theatre. carefully chosen to suit the Auditions: To be announced Shirley Valentine informal ambience of the bar in 2012; Performances 21 setting. There is a possibility that - by Willy Russell -25 November DEPENDING some bar productions could play In July Dave Armour directs Willy ON AVAILABILITY OF for an extra night. Russell’s ever popular Shirley PERFORMING RIGHTS. Valentine which really requires FEBRUARY no introduction at all. From chips and egg in a Liverpool semi to sun and sangria on a Greek Bombshells Island Shirley’s story captures - by Joanna Murray the imagination of everyone who yearns to break away and live The 2012 Bar Theatre season a more fulfi lling life. Auditions: opens with Bombshells by the To be announced in 2012; very talented and award winning Performances July 26 – 30 Australian writer Joanna Murray- Smith. Jane Lobb directs this SEPTEMBER series of hilarious and moving monologues which played to Talking Heads great acclaim at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2004. The - by Alan Bennett witty, insightful writing provides At the beginning of September a challenging opportunity for we are proud to present more performers to bring to life 6 Talking Heads by Alan Bennett very different women. Over the – the three we did not include course of the night, the audience in the 2011 programme - Her is introduced to a frazzled Big Chance, A Cream Cracker mother and a bride to be; a under the Settee and Soldiering cactus loving wife and a lonely On. Pauline Armour will oversee widow; a teenage wannabe star a collaborative workshop type and a fading singer. Auditions: production giving the opportunity Sunday 18 September at 6 pm; for new directors to work on Performances: February 2 -5 one or more of the monologues. Auditions: To be announced in 2012; Performances August 30 –September 2 10

Claire McRandal as Raymonde in Flea in her Ear. BLT Chair . her. Amazingly, like the rest of his celebrated French farces, Feydeau's 'A. Flea in Her Ear' has
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