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3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry [Part 1: Chs 1-15] PDF

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Preview 3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry [Part 1: Chs 1-15]

DAVID E. GOLDBERG 3000 Solved Problems in Chemistry ia Davin B Goupsenc, PhD Brvotlon Clee Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited NEW DELHI Tetra Fi Oe New DoIni NewYork StLouis San Francisco AucKand Rogol Caracas ‘Kuala Lumpur Lisbon London Macd Mexico Cry Mian Monieal San Juan Santiago Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto Mess 11 tse Nanas 12 Mens Syste 13 Sipitear gust 18 1A Calelatons ule Mobic Quast 115 Bnl-Muie Coevesions 15 16 Yorupenuus Sones 1.20 uestone 122 ge Strvstce oF Matter "A Hlmeos, Corpounds, Miuues 2.7 22 lem Atoric Svebne 2.1 2A Tonic wie Colon: Beating 28 2 estan Dot Stustine ent she Deed Hale 215 Question 212 3 Povndic able Ga Paioie Tends 3.4 5 Taorgacis Nomenclanee 32 Quetons 36 sp Chessent Foraais erent Compasion 43 BL hes Mole, Foreals Caeubins 420 42 Praia Focms 29 (Bet Molecular Formos 42? uestins 434 5, Modern Strveture of the Atom 1 Popsial Bskesound 1.1 52 Light $3 Contents rete) cre en) 51509 fine 814 1 honing i toed enh ad Bord Eas 14 Rewnance 27 25 Gnome Beading Tory SRD Walon tnd Theory 42 Nlentar Toy 85 Qhetions 213 Organi Mocks Grgnis Noreen and Classiation 9. 94 Sct tran 97 33 Geometc an Opti Nei 917 9 More Advan! Fie 217 Overtime 924 10, chanical Equations WA Bulecing Chesil Egon 101 WE Prediction of Produce 10.3 13 Net Toni Egos 30.4 eetons 224 1, Shichiometry 122 Gusts a ChemsalReseions tL.) "12 Linking Quite 11.16 IH Seite Conseatation,Phicl ty 18 Moti 13.97 Qeesions ii.40 its 14.22 tsar pron s928 104-1014 pete = nee 12S Motels Weighs of Gases 12.24 26 easter tvolving Gen 1227 eetons 1238 13, Advanced Gas Concepts sssasas 1B.1 Van Dee Wale Equation 13. 13.2 Bases of Kines Molecular Theory 134 133 Kinetic Energies of Gas Mossles 144 134 Gmaban’s tam 1212 Qoestons 13.16 14, Solids and Liquids Le Cesta Senet TAZ Cops Knergin 14.26 143 Liquids 1421 Questions 14.25 15, Oxigation and Reduction 151 Onidation Number, Oxicizng and Redacing Agcats 15.1 ‘Is Bslincng Hod Equations 15.5 153 Caleulations lavolving Redox Equations 15.24 Questions 1529 1614 Prrered 1s15, 16, Other Conceatration Unite 16.1 Nommulity in Aci-base Reactions 16.1 162 Normality in Redox Reactions 16.7 16,3 Mole Fraction and Molality 16.14 Questions 1619 ma 117, Prapertios of Solutions 17. Ruoul’s Law and Vapor Pressure Lowering, 17.1 17.2 Freezing Poiat Depression and Boiling Point Elevation 17.6 173 Onmotie Presoure 1714 174 Other Properties of Solutions 17.76 17.5 Solutions of Strong Electrolytes 17.22 Questions 17.27 ai 1% Terrie ay 181 we hate ar retin ihe tuum 18, Chemie Nts 192 aati re "98 Reaction Mca 4 eens 0 3, gute PL Le Cutts role 20 27 baum Conse oa 33 kp ie 294 Thstenans of Ei 933 Qhertns 302 AS aa tes ata AU Actos They 317 312 omzaion Centon 3g YE bain of ar 24 ater Satins 31.4 218 Uso 5p 3 Poet Acad Bae 4p thie aed Than retort 2144 2 Heterogeneous snd ny 21 Sis Par nuns 22 Cometine Rein non Eauittea “2p 29 2032 Sie Peertons 22.54 a 2 Fist Unite 22 30 Hla 29 33 Galvanic Cale 2910 B85 Powisel Apphosinas 2927 Questions 2357 rere 24, Nuclear an Raicheriey 2 Raster Pails al Noses Resotne 247 212 Halts 248 20 Bang Easrgy 2444 Nucl Cove Sova, 2020 245 Raiochersny 24.22 Qestions 2124 250 Gioup V Hlomees 387 355 cing IV and 258 356 Noble Gave 251 Quen 2812 26, Metals und Metalargy 261 Mote Banding 26 Be Allye 202 ‘363 Maio Gioap Mews 245 ‘6. Tein atd fener Trosion Mata 267 3 Mengy 281 (esto 288 27, Coordination Compounds maanas 1 Peopetcs of Wie Cewdnain Sphere 27.2 2322 Nomewlature oF Coonan Compounds 27.5 1273 feomerin of Coordination Compounds. 274 274 Valence Rané Theo of Codnation Compounds 27.13 ' Crystal Field Theory 2725 216 Guher Conoepts 22.28 Questions 27.26 Preface hominy sesh scan ieuvnfelonen, Be comin on gee cae fonds th mts beeen stuns hh acpi oy cag and the hk atom hes pheno rp spa, Matec, ors eee atc reed an es Ie el gies Pile st Be op ad vane, sang dcp ec nites tea Ss nwanspratvn nd vntan Te, it a sa Choy aes» aa fing eles abennes en option PURPOSE This book is wel suit er undergraduate science opus such WSe Ip Cheri Phi am Lie Scenes, wherver Chomty sexes xn rndomern. per kes sl ts be & ‘lable gun fr de tems of Se nd ist-ear BTook ol race wh Fst ve. paper in Chemist sil se pete merce to peeve hreompebive exits hike JAM, CATE, nd earance exousawions of Se Botchlogy sus ‘Numerous books tht provide comprehensive nd ease inwieye Wf he subjet ate ai be the she nat nn of an siphaie 9 evckpmst of eric appa, trough Solsirg a wide spetun of poles, Seno problem salvirg east] to achive an eecve rane ole satya i is ccomotended at may tee pecbems be wodked upon. Thus, a need Jes Fl Yo devs tis sppletemans bask wily Fe ne seen an sore of pebfems in onder to prvi sets ik ge Inough concept development ad problem-solving skil FEATURES Since Chemishy is test lear by solving ploblens—as many wi practial—this Speci fain LEdtionprovade yo with 3900 opocucts Schm?3000 Sted Pratlens x Chemisty covers sll ear cones, ehrough w roid ary oF sable problems Wt pesems more than one apposch ff alvin cach piobla andthe <clutions are wellsuppered through numerous sracites ned ‘elvan! gaps, Thus, tr reference boc very helpfilool for reviewing and undersanding Key sonseps, enabling autery uf te sujet ove single step a tine al your on ape. “4 sorint of Proce presen by cacti Question Aner forma 4 vend 3000 Problems of Nsercat at well as Thareta!nature, wlth Selon, “+ Mary problems within the ehapers have beca solved wing mare thas one approach, with elaboration of the relevant bet segue, “+ Beeencen add ems whom 4 250 Dara ais SATION RAN ATs ofthe 060 SV pig ‘he book sqoning ove: 27 aap sos lt Sani TO aductny cpr go nd Inarginis Chantry nave boo cece “The best yt nse Ua one ue iri is Corr prblens wach opi. niet: 8 ngs amb : ree Fie gn edeginy sie Out nd C0 ene tremor solar ine cheat ah Ben Ht, SSE a Seen ing of ban ings ace stn Since tee is no st eds of opie ingens chit tens stodert wil Nave tv cons he Tos of Comet ind ook toe ts proiems but hs wes To do. 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