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30. Redescription of Schizomus Buxtoni Gravely from Sri Lanka on the Basis of Syntypes Deposited in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta by F.h. Gravely 1915 PDF

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Preview 30. Redescription of Schizomus Buxtoni Gravely from Sri Lanka on the Basis of Syntypes Deposited in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta by F.h. Gravely 1915

MISCELLANEOUSNOTES 30. REDESCRIPTIONOF SCHIZOMUSBUXTONIGRAVELYFROM SRI LANKA ON THE BASIS OF SYNTYPES DEPOSITED IN THE ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OFINDIA, CALCUTTABYF.H. GRAVELY 1915 (With sixteen text-figures) Schizomids are minute arachnids difficult posteriorportion. Pedipalps short and stout, not to see with the naked eye. They are nocturnal much expanded and produced on trochanters and secretive in habit, and a difficult group to (Figs 6 & 10); male flagellum with a ventral collect and study. There are about 5-6 species longitudinal hyaline body (Figs 7 & 8). described from India (Bastawade 1985, 1992), Measurements (inmm): Female syntype, 8 from Sri Lanka and 3 from Myanmar in the totallength4.86,cephalothorax 1.78long, 1.008 Oriental region. In 1872, Pickard-Cambridge wide; abdomen 3.08 long. described Schizomus crassicaudatus, the first Cephalothorax: Propeltidium more than species known from Sri Lanka. Subsequently, twice as long as wide, anterior margin acutely Pocock(1900)describedS. suboculatus,Gravely narrowed in a medianprocess bearing a median (1911a, 1911b, 1912, 1915) described 5 species seta,followedimmediatelybyapairofsetaeand S. buxtoni S. greeni S. peradensis, S. vittatus subsequently with three lateral and two median , , andS.perplexus,andFernando(1957)described pairsofsetae(Fig. 1), eyespotsabsent,posterior S. formicoides. portion rough with microscopic suturous The species described by Gravely (1911- reticulations;mesopeltidiummuchnarrowed,not 1915) were from his own collections ofseveral clearly seen; metapeltidium bearing a deep male and female specimens from various median notch on anterior portion (Fig. 1), with localities in Sri Lanka. He designated these a pair ofposterior setae. Anterior sternum with collectionsassyntypesanddepositedthematthe 8-9setaeplusapairoflongstemapophysealsetae ZoologicalSurveyofIndia,Calcutta(=Kolkata). from anterior margin, posterior sternumweakly I had the opportunity to study a few sclerotised, bearing 5-6 setae. specimens ofS. buxtoni Gravely and to prepare Abdomen: All tergites and sternites redescriptions and illustrations, which would smooth, sternite I with two anterior rows of facilitate future studies on this small, but most 8 setae and a pair of lateral oblique rows of 7 interesting invertebrate. setae(Fig. 13),sterniteII-IXwithapairoflateral, 1 submedianlateraland 1 pairofanteriormedian Schizomus buxtoni Gravely setaeeach; setationonX-XIIsegmentsnotclear. (Figs 1-16) TergitesI-VIIsmooth,withapairofmediansetae 1915. Schizomus (Trithyreus) buxtoni and tergites VIII-IX with a pair ofmedian and , Gravely, Rec. Indian Mus. 11: 383-6. lateral setae. Segment XII with only 4 dorsal mm General: Body colour yellowish-brown, setae clearly noticeable. Flagellum 0.342 darker on pedipalps and cheliceral fingers, but long, most ofthe setae shaded or drooped (due pale on distal digits of legs; sometimes with a to prolonged preservation) as in Fig. 14. greenish tinge on larger specimens (Gravely Spermathecaewithtwopairsofspearheadedlobes, 1915). Dorsal body surface smooth on most of with undulating inner surface (Figs 15 & 16). the anteriorportions ofpropeltidium, but rough Chelicerae: Basal segment smooth, with microscopic suturous reticulation on slightly depressed medially, fixed finger with JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 98(1),APR. 2001 133 . MISCELLANEOUSNOTES aspect. aspect; lateral aspect; retromarginal flagellum, dorsal for Palp, Chelicera, 6. X-XII d 3. aspect; Segments Gravely aspect; lateral 8. IV, biixtoni aspect; promarginal Femur 5. ventral Schizomus Chelicera, aspect; 1-8: flagellum, 2. Figs dorsal I, with aspect; IX-XII dorsal metatarsus Segments Tarsus, Cephalothorax, 4. Abdominal 1. 7. 134 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 98(1), APR. 2001 MISCELLANEOUSNOTES 4minuteteethbetweentwolargeouterteeth(Figs median pair and a lateral pair of setae, tergite & 2 3),movablefingerwithsmoothserrula,with IX less than halfthe length oftergite VIII and 12-13 minute teeth ridge and a tooth on lateral with a pair of median and two lateral pairs of anterior margin (Figs 2 & 3), types of setae setae. Segments X-XII telescoped, X with one presentType1-3, II-4,III-7, IV-4,V-3 andVI-1. mediolateral, 2 pairs oflateral setae; XI with 6- Pedipalps: Short and stout, trochanter 8 ventral setae, dorsalsetaenotclear; XII with2 produced, but not acutely, bearing 6-7 spinose pairs of strong dorsomedians, 2 pairs of short setae, femora rounded and anteroventrally and stout laterals and 6 ventral setae. Male knobbedwithspinesonexteriorsurface,patellae flagellum short, 0.414 long, and 0.27 wide, without spur, but with long pilose setae on sphere shaped, knobbed with two lateral lobes, ventromesal margins, a pair oflonger plumose not much sclerotized and provided with a setaeondistalend,tibiaenotrounded,butalmost ventromedian, elongated along with ventral pentagonalwithmanysetaeondorsalandmesal medianlineasemi-dumbbellshapedtransparent surfaces,withalongsetaonventromesalsurface, hyaline piece (Figs 7 & 8), with 2d, 2dm, 2L tarsus-basitarsus with several short and some and3Vsetae.Legs: I-IVasinTable2,basitarsal- long plumose setae, spur about 0.6 and claws tarsal proportions as 27:4:5:6:5:4:15 (Fig. 12), about 1.2timesdorsallengthoftarsus-basitarsus. Femora IV 2.6 times as long as deep (Fig.11), Legs: Leg I-IV as in Table 1, basitarsal- anterior sternum with 7 setae and a pair oflong tarsal proportions as 22:3:4:4:5:5:13 (Fig. 4). stemapophysialsetaeonanteriormargin,posterior Femora IV about 3.3 times long as deep. sternum with 5-6 setae. Measurements (in mm): Male syntype Materialexamined: 19,1 d,fromthetype total length 3.96, cephalothorax 1.88 long, 1.00 seriesdepositedatNationalZoologicalCollections, wide; abdomen 2.08 long. Zoological Survey ofIndia, Calcutta(=Kolkata). Cephalothorax:Propeltidium1.28,almost Type Locality: i. Polonuruwa, North same as infemale syntype, except2 medianand central Province, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), several 2 lateral setae;mesopeltidiumnotveryclearand 9 9 and dd collected from under rocks and very narrow, thus invisible, transparent due to leaves. longpreservation;metapeltidiumdeeplynotched ii. Minneriya, North Central Province medially (Fig. 9). 3 9 9. Abdomen: Tergites I-V each with a pair iii. Sigiri, Central Province many 9 9 and of median setae, tergites VI-VIII each with a dd. Table1 MEASUREMENTS(INMM):FEMALESYNTYPES'.BUXTONIGRAVELY Pedipalp LegsI II III IV Coxa 0.67 0.51 0.52 0.36 0.36 Trochanter 0.34 0.36 0.36 0.23 0.27 Femur 0.43 1.10 1.08 0.99 1.22 Patella 0.54 1.39 0.54 0.32 0.34 Tibia 0.47 1.12 0.52 0.38 0.81 Tarsus 0.40 0.34 0.41 0.79 0.22 Basitarsus 0.61 0.36 0.40 0.50 Total 2.67 3.09 3.45 3.09 4.29 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 98(1),APR. 2001 135 MISCELLANEOUSNOTES aspect. dorsal (magnified), Spermathecae . 16 136 JOURNAL. BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY. 98(1). APR. 2001 MISCELLANEOUSNOTES Table2 MEASUREMENTS(INMM):MALESYNTYPES.BUXTONIGRAVELY Pedipalp Legs1 11 III IV Coxa 0.54 0.72 0.54 0.36 0.33 Trochanter 0.49 0.42 0.23 0.27 0.43 Femur 0.60 1.62 0.94 0.88 1.40 Patella 0.61 2.20 0.56 0.36 0.54 Tibia 0.54 1.55 0.65 0.4 1.10 Tarsus 0.56 0.52 1.00 0.27 1.90 Basitarsus 0.43 0.36 0.45 Total 3.05 8.41 3.91 3.15 5.25 Distribution: North Central and Central RegionalStation,PuneforfacilitiesandtheArtist Provinces ofSriLanka only. section, ZSI, WRS, Pune for preparing the ink- lined illustrations. Acknowledgements February 16, 2000 D.B.BASTAWADE I thank Dr J.R.B. Alfred, Director, Zoological Survey ofIndia, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata for the 251 Western RegionalStation, , facilities to study the syntypes at ZSI, Kolkata. Vidyanagar, Sec. 29 I thank Drs R.C. Basu, A.K. Sanyal, and Opp. Akurdi Railway Station, B. Biswas fortheirkindco-operationduring the Rawat Road, studies,theOfficers-in-ChargeofZSI,Arunachal Pune411 044, PradeshFieldStation,Itanagar,andZSI,Western Maharashtra, India. ReferENCES Bastawade, D.B. (1985): The first report ofthe order Gravely,F.H.(1911b):ThespeciesofCeylonPedipalpi. Schizomida (Arachnida) from Southern India. SpoliaZeylanica 7: 135-140. J. Bombaynat. Hist. Soc. 82: 689-691. Gravely,F.H.(1912):NotesonPedipalpiinthecollection Bastawade,D.B. &T.K. Pal(1992):Thefirstrecordof oftheIndianMuseum.Rec. IndianMus. 7: 101-110. the Arachnid order Schizomida from Arunachal Gravely,F.H.(1915):NoteonPedipalpiinthecollection Pradesh.J. Bombaynat. Hist. Soc. 89(1): 137. of Indian Museum V, Tarterides collected by Fernando, E.F. (1957): A new species ofSchizomus Mr.B.H.BuxtoninCeylonandtheMalaya.Rec.Indian (Trithyreus)formicoidesfromCeylon.Ann.Mag.Nat. Mus. 77:383-386. Hist. 10(12): 13-16. Pocock,R.I.(1900):TheFaunaofBritishIndia,including Gravely,F.H.(1911a):NotesonPedipalpiinthecollection CeylonandBurma.Arachnida.Taylor&Francisxii+ oftheIndianMuseum.Rec. IndianMus. 6:33-38. 279. MORPHOLOGY OF EURYCERCUSLAMELLATUS(MULLER), CHYDORIDAE: 31. CLADOCERA, FROM THE HIGH ALTITUDE WETLANDS OF SIKKIM, INDIA (With thirteen text-figures) Chydoridae is the largest family of the examined the phylogenetic relationships Order Cladocera, and is clearly defined amongst its members and established four morphologically and ecologically. Frey (1967) subfamilies, namely Eurycercinae, Sayciinae, JOURNAL. BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY. 98(1),APR. 2001 137

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