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EFFECT OF CHARCOAL APPLICATION ON THE EARLY GROWTH STAGE OFAcacia mangiumandMichelia montana Chairil Anwar Siregar1 ABSTRACT Charcoal, or black coloured carbon-predominated stuff, is produced during incomplete combustion of woody plant biomass. Charcoal application to the soil can improve chemical and nutritionalnaturetherebyinducingbetterplantgrowthanddevelopment.However,theutilizationof charcoalinforestrysector,especiallyindustrialplantation,hasnotbeenintroducedduetotheabsence of availableinformation. IndicatorspeciesusedinthisstudyareAcaciamangiumandMicheliamontana. A. mangium is one of the most important species grown in industrial plantations in Indonesia. Meanwhile M. montana is critical endemic species in Gunung Halimun National Park. Glasshouse researchwasdesignedtoexaminetheeffectivenessofcharcoalincorporationintomarginalsoilsonthe growthof 6-month-oldAcaciamangiumand6-month-oldMicheliamontana.Charcoaltreatmentswere0, 10,15and20%(v/v)forA.mangium,while0,5,10,15and20%(v/v)forM.montana.Representative samples of Orthic Acrisol (i.e. Very fine, mixed, semiactive, isohyperthermic, and Typic Paleudult) werecollectedfromBhorizon.Acompletelyrandomizeddesignwithfourreplications(forA.mangium) andfivereplications(forM.montana)wasemployedtoexaminetheeffectof charcoalapplicationon the plant growth and some important chemical properties of the corresponding soil. Charcoal additions to the soil significantly increased height, diameter, and leaf and stem biomass weight of A. mangium, and significantly increased height, diameter, and total biomass weight of M. montana seedlingsincomparisontothoseof acontrol. Increasingtheamountof charcoalhigherthan10% level,however,havelittleeffectonA.mangiumgrowth.Ontheotherhand,increasingtheamountof charcoalhigherthan10%isstilleffectiveonM.montanagrowth.Thisstudyindicatedthatcharcoal applicationattheratesof 10%forA.mangiumand15%forM.montanawouldbeadequatetoimprove theavailabilityofsoilnutrients,andhencesignificantlyinduceabetterplantgrowthresponse. Keywords: Charcoalapplication,soilnutrients,Acaciamangium,Micheliamontana I. INTRODUCTION Twoprimaryprocessesarerelevanttocarbonsequestrationincludingcarbondioxide uptakethroughphotosynthesisandlongevityof assimilatedcarbon.Ascarbondioxidegas in the atmosphere is absorbed by plants and converted into carbohydrates in the photosynthesis process (in the presence of chlorophyll and solar radiation), forest vegetationsarebecomingespeciallyimportantintheglobalcarboncycleduetothefactthat they are affecting the ecosystems with the greatest biomass and hold the largest carbon pool. Holdgate (1995) reviewed that in a given live vegetation, forest contained 400-550 billionstonsof carbon,holdingapproximatelytentimesasmuchcarbonasanyothermajor vegetations. 1Forest and Nature Conservation Research and Development Center, Bogor 19 Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4 No. 1, March 2007: 19 - 30 Effectivenessof organicorbiomassproductionfromnaturalforestsandplantation forestsarewellunderstoodasapotentialcarbonsink.However,thefixationandstorageof carbon for longer period of time still endure some constraints such as forest fire accident and high wood consumption in village and industry sector. As a result, managing forest plantation to enhance both wood production and carbon stock requires a formulation of applicablemethodwhereintheactivityof organiccarbonmass-producedissuppressedand whenever possible used as such to improve site quality of plantation forests. By the same token,organiccarbonstorageandsoilcarbonsequestrationprocessesemployedtofurnish bettergrowingconditionaresimultaneouslyestablished. Landpreparationpriortoforestplantingandforestharvestactivitiesalwaysgenerate forestwastecomposedof leavesandtwigs. Italsoincludesinferiorandnonharvestabletrees. Some amount of this forest waste traditionally is an important energy source alternative namelyasfuelwoodorwoodywasteconvertedcharcoal.Mostcarbonwillbereleasedtothe atmosphere when organic materials are burned as a fuel wood; in contrast, most carbon willbestoredinaformof charcoalif thesameorganicmaterialsundergocontrolledpartial combustion(pyrolysis). InJapan,charcoalissometimesutilizedasasoilconditionertoaccelerategrowthof plants (Ogawa, 1994; Kishimoto, 1984). Researchers have reported the increase in plant growth,highernutrientretention,andnutrientavailabilityaftercharcoaladditionstosoil,and thisrelatedtohigherexchangecapacity,surfacearea,anddirectnutrientadditions(Glaseret. al., 2002). In addition, charcoal was reported to be responsible for high organic matter contentsinthesoilandthefertilityof anthropogenicsoilsfoundincentralAmazonia. In contrast,charcoalapplicationathighratemayproducedetrimentaleffectsoncropgrowth (KishimotoandSugiura,1985; Siregar,2002). Owingtothefactthattheformationof charcoalduringincompleteburning(slashand burn)wouldleadtothelongtermsequesteringof carboninsoilsandsedimentsandtherefore provideasinkforatmosphericcarbon(Fearnside,1991),thispreliminaryresearchhence,is designed at examining soil amendment through charcoal application with the potential to enhance better plant growth and soil carbon sequestration. This research, then, would evaluate the plant growth response to promote the most judicious use of charcoal in the plantationofA.mangiumandM.montana. II. MATERIALANDMETHODS A. Preparationof SoilandCharcoal Representative samples of Orthic Acrisol (Very fine, mixed, semiactive, isohyperthermic, and Typic Paleudult) and Dystric Nitosol (Fine, mixed, active, isohyperthermicTypicHapludult)werecollectedfromBhorizons(50-75cmdeep)locatedat MaribayaandCiantenintheKPH(ForestryDistrict)Bogor,PerumPerhutaniUnitIII,West Java.ThesesoilswereusedtogrowA.mangiumand M.Montanarespectively. Soilsamplesweregroundandthoroughlymixedbeforepotting(polybag). Fromthe soilsamples,4000g(airdry)wereweighedintoindividualpots. Acompletelyrandomized design with four replications was employed to examine the seedling growth as affected by 20 Effect of Charcoal Application ...... C. A. Siregar charcoalapplication.Levelsof crushedcharcoalapplicationswere0%,10%,15%,and20% (v/v)inthecaseof A.mangiumseedlings.Oneexperimentalunitwasfivepottedseedlings. Meanwhileinthecaseof M.montanaseedlings,levelsof crushedcharcoalapplicationswere 0%,5%,10%,15%,and20%.Fivereplicationswasemployedtoexaminetheeffectof charcoal application on the M. montana growth and some important chemical properties of thesoil.Thecharcoalwasgroundtopassa5mmsieveandthoroughlymixedwiththe soils before potting. The levels of charcoal applications were prepared by mixing together charcoals in particular amount and soils that further provided each of the charcoalconcentration.Noinorganicfertilizerwasusedinthisexperiment.Soilmoisturewas brought to field capacity at the beginning of the study and every three days thereafter for6months. Atthebeginningandtheendof thestudyperiod,soilsamplesfromeachpotwere collected,airdried,passedthrough2mmsieve,andstoredforchemicalanalyses. B. PlantHeight,DiameterandBiomassMeasurement A.mangiumseedlingswerereplantedinJune10,2003andwereharvested December4, 2003. Plantheightanddiameteratgroundlevelwererecordedfromfiveseedlingsineach experimentaluniteverytwo-months.M.montanaseedlingswerereplantedinApril22,2004 and were harvested November 2, 2004. Initial plant height data were also collected at the firstweekafterreplanting. Atharvestingtime, totalplantbiomasswasseparatedfromsoils andafterwardstoprootratioandtotalbiomassweightwererecorded. C. StatisticalAnalysis In this study, evaluation of treatment differences were conducted by analysis of varianceusing StatisticalAnalysisSystem (SASInstitute,1998).Unlessotherwiseindicated, significanceisindicatedatP<0.05.Furthermeanseparationtest,ifnecessary,wasconducted byemployingLSDtestprocedure. III. RESULTSANDDISCUSSION A. Acaciamangium 1. PlantGrowthwithCharcoalApplication Someimportantchemicalpropertiesof charcoalarepresentedinTable1,meanwhile someimportantsoilschemicalpropertiesatreplantingtime(1weekaftercharcoalwasadded tothesoils)aregiveninTable2. Charcoal application significantly influenced plant height at the ages of 2, 4 and 6 months, plant diameter, leaf dry weight, stem dry weight, top root ratio, and C/F [(root+stem)/leaf] at the age of 6 months (Table 3). Charcoal application had no effect onrootdryweight.Itisessentialtonotethatoptimumplantheightwasproducedat10% charcoal application at all ages (Table 4). It is also interesting to note that in most cases, 21 Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4 No. 1, March 2007: 19 - 30 charcoalapplicationat10%levelgavebetterresultsintermsof leaf andstemdryweight,top rootratioandC/F[(root+stem)/leaf]ascomparedtocontrolandtheotherlevelsof charcoal application. Rootdryweightwasessentiallyconstantacrosscharcoalapplication.Oneexplanation forthismaybeduetogoodsoil-rhizospherecircumstancealreadypresentedevenwithout charcoal addition to the soils. In other words, sufficient soil nutrient level to support root growth was there. As stem and leaf dry weight increased significantly at 10 % charcoal applicationandmeanwhiletherootdryweightremainedconstant,consequentlythisresulted intheimprovementoftoptorootratioparameter. Soil nutrient status is one important growth factor that affects assimilation ability, whichisacriticaldeterminantforgrowthof plantandsurvivalof seedlings.Inadditionto assimilation,respirationisacriticaldeterminantof netcarbongain(netprimaryproduction) inseedlingsatthewholeplantlevel. Table1. Someimportantchemicalpropertiesofcharcoal pH (HO) 8 2 pH (KCl) 8 C–Organic, % 55 N–Kjeldahl, % 0.1 C/N 131 P Potential (HCl 25%, P O), ppm 290.6 2 5 K Potential (HCl 25%, KO), mg/100 g 18 2 P–available (Bray, P O), ppm 69 2 5 K–available (Morgan, K O), ppm 133 2 Ca (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 28 Mg (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 8 K (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 17 Na (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 2 Total (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 55 CEC (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 19 BS, % > 100 KCl 1 N, Al3+, me/100 g 0 KCl 1 N, H+, me/100 g 0 C/N= CarbontoNitrogenratio CEC= Cation–exchangecapacity BS = Base Saturation 22 Effect of Charcoal Application ...... C. A. Siregar Table 2. Some important soil chemical properties at replanting time of A. mangium P Poten- K Poten- P– K– C– N– tial (HCl tial (HCl available available Treat- pH pH Orga- Kjel- C/N 25%, 25%, (Bray, (Morgan, ment (HO) (KCl) nic dahl 2 PO) K O) PO) K O) 2 5 2 2 5 2 % mg/100 g ppm A-0% 4.4 3.7 0.61 0.12 5 13 51 3.0 29.5 B-10% 4.5 3.9 1.04 0.19 5 20 45 4.8 340.8 C-15% 4.6 4.0 1.40 0.18 8 20 67 8.0 510.9 D-20% 4.8 4.0 1.45 0.23 6 25 105 22.3 746.8 1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction KCl 1 KCl 1 N, Treat- Exchangeable bases BS N, Al3+ H+ ment Ca Mg K Na Total CEC Me/100 g % me/100 g A-0% 0.25 0.85 0.06 0.13 1.29 34.83 4 19.17 0.95 B-10% 1.75 1.19 0.72 0.17 3.83 33.91 11 15.93 0.46 C-15% 2.24 1.25 1.08 0.17 4.74 29.27 16 13.82 0.36 D-20% 3.21 1.44 1.58 0.16 6.39 29.53 22 9.07 0.44 A,B,C,andDrefertocharcoalapplicationlevel,i.e.Consecutively0%,10%,15%,and20% Table3. Summaryof analysisof varianceforplantgrowthvariableasaffectedbycharcoal applicationattheagesof2,4and6months Variable Stem Treatment Diame- Leaf dry Root dry Top root Height dry C/F ter weight weight ratio weight Two months Charcoal 1) ** - - - - - - Four months Charcoal 1) ** - - - - - - Six months Charcoal 1) ** ** ** ** ns ** ** Notes : - = noobservation * = significantatthe5%level ** = significantat1%level ns = notsignificant C/F = (root+stem)/leaf 1) = Withtheapplicationlevelvariedabout0-20% 23 Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4 No. 1, March 2007: 19 - 30 Table4. Effectof charcoalapplicationontheplantgrowthvariableattheagesof 2,4and 6months Charcoal Variable application H D LDW SDW RDW T/R C/F % (cm) (cm) (gram) (gram) (gram) 2 months 0 5.4B - - - - - - 10 7.1A - - - - - - 15 6.5A - - - - - - 20 6.8A - - - - - - 4 months 0 9.3B - - - - - - 10 15.0A - - - - - - 15 14.2A - - - - - - 20 14.6A - - - - - - 6 months 0 12.8B 1.6B 0.1B 0.4B 0.4a 2.7B 1.4A 10 23.4A 2.4A 1.5A 0.8A 0.6a 4.4A 1.0B 15 23.0A 2.4A 1.6A 0.8A 0.5a 4.3A 0.9B 20 23.5A 2.4A 1.6A 0.7AB 0.5a 4.5A 0.8B Note: Valuesfollowedbydifferentletterswithinacolumnaresignificantlydifferent -=noobservation;H=height;D=diameter;LDW=leaf dryweight;SDW=stem dry weight; RDW = root dry weight; T/R = top to root ratio; C/F = (root+stem) /leafratio Severalcomponentsinplantpart/tissues(leaf,stem,androot)accumulate,storeand retranslocate different amounts of nutrients and hence influence the dynamic relation betweennutrients,tissueproduction,andratesof photosynthesis.Sincetherespirationrate of leaf isgenerallyhigherthanthatof supportingtissuessuchasstemandroots,Ishidaetal. (2000)pointedthatdrymatterpartitionedamongplantpartsisimportantforthedailycarbon gainof wholeplants.Thisgrowthparameterisaprerequisitetoreachabetterunderstanding ofplantgrowthanddevelopmentprogressovertime. Observationsof datainTable4suggestthattoprootratio(T/R)ashighas4.4and C/Fashighas1.0coincideswiththesignificantincreaseof othergrowthparameters(plant height and diameter, stem dry weight and leaf dry weight) as affected by 10 % charcoal application. Moreover, based on the physical appearance of the A. mangium plant, it is apparentthatT/Rthatrangesfrom4.3to4.5isclassifiedassatisfactionwhencomparedto thatof2.7,whichreceivednocharcoalapplication. Likewise,C/Fvalueof1.0isattributedto betterplantgrowthascomparedtohigherC/Fvalueof1.4attributedtopoorplantgrowth. Results obtained from this experiment mostly are consistent with observations reportedbysomeresearchers.Chidumayo(1994)reportedgenerallybetterseedgermination (30 % increase), shoot heights (24 %), and biomass production (13 %) of woody plant growing on Alfisols and Ultisols under kiln charcoal. Working with sugi trees (Cryptomeria japonica) on clay loam soils, five years after charcoal application at the rate of 0.5 Mg ha-1, KishimotoandSugiura(1985)foundoutthattheheightsof sugitreesincreasedbyafactorof 1.26–1.35andthebiomassproductionincreasedbyafactorof 2.31–2.36. IshiiandKadoya 24 Effect of Charcoal Application ...... C. A. Siregar (1994)alsoreportedthatthefreshweightsof theroot,shootandthewholemandarintree one year after replanting, increased in response to charcoal application at the rate of 2 % (w/w). Unlike those reported, root dry weight observed in this experiment was not significantly affected by the charcoal application.Speculation for the lack of root growth responsetothischarcoaladditionwasduetothesufficientsoilfertilitylevel(atthisgrowth stage)asindicatedbyrelativelyhighsoilCECvalue(approx.30me/100gr)butwithverylow percentageofBS(approx.4–6%). 2. SoilpH,NutrientAvailability,andRetention Charcoal application significantly influenced soil pH, C organic, N, P, K, C/N, exchangeablebases,CEC,BS,Al,andH(Table5). Generally,soilvariablesatharvestingtime increasedwiththeincreaseof charcoalapplication,exceptBray'sextractableP,andNa,which arefluctuating,CEC,AlandH~10pH,whicharedecreasing(Table6). Table5. Summary of analysis of variance for soil properties as affected by charcoal treatment Soil Properties P K P– Poten- Poten- K – N availa- Treatment pH pH C tial tial available Kjel- C/N ble (HO) (KCl) Org. (HCl (HCl (Morgan, 2 dahl (Bray, 25%, 25%, K O) PO) 2 PO) K O) 2 5 2 5 2 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Ns ** 1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction Charcoal KCl 1N, KCl 1 N, Exchangeable bases BS Al3+ H+ Ca Mg K Na Total CEC ** ** ** ns ** * ** ** ** Notes : * = significantat5%level ** = significantat1%level ns = notsignificant SoilpHchangesasaffectedbycharcoalapplicationwereobserved.Thesoilreaction increasedgraduallywiththeincreaseincharcoalapplication.Charcoaladditiontothesoils functionedlikelimingeffectphenomenonasbasiccationsoriginatedfromcharcoalashescan neutralizethesoilacidity.NotethatsoilpHishigherby0.4–0.6unitduetocharcoaladdition ascomparedtothatof control.Applicationof charcoalthatcanincreasethesoilpH,and decreaseAlsaturationandHiswelldocumented,andisoftenusedtoimprovethefertilityof highlyweatheredtropicalsoils(Sanchezet.al.,1983). Thepresentof basiccationsoriginatedfromcharcoalashesontheligandexchange gave rise to the reduction in acidic cations and the increased in basic cations, and in turn, resultedinanincreaseinsoilpH(Foth,1990).Thisexperimentindicatedthatexchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K, and Na) mostly increased with the increase in charcoal application. Consequently,thebasesaturationalsoincreasedandwasbecomingthreetofourfoldhigher aftercharcoalapplication. 25 Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4 No. 1, March 2007: 19 - 30 Charcoaladditiontosoilattherateupto20%alsoincreasedorganicCand totalN. Thetrendof organicCandtotalNincreasedastherateof charcoalapplicationincreased was also reported by Glaser et. al (2002). Equally, potential P considerably increased as charcoal was added to the soils at the rate of 10 %. These data are apparent since charcoal contains some amounts of elemental C, N, P, and others (Table 1). Eventhough available soil P did not significantly increase as the rate of charcoal application increased, the elevated trend was observed, and was consistent with the trend noticed at replanting time.Notethatthe availablePoccurredatcharcoalapplicationattherateof 15%waslower thanthatof 10%,andthisunexpectedresultappearstobeduetorandomvariationrather thancharcoaladdition. Table6. Effectofcharcoalapplicationonsoilpropertiesatharvestingtime Soil Properties P K P– Poten- Poten- K– avai- Charcoal C N Kjel- tial tial available pH pH lable Application Org. dahl C/N (HCl (HCl (Morgan, (HO) (KCl) (Bray, % 2 25%, 25%, K O) PO) 2 PO) K O) 2 5 2 5 2 % mg/100 g ppm 0 3.9C 3.7C 0.6C 0.08C 7.0C 11.8C 6.0D 1.2A 39.2C 10 4.3B 3.9B 0.9B 0.12B 8.0B 18.3B 31.8C 2.4A 314.8B 15 4.3B 3.9B 1.0B 0.13AB 8.0B 18.0B 36.0B 1.4A 328.0B 20 4.5A 4.0A 1.3A 0.14A 8.8A 21.5A 54.3A 2.9A 527.4A Charcoal 1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction KCl 1 N, Application Exchangeable bases BS KCl 1 N, H+ Al3+ % Ca Mg K Na Total CEC me/100 g % me/100 g 0 0.6C 1.1D 0.1C 0.1A 1.9C 31.5A 6.0C 19.4A 1.7A 10 2.7B 1.5B 0.7B 0.2A 5.1B 30.1B 17.0B 13.9B 1.4AB 15 2.8B 1.4C 0.7B 0.3A 5.1B 30.3B 16.8B 14.4B 1.1B 20 4.4A 1.8A 1.1A 0.2A 7.6A 30.8AB 24.5A 11.7C 0.9B Note:Valuesfollowedbydifferentletterswithinacolumnaresignificantlydifferent Soil CEC level significantly decreased as the rate of charcoal application increased. However,mostresearchershaveobservedthatsoilCECtendstoincreasefollowingcharcoal additiontothesoils(Glaseret.al.,2002).Theyassumedthatslowoxidationontheedgesof the aromatic backbone of charcoal forming carboxylic groups is responsible for both the potentialof formingorgano-mineralcomplexesandthesustainablyincreasedCEC.Itisalso documented that hardwood charcoal increased the CEC compared to that of the original soils, meanwhile conifer charcoal decreased the CEC. The latter case should be wisely observedbearinginmindthatthecharcoalCEC(19me/100gr)usedinthisexperimentis muchlowerthanthatofthesoils(30me/100gr). 26 Effect of Charcoal Application ...... C. A. Siregar B. Micheliamontana 1. PlantGrowthwithCharcoalApplication Charcoalapplicationsignificantlyaffectedplantheight,diameter,numberof leaves, leaf dryweight,rootdryweight,stemdryweight,andtotaldryweightattheageof 6months (Table 7). Note that the magnitude of all parameters observed increased as the level of charcoalapplicationsincreasedexceptC/F,andthisgrowthresponseappearstobealmostin linear fashion in most cases. At this growing stage, the maximum plant height, diameter, numberof leaves,andtotaldryweightwereobtainedat20%charcoalapplication(Table8). The trend of C/F is inversely correlated with the trend of T/R. The C/F as high as 1.21 (thelowest)seemstobethemostvigorplantperformanceandthiscoincideswiththehighest magnitudeof T/R.Incontrasttothecaseof A.mangium,itisremarkabletoobservethatthe plantgrowthresponsespossiblykeepincreasing,asdosageof charcoalapplicationisgreater than 20 %. This result suggests that A. mangium and M. montana gave different growth responsefromoneanotherassomeparticularamountofcharcoalisaddedtothesoils. Table7. Summary of analysis of variance for M. montana growth variable as affected by charcoalapplicationattheageof6months Variable Treatment H D NL LDW SDW RDW TDW T/R C/F Charcoal ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Notes : ** = significantat1%level H = height;D=diameter;NL=Numberof leaves;LDW=leaf dryweight;SDW =stemdryweight;RDW=rootdryweight;TDW=totaldryweight;T/R=topto rootratio;C/F=(root+stem)/leaf Table8. Effect of charcoal application on M. montana growth variable at the age of 6 months Charcoal Variable application % H D NL LDW SDW RDW TDW T/R C/F 0 39.0 C 2.0 C 14 B 0.08D 0.07C 0.09C 0.23 C 1.68B 2.02A 5 41.4 C 2.6 BC 13 B 0.24C 0.14BC 0.24B 0.61B 1.59B 1.54B 10 43.5 C 2.6 BC 14 B 0.29BC 0.16B 0.27B 0.71B 1.69B 1.46B 15 57.2 B 2.8 B 14 B 0.41B 0.21B 0.34B 0.97B 1.84AB 1.35B 20 85.2 A 4.2 A 17 A 1.00A 0.52A 0.70A 2.2 1A 2.18A 1.21B Note: Valuesfollowedbydifferentletterswithinacolumnaresignificantlydifferent H=height;D=diameter;NL=Numberof leaves;LDW=leaf dryweight;SDW=stem dry weight; RDW = root dry weight; TDW= total dry weight; T/R = top to root ratio; C/F=(root+stem)/leaf 27 Journal of Forestry Research Vol. 4 No. 1, March 2007: 19 - 30 2. SoilpH,NutrientAvailabilityandRetention Someimportantchemicalpropertiesof charcoalarepresentedinTable9,meanwhile someimportantsoilschemicalpropertiesatreplantingtime(1weekaftercharcoalwasadded tothesoils)aregiveninTable10. CharcoalapplicationapparentlyinfluencedsoilpH,Corganic,N,P,K,exchangeable bases,BS,Al,andH,butdidnotaffectCECandC/N,whichwererelativelyconstant(Table 10). In general, most of soil variables at replanting time increased with the increase of charcoalapplicationexceptforAlandH,whichweredecreased.ThedecreaseinAlandHis obvioussincethesoilpHincreasesduetoalkalinenatureofcharcoalmaterial. Table9. Someimportantchemicalpropertiesofcharcoal pH (HO) 8.0 2 pH (KCl) 7.8 C–Organic, % 3.45 N–Kjeldahl, % 0.45 C/N 8 P Potential (HCl 25%, P O), ppm 111 2 5 K Potential (HCl 25%, KO), mg/100 g 491 2 P–available (Bray, P O), ppm - 2 5 K–available (Morgan, K O), ppm 2718.4 2 Ca (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 27.81 Mg (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 1.93 K (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 5.39 Na (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 0.84 Total (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 35.97 CEC (1 N NH4Oac, pH 7.0 extraction), me/100 g 5.79 BS, % > 100 KCl 1 N, Al3+, me/100 g 0.00 KCl 1 N, H+, me/100 g 0.01 Remark: - no analysis 28

research was designed to examine the effectiveness of charcoal incorporation into marginal soils A completely randomized design with four replications (for. ) .
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