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3. ARMA Modeling Now: Important class of stationary processes • Definition 3.1: (ARMA(p, q) process) 2 Let (cid:143) WN(0, σ ) be a white noise process. The process t t Z { } ∼ ∈ X is called AutoRegressive-Moving-Average process of or- t t Z { } ∈ ders (p, q) [in symbols: ARMA(p, q)], if it satisfies the stochastic difference equation X = c + φ X + . . . + φ X + (cid:143) + θ (cid:143) + . . . + θ (cid:143) , t 1 t 1 p t p t 1 t 1 q t q − − − − where c, φ1, . . . , φp, θ1, . . . , θq R, φp, θq = 0. ∈ (cid:54) 42 Significance of ARMA processes: Every arbitrary stationary process can be approximated by an • ARMA process as accurately as desired For every autocovariance function γ with lim γ(h) = 0 h • →∞ and for every integer k N there exists an ARMA process ∈ X satisfying γ (h) = γ(h) for all h = 0, 1, . . . , k t t Z X { } ∈ (approximability of arbitrary autocovariance functions by an ARMA process) 43 3.1 Lag Operator Now: Formal instrument for analyzing ARMA(p, q) processes • Definition 3.2: (Lag operator) Let X be an arbitrary stochastic process. The lag operator t t Z { } ∈ L shifts the time index of the process by one period back into the past: L X X . t t 1 { } ≡ { } − 44 Remarks and computing rules: (I) Instead of L X = X we often simply write LX = X t t 1 t t 1 • { } { } − − For the constant process Xt = c for all t Z and c R we • ∈ ∈ have LX = Lc = c t Applying L n times, we have • n L . . . L X = L X = X t t t n − n-mal (cid:124) (cid:123)(cid:122) (cid:125) 45 Remarks and computing rules: (II) The reverse of the lag operator is the so-called lead operator • 1 L that shifts the process 1 period ahead: − 1 L X = X − t t+1 1 Since L LX = X we define − t t • 0 L X 1X = X t t t ≡ (”1” denotes the identity operator) For arbitrary integers m, n Z we have • ∈ m n m+n L L X = L X = X t t t m n − − 46 Remarks and computing rules: (III) For any arbitrary real numbers a, b R, arbitrary integers • ∈ m, n Z and arbitrary stochastic processes Xt , Yt we have ∈ { } { } m n (aL + bL ) (X + Y ) = aX + bX + aY + bY t t t m t n t m t n − − − − polynomials in the lag operator L −→ Examples of polynomials in L: (I) 2 p A(L) = a + a L + a L + . . . + a L 0 1 2 p • (with constants a0, a1, . . . , ap R) ∈ 47 Examples of polynomials in L: (II) 2 A(L) = 1 0.5L and B(L) = 1 + 4L • − It follows that 2 C(L) = A(L)B(L) = (1 0.5L)(1 + 4L ) − 2 3 = 1 0.5L + 4L 2L − − (the usual computing rules for polynomials apply) 48 Examples of polynomials in L: (III) Defining the polynomials • p Φ(L) = 1 φ L . . . φ L 1 p − − − q Θ(L) = 1 + θ L + . . . + θ L , 1 q we may represent the ARMA(p, q) process from Definition 3.1 (cf. Slide 42) as Φ(L)X = c + Θ(L)(cid:143) t t In some situations it turns out to be helpful to consider the • lag polynomials Φ and Θ as polynomials in the complex- valued argument z C ∈ (i.e. Φ(z) and Θ(z)) This mathematical device is known as the z-transformation • 49 3.2 Special and Limiting Cases Now: Two special ARMA(p, q) processes and one limiting process • 3.2.1 MA(q) process Starting point: We consider the ARMA(0, q) process • X = c + (cid:143) + θ (cid:143) + . . . + θ (cid:143) t t 1 t 1 q t q − − 2 with (cid:143) WN(0, σ ) t t Z { } ∼ ∈ 50 Remarks: This process is called Moving-Average process of order q [in • symbols: MA(q)] q Defining the lag polynomial Θ(L) = 1 + θ L + . . . + θ L , we 1 q • write the MA(q) process as X = c + Θ(L)(cid:143) t t Often, we choose c = 0: • X = (cid:143) + θ (cid:143) + . . . + θ (cid:143) = Θ(L)(cid:143) t t 1 t 1 q t q t − − Question: Is the MA(q) process (weakly) stationary? • 51

Formal instrument for analyzing ARMA(p, q) processes. Definition 3.2: By recursively comparing coefficients after writing the rela- tionship Ψ(z)
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