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gr 3. 1 Laboratory and Aquarium Research 3.11 The Experimental Study of Behaviour in Fish F. E. J. Fry* 0. INTRODUCTION parative point of view. Up to the present fish- eries workers have been most concerned with As a point of departure we may refer to ecological and social levels of organisation and Scott's classification of behaviour (1958) outlined of these the ecological level will be emphasised in Table I. Since the study of behaviour here since the social level has been the subject of embraces everything that an animal does, it will a chapter in the recently published "Physiology by no means be covered completely in this rather of Fishes" (Brown, 1957). restricted review. This is indeed inevitable in fisheries work because the various fields have Before considering the reaction of the not yet received equal attention. Moreover, as animal to directive factors of its environment on fisheries workers, we are most concerned with the ecological level, some attention must be paid economic consequences of fish behaviour rather to the physiological level. That is, the perfor- than with fundamental studies from the corn- mance of the animal in terms of the acuity of its TABLE I sense organs and the capacity for performance THE ORGANIZATION OF BEHAVIOUR, FROM SCOTT ( 1958) of the whole animal must be measured and any persistent physiological rhythm that it may Level of Organization Unit Effect on Behaviour Ecological Population Localization, territoriality, etc. possess be made clear. It is most important to Social Society Socialization, dominance, leader- know what sensory modalities are operative in ship, etc. each situation (e.g. John, 1957) and that fish Organismic Individual Behavioral adaptation, learning should not be judged in this respect by human (Psychological) psychological organization, and abilities. For example, the recent unequivocal intelligence. Physiological Organ Internal changes, physiological demonstration of the ability of fish to use the System adaptation sun compass ( Hasler et al., 1958, in press ) Organ Sensory and motor capacities demonstrates the presence of a sense of time in Cell Transmission of stimuli; motion these animals that man certainly does not Genetic Gene Primary stimuli and responses, trait complexes. possess, at least in his present literate state. * Department of Zoology, University of Toronto. Proc. Indo-Pacific Fish. Coun. (III) :37- 42, 1958. 3 The organismic level dealing as it does a balance. Reaction movements of a suspended with learning in particular, is almost completely aquarium have been registered (Corti and Weber, disregarded in this review and the genetic level 1949 a and b). Under favourable circumstances is disregarded except to note that there are such records can be analysed to give the actual specific genetic patterns of behaviour. For energy output which is transformed into the example, to cite a personal observation, young movement of the fish. Finally the water turbu- pike ( Esox luclus ) when disturbed, such as by lence set up by the swimming fish has been capture and transfer from one basin to another, recorded by various mechanical devices ( Spoor, will feign death and hang limply like a dead 1941; Jones, 1955; Fontaine, 1956) or in constant leaf in the water. Young maskinonge ( Esox temperature chambers by recording the heat loss masquinongi) on the other hand do not exhibit from a warm bulb ( R. R. Langford, personal this behavioural trait at all. The hybrid between communication ). the two species behaves as does the young pike. Feeding rhythms have been determined by direct observation ( Hoar, 1942), and by a 1. PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES device in which the agitation of a food basket OF BEHAVIOUR operated an electric contact. ( Kobayashi, Yuki Since Brown ( 1957 ) provides an excellent and Hirata, 1956). exposition and guide to the literature for most As will be emphasized again below it is phases of the subject it will not be necessary to not enough to concentrate on the preparation of make this section extensive. Volume II con- apparatus and on the invention of methods solely tains, for example, Bull's ( 1957 ) account of the to measure the behaviour under examination. method of measuring sensory acuity by condi- Various deficiencies in the conditions otherwise tioned responses. Two items only will be presented by the apparatus may often influence covered here, methods that have been used for the response. Thus with regard to matters determining diel periodicities and those for discussed in the present section, Jones ( 1956) measuring capacity for work. found that minnows provided with shelter and 1 . 1 DIEL RHYTHMS exposed to the normal daily changes in light displayed a rhythm in activity which was the An example of the influence of normal opposite from that found when they were de- daily rhythm on the response of fish to a direc- prived of cover. tive factor is given by Kawamoto and Niki ( 1952 ). They showed that Girella punctata 1 . 2 CAPACITY FOR WORK displays an extremely strong light seeking tendency in the day time but not at night ( see The capacity for work has been usually also Kawamoto and Konishi, 1955). Diel rhythms measured by evoking a rheotropic (Lyon, 1904; in fish have been almost exclusively determined Clausen, 1931) or pseudo-rheotropic (Gray, 1937) by measuring the amount of random movement. response to induce the fish to swim in a flume or Such measurements have been made directly by a rotating chamber. An alternative method was observation, which would probably be greatly used by Oshima (1953) who measured the work facilitated in the dark by the use of infra-red performed by hooked fish and another by Johnson radiation ( Duncan, 1956; Akira et al 1953; and Fields ( 1957 ) who made rough estimates by Woodhead, 1957), by tethering a recording arm recording the struggles of fish taken from the to the subject ( Spencer, 1939) or by placing a water and laid on a tightly stretched nylon net. barrier of loose mesh across the centre of an The best quantitative measures that have been aquarium so that it operated a recorder as the made in rotating chambers appear to be those of fish disturbed it by swimming through (Wikgren, Brett, Hollands and Alderdyce (1958) and of 1956). Various indirect methods have also been Paulik, DeLacy and Stacy (1957). These authors used. Activity cycles have been inferred from illustrate their apparatus. Similar methods were changes in oxygen consumption ( e.g. Clausen, used by Fry and Hart (1948), Gibson and Fry 1936). Pora and Nitu (1952) simply made counts (1954) and Sorensen (1951). The flume probably of the opercular movements at intervals. Harder has the advantage of providing a better rheotac- and Hempel ( 1954 ) measured activity cycles in tic stimulus since the cues from sight and tur- flatfish by recording the change in weight when- bulence reinforce each other. In the rotating ever they rose from a false bottom suspended from chamber the bottom moves faster than the water 4 so that the current-bottom relation has an effect TABLE II opposite to that of the visual field whereas in a SYSTEM OF ORIENTATION REACTIONS OFF RAENKEL & GUNN flume or pipe the two stimuli reinforce each KINESES. Undirected reactions. No orientation of axis of body other in the normal way. Katz, Pritchard and in relation to the stimulus. Locomotion random in direction. Warren ( in press ) describe a convenient appa- ORTHOKINESIS. — Speed or frequency of locomotion dependent on intensity of stimulation. ratus in which the water circulates in a closed KLINOKINESIS. — Frequency or amount of turning per unit time circuit. The cheapest type of flume is an dependent on intensity of stimulation. Adaptation, & C., annular trough such as has been described by required for aggregation. Bruschek ( 1957 ) and also used by Northcote TAXES. Directed reactions. With a single source of stimulation, long axis of body orientated in line with the source and ( 1958 ). A large scale recirculating flume has locomotion towards it (positive) or away from it (negative). been constructed in the behaviour laboratory at KLINOTAXIS. — Attainment of orientation indirect, by interruption the University of Washington, College of of regularly alternating lateral deviations of part or whole of body, by comparison of intensities of stimulation which Fisheries. ( Fields et al 1954 a and b, 1955 a; are successive in time. Fields, 1957), and one mounted on a barge and TROPOTAXIS. — Attainment of orientation direct, by turning to less which uses the water in which the barge is or to more stimulated side, by simultaneous comparison of inten- floated, ( Paulik and DeLacy, 1958). Hoar's sities of stimulation on the two sides. No deviations required. TELOTAXIS. — Attainment of orientation is direct, without devia- "Rheotactic tubs" (Hoar, 1951; Keenleyside and tions. Orientation to a source of stimulus, as if it were a Hoar, 1954) probably represent the extreme in goal. Known only as response to light. simplicity for this apparatus. TRANSVERSE ORIENTATIONS. Orientation at a temporarily fixed angle to the directions of the external stimulus or at a fixed angle of 900. Locomotion need not occur and in any case is seldom 2. THE STUDY OF BEHAVIOUR directly towards or away from the source of stimulation. AT THE ECOLOGICAL LEVEL LIGHT COMPASS REACTION. — Locomotion at a temporarily fixed angle to light rays, which usually come from the side. This is fundamentally the study of animal DORSAL ( OR VENTRAL) LIGHT REACTION. — Orientation so orientation. Fraenkel and Gunn ( 1940 ) distin- that light is kept perpendicular to both long and transverse guish between primary and secondary orientation. axes of the body ; usually dorsal, but in some animals ventral. Locomotion need not occur. Primary orientation is the position which an VENTRAL EARTH ( TRANSVERSE GRAVITY) REACTION. — animal assumes under normal conditions whether Orientation so the gravitational force acts perpendicularly it moves or is at rest. This position is with to long and transverse axes of body. Dorsal surface usually kept uppermost. Locomotion need not occur. regard to certain fixed marks in the environment. Secondary orientation is directed movement may degrade a taxis into what is a kinesis in the oriented by stimuli from outside which cause the observer's eyes if he is not sufficiently accute in animal to shift its position. Both primary and his observation. This was well pointed out by secondary orientations may be with respect to Blum ( 1934, 1954), who observed that Harpac- the inanimate environment or to other orga- ticus fulvus was decidedly negatively phototactic nisms which are within the sensory field of the when tested in a cylindrical jar; however when animal concerned. the same animals were put in a shallow dish and Fraenkel and Gunn, whose classification is exposed to sunlight, the group drifted across reproduced in table II, extending and combining the container in the fashion of a kinesis and the ideas of earlier workers divide orientation gethered against the sunny wall of the dish. responses into kineses, taxes and transverse By Fraenkel's definition they were then posi- orientations. Kineses may by considered essen- tively photokinetic. Blum's explanation was tially secondary orientations to gradients in time that the paradoxical effect had been brought and taxes to gradients in space and will be about by what may be termed a phototactic treated together as Linear Orientations below, ratchet. In the shallow basin the larvae had since the fundamental method of investigating repeatedly retreated to the bottom by swimming both is to observe the behaviour of an organism away from the light and following the angle crf to an appropriate gradient. For an appreciation the sun's rays but since they were deflected from of present day approach to the study of transverse the bottom they were finally forced into the orientations the reader is referred to von Hoist brightest region of the container. (1950) and Hasler and Wisby (1958). Blum's paradox, of course, gives a spurious While it is to some extent an academic effect rather than a change in the nature of the point, it is important for clear thinking to recog- reaction but it is easy to devise apparatus that sein that the circumstances of the environment will permit the animal to react wholly by a 5 kinesis in one situation and in another permit it his fish than was the artificial sun intended as to react by a taxis, using the same sense organs the anchor of this universe. Tait ( personal in both cases. For example the reaction of a communication ) maintained a group of brown terrestrial animal to heat could be tested in two trout in a large permanent temperature gradient types of apparatus. One type is an open chamber for somewhat over a year, hoping to detect with a radiant source of heat at one end. In this seasonal fluctuations in their thermal preferen- the animal can feel the radiant heat at a distance, dum. His results appear to indicate that the since air is a poor absorber of infra-red and can dominant fish established a territory which they move directly toward or away from the source. held regardless of season, whereas those more If now the animal is placed in a gradient of subordinate and not permitted to establish them- another type which has baffles to shield the selves in the favoured territory displayed the radiant source, it can only react by moving from expected seasonal change. chamber to chamber sampling the heat in each in 2 . 1 METHODS FOR STUDY OF LINEAR turn, a thermokinetic reaction. It can be pre- ORIENTATIONS sumed that in both cases the same thermal sense organs in the skin will be used to mediate the The various types of apparatus for pro- reaction. Matthews ( 1953 ) gives an example ducing environmental gradients can be classified of a mollusk making such dual reactions in according to the direction of the gradient as nature. This animal showed a phototaxis when follows : in the sunlight and a photo-kinesis in moving Horizontal about under the rocks in situations where it was Linear, Annular, Transverse, Rosette sheltered from the direct light of the sun. Concentric. Vertical Many circumstances can intervene to Linear influence the reaction of a fish to the situation Each of these types is discussed below. that an apparatus is intended to present to it. Leaving aside changes which impose substantial physiological stress such as Andrews ( 1946 ) 2. 11 Horizontal Linear reported, the sudden presentation of an organism This appears to be the first type of appa- to an experimental situation may so jar its sen- ratus to have been used ( Shelford and Allee, sibilities as to render it incapable of displaying 1913) and it has certainly been used for by far the reaction it would make in its normal environ- the greater number of experiments. ment. Sherif ( 1953 ) gives an interesting case The original apparatus of Shelford, is a of such an effect in man. He showed that men simple and typical arrangement. Two supplies of presented with a discrimination test suddenly water differing in the desired characteristic, for after stumbling and groping in the darkness to example temperature, salinity or oxygen content, reach the place where it was to be given, did are led to the tank and are introduced at each end. much poorer than when given the test under Both streams flow toward the drain at the centre more normal circumstances. A most excellent of the chamber. Unless there is a great diver- example for fish, together with an acute analysis gence in the specific gravity of the two streams, was given by Ozaki ( 1951 ). He tested the light a satisfactory gradient is obtained with a sharp response of young fish of a species with high boundary at the drain. The Shelford type of tendencies for schooling. He demonstrated that gradient tank has been used by Jones, (1947, 1948, a single individual of this species was incapable 1951, 1952), Shelford and Powers ( 1915 ) and of reacting to light of various wave lengths. Wells (1914, 1915 a and b). When paired with another fish of the same species it would react when appropriately Linear gradients with a range of tempera- oriented to its fellow. ture have been described by Doudoroff ( 1938 ) and Sullivan and Fisher (1953). A light gradient Overfamiliarity with the experimental of graded intensity has been developed by Jones situation can also disturb the result in terms ( 1955 ) and is figured by Woodhead ( 1956 ). A of reaction to designs of the experimenter. similar type was used by Hoar, MacKinnon and Hasler ( 1956 ) found that the irregularities in Redlich ( 1952 ). Kawamoto and Nagata ( 1952 ) the metal of a cylindrical tank that were incons- arranged their linear light gradient so that it was picuous to him were more potent in orienting wholly under water. To avoid the problem of great differences 2.13 Horizontal Transverse in density, Baggerman ( 1957 ) used water-tight partitions which reached from the bottom of The difference between this type of the tank almost to the surface, as did also gradient and the linear gradient is that in its Houston ( 1957 ). In such an apparatus a dark reaction the fish must deviate to one side or coloured partition might enchance the transfer of other of the path along which it is swimming. fish from compartment to compartment (Hiyama, The divided trough (e.g. MacKinnon and Hoar Kusako, and Kondo, 1957). In gradients in 1953) is the typical form of the horizontal which the density differences are not so great, transverse gradient. such as temperature gradients, constrictions at appropriate intervals together with vigorous Jones et at ( 1956 ) placed the drains stirring in the expanded sections of the tank, just behind the drain baffle which is at the will satisfactorily maintain the gradient. end of the channel down which flow the waters with which the fish is to be tested. This arrangement ensures the stability of the gradient 2.12 Horizontal Annular in a manner similar to that used by Shelford (1915). HOglund (1951 and figure in Lindahl and The annular gradient is a variant of the Marcstrom,1958) allows the water to flow entirely linear gradient which permits the fish to swim stet across the section of the chamber in which continously in the same sense, a circumstance the fish are placed. The extensive work done in which may often be a great advantage, e.g. Hoar the College of Fisheries, University of Washing- (1956). It is essentially two horizontal gradients ton ( e.g. Fields, 1957; Fields and Finger, 1954; curved and joined together. The type illustrated Finger and Fields, 1957; Johnson et al, 1958) was is arranged for a temperature gradient operated done in divided troughs. Transverse gradients by the counter current flow of hot and cold have been the major apparatus used in determin- water. Cold water is introduced at one point ing prefence for current strength (e.g. Carney and the overflow is diametrically opposite. The and Adkins, 1955). heating water is introduced into a copper tube soldered to the bottom of the tank, at the point Collins (1952) used a two choice trans- below the overflow, and leaves below the point verse gradient of temperature and dissolved where the cold water is introduced into the gases constructed within a stream to test the tank. The annular gradient used in the author's reactions of a naturally migrating population of laboratory is so valved that the flows of hot and anadromous fish. cold water can be shifted to four appropriate 0 points 90 apart and the gradient correspondingly shifted while the fish are under observation. 2 .14 Rosette Brett (personal communication) produced an annular gradient which was a simple open The rosette is a special type of transverse channel. The advantages of this apparatus horizontal gradient in which the choice compart- are its compact size and the ease with which ments are radially arranged about a central observations may be recorded by a camera chamber into which they open and in which the suspended above. The temperature gradient fish are placed. Chambers of this type have was obtained by mixing hot and cold water in been used to measure the response to lights of a compartment below the annulus. The mixed different colours ( Kawamoto and Takeda, 1950, water then flowed up through an outer slot and 1951; Ozaki, 1951, 1952). Wisby (Univ. of Wis- was drained centripetally over the whole extent consin Thesis, 1952) used a four chamber gradient of the inner wall of the annulus. This gradient of this type to measure the response of salmon operates on the same principle as Hoglund's to various odours. This apparatus is illustrated ( 1951 ) fluvarium mentioned below. in Hasler and Larsen ( 1955 ). The light apparatus of Kawamoto and A model for temperature selection is used Kobayashi ( 1952 ) in which a hooded light was in the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory. mounted so that it could travel along a circular There is an odd number of chambers surroun- path may be considered an annular gradient. ding the central basin. In operation the various '7 chambers are supplied in random order with Vertical gradients can be established for water adjusted to temperatures covering the dissolved substances and a high stability can be range over which it is desired to test the fish. imparted to such gradients by combining them A screen funnel within the entrance of each with a slight vertical temperature gradient. chamber allows the fish to enter and sample the Hoar ( 1954 ) used a gradient in depth which water there but still to return to the central obviously had to be a vertical one. section. However, once the fish fully enters the chamber it is trapped. Selection can be measured finally by the numbers trapped in each 2.17 Expression of Measurements compartment. The observation ordinarily made in an experiment on orientation is the number of 2 . 15 Concentric individuals present in a given segment of a gradient, e.g. the "gathering rate" of Kawamoto As the name implies, in this gradient and his colleagues. These numbers can then be isopleths are concentric about a central point. compared with the numbers expected to occur The experiments of Blaxter and Parrish ( 1958 ) by chance by means of the x2 test. The in which a light was lowered in the ocean at magnitude of x2 expresses the intensity of night made use of this principle. A concentric the reaction. For examples of this procedure gradient of current exists in a circular pond see Hoar ( 1951a ) and Fields and Finger which is fed at the periphery and drained at the ( 1954). In gradients where there is a graded centre ; a circumstance that was turned to series of choices such as is ordinarily to be advantage by Davidson ( 1949 ). found in a temperature gradient, and where the distribution of selections is expected to appro- ximate the normal curve, distributions may be 2. 16 Vertical Linear expressed in the ordinary terms of means or modes and the usual expression of deviation. The only type of vertical gradient that However, this can be done only if the gradient appears to have been used is the linear, which has been so extensive that the distribution can has been used in experiments on temperature be completely expressed. Otherwise the dis- selection (Brett 1952; Ferguson, 1958). The persion observed will not be sufficiently great or vertical gradient is a convenient method of the distribution symmetrical. Fortunately tem- measuring temperature selection and is the perature selection is relatively sharp (e.g. Pitt, simplest apparatus for this purpose. The gradient Garside and Hepburn 1956; Garside and Tait, can be most easily established by a double heat 1958) so that a gradient of some ten centigrade exchanger (Kendeigh, personal communication) degrees in the appropriate region is ordinarily consisting of two parallel coils of pipe. Hot adequate. water flows through one of these entering at the top, while cold water is passed through the Some authors have used the time to other, entering at the bottom. Otherwise the vacate or occupy a critical zone as their index. gradient can be maintained by circulating only Jones, ( 1947, 1948) used a method based on that the heating water in the coil and by introducing of Shelford. Ozaki ( 1952 ) in his experiments cold water at the bottom of the tank itself. This with light derived three basic indices from his latter method is essential in long term experi- observations. These were : ( 1 ) visits to a given ments where the fish consume a significant chamber multiplied by the duration of the stay, quantity of the dissolved oxygen. It is impos- ( 2 ) the simple number of visits and ( 3 ) the sible to establish a complete vertical temperature number of colours visited. 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1947 sinns bei Fischen wad Amphibien. Experientia, 3 : 206-8. , Bau und Funktionen der .. 1952 study on the effect of leading fish by fish attraction lamps . Rep.
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