2nd quarter 1999 The Actinide Research Los Alamos National Laboratory N u c l e a r M aQ t e ru i a al s rR e ts e ea r cr h l a ny d T e c h n o l o g y a U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory Experiments Aim to Extend the Limits of Magnetic Separation In This Issue Magnetic separation has received much attention recently from industrial, medical, 1 and governmental researchers interested in Experiments Aim to selective separation technologies. Currently, Extend the Limits of we are developing technologies for single- Magnetic Separation particle capture of submicron actinide particles from forensic samples of interest. 4 The retrieval and concentration of transu- XANES Reveals ranic and fission products from the local Oxidation State of environment or sample sources can also be Plutonium used to learn about the environment around 6 nuclear facilities. Fruitful Research High-gradient magnetic separation Collaboration (HGMS) utilizes large magnetic field gradi- Follows Common ents to effectively separate micron-sized Guidelines paramagnetic par- ticles of actinide 8 compounds. HGMS Researchers Evaluate can extract and con- Isotope Ratio Tech- centrate micron- niques for Actinide sized actinides and Analysis actinide-containing 10 particulates with no Figures. Scanning NMT Completes sample destruction. electron micro- Annual Division Most host materials graphs of ex- Review such as air, water, truded stainless and organic matter steel matrix 12 are diamagnetic, which will allow for a material (see Publications and physical separation of the paramagnetic pages 2 and 3). Invited Talks actinides from these materials. Typically, HGMS separators consist of a high-field solenoid magnet, the bore of which contains a fine-structured ferromagnetic matrix mate- rial. The matrix fibers locally distort the mag- netic field, generating high-field gradients at the surface of the filaments. These areas then become trapping sites for paramagnetic particles and are the basis for the magnetic separation. Using commercially available 45-micron-diameter stainless steel wool, the kaolin clay industry and soil remediation and water treat- ment processes have demonstrated HGMS of micron-sized materials. continued on page 2 1 Nuclear Materials Research and Technology/Los Alamos National Laboratory Actinide Research Quarterly Experiments Aim to Extend the Limits of Magnetic Separation (continued) The magnetic capture of smaller particles with the analytical model, which was devel- (submicron) can be obtained by increasing oped previously with a systematic series of This article was the magnetic force between the fibers and the soil remediation tests. contributed by paramagnetic particles. One approach towards Laura A. Worl. increasing the magnetic force and improving Single-Particle Collection Other researchers separator efficiency is to reduce the size of the Assuming a spherical particle with a on the project are matrix. Others have examined submicron-sized known density, we can calculate the concen- David Devlin, spheres for the collection of nanometer-sized tration of a specific-diameter particle. For a Dallas Hill, and particles. In addition, fractionation methods for concentration of 4 parts per billion (ppb) of a Dennis Padilla, HGMS of nanometer particles are under devel- 0.8-micron particle, there would be approxi- all of NMT-6, opment. We are investigating dendritic growth mately 1300 plutonium oxide particles in 1 ml and F. Coyne on surfaces and controlled corrosion of stain- of solution. In the initial feed concentrations Prenger, less steel wool in an effort to reduce the effec- for our experiments, we typically use starting (ESA-EPE). tive matrix capture diameter. plutonium concentrations in the range of 2–15 The matrix materials currently used for ppb and an initial volume of 100 ml. This HGMS are inhomogeneous and have a com- would translate to approximately 6500 par- plex cross section. In addition, the paramag- ticles with a 0.8-micron diameter in the feed netic particles are nonspherical and include a solution. In these applications, we attempt to range of particle sizes. All of these factors dis- extract all the 6500 particles to get below the courage precise analytical treatment. There- single-particle threshold. fore, our approach is semiempirical, combining To obtain a concentration of less than 3 x a mechanistic analytical model with empirical 10-11 M (~3 ppt) (parts per trillion) of pluto- input from controlled experiments. nium oxide, the small but finite solubility of Previously we derived a rate model from a PuO in water demanded that we examine al- force balance on individual paramagnetic par- terna2te carrier fluids. Though the PuO solu- ticles in the immediate vicinity of a matrix fi- bility constant is very low, in slightly b2asic ber. The model assumes that if the magnetic conditions plutonium (IV) in water solutions 10 microns capture forces are greater than the competing at pH 8 can be found at concentrations up to viscous drag and gravity forces, the particle is 10-7M. Preliminary HGMS tests conducted in captured and removed from the flow stream. pH 8 water failed to remove plutonium from Figure 1. Scanning The rate model depends on the magnitude of the feed samples. For the remaining HGMS electron micro- the capture cross section (separation coeffi- tests, we have examined dodecane as a carrier graph of extruded cient) as determined by the force balance on fluid to enhance the insolubility of the pluto- stainless steel the particle. In this work we have expanded nium. Plutonium oxide particles sized from matrix material. the model to include the loading behavior of 0.2–0.8 microns were removed below 6 ppt. Results of experi- particles on the matrix fibers using the continu- The separation efficiencies for these tests were ments show that ity equation, and we utilize capture-rate data over 99%. This value is the detection limit of maximum separa- from the experimental results. The resulting the current analytical method (liquid scintilla- tion effectiveness analytical model predicts the critical separation tion counting) without a preconcentration step is obtained when parameters for submicron, single-particle col- in the sample preparation. The data are in the matrix fiber lection presented in this article. It thus pro- general agreement with the analytical model. diameter ap- vides a predictive tool for HGMS tests proaches the conducted here and can be used for designing Matrix Material diameter of the both prototype and full-scale units for specific The experiments discussed here used a particles to be applications. matrix material based on extruded stainless captured. We have conducted a series of HGMS ex- steel fibers. Figure 1 shows a scanning electron periments using particulate oxides of copper, micrograph of the extruded material. The mul- praseodymium, or plutonium suspended in a tiple ridges in the material form a continuum liquid. The experimental data were correlated 2 Nuclear Materials Research and Technology/Los Alamos National Laboratory 2nd quarter 1999 of sharp axial edges that generate large mag- diameter of the wool netic field gradients and serve as trapping sites fiber substrate, for the submicron particles. The extruded shown in Figure 2. sample developed for this program contains a The resulting matrix much higher density of edge locations com- material has a very pared with traditional HGMS shaved stainless high surface area con- steel wool materials. The extrusions produce taining fine points small matrix fiber diameters and high matrix that may greatly en- loading capacities. hance the high field The effect of matrix diameter was exam- gradients. In addition ined experimentally by determining HGMS to magnetic charac- effectiveness for four different matrix materials terization of the ma- 60 microns 6 microns with different cross-sectional areas. The results terial, HGMS testing indicate that for selective small-particle cap- on these materials is planned in the future. Figure 2. Scanning ture, very fine matrix fibers are required. For This material has the potential to advance electron micro- particles below 0.2 m m, HGMS separation is HGMS towards subnanometer particle collec- graph of extruded much more effective with smaller wire diam- tion. We are currently evaluating the HGMS stainless steel eters (5 m m). performance of the new materials. matrix material The effect of changing the applied mag- with nickel den- netic field for the same matrix size from 7 T to Summary drites grown on 2.5 T is not nearly as significant as the effect of We have derived a model from a continu- the surface of the reducing the matrix size. At 2.5 T the matrix material. This is ity equation that uses empirically determined material is nearly saturated magnetically, and one approach in capture cross-section values. The model allows any further increase in the applied field has a the development us to predict high-gradient magnetic separator small effect on the separation. Increasing the of new matrices performance for a variety of materials and matrix residence time will also increase the with submicron- applications. The model can be used to opti- separation effectiveness, but at extremely low sized fiber diam- mize the capture cross-section values and thus superficial velocities the resulting particle set- eters. The other is increase the capture efficiency. Results show tling can be a significant problem. controlled corro- that maximum separation effectiveness is To greatly enhance performance and to sion studies on obtained when the matrix fiber diameter achieve a single-particle collection threshold, 25-m m-sized approaches the diameter of the particles to it has become apparent through model predic- drawn stainless be captured. tions and experimental data that the matrix steel wool Experimentally, we obtained a single-par- fiber diameter is a crucial separation variable. ticle capture limit with 0.8-m m PuO particles material. Tests have been initiated to develop new ma- 2 with dodecane as a carrier fluid. The finite trices with submicron-sized fiber diameters. solubility of plutoniumin water prevented the Two different approaches are being studied to complete removal of the contaminants when generate these materials. One approach is con- using water as the carrier fluid. trolled corrosion studies on 25-m m-sized The development of new matrix materials drawn stainless steel wool material, and the is being pursued through the controlled corro- second approach is the growth of micron-sized sion of stainless steel wool and the deposition nickel dendrites on stainless steel wool fibers of nickel dendrites on the existing stainless by chemical vapor deposition. steel matrix material. The new materials are Nickel dendrites were deposited on the promising for the submicron collection of stainless steel matrix material using a hot-wall paramagnetic particles. HGMS experiments reactor. Nickel dendrite structures were uni- on the new materials are planned. formly deposited on the surface throughout the wool structure. The length of the dendrites is 1–2 orders of magnitude smaller than the 3 Nuclear Materials Research and Technology/Los Alamos National Laboratory Actinide Research Quarterly XANES Reveals Oxidation State of Plutonium Oxidation state and chemical speciation Our work on the aquo ions of plutonium define the chemistry of plutonium and other represented our first effort to study the effect actinides. These properties underlie the behav- of oxidation state on the x-ray near edge struc- This article was ior of plutonium in a wide range of systems, ture (XANES) spectrum. It was found that the contributed by from separation processes to transport proper- edge energy of XANES spectra increases by D. Kirk Veirs ties in the environment. Predicting the fate of about 1.7 eV per oxidation state in going from (NMT-11). Other plutonium in the environment, designing Pu(III) to Pu(VI). Still to be determined was the researchers on remediation processes for plutonium-contain- influence of the speciation and the physical the project in- ing residues, and evaluating stabilization tech- state (liquid or solid) on the XANES spectrum. clude S. D. nologies for unstable residues all rely to some In order to sort out these effects, we studied a Conradson extent on knowledge of the oxidation state and large number of well-characterized plutonium (MST-8), D. L. speciation. samples. The goal of our work is to develop a Clark (NMT- In all of these systems the plutonium con- methodology to determine oxidation states DO), D. W. tent can be low, and determination of these from the XANES spectrum of actinides in Keogh, M. P. fundamental chemical properties can be prob- any matrix. The work includes understanding Neu, and S. D. lematic. Standard methods for elemental the instrumental and data reduction limita- Reilly (CST-18), analysis yield no information on oxidation tions on determining precise energies of the W. Runde and state or speciation. X-ray absorption spectros- XANES features. P. D. Palmer copy (XAS) is an established technique for de- In the XANES spectrum the L absorption (EM-ET), and III termination of oxidation states and speciation edge of plutonium occurs at about 18050 eV. J.B. Tracy in transition metals and is beginning to be It arises from allowed optical transitions be- (NMT-11). used to study actinides. XAS is sensitive, re- tween the 2p core state to the unoccupied 3/2 quires no sample preparation, is applicable to 6d states and/or to the continuum. The un- 3/2 liquids and to solids, whether or not the solids certainty of the final state arises from different are amorphous or crystalline, and can be ap- interpretations of the “white line” feature of plied to complex and opaque matrices. In this actinide XANES spectra. The XANES spectra work we are concerned with the oxidation of Pu(III) and Pu(VI) aquo ions illustrate char- state; however, it is recognized that speciation acteristic features of actinide XANES spectra information can be acquired at the same time and the types of changes in those features that Figure 1. XANES by extending the energy range over which the allow oxidation state determination, as shown spectra of Pu(III) data are collected. in Figure 1. The XANES spectra of the III and (black) and Pu(VI) IV oxidation states of plutonium share similar (gray) aquo ions. 2.0 features—a strong, narrow “white line” fol- The absorption b lowed by deep EXAFS oscillations. In contrast, edge (a) and the dioxo species typically found in the V and “white line” maxi- VI oxidation states have a much weaker mum (b) generally 1.5 c “white line” feature, a shoulder rather than the shift to higher deep oscillation, and a somewhat flat transi- energy for higher e c tion to the EXAFS (extended x-ray fine absorp- n oxidation states. ba 1.0 tion structure) region. These features are typi- Dioxo cations r o cal of all actinide L XANES spectra. have a character- Abs Theoretical calcIIuI lations of the XANES istic shoulder (c) edges of actinides using multiple scattering and reduced 0.5 theory quantitatively accounts for all observed “white line” inten- a features. It attributes the “white line” mainly sity. XAS spectra to multiple scattering, either atomic XAFS or are normalized to 0 electron scattering of the low-energy electrons an edge jump 18000 18050 18100 from the neighbors, with a small contribution absorbance of 1. X-ray energy (eV) from the atomic transition. Theoreticians also 4 Nuclear Materials Research and Technology/Los Alamos National Laboratory 2nd quarter 1999 Polychromatic conclude that the Fermi level is not necessarily beam from Monochromatic Fluorescent Zr calibration foil the midpoint of the edge jump in the XANES. storage ring beam IF detectors XANES spectra can be fit using an arc tan- gent function for the edge jump and any num- IO II IC ber of line shapes for the “white line.” The Sample dioxo species require additional peaks in the fit LN2 Cryostat Beam in order to obtain an adequate fit. The position Si (220) double stop crystal of the arc tangent is generally reported as the monochromator Ionization absorption edge. The “white line” peak posi- detectors tion reported here is obtained by determining Sample absorbance = log(I/I ) Transmission the energy of the peak maximum from the first Sample absorbance = log(II/IO) Fluorescence F I derivative with respect to energy. The peak Zr calibration absorbance = log(IC/II) Transmission maximum obtained using the derivative is not dependent upon choices of peak line shape or halogens such as chloride. The XANES spectra Figure 2. Schematic of data initial parameters from a fit of the data; thus, it varied considerably in the intensity of the collection at the is more closely tied to the observed data. “white line” feature and the overall width of Stanford XAS data are collected in both transmis- the transition as measured by the difference Synchrotron sion and fluorescence in most cases (Figure 2). between the edge position and the peak posi- Radiation Synchrotron emission passes through a double tion. However, there was remarkably little Laboratory. XAS Si-crystal monochromator, and the intensity is variation in the energy of the peak position. data are usually measured with an ionization chamber. This The range of the peak positions is – 2.4s based collected in both monochromatic beam impinges upon the on the resin data; thus, it does not appear that transmission and sample, and fluorescence is detected using an the peak position changes. In two cases pluto- fluorescence. The array of germanium energy-dispersive detec- nium surrounded by the same ligands was synchrotron tors. The remaining beam passes through a sec- prepared in both the solid state and in solu- emission passes ond ionization chamber, a zirconium calibra- tion, which allowed direct measurement of the through a double tion foil with a K absorption edge energy of effect of physical state on the XANES spectra. Si-crystal 17999.35 eV, and a third ionization chamber The solid state XANES spectra is always more monochromator, before termination. The transmission data are broad, and the “white line” are always of and the intensity is more reliable for XANES measurements and lower intensity than in the XANES spectra measured with an are used here. Data for solid samples are col- of the same species in solution. ionization lected at near liquid-nitrogen temperature to Uranium, neptunium, and americium chamber. This minimize Debye-Waller motion. Data for liq- were examined in addition to plutonium, and monochromatic uid samples are collected at room temperature. trends were observed. The general rules de- beam impinges The reproducibility of the XANES spec- scribed below apply to these four actinides upon the sample, trum was evaluated using fifteen scans of ten and can be used to determine their oxidation and fluorescence different proprietary resin samples with state in many matrices. The dioxo cations V is detected using an array of adsorbed Pu(IV). The adsorbed species are and VI are distinguished from III and IV by germanium identical so any observed changes in the the characteristic dioxo shoulder about 10 eV energy-dispersive XANES spectra are due to limitations in the higher in energy than the “white line.” The detectors. The data. Reproducibility of the edge energies, s = peak maximum of III is 3 to 4 eV lower in en- remaining beam 0.31 eV, and the “white line” peak maximum, s ergy than the peak maximum of IV. The peak passes through a = 0.20 eV, was found to be adequate for distin- maximum of V is lower in energy by 2 eV second ionization guishing between oxidation states based on the from the peak maximum of VI and is lower in chamber, a 1.7 eV separation observed for aquo ions. energy by about 1 eV from the peak maximum zirconium Thirty well-characterized plutonium of IV. The energy of the peak maxima alone calibration foil, and samples of varying speciation and physical cannot distinguish the dioxo cations from IV. a third ionization state were examined. The range of speciation chamber before spanned weak oxo ligands such as nitrate to termination. 5 Nuclear Materials Research and Technology/Los Alamos National Laboratory Actinide Research Quarterly Editorial Fruitful Research Collaboration Follows Common Guidelines The Nuclear Materials Technology (NMT) needed for the research and programmatic ac- Division has a wide range of research collabo- tivities carried out in the national laboratories. rations with universities, national laboratories, These are, therefore, the key elements to our industrial companies, and several interna- future progress. tional organizations. The division presently NMT Division, as a science and technol- carries out active research collaborations with ogy organization, has generally encouraged all about three dozen external entities. The nature forms of individual and institutional collabo- This article was of these collaborations ranges from individual- rations, internal and external, within the contributed by researcher-initiated research projects with ex- bounds of our institutional mission. The suc- Kyu C. Kim, ternal collaborators to institutionally backed cess of these external collaborations has been projects. If one includes the co-authorship in outstanding. That said, any collaboration NMT Chief research papers published in scientific jour- should meet some of the basic premises of re- Scientist. nals, this number becomes even larger. search collaboration in NMT Division and, on University collaborations typically take the larger scale, in the Laboratory. Some of the form of conducting joint research on cam- these premises are stated in the following: puses or at Los Alamos with students partici- pating as part of their academic degree 1. The area of the collaboration has to be programs. These collaborations can be particu- defined by the collaborators. The research ar- larly helpful for students as they make the eas within NMT Division are very broad, and transition from their formal training to career- these are documented in division science and oriented research. NMT provides a unique technology strategic plans. The division strives environment where nuclear materials can be to maintain four core technical capabilities: handled safely for those interested in nuclear materials research. The nation’s universities typically lack resources in this area because of the specialized facilities involved and the safety and oversight requirements that must be met. International collaborations are being developed in many research areas aimed at reducing the global nuclear danger—safe- guarding nuclear materials through detection and instrumentation, safe storage and disposi- tion of fissile materials, development of waste treatment technologies, etc. Industrial partner- ships have been forged through CRADAs (cooperative research and development agree- ments) for a number of new or advanced process engineering projects. The goals of these collaborations vary widely. However, one common objective among all these collaborations is to enrich and to advance the science and technology in the specific areas of each collaboration. In some cases, we are also able to recruit unique scien- tific resources and talents through our univer- sity interactions. Traditionally, these interactions with universities have provided a significant portion of the human resources 6 Nuclear Materials Research and Technology/Los Alamos National Laboratory 2nd quarter 1999 plutonium metallurgy, actinide process chem- 3. The scope of the collaboration has to be istry, actinide materials science including ac- defined and agreed upon. Once the proposed tinide ceramics, and nuclear facility operation. work is realistically sized, there have to be suf- In each of these core capabilities, there may be ficient resources in terms of budget, personnel, specific capabilities needed to enhance science and facility. Additionally, one has to consider and technology activities. When a collabora- the right mix of talents, steady funding sources tive work is proposed, it is therefore desirable to carry the work to conclusion, and a suite of and necessary to conduct a relevance check of required research equipment. the proposed work against the division’s core 4. The need for the collaboration has to capabilities. be justifiable with relatively high priority. In 2. Technical merits of the proposed work the real world of limited science and technol- The opinions in should be evaluated and reviewed by compe- ogy budgets, we have to prioritize our work so this editorial are tent independent reviewers. As we strive to that we get maximum benefits for the dollars mine; they do not achieve excellence in our research work, this spent. We recognize that not all scientific en- necessarily repre- is perhaps one of the most important criteria. deavors lead to immediately useful results or sent the opinions If the proposed work has some outstanding applications. With limited resources, however, of Los Alamos technical merits or potential payoffs, there it is essential to prioritize our tasks and to plan National Labora- may be alternative ways of supporting such within the agreed upon scope for long-term tory, the Univer- work in this Laboratory besides the Division. stability of our research activities. sity of California, We do not wish to miss out on the opportuni- 5. Finally, it is important to recognize the Department of ties. The Laboratory Directed Research and that NMT Division is not a funding organiza- Energy, or the U.S. Development program is just tion for a variety of internal and external col- Government such a mechanism. laborations. Unlike government or private grant awarding organizations, the Laboratory’s operating funds are allocated for specific mis- sions. It is safe to say that all funds in this Laboratory are associated with our mission- oriented programs, small and large, and re- source allocation is performed by the program offices throughout the Laboratory. This means that the program offices should be made to see the benefits of the proposed collaborations and to support the work as an essential part of the program planning and execution. There is no excess in today’s Laboratory operating budget, and we must use our resources sparingly. Aside from the formalized collaborations described above, there are examples of numer- ous informal collaborations in the scientific community. Collaboration has become nearly synonymous with any scientific work in today’s world, and it is expected to be more so in the future. It’s a necessity as well as a driving force for scientific progress. 7 Nuclear Materials Research and Technology/Los Alamos National Laboratory Actinide Research Quarterly Researchers Evaluate Isotope Ratio Techniques for Actinide Analysis Isotope ratio and isotope dilution analyses need for strictly matrix-matched standards. play a key role in the characterization of The GD ion source is highly efficient and is nuclear materials for both defense and energy capable of measuring ~99% of the elements in applications. In many cases we use thermal the periodic table. Its chief limitation is that ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS), which samples must conduct electricity. For ceramics, This article was offers optimum accuracy and precision: soils, and other insulating materials, bulk submitted by <0.001% relative standard deviation (RSD). analyses are performed by mixing a powdered David M. Wayne However, in cases where less-precise and less- sample with a conducting metal binder, or by (NMT-1.) Others accurate data (~0.5% to 3.0% RSD) will meet using a tantalum (Ta) secondary cathode. contributing to customer needs, or when very rapid results A radiofrequency-powered GD ion source this work are Wei are required, isotope ratio analysis can be also permits direct sputter atomization of Hang and Vahid undertaken by other means. Quantitative insulating materials. Majid (CST-9) elemental and isotopic data can be obtained Mass bias in mass spectrometry arises and E. Larry directly from the sample surface through the when physical phenomena present during ion- Callis, Debbie use of cathodic sputtering (glow discharge ization, sampling, or analysis result in the pref- Figg, Diane mass spectrometry—GDMS), laser ablation erential loss of either light or heavy ions from McDaniel, and (laser ablation inductively coupled plasma an ion population. Thus, the measured isotope Cris Lewis mass spectrometry—LA-ICPMS), or by ion ratio is different from the actual value. Al- beam bombardment (secondary ion mass spec- though mass bias in ICPMS and GDMS is a (NMT-1). trometry—SIMS). In this article, we describe predictable function of element mass and can the capabilities of two plasma-based isotope be corrected, it is generally far more severe ratio analysis techniques: GDMS and ICPMS. than in TIMS. For this reason, isotope ratio ICPMS is the method of choice for most measurements made using plasma-source trace element determinations in radioactive mass spectrometry are inherently less accurate materials at LANL. The ICP ion source is an than TIMS measurements. extremely efficient ion generator that operates Extensive research has been done on iso- at near-atmospheric (~760 torr) pressures. tope ratio analysis using both double-focusing Nearly complete analytical coverage of the single collector and “multicollector” ICPMS. periodic table is available from ICPMS. The latter are equipped with up to nine inde- Samples may be introduced as solutions, pendent detectors that measure multiple ion slurries, or suspensions of very fine particles beams simultaneously and can attain sensitiv- generated by laser ablation. Samples are nebu- ity and precision that rivals that of lized, ignited in an rf-generated argon plasma multicollector TIMS instruments. Even so, at >7000oC, and sampled into the mass spec- single-collector, double-focusing ICPMS (and trometer through a series of cones. The sam- GDMS) instruments are far less expensive, pling cones, along with a powerful differential easier to maintain, and offer exceptional ana- pumping system, permit ions to make the lytical versatility. For “real-world” samples, a transition from the high-pressure ion source double-focusing, single-collector ICPMS is ca- region to the low-pressure (~10-7 to 10-8 torr) pable of accuracy and precision of 0.5% to 2.0% mass analysis region. RSD, depending on the actual concentration of In a glow discharge (GD) ion source, direct the isotopes in the unknown. Isotope dilution atomization and ionization are achieved via analysis, preconcentration, and on-line separa- cathodic sputtering of the sample surface in a tions for key elements are also possible using low-pressure (0.1 to 10 torr) argon atmo- solution-based ICPMS. sphere. Unlike other direct sampling tech- In contrast, only a few investigators have niques (e.g., SIMS or LA-ICPMS), the GD ion used GDMS to measure isotope ratios. NMT-1 source exhibits relatively uniform elemental researchers have measured isotope ratios of response and can rapidly produce quantitative several elements (B, W, Tl, Pb, U) in a variety trace analyses (parts per billion) without the of metal and glass standards using a double- 8 Nuclear Materials Research and Technology/Los Alamos National Laboratory 2nd quarter 1999 focusing, single-collector GDMS instrument. The mass ranges can be selected and scanned by changing the magnetic field intensity. Total elapsed time required for each analysis (i.e., 8 to 10 sets of 8 to 15 scans) was 30 to 40 minutes. All uncertainties are reported at the 2-s level. First, we performed isotope ratio analyses of tungsten (W, 0.102 wt. %) and lead (Pb, 240 ppm) in a steel standard (NIST SRM 1264a). The precision of W isotope ratios measured using GDMS was ~0.4% to 1.5% RSD, and the accuracy was <1% RSD. Mass bias in Pb iso- topes was estimated using the departure of the 186W/183W ratio from the known value, and assuming an exponential mass fractionation law. The precision of Pb isotope ratios in SRM 1264a, measured by GDMS, was ~1.5% to 3.6% RSD. For the next set of analyses, we analyzed a Na-Ca-Al silicate-based glass-ceramic stan- dard (NIST SRM 611) using a Ta secondary were less precise (2.3% to 9.3% RSD) and less Figure 1. Scanning cathode (Figure 1). The standard glass con- accurate (0.4% to -7.8% RSD) than the Pb and electron micro- tains trace amounts of Pb (426 ppm), Tl (62 Tl measurements. However, the uranium iso- scope image of a ppm), and U (461.5 ppm). Furthermore, the tope ratio data are still useful. The GDMS sputter crater in isotope ratios of Pb (208Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/ analyses indicated that the U in the glass stan- glass after 5 hrs. 206Pb) in this material have been characterized dard was depleted in 235U (235U/238U = 2.2· 10-3 of analysis using using TIMS. Isobaric interference from to 2.5· 10-3). This was confirmed by NIST per- a secondary (TaNa)+ ion clusters (mass = 203.9378 amu) sonnel and in published reports. Note that the cathode. The prevented the collection of 204Pb at a mass characterization of depleted U in the glass stan- bright areas resolution of 1500, although the remaining Pb dard took less than 1 hour by GDMS. around the perim- eter of the crater isotopes (206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb) were interference- Conclusions are coated with free. Mass bias, measured using 205Tl/203Tl, Ta sputtered from varied from –0.7% to +0.9% over 9 runs, much Most commercial, magnetic-sector ICPMS the secondary lower than typical values for ICPMS (> 1.5%). and GDMS instruments are single-collector, cathode. These data also support our theoretical calcu- double-focusing mass spectrometers designed lations, which predict that mass bias in the GD for rapid determinations of trace and major ele- ion source is less severe than in the ICP ion ments. However, sector GDMS and ICPMS source. The GDMS Pb isotope determinations may also be used to acquire reasonably precise were typically accurate to within 1% of TIMS and accurate (0.5% to 2.0% RSD) isotope ratios Pb isotope measurements and precise to < 2% on trace and major elements. Both techniques RSD. are very rapid and require minimal sample GDMS permits the collection of multi-ele- preparation but with decreased sensitivity, ac- ment isotope ratio data in a single run; thus, a curacy, and precision relative to TIMS. Moder- uranium isotope ratio (235U/238U) was also ate-precision data may be useful in some measured in the glass standard, along with Pb applications; however, isotope ratios acquired and Tl. The extremely low abundance of 235U using GDMS and ICPMS may be most useful (ca. 1 ppm) resulted in low signal intensities, as screening techniques before TIMS data are and the 235U/238U ratios obtained by GDMS obtained from selected samples. 9 Nuclear Materials Research and Technology/Los Alamos National Laboratory Actinide Research Quarterly NMT Division Completes Annual Division Review On May 11–14, 1999, NMT Division held l Synthesis and Characterization of its Science and Technology Assessment (also Uranium(IV)-bearing Members of the (NZP) called the “Division Review”) at the J. Robert Structural Family, H. T. Hawkins, D. R. Spear- Oppenheimer Study Center and TA-55. This ing, and D. K. Veirs (NMT-6); J. A. Danis and year’s topics included pollution prevention, W. H. Runde (CST-7); D. M. Smith (CST-11); analytical chemistry, separations science, ma- C. D. Tait (CST-4); M. N. Spilde (University of Reported by terials science, and nuclear materials manage- New Mexico); and B. E. Scheetz (Pennsylvania Octavio Ramos, ment. In addition, there were 43 poster papers State) CIC-1. covering a broad range of NMT’s scientific l Coordination Chemistry of Hexa-va- Photos by and technological activities. lent Actinide Ions (Uranium, Neptunium, and Gary Warren, On May 11 the Division Review Commit- Plutonium) Under Highly Alkaline Condi- CIC-9. tee (see Figure 1) met with Laboratory and tions, D. L. Clark (NMT-DO); S. D. Conradson NMT management for an executive opening (MST-11); D. W. Koegh and B. L. Scott (CST- session, which was followed by morning over- 18); R. J. Donohoe, D. E. Morris, and C. D. Tait view sessions presented by Nuclear Weapons (CST-4); M. P. Neu (CST-11); and R. D. Rogers Directorate Deputy James A. Mercer-Smith (CST-7) and NMT Division Director Bruce Matthews. l M agnetic Separation for Nuclear Mate- The afternoon session covered topics such as rial Detection and Surveillance, L. A. Worl and facilities and infrastructure, NMT’s major pro- D. Padilla (NMT-6); D. Devlin (MST-7); and grams, and personnel and collaborations. D. D. Hill and F. C. Prenger (ESA-EPE) For the next day and a half, the committee l Membranes for Selective Metal Ion listened to a number of presentations, includ- Separation, G. D. Jarvinen, M. E. Barr, and ing an update from the Seaborg Institute; an J. S. Young (NMT-6); T. M. Mcleskey, overview of analytical chemistry; highlights D. S. Ehler, N. N. Sauer, and Q. T. Le from separations science actitivities, materials (CST-18); N. C. Schroeder, K. D. Abney, science, and nuclear materials management; R. M. Chamberlin, E. A. Bluhm, and E. Bauer Figure 1. Division and an overview of waste treatment, environ- (CST-11); T. W. Robinson and B. F. Smith Review Committee mental compliance, and pollution prevention. (CST-12); R. C. Dye, B. S. Jorgensen, and Members (left to Poster sessions presented the second after- D. R. Pesiri (MST-7); A. Redondo, L. R. Pratt, right) Dr. Ned noon showcased NMT’s science and technol- and S. L. Rempe (T-12) Wogman (chair), ogy activities and accomplishments. This year, l Electronic Structure of Plutonium Dr. Darleane the committee selected five posters it felt were Metal: High-resolution Core Level and Reso- Hoffman, Dr. Todd outstanding. The top five were as follows: nant Valence Band Photoemission Spectros- LaPorte, Dr. Lamar copy at the Advanced Light Source, Miller, Dr. Robert J. H. Terry, Jr., R. K. Schulze, T. G. Zocco, Uhrig, Dr.Anthony and D. Farr (NMT-11); J. Lashley (MST-8); Rollett, Dr. Rich- E. Rotenberg and D. Shuh (Lawrence Berkeley ard Bartsch, and National Laboratory); and J. Tobin (Lawrence Dr. Darryl Livermore National Laboratory) DesMarteau. 10 Nuclear Materials Research and Technology/Los Alamos National Laboratory